This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Quotations and Quicksand ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Q

      Quite a few book titles and genres can be found under the letter 'Q' and I have a few that I found to include in this post.  Quick!  Let's get started!


        Any self-respecting writer's library should include a book or two of famous quotations.   I've got a few of them including these popular volumes:

        This is one of the first books of quotations that I added to my library.  When I was in high school (or maybe middle school) in the mid to late sixties I selected this as part of my promotional offer for the Doubleday One Dollar Book Club.  I used to look through this book often.  Now quotes are easier to find on line.

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations

      If you have any sized library you probably have some version of "Bartlett's"--mine is the sixteenth edition.  My copy was obtained as part of an introductory package to a book club.   It's a monster of a book with tons of quotations.  It's a nice reference to own, but I haven't used it much.  It's in like new condition like so many of my books.

Quicksand by John Brunner

        This was a purchase I made from the Doubleday Science Fiction Book Club in about 1968 when I was still in high school.  I've read this one at least twice and due to read it again.  I recall liking it, but I now don't remember much about it.  I just know it's a book that I never decided to get rid of.

Quicksand by Geoffrey Wawro
       The publication date on this one is 2010 and for the life of me I cannot recall buying this.  Since it is about the Middle East then I can understand my purchasing it since this is a subject that interests me.  My guess is that I might have picked it up when my local Borders Books closed in 2011 because that's the last time I can recall making any major book purchases.  If I didn't get it at Borders then I don't know where.  It gets some good reviews so maybe I should read this one.

       Have your reading habits changed much since high school?  College?  Are there books that you like to reread on occasion?   


  1. I love the "Quotations" entry for today, and think maybe I need to read such a book, since I love a good thought-provoking quote! It's not the kind of book I would ever think to buy... but oh, how wonderful to have.Thanks for sharing!

  2. thecontemplativecat here. I have a book of quotations my husband bought. I thumb through it for a specific topic, and find good stuff.

  3. I have entire files of “Quotations”. Both quotation books you mentioned would be welcome in my library;-) I haven’t read either of the “Quicksand” books, but I think I’d like the one by John Brunner. Having not even heard of these books I was surprised to find the same title (different story) by at least three other authors before I got to the two you have. This gives me an idea for an IWSG discussion:-)

  4. I think my reading habits have definitely changed over time, and what kinds of things I'm interested in reading about seem to change all the time!

    The Q that comes to mind for me where books are concerned is Ellery Queen. :)


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