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Coming Tomorrow!
Thanksgiving is now history and we've gotten through another weekend. Now I'm looking forward to the next big thing--and I don't mean Christmas.
What I'm talking about is my blog post for tomorrow. Coming up I have another combination post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group and Battle of the Bands. As has become my custom when I'm participating in more than one blog event, I've tied together my BOTB song pick with the theme of my #IWSG post. Hope you'll enjoy what I have in store. I'm anxious to free this song from my brain as it has been lingering in my head for many days now.
I think it's a pretty great tune--not exactly a Christmas song, but certainly a timely song. I was singing it yesterday as my wife and I were out driving and she liked it a lot. And I can think of at least one blogger who will appreciate the song as well as one of the artists I'll be featuring. In the end though I hope this song will stir souls and have meaning for most of you. Considering the times in which we are living, I can't help but think the subject matter will touch all of you in some way.
And that's just tomorrow. There are more things coming your way in the days, weeks, and months to come. Let's hope they're all or mostly all good things.
What's Ahead?
We can count out those easy open beer cans since pop tops have long been the norm. And who uses a "church key" anymore anyway? No, I'm not talking technological advances here. And I'm not talking Christmas, New Year's, or any other special event day though all of those are certainly coming and would be appropriate to talk about. I'm just biding my Monday post day time to provide a preview of what's coming up at Tossing It Out.
My BOTB results post will appear on Monday December 7th along with the December Question of the Month. This month Michael at A Life Examined has posed what I think is kind of a tough one, but I'll come up with some kind of answer, you can be assured.
There will be another Battle of the Bands post on December 15th which will be similar to my first December BOTB post. Then things might get a little sketchy between that post and the January 1st BOTB post--you know, Christmas holidays and all.
But then along with my January 15th Battle of the Bands post I'll be participating in the Backstage Blogathon hosted by Movies Silently and Sister Celluloid. You might have noticed the badge for this at the top of my sidebar. Once again the post of that day will be a combined post with a common theme.
In February I'll be dwelling on thoughts of love and other unrelated things. That's still a ways off, but I'm thinking on ideas already.
Speaking of the not so distant future, something will be coming our way in April that I'm sure you can guess. It has something to do with the alphabet. Most of you probably know what I'm talking about, but if you scroll down my side bar you can get some hints. It's something that I've been doing every April for the past few years along with many other bloggers. We'll speak more of that later.
No matter how troubled the times are that we live in, we just keep moving forward as though things will get better. I for one believe they will.
Do you sometimes feel unsettled about where our world is going? What are some of the things that are troubling you these days? Are you planning to participate in any of the events I've mentioned?