This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Monday, April 17, 2023

No Not Nothing ( #AtoZChallenge )


#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter N

       No, not, nothing--these are words that start many a book title and I have several.  This post lists a few of those and more.  

Noah's Flood by William Ryan & Walter Pitman

       The story of Noah has always fascinated me.  This is one of a few books I have about Noah and the Flood.  I bought this through a book club.  I forgot which club, but I remember it was based out of Camp Hill PA.  Another book I need to read one day.

New York--The Novel by Edward Rutherfurd

       This book sounded good from the book club description.  It looks nice too.  It's one of many books that I have that take place in New York City.  I've also got a number of history books that are about the Big Apple.  Someday I will read this one.

Nothing Like It In The World by Stephen E Ambrose

      Ambrose has written a number of fine books.  I have a few in my library including this one about the building of the transcontinental railroad.  Another book from that book club I don't recall the name  Was it Quality Book Club?  Or maybe just The Book of the Month Club.  Most of the book clubs I've bought though have offered some decent books at nice prices.

         Another Civil War book--probably from the History Book Club--that joins a number of other like books on my shelves.  I like to read about Civil War history.  This particular book focuses on the Battle of Cold Harbor near Richmond VA. When I was living in that city I would often see the signs pointing to this site, but I never bothered to go there.  I guess I had other things on my mind those days.  At least now I can read about it.  Still need to do that.

No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

       In my previous post I mentioned that McCarthy is one of my favorite fiction writers.  I've got several books by him including this book.  You might have seen the movie.  The Coen Brothers' film interpretation was an on spot cover of McCarthy's book.  It was deserving of the Oscars it won.

        What's your favorite film adaptation of a novel?  Do you do a lot of travel vicariously through the books you read?   Have you lived in NYC--or would you like to?  


  1. No I can't think of any book titles off the top of my head. I thought your post was comical when I read "NO NOTHING" because when I went to the main challenge page for today's N post there was nothing there.
    No Darkness and
    Naughty bread


  2. I haven't read any of these yet but Lonely Planet has a 'Not For Parents' travel series I think is kind of fun. :) Stopping by from #AtoZ

  3. thecontemplativecat here. Google is messing with me. Great "No nothing" beginning! No Country was a great and disturbing movie. I think that very few books travel well into movies. Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach was a great book, but the movie was tilted sideways.

  4. Re New York: It's the old line, "it's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there." I'm not even sure it's that nice to visit anymore.

  5. I would never want to live in NYC. Give me the country away from noise unless they are crickets, wolf howls and frogs.
    I can't choose just one but the first one that came into my head was the Good Earth.

  6. offense, but I might have to stop reading your blog........I keep finding books you mention and I feel guilty lying to MYSELF that I'm going to read a certain book I own; this time it "Nothing Like It In The World!" I'll get there, but I did read enough so far to learn where the expression "The Wrong Side Of The Tracks" came from! Thanks ZD

  7. Hi, Lee!
    Now that you mention it, “No Country for Old Men” might just be the best adaptation I’ve seen since “Pet Sematary” I thought the casting was spot on. My father grew up in NYC. He joined the service and never went back. I have visited and wondered what the big deal was.


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