Have you written any poetry? What has inspired you to write poetry in the past? What inspires you now? Some of us may write poetry to express our innermost feelings. Or we may come up with some verse in order to say something special to a loved one. Some of us may have to feel really inspired to dredge up some doggerel lines of verse while others seem to be naturally inspired writers who speak the language of poetry. We have had the opportunity to experience the fine craft of some bloggers who have spoken that language of poetry while versifying from A to Z.
Some of you who have been following Tossing It Out may recall having seen some of my own attempts at poetry. I began writing poetry as a child and wrote a great deal during my years at the University of Tennessee where I majored in English. I took a few poetry classes to hone my skills, I even think that some of my poetry was not half bad. Often the verse came in the form of songs, while other times it was free verse. I have even left poetic comments on some of the poetry blogs. I'm not a stranger to poetry by any means.
During the course of the challenge we have seen fine writers like Stephen T McCarthy reach back to pull out old poems for our enjoyment. He was somewhat self-deprecating about some of those products of his youth, though I and many others agreed that it was some fine work. And if you didn't see his post from Saturday I am sad to announce that Stephen has dropped out of the challenge. Drop by his blog and give him your love and appreciation for the contribution that he has made to date. I'm still hoping he will at least post a few more of his A to Z entries. Stephen had indicated that the poetry he presented was from a time of youth when he had a different outlook and philosophy on his life. I would say the same is true for myself and for many of you as well.
Probably everyone of you has received a comment from the wonderful Yvonne from Welcome to my World of Poetry. This prolific poetess blogs verse after entertaining verse. She has made us laugh and cry, remember pasts near forgotten, and opened up her own life to us. She is a favorite of many of us, and many of us will continue to read her poetry after this challenge has ended just like I was reading it before the challenge had started. Yvonne does not dabble, she speaks the language of Poetry.
Leo is another poetry pro. His Symphony is a delightful mix of poetic styles. His verse is like music and his words work magic. He writes so many different forms of poetry, some that I had never seen until I saw his work. Whether you are a serious student of poetic form or one who just appreciates beautiful writing, this is a blog that may amaze you, inspire you, or just settle you into peaceful appreciation of the beauty that language can be.
Yamini Meduri is a student from India who delivers lovely poetry in her blog, The Land of Dreams..!! She writes poetry from her heart to yours. Her lyrical language conjures meaningful concepts and evokes winsome memories. Ever faithful to the challenge, she has given us some wonderful works of poetry.
Another student from India goes by the name "a dreamy gal". She writes words of whimsy and odes of observation. One who can turn a phrase nicely, she writes some dreamy poetry in her blog called The Meeting Place (former Woven Words).
These are few of the actual poetry blogs participating in the challenge. If I have missed any please let us know in the comments. Also, I know I have seen poetry appearing on many of your blogs. Were you one of those poets? Do you plan any poetry for future posts? Let us know in the comments if you are a blogger poet.
And now I would like to present a bit of poetry of my own:
A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post
As we blog toward the end of the alphabet,
Our Challenge is almost through.
So much has been gained in the things we have learned
That there's something I ask of you.
Please give your thoughts about what you went through
As you blogged each day from A to Z.
Anecdotes, memories, and what you observed
As your blogging progressed from I to we.
We met the challenge, you and I, you see,
And we'll reflect upon this, you may have heard,
On each of our blogs challenge reflections we'll give
In the A to Z Mega Post on May 3rd.
For more information see my overview post.
Please let your blog friends who are not in the A to Z challenge to see my post tomorrow Tuesday 4/20 as I recognize the great effort that all of you have put into the challenge and announce the A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post. We want to make sure that we have as many readers to our blogs on May 3rd and we will need to start spreading the word now. I have something special planned for the letter Q so please make sure you are there to check this post.
This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme
My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.
For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.
If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
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I don't know how she does it, but Yvonne has left a comment on my blog every single day of the challenge!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lee thanks for the mention, very kind of you. I first wrote a poem when our dog had to be put to sleep. It was a one off, Years went by then our first gandchild was born,so, I wrote one for him.
ReplyDeleteThings started to change for me after that,10 days after the birth my mum died and to add insult to injury 3 days later was told my husband had only months to live...2 months later he too was gone.
Through poetry I poured all my heart and soul into writing,
As the years went by I finally accepted what life had dealt me and found I could write differnet sorts of poetry, hence my book Negative V. Positive. I can write about my lost loved ones as a celebration of their lives rather than wearing my heart on my sleeve.
I still get the odd "Negative" day but who dosen't?
This challenge has been good for me in more ways than one,
Enjoy your day.
I wrote really BAD poetry as a teen and have a little book still on my bookshelf with all my pained prose. I don't have the flair for poetry.
ReplyDeleteI take my hat off to all the writers who can also be poetic :-)
Q was a challenge for me so looking forward to your take on that letter. And no, I've never written poetry.
ReplyDeleteI write poetry, but not as much as I did in the past. I read poetry on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteHere you are on "P". Good job.
You are funny! Thanks for the poem. I write poetry from time to time but it is usually for a birthday card or invitation to something. Maybe I should try something serious for upcoming letter.
ReplyDeleteHi, Lee,
ReplyDeleteI read your posting and after doing so, I decided to go back to mine and post a poem I wrote several years ago when I was living at the home of one of my daughters. It is what would be called doggerel I guess. Anyway, I was just expressing my feelings when I wrote it. I have enjoyed this experience of blogging from A to Z and thanks for visiting my blog way back and for encouragement you have given to all of us.
I wrote poetry as a teen but alas life caught up to me and I stopped. I love to read poetry and have a daughter who writes a lot of it.
ReplyDeletePerhaps time and life will let it happen again.
Yes, Lee I write both songs and poetry. I started writing in Marine Corp boot camp as a means of release from the mental pressure they put on us. I rewrote a Johnny Cash song called "The Long Black Veil." I use to sing it on 5 and ten mile runs to get through it. Unfortunately only the first verse survived -
ReplyDeleteTen minutes ago while asleep in his bed
A DI (drill instructor) was found shot through his head
they all gathered round in surprise
and delight
but I cried as I was caught late
last night
I started writing from there. I had local country western bands sing my orignal songs and poems. I have had one "christian" poem actually set to music and recorded on an alblum. I was a co-winner of a national song contest back in 99.
What inspires we you ask? Now it is the Lord and my salvation. I love to write poems about Christ, theology, and salvation.
As a matter of fact I included an original poem I wrote yesterday for the "P" post.
Yes, World of Poetry is unbelievalbe in her herculean effort to write a poem for each post.
I started writing poetry about two years ago and I find it absolutely therapeutic. My fiction is my escape. My poetry is my psychologist.
ReplyDeleteRayna -- Yvonne has also left one on my posts as well. In fact, I've been trying to leave as many comments as I have been able and it seems like there is a comment that she has also left on every blog I go to. She has been doing an amazing job.
ReplyDeleteYvonne - Oh, speaking of you, there you are. You have been a huge part of making the challenge successful as it was-- everyone has appreciated your encouragement.
Charmaine -- I agree with your hats off. Don't ever throw that book away though-- those teen reflections can be interesting to look back on later in your life.
Alex -- you should give poetry a try sometime -- you never know.
Teresa -- good to hear from you-- sorry I haven't been around like I used to, but I'm sure you understand. I think most of us wrote more poetry back when we were more immature, uncertain, and questioning of ourselves.
Linda -- go for a poem! It's been interesting to see how others have approached it from the letter standpoint.
Grammy -- I'll have to check out your poem. I'm so glad that you have been a part of the challenge -- you really added something special.
Jan --- ah yes, teen angst so often inspires the poet in us. I say give it another shot and she how your approach works now. It's good writing exercise.
Gregg -- I'll be by to check out your poem as well. Sounds like you've been a poetry pro as well. Different stages of our life definitely influence any writing that we do.
Lydia -- I think a lot of us use poetry as therapy. It's easier to express our deepest feelings through the abstract symbolism of poetry.
Karen -- I think you're probably being too hard on yourself. I'll bet your poetry was better than you think.
A long time ago I wrote poetry. Now I try to include visual images that I would have written in a poem, into my prose...if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I've written poetry. Madly in love poetry. I wonder if "he" still has it? :)
ReplyDeleteI have actually written quite a bit of poetry in my time. I'm too chicken to post anything though.
Great post Arlee and great poem!
I have trouble with poetry, because I want it to rhyme and usually it turns out to be free verse and non rhyming...Yvonne is wonderful at writing poetry that is for sure. Great post Arlee!
ReplyDeleteLee, Trevor from Love the Truth states that his computer is having some major issues that "might adversly affect my blogging for the A to Z. Let Lee know that I haven't given up and hopefully things will be fixed sooner rather than later. For know P is for pray it gets fixed!!"
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your poem. I’ve written what can very loosely be described as poetry on a few occasions but nothing that I’d let anyone read!) I’m in awe of poets who are able to say so much in so few words.
ReplyDeleteI’m also in awe of all those bloggers who accepted your challenging challenge.
I posted a poem today too :) Ok, what shall I do for tomorrow? Should I add something in my sidebar?
ReplyDeleteLiza -- sure it makes sense. A lot of prose can be very poetic.
ReplyDeleteLisa--Guess we've got to be careful whose hands our poetry ends up in, but who's thinking about that when their in love.
Hmm -- I might have a few poems like that floating around if the recipients kept them.
Shannon -- free verse can be pretty cool. It can also get pretty obscure and schlockey sometimes.
gregg -- Hope Trevor makes it okay. I've been noticing some others with computer problems as well. It's something I think of on my end as well. Need to do some backup.
Jane -- Thank you of being continually supportive of so many of us.
AA-- You can put something in your sidebar if you like or just a mention of the May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post. Unfortunately I don't have a "button" or anything about it (after April I need to figure out how to do some things like that). Just to give a heads up on my post for tomorrow: I'm going to have some "Quotes" of what different people have said about it and then once again explain the May 3rd posts that hopefully all participants will put up about something concerning their personal experience in doing the A to Z. I'm hoping we can learn something from one another and others can learn something as well. Also, humerous and entertaining posts might be to the preference of some. I would like as many bloggers as we can get to come to our May 3rd posts in order to recognize the achievements of all of you. And maybe get a few more followers and readers in the process. I leave it up to each of you to do whatever you can to direct folks to the May 3rd posts. My post on Tuesday April 20 will be a preview of May 3. Thanks!
It was nice to be here on your blog..
ReplyDeleteNice post...writing poems is really difficult than writing posts.....u need the rite words at the rite place to express rite emotions.....
I dont write poems..m just a blogger who keps on experimenting with all forms of writing.... I wrote a poem once which received a lot of appreciation..
So I think I would try more of it in future...!! :) :)
I can't believe it is almost over. I can't wait for "Q" and May 3rd. I was turned on to poetry by the works of Robert Frost. I still love his work and poetry of all kinds. We have many talented poets in our midsts.
ReplyDeleterLEE-b ~
ReplyDeleteThanks 4 the nice words you wrote about me
And thanks for not being too tough on me
About dropping out of your "A To Z"
I surely did all that I could, you see
But found that it left me no time to...
P is today's letter, isn't it?
Say, Brother, I'm just wondering: Did you receive the Email I sent ya yesterday morning?
~ Stephen
"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
I enjoy reading poetry and have written a bit myself. April is National Poetry Month so your post is very timely arlee.
ReplyDeleteUrvashi --Thank you for your visit. A blog is a great place to experiment with your writing. You should try more poetry.
ReplyDeleteDebra-- I agree that Frost wrote some fine poetry. And we do have some fine poets who have participated in the challenge.
Stephen -- I did receive your email and to intend to respond directly, but you may not see it til tomorrow if you work tonight.
Paula -- From your extensive profile, I'm not surprised that poetry is one of your many talents. I guess I should have written a poem about juggling yesterday--forgot that April is National Poetry Month.
My brother is a poet...I cannot compare. I write 95,000 word books instead. His passion and connection to reader in just a few lines is something I've always admired.
ReplyDeleteI definately write some poetry on my blog. Today I wrote a poem. Yvonne certainly is one of the absolute most encouraging people in this challenge.
ReplyDeleteI started writing poetry when I was 9 years old after my mom was divorced from my step dad. Until then I didn't know I was creative.
I have zero poetic pretentions. Pathetic poetry and lousy limericks are more my speed.
ReplyDeleteI have written poetry, but I am much better at prose.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your "Q" post and learning what the surprise is. Thanks for hosting the A to Z challenge this month.
I have a cheap attempt at poetry on my FaceBook page. Other than that, I can't touch the stuff or it blows up in my face. I may be a creative writer, but I cannot do poetry. I am deeply grateful for those who can and while I cannot write it, I do know what I like. I like Yvonne's poetry and I like what you have written. I am not just saying this because it is what people want to hear. I could never be insincere about poetry.
ReplyDeleteBut I will share my sad little attempt. ;)
"The sea owns me, I do not own the sea.
Her bidding is my breath; her call is in my blood.
She has taken my heart, the better part of me.
There is nothing better I have to offer; even if I could."
I love pirates, I love the ocean and I have a pirate character in my books. This describes very well how I and my character feel about the sea.
Thanks Lee!
Raquel -- Good poetry is indeed to be admired, but so is good prose.
ReplyDeleteMarjorie -- Yes, I recall reading some of your poetry earlier, and I will make sure to read your entry today. Traumatic experiences are a catalyst for poetry with many of us-- that's when my poetic inspirations usually came.
Carole -- All kinds of verse has a place and I'll bet yours is not as bad as you say.
B.-- the Q post won't really be that much of a surprise I guess-- I'll just be pushing for more people to read our May 3rd posts so pass the word to check tomorrow if you're commenting on a nonparticipant's blog. Thank you for your participation. Looks like you gained some new fans that will stay with you after this is over. Good job!
Cal Lass -- Yeah Right! Yet another one denigrating her attempts at poetry only to demonstrate how well she writes. Nice verse.
I wrote a little poetry in high school/college... some of it was decent.. but nothing since. In college I got a little more into writing essays instead of poetry... and then didn't write anything for a while. I do love reading poetry... and should read more than I do.
ReplyDeleteI dabble in poetry occasionally, but I don't think I'm up for the challenge right now. I will check out some of the blogs you mentioned, though...
Well Arlee, I have written poetry in the past but it has always been very spontaneous! And it's sort of funny as I'm not a true fan of it. But I do enjoy a good poem on occasion!
ReplyDeleteLove Di ♥
such a great post!
ReplyDeleteand yes, i have written poetry before, but mostly for myself. it's a beautiful medium.
i love what you guys are doing -- following all these letters through to the end! it's such a great idea!!
great blog! :D
ReplyDeleteThe language of the feelings
Light on things the heart is dealing
Can be so revealing
Words through prose and healing...
Just a thought on poetry
I use to write poetry; perhaps I'll try again! There are some great poets in the A-Z blog challenge!
ReplyDeleteI love your poetic ending, well done~
A Perfectly Pleasant Picture of Poetry. :o)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for all the poet links. I haven't really tried to write poetry sicne high school, when I wrote a lot of bad and cliche verse back then.
Your challenge has been great to follow. Now I'm excited for Q!
I actually have a separate blog for my poetry. I don't keep it up like my daily blog, but check it out if you have time!
I used to write poetry, especially in my 20s, but I recognized it as the worst poetry in the world and decided to write fiction instead. My poems are still in my files -- they might come in handy if I ever write a memoir... :)
ReplyDeleteI used to write poetry as a tween and a teen but I have no real interest in writing it now.
ReplyDeleteI do love reading some though. There's some great poems out there.