On Sunday September 19, 2010, I dropped in at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California to visit
Ghost Fest 4 Expo . This was a paranormal event that featured seminars presented by experts in the field, an exhibit hall with vendors of products and services related to psychic activities, a museum display, and special haunted tours.
The event was kicked off on Friday the 17th and included a live broadcast of George Noory's
Coast to Coast radio show. The weekend included a world premiere of a movie called
The Dead Matter. There were also other stage presentations and special events.
Due to other commitments I was unable to attend most of this event, but I did make it for the final hours. I was accompanied by my daughter Angelina and her significant other, Ray. Most of the crowds had dispersed by the time we arrived and actually the Sunday attendance was much less than the previous two days had been. When we got inside things were a bit dead (excuse the pun).
We were greeted by an exhibit hall filled with fortune tellers, clairvoyants, psychics, ghost hunters, and other paranormal professionals. There were very few attendees in the hall and most of the exhibitors were visiting with each other. Tarot card readers and palm readers tried to lure me into their booths to tell me my fortune. I'm not sure why they couldn't foresee that I wasn't going to be interested and that certainly didn't add to their credibility in my eyes. They all seemed to be very nice people though.
I asked one psychic where I could find the speaker I came to see and she graciously led me to one of the event information stations where the representative could answer my questions. I would have thought she could have just psychically known where I should go. But I guess I may be running this joke into an early grave.
I was told that Philip Morris, the speaker whom I had come to see, would be speaking down in the Boiler Room--shades of Freddy Krueger! Our group headed into the bowels of the great ship Queen Mary to see if we could find Philip.

Let me digress a moment to explain the Queen Mary for those who don't know what I'm talking about. The Queen Mary is the grand English ocean liner that was first put into operation in 1936 and stayed in operation until 1967 at which time she was retired to Long Beach and opened as a tourist attraction. The docked ship now has a hotel, restaurants, and convention facilities, as well as having portions open for the public to tour. One of the featured draws is the supposed haunting of the ship with frequent ghost sightings and supernatural occurrences having been reported.
The three of us found Philip Morris on the second level of the ship waiting for his slated lecture to begin. I have been friends with Philip for over forty years and have worked for him for most of those years. Philip is the founder and owner of
Morris Costume Company in Charlotte, North Carolina. Morris Costumes is the largest U.S.distributor of costumes and other related supplies. I had not seen Phil for well over a year and it was good to catch up on things with him.
From left to right: Philip Morris holding Bigfoot costume, Arlee Bird with ghostly light shining upon him, Angelina, and Ray. (Photo taken by Whit "Pop" Haydn) |
Philip gave a presentation about the most famous reputed Bigfoot filmed sighting which was in 1967. The legendary creature was captured on film in the wilds of Northern California by one Roger Patterson. The film caused a sensation throughout the world as the evidence of Bigfoot's existence. There was one problem according to Morris--the film was a hoax.
Phil tells how he was specializing in gorilla costumes in the early days of his costume business. Patterson had gotten word of this and contacted Morris Costumes about buying a suit. After he had purchased the suit and gotten some advice from Philip Morris, Patterson made some modifications to the suit to make it appear like he would imagine the legendary Bigfoot might look. With the help of a local man hired to wear the customized suit, Patterson and a friend went out into the wilds and filmed the short episode.
The story has been featured on television specials and in numerous articles. Also, Greg Long, a paranormal researcher, wrote a book called The Making of Bigfoot which includes Morris's version of what happened. A Google search will turn up numerous references to the Morris connection to the Patterson film.
There are many who dispute the claim made by Morris, including many Bigfoot advocates who really want to believe that the film is real. Several witnesses have stepped forward to concur that they were aware that the film was a hoax. The evidence that Philip Morris offers in his presentation is very convincing. The arguments against the evidence are speculation.
As Phil states, "I've been talking publicly about this for years now and haven't been sued yet."
Philip Morris certainly now has his name attached to legendary film, which by the way is not taken very seriously by the scientific community, but the controversary rages on and may never be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
It was good to see Philip Morris. He is one heck of a storyteller and could entertain you for hours. Our visit was far too short, but we all had things to do and places to go.
While visiting Phil I met "Pop" Haydn, a Los Angeles magician who has also been friends with Phil for forty some years. Since I had forgotten my camera, Pop graciously consented to take the picture you see above with Philip and me, my daughter, and her beau. I hope to have a feature in the near future about Pop Haydn, who sounds like another interesting fellow. Whit "Pop": Haydn is pictured below posing with Philip Morris and a replica of the infamous Bigfoot costume. You might enjoy visiting
his website.

Before leaving I had Philip sign my copy of
The Making Of Bigfoot. Phil didn't write the book, but his contribution to the hoax is highlighted in the final chapter of the book. If you would like to purchase a copy of this book you can follow the above link. Phil will autograph your copy as well if you like. Sounds like a pretty nice Christmas present for the Bigfoot fans in your life.
Have you seen any of the Bigfoot television documentaries? Have you read the book by Greg Long? Had you heard the story about the Philip Morris costume? What is your opinion of the controversy?
Tomorrow's debate will deal with the existence of Bigfoot type creatures. I hope you stop in to leave your views about that.