This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Destination Somewhere ( #AtoZChallenge )

Don't know exactly where I'm going, but the destination is really a cumulative collection of destinations with each one leading to another...

Destination Somewhere

        When I started formulating my A to Z theme I tossed out something about future goals or maybe where I am now as opposed to where I want to be someday.   Sounds a bit pretentious perhaps for someone on the cusp of seventy years old.   Really?  Seventy?   That's a destination in itself, but I don't want to be stopping there.  If I had stopped anywhere in time maybe it would have been when I was thirty--or maybe ten.

         But it's not in my purview regarding this theme of future or goals or destinations.   My past is always with me somehow, but the future becomes questionable, even complicated.  How can we say what we are going to definitely do tomorrow let alone next year or ten years from now?   Most of us know that saying about the journey being better than getting to wherever you're going.  Or at least something to that effect.  That journey is the main thing.

          "Quo Vadis?" or "Where are you going?" is the famous question that Peter asked Jesus according to Christian tradition.  Likewise it is the question that I have often asked myself and continue to do so.   It's a logical question for any of us to ask ourselves whether it be in a practical short term sense or the more esoteric future sense.

           I am not afraid or concerned about my journey to come.   After all it's the similar travel decision that we all face even though it might entail never leaving home.  We are all going somewhere.  Where are you heading my dear reader?

          How much do you plan out your future with the absolute expectation that the outcome will be as you envisioned?   When have your past plans been sidetracked?   Where do you hope to find yourself in ten years?



  1. well, with the crisis, I hope the World will change. And so do I. I can't see where I will be in ten years... I hope to find me with my family and friends, in a place I like ;)

    1. Frederique, family and friends are good places to be. Thank goodness we have phones and other means to keep in touch when far apart.


  2. In ten years, I'd like to be right where I am, though healthier, with less worries.

    1. diedre, healthier is good. So is security.


  3. I know that a couple of times in Life what I had planned as a destination has been completely changed by events far beyond my control. As I get old and battered I take nothing for granted, but just hope the journey is not too bumpy.

    THe present situation with the Coronavirus is a classic example of an event far beyond peoples control changing the lives of many. . . . Take Care Mr B

    1. Rob, I think you've given a great interpretation of life. Fools make plans and expect them to turn out just as they thought.


  4. "Life is so strange when you don't know
    How can you tell where you're going to
    You can't be sure of any situation
    Something could change and then you won't know"
    - Missing Person

    I take life day by day right now. With things changing rapidly every day, I just am lucky to be alive today.

    1. Ami, in retirement I take things as they come and mostly they stay kind of the same. Bumps in the road do pop up.


  5. And I can only answer as Jesus did- "Come and see!"

    1. CW, I guess that's what we're all gonna do and one day we shall see what we shall see.


  6. Second question first: all my plans for my life were sidetracked when I had my stroke in 2007. Since then, I wake up every morning regretting the choices I made not to take care of myself and to let my blood pressure soar.

    As for where I want to be in ten years, I hope it's here...

    1. John H, yeah, that would be bad. But we adapt. I'm not the greatest with my health but so far God has taken care of me.

      Something will be here in 10 years. Guess we'll see what's in store.


  7. Well, I am not sure I am where I wanted to be at this point but financially it's all we can do right now. In 10 years I'll be 75 and may still be typing and crafting.

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Jane, finances are always a big factor. I'm seeing it especially now that I'm on retirement.


  8. I think I've always held things rather loosely, and just keep turning in the direction my heart leads. And I have to say I'm overwhelming happy where I am. I don't know where I'll be in ten years, but I hope my feet are still on the joy trail.

    1. Deborah, attitude counts for so much. I think that happiness and flexibility are closely connected.


  9. In ten years? That is a long time. Maybe I will have written a book by then. But who knows? It is ten years from now. Ten years of adventure. The journey is the gift and the destination is the bonus.

    1. Alice, 10 years does seem like a long time in a certain way, but when it's gone it seems to have gone by way too fast. I do like my journey.


  10. I was actually just thinking about this last night. I used to think I 'know' my future, but I've only known plans for my future. I never knew if I'd even wake up the next morning. At the moment, my plans took a tiny turn. But I'm still the one holding a wheel.

    1. Inspiration, we never can absolutely know our future. As we've seen in these recent weeks, things can change in unexpected ways very quickly.


  11. Arlee, I like your Latin quote. I also like if I follow the link, there is a story about a M.A.S.H episode that I liked but never new the title until now. There is always something new to learn in the oddest places! Zulu Delta

    1. Zulu, glad my post helped you find something you were trying to find.


  12. I hope I'm finally back in a city of my own choosing, in my own home, in ten years, and that I've had at least one child before time runs out. I'm kind of looking forward to aging into the designation as a crone at age fifty, as much as I wish I didn't have to keep getting older. Crones aren't always bad, and old age brings more wisdom.

    1. Carrie-Anne, children can have their own special rewards (and nightmares at times). Hope all goes as you'd like it.


  13. I don't worry or think about the future, I just take each day as it happens

    1. Jo-Anne, worrying is an unproductive response to the unknown which lies ahead. We are better served to try to guide ourselves forward while accepting any change or unexpected circumstance that comes our way.


  14. Lee,

    As your sister in Christ, we know that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone but we all make plans for tomorrow, next week, or ten years out. It's okay to plan for the future, too. Most of my plans are short term with the exception of buying a new home. I've been dreaming about the possibility of getting into a bigger place for the past 30 years but it wasn't until recent years we felt this is something we should do and now it's just a matter of finding the right place. I hope in 10 years, we'll finally find ourselves not only in a new home but have been settled into our new abode for many, many years. This decision for our future is something we're looking to God for direction to open the right opportunity for us to accept and I'm certain as soon as it presents itself, then we'll know. It'll feel right just like when we bought this house 40 years ago.

    Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series ('D')

  15. I plan to be healthy, mortgage paid off, travelling but also fixing up my home. Now, this is a good goal but nothing can happen. I was planning to go, with my ex, we were living together at that time, to Austria and just find jobs and travel. This was back in 1987 but my dad started having involuntary spasms in his hand. He had kidney cancer and they had operated and took out part of his kidney but this was different. It ended up he had brain cancer. I knew I could not go..and never did. My dad died April 30, 1988 and I knew I had to be there for my mom. There was a lot of crap that happened and it resulted that the home I only knew was gone and my mom was devastated. Do I regret? Never! It what was meant to be.


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