This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Zig Zagging

Zig Zag White Papers

        I have been all over the place in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2011 edition.  I have zig-zagged through the alphabet as I have touched upon one topic and the next.  There was no common theme over all in my posting and stylistically I have experimented in some ways and stayed safe in others.

          Not only have I been zig-zagging in my blog posting, but I have also been hither and yon from one end of cyberspace to the other reading a myriad of blog posts by I'm not sure how many total different bloggers.  This has been one wild and crazy blog trip, dude.  And it may very well be that I've barely scratched the list.  I'm honestly not sure at this point in this blog party.

           Disoriented and bleary-eyed, I feel like I'm wandering in a blog fog-filled roomful of happy hipster word ripsters jibber-jabbering about so many different things that I can hardly keep track.  Is this the coolest party ever or what?

             Thirty days of blogging--yes Sundays do count cause I never stopped even then--and now it's done.  Not!  We've still got a Reflections post on Monday and even then it won't be over.  I may be a little unsteady on my feet and bumping into a few walls, but I'm having fun and I've still got the A to Z Challenge list to get through.  Not to mention the Reflections list.  

              So roll me another blog my way and pass it over to me.  Just don't bogart my brain, my friend.  I've got blogs to visit before I sleep--a lot of blogs before I sleep.  And I've got promises to keep-- if I can remember any of them.


           Don't  forget The A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post on Monday May 2nd (this Monday!).   The Linky list will be up on Sunday 12:15 AM California Time.  Make sure that the link you put on the list is the one for your Reflections post.   If you need help let me know.


                Do you feel like you've been on a blog high?   Can you remember how many blogs you've visited?   Did this Challenge seem like kind of a cool, often sophisticated, and frequently wacky party sometimes?



  1. Well done, Lee, and congratulations on a job well done.

    Moody Writing

  2. Congratulations, Lee. This A-Z challenge has been wonderful... more fun that I have anticipated.

    Thanks for promoting this project. You rock!!


  3. What an experience this has been! Congratulations on steering us through and making so many visits. I've never before visited so many blogs in all my blogging days but I know you've been to more. I've really enjoyed it. Looking forward to visiting everyone on a normal blogging day quite soon.

  4. It's been a wild and crazy ride. Thanks for all your hard work.

  5. This is the coolest party ever! Thank you Arlee.

  6. Thank you so much for the work you put into organizing this, it really has been well worth it. I'll be there on Monday and look forward to keeping in touch with everyone.

  7. It's April 30th, and I have only just found you and your challenge! I am so anguished! Is it like NaNo, and only one month of the year? (in which case I will have to wait an entire year for it to come around again).

    Oh, woe, woe is me!

  8. Congratulations Lee another good A to Z. I enjoyed it though I couldn't read as many as I would have liked.


  9. It was frenetic and it was fun. Thank you:-)

  10. Yay Lee! It's been crazy, but such a fun time. Thank you for spearheading the challenge and for inviting me along for the ride, too!

  11. What a fabulous description Lee. Zig zagging and bumping into walls, yes, that's me! I'm tired, pleased to have completed, but so drained. I simply can't imagine how you've managed. I'll be here Monday, but I'm taking a break after that, maybe a couple of soothing photos, but few words. The cacophony in my brain is a bit over the top, and I need to find some silence again. I'm so deeply grateful to you, and don't quite know how to thank you enough - I'll try to get the words together for Monday. Sue.

  12. Hi Lee .. brilliantly zig-zagged and have definitely zeen you around zo much ..

    This has definitely been more fun than I thought it might be .. and I've enjoyed the challenge ..

    Cheers .. see you somewhere soon .. Hilary

  13. It has been fun to see how many different takes you can get on a single letter. I have met lots of new bloggers and had a great time stretching my brain to accomodate the rules. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

  14. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your use of illistration!!! Brilliant!!

  15. Yes, no and: absolutely! :-)

    Thanks again, Lee!

  16. What a way to blog 'A-Z'!
    Wish I'd come across your blog earlier.

    Now, am following you:)

  17. Congratulations for an amazing challenge. Looking forward to what you have in store next.

    Thoughts in Progress

  18. Arlee - you 'zig-zagged'; I 'ricocheted'!

    I have felt like the proverbial 'pinball', being bounced and ricocheted randomly around the blogging challengers (Oh, the fun of the 'surprise me' button!!!)

    Now we're at the end and I can take a breath I feel exhausted - but I hope we'll be doing this again next year!

    Well done for pulling this together and giving us all a great meeting place, Arlee!

  19. Looks like you did a great job, with both writing and visiting. I love the chain-of-words in this post, you have a groovy way to write. Love it!

  20. WOW This was something wonderful. Thank you for the gift of making this all fall into place. All the new friends, the learning.....It's an experience I'll always remember.
    Love and peace

  21. Well, nice finish! I for one am sorry to see it end. I enjoy this challenge. It was a great party. Already planning for next year, Lord willing!

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  22. i passed out midway, and got up again... there are some great people and blogs... it was like click and read, click and read... comment and comment again. such a great idea this "a to z challenge"... this zombie's fingers are tired.

  23. Congratulations for all you've accomplished and most of all, for inspiring SO many other bloggers. Great job!

  24. I did not realize that blogs can give you a high. May be it does, as it explains my exitement when I type in a comment !!!

  25. Great job on the challenge. I'm so glad that it exceeded everyone's expectations in terms of participants. I had a lot of fun but I do look forward to going back to normal! :)

    I'll be sure to participate in the reflections post on Monday.

  26. Arlee, my heartfelt gratitude to you and your team. I never dreamt that I could write anything only from my own imagination or iniative on a daily basis and here it has happened. I'm afraid I really did a bad job with the blog hop in the last week. I hope to catch up with the A-Z list now that its over. I would never have met the wonderful people I did during this blog, and I look forward to meeting more from the list. You are wonderful thanks

  27. I definitely feel like I'm on a blog site has more visitors and traffic, and it inspires me to keep writing. I made sure to return "follows" all month long. I've visited so many blogs - some were boring, others I was like, "I'm so glad I found you!" People are so creative.

  28. I'm glad I had a theme, although my blog visiting began to feel like pinball game. Visited about 500 and made some new friends.

  29. Ha! I can remember when Zig Zag papers were openly displayed at convenience stores.(I did not, of course, know what they were used for). Also candy cigarettes. Good times.
    The challenge was fun, frustrating, exciting, eye-opening and sometimes overwhelming. Thank you for hosting, for putting in an incredible amount of work, and for encouraging and inspiring. (and you had some fine posts too!) See you around the blogosphere :))

  30. Applause, applause! And unbelievable month and quite enjoyable!

  31. Thank you so very much for hosting this 30 day long party!
    I love your Z!

  32. I'm going to try and hit new blogs today too.

  33. I'm so glad I got to participate this year! This has been an awesome blogfest. I can't believe it's over already. April went by super fast.

  34. I had a great time this past month. I'm a little relieved to be done, but I'll miss it. What will I blog about now? I found some great new blog friends that I will continue to follow. It's amazing what one can come up with when faced with a challenge. Even while I was faced with a bad bout of bronchitis I blogged (lame as those posts may have been)!
    Thanks for hosting and thanks for stopping by!

  35. The A-Z Challenge has been a lot of fun. I've visited a ton of blogs, had mine visited by some really nice people, it's been great!

  36. Lee,

    I wish to extend a warm and heartfelt THANK YOU for the energy and effort you have made, not only co-hosting this challenge, but in finding your way to my site and commenting.

    Your comments added immensely to my desire to push on and finish this, sometimes, exhausting challenge.

    Hopefully, after May 2nd, you will be able to pull up a chair (on a deck facing West) with a nice glass of your favourite beverage and watch the sun set know you did an awesome job touching base with so many bloggers on this challenge.

    You are on my "reading list" so I will continue to drop by and pay my respects.

    Happy Thoughts,

  37. Just want to say thanks! I've had a blast this past month with the A-Z Challenge. It stretched my imagination while I made new friends.

  38. Thanks to all of you who have hung in there until the end of the Challenge. And a special thanks for your kind words today. And for those who are new, thank you for stopping in to leave a comment. Hopefully you can join us next year in the A to Z Challenge.


  39. Arlee,
    What fun this has been! I will blog my reflections post on Monday and remain so glad that I took part in your fabulous challenge!! I still have so many blogs to catch up on... glad the posts remain for posterity!


  40. You almost have me feeling a bit sorry for you. :-) But, congratulations! Bet you didn't know that you'd have this many entries, did ya? No wonder you're bumping into walls! Thank you so much for doing this!!

    But, I am glad it's over, for now, as I am so ready for a break. Speaking of break, I'm taking a real cyber and blogging break after today and will not be around for the reflections on Monday.

    My biggest challenge in this challenge was reading and commenting. That took up more time than the actual challenge. My gluteus max hurts from sitting in front of the computer!! And I can't even begin to tell you how aggravating those word recognition prompts are, especially the ones that appear "after" you're done commenting! Otherwise, I loved the structure and discipline, and I've met some swell new bloggy friends!

    Thank you again. It was fun!! Blessings to you!

  41. I've visited so many blogs by clicking on that 'Next blog' button. And I've gained some new friends in the process, along with some blogs which I have frequently returned to. It's been a great ride!

    Duncan In Kuantan

  42. This was a greet challenge. I'm sorry I couldn't finish it, but I had to go out of town for a week. I did manage to get some followers and found some pretty cool blogs, so than you.

  43. Never mind the blog high, I'm more curious if you smoke pot now.


  44. Lee, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

  45. This challenge rocked! Thanks to you and everyone else who made it possible.

  46. Yes! This challenge seemed like kind of a cool, sophisticated, and wacky party most of the time. I loved participating. Thanks to all of you supportive bloggers.

    I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing

  47. we shall attach you on an IV after this, Arlee :))

  48. Lee, was going to ask about a "survived the Challenge" button, but Elizabeth Mueller created a cool one. Check it out - we should ask her if we can make that the official badge!

  49. wow, I can't even imagine..a weekend of blog hopping is one thing but a month...kudos to you and everyone else who was able to keep up. I didn't participate but a few of the blogs I follow did...what a neat idea and looks like everyone had a fun time.

  50. Yes, I feel like I've been on a blogging high.

    That high is reflected in my post today for the letter 'Z'.

    I wrote it on my iPod earlier this morning, around maybe 1 or 2 am EST since I was having trouble sleeping and blogging was all I was thinking about, among other things.

    No, I cannot remember how many blogs I visited but if you asked me to figure it out and gave me like 10 minutes, I could probably give you an almost exact number...not counting the blogs that you linked to in your blog posts though, as that would increase my total :)

    However, to take a wild guess, I'm sure that I visited more than 100 blogs and I plan on continuing going through the list even after the challenge is over, so that I can read everyone's blog who participated because to me, that (visiting other blogs) is another part of the challenge...not just the blogging.

    Yes, this challenge did seem like a cool, often sophisticated, and frequently wacky party sometimes.

    Regarding the Mega Post, why are we posting a link to where our MegaPosts will be? From what I understand about that, it seems like we have to link to something on May 1st that is supposed to appear in the future.....May 2.

    Wouldn't it be more efficient if people linked directly to their posts? I thought that is what you wanted when you initially announced the Mega Post and now I don't quite understand the linking and posting thing. I planned on having my post up tomorrow because I thought that we had link directly to it...but...if the Mega Post is on Monday May 2nd, then what are we linking to? We might as well wait until Monday, May 2nd to add a post to the Linky list.

    I just don't get it (like, when I'm supposed to link and if I'm linking to the future....why am I supposed to link to an empty page where my Mega Post is expected to "appear" the next day, lol), so if you could help me out to understand this part of the MegaPost, I would greatly appreciate it, because I am lost on this linking and posting and how that all is supposed to work.

    Getting back to the "high" thing mentioned in this post,
    I don't know when I'll be able to come down off of my blog high, but I hope it continues to be a joy and not a burden. :)

    The Madlab Post

  51. It was a great idea...certainly got me thinking ang looking.
    Again next year?? :-D

  52. Thanks for this tremendous experience! I hope many of us will continue to stay in touch! This really was a huge adrenaline rush, and I continued to read, and write into the wee hours of the night! But I enjoyed every minute of it, as long as my computer wasn't freezing up! Thanks again, and I'll continue thanking you on the Reflections Post! Julie

  53. Award for you on my blog :O)

  54. well done on keeping up with all those blogs. I feel quite sad that it is ending, but if what you say is true then there is nothing to be sad about. Party on!

  55. Thanks for this great time!! I enjoyed the Challenge so much, it was a blast.
    Congratulations on finishing, and a huge round of applause from me!

  56. Thanks for the great challenge this month. My last post is up for "Z."

    Thanks for looking.
    Laura T.

  57. I think your party analogy is right on! I feel pretty dazed and confused right now :)But I also feel a fabulous sense of accomplishment which totally rocks!

    I don't know how many people I met at this wild and crazy party, but I know I've made some solid connections and that also feels great.

    I'm relieved that the pressure is off, but I'm already missing the thrill of a challenge ;)

    Blog on, my friend!

  58. We did it! But I'm wiped. And still have blogs to read before I sleep.

    Thanks for a great experience, Lee!

  59. duuuddeee!Congratulations and what a high this month has been, thank you!

    I gave up keeping track of how many blogs I visited after 500... my brain is so full...

    and did you know that zigzaggery is a word? I couldn't believe it :)
    Happy weekend and see you on monday
    Laura x

  60. An ongoing thanks to all commenters! Sounds like we're mostly in the same happy boat.


  61. Wow, Arlee! This went above and beyond the expectations. It's been so much fun! Thanks so much for the great idea! What a great way to make new friends and entertain the old ones. And I'm proud to say I did it. Every day.

    Rock on, bro. We all deserve a blogcation!

  62. Job well done Arlee. Remember not to inhale... :)

  63. I'm telling you in advance, I'll probably need your help in setting it up. I couldn't post the "next" or "surprise me" buttons, so I'm hoping I can figure this one out. By the way, please find my latest A-Z Challenge blogs here:

  64. And gosh, your 'reflections' post. What will that entail? Looking at all the letters of the alphabet in a mirror? Heck friend, you should be just fine with capitalised 'A', 'H', 'I', 'M', 'O', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X' and 'Y' . You're welcome.
    Yes, you may have already read the above on my comment back to you on my shy and humble blog.
    Lee, seriously, well done on this endeavour and I wish you and all others involved, well, on your reflections. And speaking of reflections, I shall now stand in front of my full-length mirror and admire my awesome self.
    Take care and have a good time.

  65. A-Z was Oh, So FUN! Thanks for posting the challenge! I learned that there is always something to blog about! A-lway-Z !!
    Thanks again!

  66. 12:15 AM California time is the middle of the night for the rest of the country, plus Sunday night is a work night. Will we be able to share our reflections and blog hop later or post before then?

    Thanks for hosting the AtoZ challenge. It was a lot of fun.


  67. I had a great time with this, but I feel like I spent so much time dredging the ol' memory banks coming up with posts, that I wasn't able to give the commenters the attention they deserved. Hopefully they'll stick atound though, and I can visit them and get to know them a little better now, as I get back to posting once or twice a week. :)

    Well done on this challenge, you guys did a great job. I am impressed at the effort you and the others made to get around to different blogs and post comments.

  68. Thanks for your encouragement on my blog.

  69. Congrats to you Arlee on hosting another successful A-Z challenge. I wish I had more time to visit more of the participants.

  70. Well done!! I had a great time and look forward to next year. You deserve a drink now girl!

  71. I must say that I feel the sophomore year of the A-Z Challenge has been a total success, Arlee. Your brainchild has brought a lot of bloggers closer together and I'm having a blast breaking out of my shell and becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Blogosphere. Thanks again for everything you've done! I applaud you, my friend!

  72. Hi there Tio Lee! I have a small award/button for you. Thank you for the great A-Z Challenge this year. I got a lot of followers and hope to get more! :) The button is on my blog...

  73. It's been great, even better than last year. I don't want to crash-land into real life yet, I like this blog high better :).

  74. Lee,

    This challenge was surely a challenge for me. I still can't believe I wrote thirty pieces of flash fiction with a twist.

    I never would have done it if it weren't for you and the challenge.



  75. I can't say thank you too many times!

    Joyce -- The Linky list is going up at that time to accommodate the parts of the world where it's already Monday. The list will be open until May 3rd. Whenever your Reflections post has gone on line then you can link it to the list.


  76. This has been great fun. Here is a bit of trivia you might not know. The band ZZ Top got their name from Zig Zag and Top brand rolling papers.
    That is not an urban legend it is the truth. My other half is a musician. He knew Dusty and played with them before they made it big. When they told him the new name for their band, his reply was "ZZ Top that is a stupid name." I'm sure Dusty and the boys still chuckle at that.

  77. Congrats Lee; you were amazing! What a party we should be having right now~
    I am so happy I made it for round #2!
    It was a real challenge for me, this time. I had a lot of family interruptions and surprises, but so glad I finished~ I will see you on Monday for the reflection post~
    Thanks again!

  78. I had a wonderful time reading all the posts I could, and I only had trouble with one letter!

  79. Hey Lee! I had a hell of a time! I learned so much and met a few does feel like some kind of strange foggy, blogging party...If another blog challenge is being rolled, I'm in! I've gotten so used to doing this everyday..I may have to start my own challenge if nothing else happens!

  80. This was a wonderful experience.

    I created a Best of A-Z list of the blogs I visited, selecting one blog for each letter to reward. Today I let them all know I selected them.

    My list is below.

    InspiredbyLisa – Best of the A-Z Challenge

  81. I think this is the seventh "Zig Zag" post I've read today. Which is okay because mine used the words Zero, Zip, and Zilch and I'm pretty sure I read at least twelve that went that route.

    Congratulations on surviving! This has been quite the undertaking for you and it's appreciated by more people than you will ever know!

  82. BOIDMAN ~
    Ha! "Zig-Zag" was a good way to close out your "A To Z Blogfest" (and a good way to date yerself, you ol' hippie!)

    Say... what's that *funny* smell?

    Job well done, McBuddy!

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  83. Congratulations! I had the most amazing time during April and I will add my Monday reflections post to the linky tomorrow.

    Ellie Garratt

  84. I had a great time...! Thanks for hosting this..! Well..I was really hardworking the 1st week of April...tried to visit as many blogs as I can...& got to know some wonderful bloggers...but I kind of slow down a lot during the 3rd week - both girls were sick...& I miss out in visiting a lot of blogs...will still pop by these few days to visit those I missed out...

  85. Congratulations on finishing the challenge! :)

  86. The challenge has been a lot of fun, has given me new friends, new ideas, and I have 26 new posts on my blog as well (A-Z plus a summary).

    This was a great idea, and very successful too.

  87. It would be an understatement for me to say that I am overwhelmed with the A to Z challenge. I came in a little bit late and have only been able to post through (H) thus far, but I am going to get it done. I hope.

  88. LOL! Haven't seen the white package of Zig Zags in years. I think I helped keep them in business for many years. Thanks for the flashbacks ... errrr ... memories.

  89. Job well done, my friend. I had a lot of fun, was very weary, but I am so glad I made it through. I fully intend to be here next year, God willing.

    I do feel like I was on a blog high. I visited countless blogs, made new pals, visited with old friends.

    I did feel like t was a wacky party. I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. Though X had me befuddled. I decided to make up X words. Worked for me.

    Genius post from the Master of A to Z ceremonies.

  90. A final thank you on this post. I'm am way behind in my commenting so sorry for this collective comment. I'm trying to get caught up.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
