This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog Boggled: Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

I Challenge

          For those of you who missed my post from Saturday, I have set forth a challenge to all bloggers for the month of April.   Can you post every day except Sundays during this month?  And to up the bar, can you blog thematically from A to Z?

       If you subtract Sundays from April, you then have 26 days--one day for each letter of the alphabet.  Using this premise, you would start this Thursday April First with a topic themed on something with the letter A, then Friday the second a topic with the letter B as the theme, and so on until you finish on Friday April thirtieth with the theme based on the letter Z.  It doesn't even have to be a word--it can be a proper noun, the letter used as a symbol, or the letter itself.  The theme of the day is the letter scheduled for that day.

         Most of you are probably familiar with Sue Grafton and her best selling series of detective novels known as the "Alphabet Series" that started in 1982 with "A" Is For Alibi up to her most recent "U" Is For Undertow".  She has made a franchise with the series and there have been  other authors who have taken similar approaches.  This Blogging From A to Z Challenge will be in the same vein.

      I was inspired to put forth this challenge after reaching my 200th follower on Saturday and as I near my 200th post later this week.  Not one for contests and the like, I thought it would be fun and helpful to celebrate with my fellow bloggers in some special way.  We know that blogging can be fun and what fun we can have merrily blogging together with a common purpose--something where we can keep up with each other's work and share in a common experience.  Any of you who participated in NaNoWriMo know what that can be like.

      But perhaps even better than the fun, will be the usefulness of the exercise.  Several times I've read where bloggers said they couldn't think of anything to blog about.  Writers often engage in exercises which involve prompts, or suggestions for topics.  There are books, blogs, and websites devoted to providing prompts to be used as topic ideas.  Using the letters of the alphabet you can just think up words for each letter and pick one to write about.  If you're still stumped scan a dictionary or encyclopedia.  Come on!--the prompts are everywhere.

       To provide an example:  My "A" topic will be my regular Thursday debate using the topic of April Fool's Day.   On Friday when I often write about mysteries I will be talking about Babylon.  On Saturday I always have a review of my past week's posts and the upcoming posts so on April 3 my topic will be Capsulization.  I will resume the challenge on Monday with one of my Persnickety Penman installments-- D as in Dictionary.  See how easy it is.  I don't really have to change my format of what I normally write, just come up with topics that correspond with the letter of the day.   I printed out a calendar grid for the month of April and x'ed out the Sundays and wrote the letters in each of the daily squares.  In less than an hour I came up with all of my topics for each letter.  And I can still change them if I want---I probably will change some.  It was fun just filling in the 26 topics and imagining the possibilities.

         Try to be inventive and surprise us.  Hopefully your posts will be at least 100 words to show that you really put some kind of effort into your post.  But if all you do normally is post a quote, then keep it in the alphabet theme.  Don't worry about subject matter-- this will work for absolutely any blog.  If you only post about food or animals or crafts or whatever, you can come up with alphabetized themes.

         "But I only post poetry," you might say.  You can easily post poetry about any topic, right?  Yvonne at Welcome to My World of Poetry does it all the time and she's going to be joining our challenge.

          Or what if you have a photoblog or just post artwork?  It still works the same--creativity is creativity no matter what you do.

           So are you up to the challenge?  Do you have what it takes?  Even if you start and don't finish that's fine. Or will you just support us and pledge to follow our challenge?  Mention it on your blog and link back to this post.  If you plan to be a participant or pledge to cheer us on (and give us comments) let me know in the comments of this post and I will add your link to the sidebar of my blog.

          Just one more thing for this tech-challenged blogger:  If anyone knows how to create one of those "buttons" or logo-thingies that participants and supporters can put on their sites, I would love to get your help for that.

         Let me know if I have overlooked anything or if you have any suggestions.  Thanks to all of you who will make this a smashing success.


  1. Good day Lee, Think I understand about the challenge, looking forward to it. I know it will be a success. Thanks for stopping by with your congratulations, Very much appreciated.


  2. I'd love to participate :) The thing is, it's Easter here in Greece, starting this Friday, so I may miss a couple of blogging days. Will that be a problem?

  3. Here's my post linking your post :)

  4. I can't rise to this challenge, but I take my hat off to those who can.

  5. I think I may have too many scheduled posts that won't cooincide with the proper letter...

  6. Actually, I just realised I could probably pre-write my posts and schedule them :) I like this idea. It's a great way to develop writing skills, hey?

  7. I am on board. I, too have listed out what my posts will be. Like you I may change them as we go along, but I think this will be fun.

    My A is alread written ready to come up in queque. I mention this because as I thought A I found myself writing about a topic I might have never though about as I was going through all the possibilities.

    I think a little button is a good idea! I don't know the first thing about but I hope someone does.

    As I concluded my "response" blog for Wednesday - "Let the games begin!"

  8. I am tempted but..

    I am committed to be in the cheering group.

  9. Yvonne -- I'm so happy you reached 100 followers and it's about time. People who don't read your poems don't know what they've been missing.
    Now maybe a few more will be curious to see
    what you can do from A to Z.

    Alliterative Allomorph-- Hooray! Glad to have you join us. You're now listed on my blog roll. And like I said on my reply on your site -- if you have to miss some days we'll understand and won't hold it against anyone.

    Elisabeth -- Do underestimate yourself. If you change your mind we'll add your name.

    L. Diane Wolfe -- I'll bet you're creative enough to tweak your posts enough to make them work alphabetically. But if you don't join us I hope you will give the Challenge a recognition on your site and maybe link to this post.
    Thanks and maybe you can encourage those who are doing it.

    A.A. -- again-- Yes! That is an advantage to using prompts like this. You can write adhead of time when you're in creative mode. During Christmas vacation I wrote all of my posts for 3 weeks ahead of time and just scheduled them to post automatically. It actually worked great.

    Alex -- I put your name up. I know you can do this. A creative pro like yourself will have no problem coming up with ideas, especially since you've already been posting nearly every day. I'm anxious to see what you come up with.

    Gregg -- Great! I knew you'd manage. And what you said is a great example of the creative potential in doing this. When I was mapping my calendar, I also came up with some ideas I hadn't thought about before. I'm ready too!

  10. Gregg led me to your site and I have decided to take up the challenge as well. Lord willing, I'll get it done. It should help in getting more regular in my posts. So for that, I thank you!

    I linked to your page, so hopefully we'll get some others on board as well.

    Love in the Truth.

  11. ...getting ready, Lee. the Lord turned the tables on me with this A to Z challenge. you will have to wait until April 1st to find out what's happening here.

    may need to pre-empt the first post.

  12. This will take some careful and constructive planning on my part. I'll sure look into it. My wheels are already turning...

  13. I have a feeling you are going to have fun in the month of April. And it will be fun for the rest of us who stop by to see what you do each day!

    Straight From Hel

  14. It's a neat idea, rLEE-b, and I'm sure I could do it, but I just don't have enough spare time to write a Blog Bit every day, so I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this one. I will be checking in on your posts, however, like I always do. Have fun with it, my Brother!

    ~ Stevieboy
    "As a dog returns to his own vomit,
    so a fool repeats his folly."
    ~ Proverbs 26:11>

  15. Great challenge! I'm slightly random with my posts so I don't think I'll be participating, but... I can't wait to watch you do it!

  16. Kudos on the 200 things! I blog every day now, have been for like 3 years, so no prob there. As for the theme, while I like it, I have regular weekly features my readers expect so I'll pass on that aspect. But it IS creative and a fun sounding challenge!

    The Old Silly

  17. Sounds like a challenge! Count me in!!

  18. I'm probably not going to be able to do this. I had to scale back my blogs to three a week just because I'm crazy busy. Maybe I could up it to four a week. Good luck to everyone else.

    Stephen Tremp

  19. This sounds like a great idea..I will do my best for you...thanks!

  20. Ocean Girl -- I have you in the sidebar as a supporter to cheer us on. Let me know if you want to move up and get in on the action.

    Karen W -- Thanks for at least giving it a look.

    Trevor -- you're on and I've included your site on the side.

    Bud -- I'll look forward to the surprises-- that's what a lot of this will be about. And we'll understand if there's some days you just can't make it.

    T. Anne -- just say the word and I will add you if you want to be added.

    Helen -- We always have fun. If you can think of any bloggers this will be good for send them this way.

    Stephen McC-- I know you can do it. Why, heck, you could just take one of your really long bits and break it into 26 pieces and theme them to each letter of the alphabet. If you decide to join in after all, I'll add your name. And if you don't make everyday that's okay to. Think of all the people that signed up for NaNoWriMo and didn't finish -- that was okay, at least they gave it a shot. (hmmmm T as in Tiny Tim, M as in Martini--possibilities are endless).

    Talli -- If you change your mind let me know -- this challenge lends itself well to randomness.

    Marvin -- thanks for the support and pass the word to anyone you think might like something like this.

    Rae-- Got you on the list and we'll meet you on your porch on Thursday.

    Stephen Tremp -- Thank you and if you change your mind say the word and your in. Maybe you'll figure you could swing it after all.

  21. Shannon -- I've added your name to the list. Hopefully we'll see your post on Thursday--I've got faith you can do it, but do whatever you are able.

  22. I most definitely do NOT have what it takes:) It sounds like fun but I find that it is a struggle to post 3 times a week for me. Can't wait to read through your alphabet though.

  23. wow, that's quite a challenge! I think I'll just sit back and watch you do it. :)

  24. I'll give this a try, but as I'm nearing the end of the novel, I make no promises at being able to finish! We'll see how it goes!

    And Lee... thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. :)

  25. I'm in. That sounds like fun, and I've been blogging almost every day anyway.

  26. Hmmm...this is an interesting challenge. I think I may give it a go =)

  27. Great challenge! But gee, don't know if I'll be able to participate. Will see what I can move around.

    Look forward to popping in every day though :)

  28. I would like to give this a try! I have been a real bad blogger of late so I need to get into shape for the summer blogging season...see you all Thursday!

  29. Boy, you know how to celebrate, don't you? Blogging A-Z! Woo-hoo!

  30. Ok dude. I totally don't fit in, but you harassed me enough. LOL I will try it. Now, about the button....yeah, I can. Email me at rojolobos @ yahoo dot com with the pic you want, and the link you want it to click to.

  31. Debbie -- You've got what it takes--don't underrate yourself. Let me know if you want to be added as an official supporter in the rah rah section.

    Tamara -- Same as above note and you can always jump in if you cannot stand just watching all the fun.

    Becky-- We'll give you the breaks whenever you need them. And if I say anything nice it's because I mean it.

    Mary -- okay you are officially in. If you're blogging everyday you might as well do this too.

    Beautiful -- I'm glad you've stepped into challenge. Heck I'm glad you're back on my Google Reader--I thought you were gone forever.

    Wendy -- See first comment of this bunch -- applies to you as well and if you get your juggling act together let me know and I'll officially add you.

    Cry -- This will be one time that we won't mind listening to a whiner. And in the end I think we can make that a "winner". You're on the list.

    Jill-- heck yeah we know how to celebrate. I don't need to give away any books when I can let you all write your own. We gonna be some bloggin' fools--do you want to join us?

  32. Okay, count me in. I post almost every day but often wonder what in the world I should write about. I like the idea of having a month of prompts....A is for...aardvaark! Or not. :)

    And I already know that tomorrow I'll write about this challenge and link to this post.

  33. Good luck to all who take this up. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out. Blogging every day isn't possible for me right now.

  34. This is a very cool idea, but it's just more work than I'm willing to do right now! Best of luck to everyone trying!

  35. I could blog Monday through Friday A to Z... this challenge sounds like fun!

  36. Oooh, sounds like so much fun! I think I'm going to have to try this challenge! :-)

  37. P.S. I came across your blog via Shannon's "faith hope & love" blog... :-) Count me in on the challenge!

  38. Red -- You are too cool.

    Patricia -- Wonderful! And a big cheer for aardvarks! Appreciate any kind of buzz you can give this in your blog. And you're on my list.

    Carol and Carrie -- let me know if you reconsider. You're still wanted.

    Fifi -- I think you'll do a great job. You're on the blog role now.

    Tori -- Great to have you join us and my thanks to Shannon. You didn't specify which blog to link so I used the This Journey Called Life. Let me know if you'd rather link the other one.

  39. Wow what a challenge!
    I'm a two year NaNoWriMo'er. Maybe I will try this. We'll see. XD

  40. Yes, I'm taking the challenge through my "journey called life" blog... :-) Thanks for responding so quickly!

  41. Lee, this sounds like so much fun, but I am trying to catch up with some of my writing - you know finish. Also, I am still getting my files transfered to my new laptop. So I will pass this time. But, I want to play sometime because this is such a great idea.

    To answer your question, Journaling Woman is my main blog. And, I "want" to post at my rural blog once a week if I can.

  42. Hey Arlee bird,

    I won't be able to join in because I have too many scheduled posts that won't match the letter of the day. Plus the thought of posting every day on top of everything else has me writhing on the floor in a quivering wreck!

    Have fun and I'll be popping in the see how it goes.


  43. I'm in! This is a challenge for sure, but it'll be fun!

  44. >>[(hmmmm T as in Tiny Tim, M as in Martini--possibilities are endless).]<<

    rLEE-b, you nearly persuade me with your sense of humor, but... alas.

    You know as well as I do that the writing aspect of this would be no challenge for me at all. Heck, I could burp 100 words a day on any subject A 2 Z. The real challenge of it would be finding the time to do it. Also, I just can't see myself composing 26 Blog Bits that probably no one but you would read. I guess I just can't find a valid reason for the investment of time.

    ~ CA93D-FENS
    "As a dog returns to his own vomit,
    so a fool repeats his folly."
    ~ Proverbs 26:11

  45. I love this concept! What a great blogging idea!

    I'm not sure I'm up for participating, unfortunately. I usually prefer not to blog on the weekends. I know, I know, I could schedule posts (and I've done that when needed before) but five posts is sometimes difficult for me to manage in a week, I don't think I want to add on a sixth.

    But I'll definitely be watching!!

    And if possible, I'll coordinate my my blog topics to fall under the proper letter. I know I already have April 1st down (and it's not April Fools).

  46. I am so torn, I don't know if I could really do it. I know that I would love to be in the cheering section and will post on my blog to have people head over here to check it out. I just don't know if I'm that creative to come up with a post each day (even with being able to plan it ahead and have it post on the read date). I have another day to think about it and will get back to you if I change my mind but please include me in your cheering section. If you want use both my blogs, and and I will post something on both of them.
    Thanks for the invite and I will leave your comment in my in-box to keep reminding me I'm thinking about it.
    Take care and have a great and blessed afternoon.

  47. Thank you for your kind invitation. It does sound like a lot of fun, but I think I will have to pass on this. My blogs revolve around my daughter's schedule and I already know I would miss at least 7 right off the top. But I will give it a shout out on my blog and wish you the best of luck.

  48. That's sounds fun..I'll do my best to post everyday except Sunday.

  49. Alrighty then...Count me in!! I'm gonna try to do all A-Z topics related to writing...This should be fun :)

  50. I'm in! (me and my FOMS could hardly pass up a challenge) FOMS-Fear of Missing Something. Besides that though, I pretty much blog every day anyway...

  51. i've found this rather late - it's already April 1st here in Australia and I've already blogged today! Sigh what's one more blog post in a day? Count me in, sounds like it will be fun in a painful challenging sort of way.
    I'll post a link to your site in my 'A' post later today :-)

  52. Count me in! I'm gonna try to do a-z topics related to writing. This should be fun.

  53. Hi there! New follower here. This challenge will be a good one for me, so I'm in!!!


  54. Okay I'm in. I already post everyday so I'll just add a little more fun to it. Thinking of an inspirational alphabet should be fun.

  55. Myrria says she'll be in too. So Dragons Muse is up for it.

  56. I aim to try my hand at this. I am relatively new to blogging and this sounds like a great jump start and a challenge. But I started the blog to write. So write I will. I have yet to mention this post and to link back to here...hopefully that part will work! Cheers!

  57. Angels Muse and Dragons Muse -- you are both now on the blogroll and I am following your blogs.

    CK -- your in.

    Carol -- got you too

    Charmaine -- your post looks great, but did you forget about March 31? Ah, it's okay and it won't hurt that much--I don't think.

    Tart -- Thou art in the game.

    Slut -- Hmmmm got some kind of trend going here. You're on the list.

    Lorena -- you're there too.

    Julie -- got you too.

    Kelley and Tori --- you're there

    and if anyone changes there mind I can still add you.

  58. I know I shouldn't.
    I know I can't keep it up.
    But while I can think of a dozen reasons not to, I'm jumping in.

  59. Rayna -- of course you should do because you can do it. So think of a dozen why you should. You're representing India! You're the first from your great country. This is like the blogging Olympics. Okay maybe that's a stretch. Anyway, you are now on the blog roll and I am a follower.

  60. Jumps up and down frantically..I wanna play! I wanna play! lol..I shall be thinking of my themes right away :)

  61. This sounds fun.....and I could use a challenge! count me in!

  62. Well, it'll be a challenge! The only conflict I know of is a few blogfest entries, but I'll see what I can do! I'll put a link in my sidebar for this.


  63. FANTASTIC~!! So VERY glad that I was directed over to your blog~!! I follow RAE and the Red-headed Stepchild and I hope that I can own up to the challenge, as I have been absent from the Blogosphere for a while and this is the "shot in the arm" that I need to get busy and WRITE~!!....THANKS for the challenge, and the hints that you have posted, as that gives me the chance to peruse my find some words for A, tomorrow~!!
    Mine will be at the WORDPRESS BLOG called "Time for a Bucket List"
    See you here tomorrow~!!

  64. I'd love to be a part, but I will not have access to a computer for most of the month. I think it's a great idea.


  65. Fantastic idea. A lot of people love those Grafton books. I won't be able to participate, but best of luck to all who take on the challenge!

    And thanks for swinging by my blog.


  66. I just read your post on my blog and I would totally take you up on it but we're going away for several days in a few weeks! And the alphabet part intimidates me!!! But I would love to be in the cheering section:)

  67. Sounds like a good challenge. I'll try and take part in this! :)

  68. Sugar, Bry, Summer, Margaret, & Drifter -- You are all in. You should have gotten an email from me or had a comment on your site. So glad your in the game.

    Thanks to the rest of you who will be egging us on.

  69. Sounds like a serious challenge for me - I've been lacking in creativity lately as well as ideas of ANYthing to write about. I'm up for this. It will help define something each day I can gab about!! Found you through Carol @ Carol's Corner. Looking forward to this. I'll be doing it through My Front Porch. =)

  70. yes I will atleast attempt it.. count me in..

  71. yes, count me in, but not for my GAflygirl blog. count me in for both, my mom blog the cleaning blog..

  72. Well done Lee....a great challenge, one I can't be part of as I'm away from home and my computer (excuses, excuses, but you know I wouldn't have been up to the task don't you). Look forwrd to catching up with you all when I'm back in familiar territory!

  73. Hello I am new to your blog, nice to 'meet' you!& I think this sounds like such a fun idea:) I am going to try my hardest post all 26 days!

  74. crystal and stacey-- you are both ready to go and we're glad you've joined us.

    White Dove --we'll miss you, but see you when you get back. Have fun.

  75. Hi Lee,
    I have post my first one. I don't know how to link or badge I'm up for the challenge.

  76. I'm in. I think my first comment got lost. Already posted.

  77. Oh wow, what a great idea! I'd love to give it a try. It sounds like so much fun and just the thing I need to get my blogging mojo back.

    Count me in, please!


  78. This seems pretty awsome!! So I think I will try it. My blog is at:


  79. Okay, Okay. I'm in.
    I will try it anyway.
    26 days.
    You got it.
    Redheaded stepchild told me about it.
    Day one--A is up.

  80. Count me in! I may not make it, really don't have time for it but hey I'm all the way there. I warn you all it's going to be deep and not for the skiddish but check me out if you dare
    OR just click on DREAMWEAVER on Lee's side bar. Happy blogging!

  81. I'm going to join in too! My blog is pretty new so I am hoping this will give me some direction and get me into blogging more consistently. Looking forward to finding a few new blogs to read too. :)

  82. I'm in -- at least so far!

  83. Count me in, I like the idea of this :D

  84. Ok, I'm in, especially since I'm pretty new at blogging and really only post reviews :)

  85. Okay, I'll bite. I was goaded into this by another site, but it looks like fun!

  86. Ooh!
    Since I just now saw this, should I count today if I can't get a post written this evening?

    I could do a Sunday to make up for it. It's hard to do when you have a full-time job.

  87. I'm throwing my hat in the ring. I've already done "A" with my Alternate Universe entry. This is such a great challenge. Better get to work!

  88. I'll be doing it too! Sounds challenging, but fun!

  89. Raquel, Guinevere, Elizabeth, Porcelaine, Jamie, Melody, Prochaskas, and all of the rest of you are on the blog roll I believe. Please check to make sure and let me know if you don't see your link. Thanks.

  90. Whee! I did it!

    Oh gosh, now I have to come up with twenty-five more posts!

  91. Was I the only one having trouble with Blogger yesterday. I couldn't make comments on more than half the blogs I visited.

    Anyway, Arlee, this is a great challenge. I have to thank you for introducing me to a some very interesting blogs and giving new energy to my own blogging experience.

  92. Patricia- thank you! All the bloggers have been amazing so far.

    And yes, blogger has been doing some strange things for me at times the last couple of days. My comments go through most of the time but every once in a while their seem to be problem periods and a couple of times I've totally lost comments. Oh well, the quirks of the web I guess.

  93. I know I'm a little late but I'm still thinking about taking the plunge!

  94. I'm going to participate in this challenge! It'll be my first. :)

  95. So I read about the challenge and started participating but wasn't really going to post my link until a friend of mine at work told me to go for it. So here I am. My blog is

  96. Is it too late to get in on this? My blog is

  97. I love the April challenge! I up for this - will you post a linky-thingy? Here is my blog:

    Will the posting on the old rugged cross count for "C"? Ready for today's D

  98. is it too late to do this I just learned of it today April 6th

  99. Whisper -- you are listed and ready to go.

  100. i'd like to participate, even though i'm a little behind.

  101. too left feet-- you are on the blog roll.

  102. i THINK YOU SHOULD PICK A WINNER OF THE ABC CHALLENGE BASED ON SOMETHING OR A FEW THINGS LOL only kidding but my stepson asked me if there was going to be a winner and I said, No. I will start F tomorrow,if I have it all correct, thanks Arlee

  103. Whisper -- sounds like you're good to go. WE'll look for the "F" post--don't forget to leave some comments.

  104. I'll be taking part as of the letter 'E', better late than never! You can find me over here.
    - Sophia.

  105. I'm late, started A today, really fun! Great idea....I will have to go check out the other blogs. I agree you are on a blog roll!

  106. Go ahead and try out my other blog. If you can read that one without upgrading browser then I'll just go ahead and post the alphabet there.
    The website is

  107. Theoretically I've upgraded to Google Chrome. Maybe there's something else I need to do. If you want to post to the other blog that works. But my issues are still bugging me and I still going to keep trying to tweak my computer. But I guess we are all usually doing this.
    Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

  108. Count me in too please, I am at Looking forward to this!!

  109. This is an AWESOME challenge! Good for you for motivating us all to be directive and intentional with our blogs!

    I am actually going to do this in May as I already have some pre-planned topics going this month that might not fit into the scheme - hope you'll visit.

    God bless,
    Becky D

  110. Here from FF! Sounds like a fun idea!

  111. Dude,
    Here it is the following Saturday (The letter would be I). I have been so lacking in my blogging life.
    Congrats on the 200th follower...I think I currently have 1 - that would be you Arlee. Thanks...LOL
    I really need to get over here more often...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog btw. Great to hear from you.
    Be blessed bro.

    DJ GlenMC...

  112. Okay...I officially have 2...yes, count them, 2 followers...LOL

    Thanks Arlee and Bud. I'll try to blog more...

    DJ GlenMC

  113. hmmm.sounds fun. Unfortunately, I don't think It would work for me right now though.
    I'm following late from Friday Follow! Please follow back when you get a chance:

  114. I'm up for J!

    hopw to see other takes on "J" soon!

    hope to do better next time!

  115. ...forgot!

    here's my link:

    come and visit sometime!


  116. Stopping by from Friday Follow. I'm a little behind on this challenge, but it sure would be fun to give it a try sometime!

  117. Holy crap. This is unbelievable. I'm mad we didn't get here until now because I definitely would have given this a shot! Count us in next time!

  118. Lisa & Laura -- Wish you could have been here. If I had had more than 3 days to organize it, I would have gotten more word out, but as it was word just got out there and it just took off on its own. Maybe next time we take more time to organize it and you can join us--it would be great.
    Make sure you check back on May 3rd to get a multi-blog wide overview of what the participants have to say about the whole experience. For more info check:
    May 3rd A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post & More Mega Post info.

  119. Oh, I do have to do some creative writing, huh??? I'm scared. For example, A is_______________.

  120. Thank you for dropping by to say hello, Lee!

    I appreciate your warm welcome to the blog event of the A to Z April 2011 challenge.

    For four years, I was an anonymous blogger writing solely for healing and catharsis, and in my fifth year of blogging, I finally set up my own blog dedicated to archiving life daily, highlighting the positive essence of the day. :)

    After a quarter of a year of mostly "keeping to myself", I had this unwritten goal for April to participate more in different blogging circles and communities.

    I found out about your wonderful blog challenge through the IComLeaWe 2011. Truly celebrating this serendipitous discovery, and excited to be a part of the journey of other fellow bloggers participating!

    More creative power to you, Lee and kudos for bringing a lot of bloggers together!

    Greetings from the Netherlands ~

    Joanna (but I go by paper, my blogging nickname since I begun! :) )

  121. Also a big compliment on choosing not only warm personalities to co-host your blogfest idea but such inspiring bloggers!

  122. A-Z April Challenge

    I hope this isn't cheating.

  123. I started your A to Z challenge and am going gang busters. Starting with Q tomorrow so I am almost done.


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
