Zamboni My World
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A few miles down the road from where I live is Paramount CA which is home to Frank J. Zamboni and Company. For over seventy years this company has produced the machine known as the Zamboni. Those of you who are fans of ice hockey or other ice skating sports are likely familiar with the ice resurfacing machine known as the Zamboni, a machine with the function of smoothing off the surface of ice after it has become too rough to safely and effectively skate upon.
I doubt that there is any among you who has not had their share of rough spots in life that have caused you to stumble, maybe fall, and not be able to glide through like we do in better times. Those are the times when we could use that "Life Zamboni" to make for smoother sailing and easier coping over those rough spots.
There may not be a simple device that fixes everything for us. It's mostly up to us and whatever support we can find around us. I've been fortunate in my life. The metaphorical Zamboni has often passed across the surface of my life to make things smoother again--to make my life easier to navigate. Then as I've skated on, the ice of life gets choppy and rough again, requiring another pass of the Zamboni of Life.
It is unlikely that my future will be free of new hardships and unexpected challenges and I will again need to Zamboni my world. That is just the way things go in life: One moment you are gliding along carefree and content until you hit that rough spot. Time to call out the Zamboni and rest and reflect awhile while the surface of life gets smoothed out again ready for another round of smooth skating.
What do you do when you see rough spots starting to threaten the peacefulness of your life? Who or what do you depend on to help you through difficult times? Do you tend to easily forget your past hardships when the road ahead appears to be trouble free?
And so ends another April of posting from A to Z. Tomorrow (Thursday May 1st) I'll have another Battle of the Bands post so I'll hope you'll join me for that. Also don't forget the upcoming Post-Challenge Survey as well as the A to Z Reflections all coming up in the next few days. For more A to Z info please visit the A to Z Blog.