Anything worth doing takes effort. Marketing is work. To effectively move product, good marketing strategies must be engaged. To get what you want requires your time, energy, and persuasive power. The better your efforts the better the potential results.
Not all efforts are rewarded and sometimes what seems like a good idea doesn't turn out as well as you expected or hoped. That doesn't mean giving up. Part of your effort includes evaluating your processes as well as the end results.
Even if someone else does most of your promotional work for you, that doesn't let you off the hook. You need to be co-operative, available, and interactive. Communicate what's working and what's not. The biggest failure in relationships is due to lack of communication.
Is you marriage feeling a little shaky? Talk about it. Is your book not selling? Discuss it with your publisher or whoever else has a vested interest. Are your employees unproductive and unhappy? Have a meeting to see what's on their minds.
Whether selling a product, pushing an agenda, or persuading a partner, you've got to put in some effort to make things happen. Marketing involves creating an awareness of your product and building reputation. Success is an ongoing work in progress that never ends.
Deserving an E for Effort:
Ron Easton at Dads Unlimited: When I was putting together the promotional build-up with Reflections posts and guest posts on the A to Z Blog prior to the sign-ups, Ron stepped up with his unique efforts in creating an A to Z Reflections video. This was the inspiration for this year's video contest. Ron assisted me in putting some of the finishing touches on the criteria for video entries. He's been also putting forth some great efforts on his new improved approach to blogging. Great effort Ron Easton!
This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme
My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.
For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.
If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
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A great E word Lee. Effort is something we must have if task are to get accomplished.
This is so true and it applies to everything in life! I tell my students that all the time. If you want results you have to put in a lot of hard work.
ReplyDeleteI think that's why a lot of people become disillusioned with things in life. They want the results but aren't prepared to put in the required amount of effort and when it doesn't work out the way they want it to, they give up.
Great post!
You're so right man that when it comes to business effort doesn't always equal positive results, sometimes you have to realise that you made a mistake and need to backtrack despite the high volume of effort put into place.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely agreed! You get what you give comes to mind. The greater the effort I put into things, the greater the eventual rewards are.
ReplyDeleteGood post!
This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.
Duncan In Kuantan
Unrewarded efforts are incredibly difficult to deal with. To put all that time and energy into something you feel will be enjoyed, appreciated, and well received, and then the opposite happens. That moment can be difficult to rise above.
ReplyDeleteYou don't get anything free in life and to be a success you have to work at it. Hard truth. Thanks for this thought-provoking post.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly get nothing in this life without putting a load of effort in first, that's for sure. And I know that we all really appreciate how much effort you've put into this challenge, Arlee.
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to add a proviso to the 'let's talk about it' aspect. My ex-husband always wanted to sit down and talk about our problems but he couldn't see that you can't talk about problems forever. You have to recognise when it's time to stop talking and move on. (Sorry, got on my high horse for a minute there!)
A to Z of Nostalgia
I've always lived by, if you're not going to put forth the effort in doing your best, then don't do it at all. Good or bad, guess it could be both.
ReplyDeleteStopping by via the A - Z Challenge, I've liked your FaceBook, followed your tweets I didn't see a Google+ or would have added you to my circle. We were already connected via GFC
Feel free to visit me at
And here I thought A was for Effort! Another great post and awesome effort!
ReplyDeleteE for Effort is a good one Arlee...reminds me not to coast.
ReplyDeleteAnd it always takes a group effort!
ReplyDeleteNothing happens without putting in some effort. I'm always shocked by people who say "but isn't that a lot of work?" Ye, that's what makes it worthwhile.
ReplyDeleteOh darn! I thought I could get someone else to do it! :)
ReplyDeleteLee gets and E for "Effort" in organizing this amazing A-Z challenge for the third year in a row.
ReplyDeleteAnd even if you don't "succeed" at whatever the goal is, the fact that you put the effort in certainly counts for something. :)
ReplyDeleteMore great comments for me to awaken to. Like you all have concurred, effort requires actually doing something. Intent and just talking about something doesn't get it done, but you have to act upon those. As Rosalind indicates, talking about the problem may be the starting point, but then all parties need to jump in to resolve the problems that have been recognized. Idle talk is not enough effort to get things done.
E is for Effort, some good reminders in there, thanks
ReplyDeleteI am on your AZ team
ignore the google log in it hates me
trying to make more of an effort in all i do--thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteE for Effort...nice choice! When you're tired, fed up and heartsick a little bit makes a huge difference! Thanks for this post Lee!
ReplyDeleteSo right. There are a lot of dead Ends in this marketing business, but there are always other ways to try. Another great marketing post!
ReplyDeleteyou get an "e" for effort! great strong post!
ReplyDeleteExcellent! ... to the challenge "E" is for Efficient!
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness
I think before I was actually published, I thought the marketing aspect would be 'easy'...little did I know how much effort it would take!
ReplyDeleteGreat E word...
Yes! Finally deciding to follow my dream of writing has taken a lot of Effort! And, yes, there have been many times when I thought a great idea would be fruitful and it was not. I will keep trying new things as I continue to write, and I know those efforts will pay off! Great post, Lee!
ReplyDeleteKelly Stilwell
Excellent advice, dude!Until the challenge introduced me to so many, I did not know how many hopefuls there are out there. Only a few make it and gain fame, allot of effort is truly needed!
ReplyDeleteYes nothing worth achieving is done without a lot of effort...everything takes effort if you want it to be good! Another great post Arlee.
Thanks for your Effort in co-hosting A-Z April!
ReplyDeleteI think this is the part of writing that wears at me the most. I know I need to put more effort into it.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite sayings is, "you get what you put into it." The other is, "If you do what you have always done, you get what you have always gotten." Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteI'm a total novice when it comes to marketing so your tips with these various posts are really helpful and interesting to me. Enjoyed all of your posts so far!
ReplyDeleteI've been slightly overwhelmed today as my internet has been shaky and I'm 2-3 days behind on somethings. I now feel motivated to just keep the effort up and get it done :)
ReplyDeletexoxo Lloralye @ Adorning Schemes A to Z
Good advice. I'm currently thinking of ways to promote, and finding it a lot of fun, and communication is what it's about. Love the colour of your blog, by the way.
ReplyDeleteReading your post above, does that mean you are the instigator of this A-Z Challenge? If so, what a fab idea. It's made me more productive than I've been for ages. Thank you!
It's not the effort that I have issues with, its where and how to apply the effort!
ReplyDeleteBut it is a learning process.
I am trying to read all the A to Z blogs, but coming back to the ones I really like.
Looking forward to seeing what you do all month!
The Other Side
The Freedom of Nonbelief
Just about everything worthwhile takes effort, I believe.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to be put back on the straight and narrow, to remember the original goal, even when you are wading through the mud with your writing (I mean my writing, not yours). Great A to Z this year, so many blogs, so little time!
ReplyDeleteSo true! Many people forget this especially in relationships. The best things in life are hard. :-) Have a great day, Lee!
ReplyDeletegreat E !!!
ReplyDeletejust popiing by x (
I just started my platform from scratch last month, and I find that, if I let it, the effort is part of the reward.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by earlier!
Thanks for affirming the truth to us.
ReplyDeleteNothing worth having comes without some kind of fight- Bruce Cockburn.
Also, thanks for the "props" I really appreciate it!
Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited
Hi, Lee, thanks for the terrific job you and the other hosts are doing. You are all greatly appreciated. I'm having a blast this year writing and visiting. Love, Ruby
ReplyDeleteThank you Arlee, this was very interesting. It's 'sell sell sell' all the way, and so darn hard for us introspective, shy types. It's a little like climbing a ladder or hanging on to the side of a cliff: keep moving and don't look down.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for creating this great challenge. It's a heck of a lot of fun! Cheers, MoonWynd
Thanks for a great post. I work in advertising but have no idea how to promote my own product!
ReplyDeleteGreat post....Effort is important in success in anything. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, so many people these days think that if you have positive thoughts you can just sit back and wait for it to happen to you. Everything takes work.
ReplyDeleteLee your words on effort hit the mark. Communication is a big one in every facet of life. Action without communication is as likely to result in chaos as true results.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right about the importance of making an effort to see one's marketing strategies through if results are ever going to occur. The only way to know if a marketing strategy is going to work or not is by putting forth efforts in making it happen the way that you planned. If it does, it's great. If it doesn't then there is an opportunity to learn from the experience and pay attention to WHY it didn't work and WHAT DID work, if anything.
ReplyDeleteI like how you ended this post, with that work in progress perspective on success.
Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter
I definitely have to have a better strategy for my blogging and just being more consistent with my visits. Terrific post!
ReplyDeleteNY State charges a huge fine if stores sign a price and it does not ring up exactly. Most customers don't know this. We end up giving them an adjustment when a customer makes a fuss. Marketing is hard whether you are an executive or a customer service rep. Great post:)
ReplyDeleteThanks to all for your terrific comments and a special thanks to those of you who are sticking through the series. I hope it is of benefit to you and gets some wheels turning in your head to generate your own ideas.
*Awesome 'E' post! My effort in meeting this Challenge is due, in part, to the incentives and encouragement you and your team provide! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteI love your try, try again voice!
ReplyDeleteWe do have to examine and readjust. It is like a business, our business yes, but we have to treat it as such. Now I just need to do just that :D Well said!
Perfect choice for the letter "E". You can have everything else needed to succeed, but if a person is not willing to put forth the effort, he will not make it.
ReplyDeleteEffort is a great word for E. Your words are so true. I am a firm believer in the fact that nothing in life comes for free.
You certainly put lots of effort into everything you do, so your actions completely reinforce the message! Thanks Lee!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. A lot of people expect good things to just fall into their lap, and complain when things don't go right for them. When you ask "well, did you actually do anything about it?" they shake their head and rant about how unfair the world is.
ReplyDeleteJamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z buddy
Mithril Wisdom
Hi Lee - effort is certainly need to get to the end of the road, to be successful along that journey, so you can turn out to be happy once you get there .. once the plan is set, foundations laid .. then effort is required to build and enjoy the fruits of your labour ..
ReplyDeleteRon - is amazing at what he does .. and the video contest was fun to watch from the sidelines ..
Congratulations to you both .. cheers Hilary
i love the word effort. it goes well with simmer.