Actually that's not true. I did feel a little left out, but there was no way I was going ruin a good glass of chocolate milk by diluting it with salty tears. I wasn't all that sad because I did get a couple mentions. However I did get kind of misty eyed the other night at the end of this soppy old romantic movie with a sweet happy ending. Those old movies get me every time. They just don't make them like that anymore.
Anyway, I missed out on doing my own "Miss You" post because I kind of missed that blogfest. I've been very distracted lately as some of you may be aware. But as I was reading through the "Miss You" posts it brought to mind the special Thanksgiving post I had in the works. As is customary for many of us, I have decided to present a list of things I am thankful for.
There are many things for which I am thankful. Blogging has become one of the things for which I am most thankful. Most of my attitude of gratitude about blogging is because of you--each and every one of you reading this now and those who have read one or more of my posts in the past.
And you readers who have commented at some time or other deserve my biggest thanks. Like a performer cheered on by an unseen audience, I am heartened by your acknowledgement of what I have presented to you. Your comments tell me that someone stopped by to pay attention to me if only for a moment.
There is always the fear that singling out special bloggers might make others who are not mentioned feel unappreciated. Please understand that this is not the case. I appreciate each of you and love all of you dearly--even when you disagree with me. And I don't want this to be a monster post that goes on far too long nor a list of names without specific reasons for being named. This post is my list of a few of the most faithful and some of the bloggers who leave me the most exemplary kinds of comments.
Tossing It Out Commenter Hall of Fame
I begin with the young man who almost always comments without fail and is often the first commenter of the day. With the unique tag of YeamieWaffles, Matthew of Matthew's Blog consistently leaves encouraging comments of substance. Matthew, I have to offer my deepest apologies for not having been by your blog in so long to leave a comment, but I think you understand some of the things I've been dealing with since you read nearly all of my posts. If you readers don't know Matthew, he's a bright young guy who is worth knowing--his posts might remind you of some of your own college days. I hope one day I can shake your hand in person, Matthew, but for now please accept this virtual pat on the back as a commenter I can always count on.
Andrew Leon from Strange Pegs is a blogging pro who understands not only the essence of good commenting, but also how to use a comment as a springboard for dialog. This can be a time consuming process that might mean not being able to visit as many blogs as one would like, but to leave these types of comments is to be a notable presence on the blogs that are visited. Andrew obviously subscribes to the follow-up comments since he often will respond to the replies he receives to the comments he leaves. Some of the conversations we have at my blog and that he has at his blog and other blogs where he leaves comments is a good argument for staying on top of the commenting process. His example epitomizes the term "Social Networking". Bloggers like Andrew are why I try to leave comment replies that are more than just brief acknowledgements.
Since I've given Stephen T. McCarthy a lot of time in past blog posts I'll just add him to the list of bloggers who actually have a discussion in the comment section. To see what I mean just check out some of the comment sections on his posts at his blog Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends. Sure, you might not agree with Stephen and you might even be offended, but you have to admit that this guy knows how to carry on a conversation in his comments. That's my blogging dream. Thank you, Stephen, for showing the way to establishing good blog dialog.
Through Stephen I came into contact with Larry at Disconnected and Back in the USSR. He doesn't comment on my blog as much as I'd like, but when he does, it's worth the wait. Larry has a sly sense of humor while also having good sense. He also is not for everybody, but he'll give everybody a chance to join in the conversation. Thanks Larry.
Then there are two very fine ladies, Em-musing and Faraway Eyes, who not only seem to show up with regularity on this blog, but also on my other blogs. Thank you for supporting my more neglected blogs--and with gusto. Great comments both of you! Also, I must include Eve Prokop as another fine lady who visits more than just this blog and leaves some notable comments. She's a bit wacky too as you will see when you visit her blog. Thanks Eve!
Honorable mention goes to Nicole Ayers at Madlab Post. She comments sporadically at my sites, but when she does her comment is like a blog post. And my blog is not an exception. When she comments on your blog, she leaves you with something to read and think about. This is why Nicole has been one of my favorite guest posters. When you leave comments like that you only have so many blogs that you have time to comment on. When I get a comment from Nicole I really appreciate it.
A big thanks to Hilary at Positive Letters...Inspirational Stories for epic comments that are almost like mini-versions of her epic blog posts. And (blush) she has always been so supportive of me--thank you dear for your recent blog post that mentioned me. I guess I'd even have to say that was a bit more than just a mention. I don't feel so forgotten after that post. All the fine words from the commenters gave me such a lift. Thank you, Hilary. In our blogging community, you are a shining star who is always more than willing to share the love and give a boost to others. The thanks I give you is almost as big as one of your blog posts, though nowhere near as interesting and filled with detail.
If you want to join in on all the ridiculous fun you can go to the host sites at Mark Koopman, Morgan Shamy, Stephen Tremp, and David Powers King for the details and the sign-up list. I'm doing this. How about you?
Now while we're at it, why don't we just give Alex his own TV show. That'll be different, eh? A show where we never get to see the star.
In closing I want to thank all of you out there. Even if I didn't mention you here today I was thinking of you. I could list so many, but then again I could create a blog post that would go on and on and on. And I think I've already exceeded the recommended blog post length. If you feel left out, you can always cry into your beer, your chocolate milk, or even your egg nog. Or you can let me know in the comment section so I can include you in a future post. You know I love you. Yes, I'm talking to you.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Lee .. you definitely deserved my blog post and so pleased those salty tears can be wiped away!
ReplyDeleteYou started many of us off via the A - Z and made sure we stayed connected each year ... as I mentioned we wouldn't be having so much fun if it wasn't for you and your bright idea.
I'd better keep this short! I like to interact ... and so do so for the time being ... The other bloggers I don't know that well - so I'll be back to check them out ..
Happy Thanksgiving ... no more tears - unless you need some salt with your turkey! Have a lovely break and thanks so much for the shout out ... Hilary
I just get up early in the morning!
ReplyDeleteBeside, Hilary got here first today.
You would be missed, Lee, don't doubt that. And you deserve a blogfest of your own as well. You pulled us all together for the Challenge.
We think you rock!
Oh, and there's no crying in the blogging world!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd take my own TV show. You're right, no one would ever see me. But they would see everyone else, and that's much better.
Looking at the above comments, you decribed these folks well. :)
ReplyDeleteThe freedom to blog and all the people we meet and communicate with are definitely worth a hearty Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Lee.
Aww, you are too kind. Actually I'm a grumpy hermit, who just happens to like well written posts with a little controversy on the side.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that you would be sorely missed by many. What would all these folks do with the month of April, if not for Arlee Bird?
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and try not to over imbibe the chocolate milk.
Wishing you calm and peaceful holidays, Lee! To you and your family.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know I was the only one to say I missed you while you were having the marathon of guest posts earlier this summer :) So, no complaining at my desk :P
I love the idea of saying thanks to all of your readers Lee and wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving. If you left here you definitely would be credited as a missed blogger so don't worry about that buddy and definitely don't cry haha!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the kind words and the plug too, I really enjoy coming here and what you do is awesome so just keep it up. You might't know this but back just when your family problems started I made you one of my top three blogs in a "Top Three Thursdays," feature I did on three of my favourite writers!
Hilary - A to Z has become much bigger than I could ever manage on my own. I'm thankful to have gotten the help I have and that goes far beyond just my co-hosts. Would a wonderful blogging world!
ReplyDeleteAlex --I get up early too except that early for me in my time zone is after most everyone has gotten up elsewhere. And please, I don't need a blogfest, I don't think I'd keep up with it even if sign-ups were small.
Anita -- You are so right. We all have that and so much more to be thankful for.
Farawayeyes-- Some people who know me might think of me as a grumpy hermit as well. That's okay. My days of high life of socializing are over and it's night to be shut away in peace sometimes. I think you seem like a pretty cool person.
Dezmond -- You did say that about my Hijack! summer posts and I thank you for that. I know my comments on your site have dropped off, but you're probably glad not to hear me complaining so much about modern films and the ones I wasn't interested in seeing. But you are a great blogging friend.
Yeamie -- I know you gave me that honor and I was moved by it. I will start visiting more soon I hope and actually leaving some comments. Thank you for the continued support.
These are all outstanding bloggers. I haven't been to Stephen McCarthy's blog in a long time. I'll have to stop by and say hello.
ReplyDeleteAnd Hilary is awesome too! Can't forget about the ladies. Hilary has hosted me numerous time and comments on just about every post.
I'm not as familiar with most of the blogs you mentioned, but that was one of the great things about the blogfest, getting a chance to read about other outstanding blogs I could discover.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, I have a very special thank you to you, Arlee. Participating in this year's A to Z blogging challenge was the beginning of a new adventure into self-publishing for me, so yep, Thanks Arlee :-)
Have yourself a wonderfully fun Thanksgiving filled with lots and lots of tasty pies.
Happy Thanksgiving, Lee! You are definitely much loved & appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYeamie Waffles is an interesting name. Almost makes me think I need to start using some of my pen names or nicknames on my blog.....almost.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I was familiar with the "I Miss You Blogfest," I sorta missed IT and didn't participate because I was busy making a movie. In fact, I'm still in production, so I just don't have the time to participate in that one -- but I think I kinda already listed bloggers in my post titled "Thank You for Your Time" for Letter T during this years' A-Z Challenge....and guess who was mentioned in that one: The man behind Tossing It Out. Oh yeah baby!
Lee, I honestly probably don't know what I would be doing with myself or with my blog if I hadn't come across the A to Z Challenge. You're one of the main reasons why my blogging has more structure to it, before and after the month of April. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that you have been the gateway to the development of many friendships, moments of personal/professional growth, increasing productivity, clarity and focus in different areas of life -- particularly writing and personal reflection.
Thank you for the honorable mention in your Commenter Hall of Fame. It brings me joy to be listed among so many popular, prolific and "missed" bloggers such as the Ninja Captain himself.
Stephen -- I've mentioned this before and it's worth saying again: You are a long time blogging friend who deserves a place of honor in that part of my Hall of Fame. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAngela -- I had originally planned to include you in this post primarily due to our extensive exchange on my political circus post as well as other excellent comments you have left in the past. Then I began having some computer issues and since it was getting late as I wrote this post I just wrapped things up instead. But your comments are much like some of those I've mentioned above--intelligent, well-planned, and interactive. Thanks! I'm so pleased to have been a part of your life.
Nancy -- Thank you so much! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Nicole -- I think it's better to be too busy to blog than to do a lot of blogging because you've got nothing else to do. Glad to know that you are doing what you love (film making) and still have a little bit of time left for blogging.
No, lots of people mentioned that they missed you during the blog hijacking. (Just rude to say so in front of guest posters.)
ReplyDeleteYou an Alex fill two very different niches. Alex is everyone's energetic best friend who they can always count on for support. You are the steadfast grandfather everyone can come to for words of wisdom. Here in the blogging world, both roles are very needed.
I appreciate all you've done, especially with the A to Z.
ReplyDeleteI miss you all the time! Feel free to e-mail me when you're feeling down. :D
I too am thankful for blogging and all the wonderful people I have met, including you! Getting to know you and be on your team (for A to Z) has been one of the most rewarding things in my life!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
~Konstanz Silverbow
Hi Lee - you and Alex were both among my earliest blogging supporters and without you and about a dozen others I'd have probably given up. Life has gotten in the way of blogging lately and I haven't been around much, but I am thankful for you and all of the other members of the blogging community who have helped me on my writing way :-) Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention, Lee. I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI do want to let you know, though, that I was really trying to highlight bloggers that don't always get a lot of notice. I'd definitely miss you.
You have a Happy Thanksgiving!
L.Diane -- You gave me a smile though I am of mixed feelings about the grandfather role. But it's kind of cool the way you put it. Yes, we all have a role to play and I don't mind playing the role you've described.
ReplyDeleteKonstanz -- Aww, thank you. I usually don't get very depressed, but sometimes I like to play the role to just elicit a "poor baby" now and then. I am very thankful for the wonderful A to Z Team. I couldn't ask for much better support.
Li -- I know what you're saying about that life thing. I've been having the same experience. In some ways I guess it's good though as an online existence sometimes seems out of touch with what's really going on around us.
Andrew -- I know. I was just goofing on the blogfest after seeing Alex get so many mentions, though he did deserve it. His presence is so pervasive we'd all probably get worried if we didn't get at least one comment a week from him.
Thanks for the shout out, Lee!
ReplyDeleteWhen I don't comment, it's not an indictment of your material.
Usually I'm reading your post late in the day, and there are often close to 100 comments by then. I usually won't simply post a rehash of what others have said before me.
By the way-I almost forgot to wish you a Happy Dwali!
ReplyDeleteThat's the name for the harvest festival in Kenya....
I thought that was a more appropriate well wish than "Thanksgiving" considering the current political climate...
Don't blame me...
I wrote in Ron Paul....AGAIN!...
Arlee, you would definitely be missed if you stopped blogging.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving!
Here's to hoping that thee and thine have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThis is how much I love you. Blogger ate my long comment FOUR TIMES. I'm not giving up. So there.
ReplyDeleteLee - you were mentioned more than you know. I found the A-Z mentioned a LOT, and you're THE MAN when it comes to that major achievement.
Not to make light of your feelings, in fact, I've been feeling really down this fall, too. I'm lacking motivation and feel like everything I write is crap. So I don't post. So I don't get readers. So I don't get comments. So I get more depressed. Sigh.
Know that your friends love and support you and are here for you and we think you're a key component of OUR success. I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't invited me to co-host the A-Z. It's invigorated my blog, and I'm still reaping the benefits from it.
Hang in there. Tough times are...tough...I'm in the trenches with you.
Tina @ Life is Good
Larry -- And a Happy Dwali to you. I totally understand about the comments.
ReplyDeleteSusanne -- I would miss blogging if I ever stopped.
Gregg -- Thanks for the good wishes and I send the same your way.
Tina -- I know, Tina, and please know that much of what I said here was a bit in jest and just word glue to tie all of my thank yous together. I get lots of love from the blogworld and I appreciate it all. And I couldn't resist using the bit about "crying in my chocolate milk"--it was a gag that I felt compelled to use and I have been drinking far too much chocolate milk lately. Don't know what's up with that. Thank you, Tina, for encouraging me about the blogging. Hope you get charged with enthusiasm soon.
I don't comment often but I do visit. You have a real impact on the blogging and writing community and you'd definitely be missed by many, many people, myself included. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Lee. (:
ReplyDeleteYou are the King, All Hail the King... that's it.
ReplyDeletehehe, yeah, I know that feeling...
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you.
I never mentioned you or Alex in my "Miss you" list cos I can't imagine either of you retiring from blogging. That would be like blogger.com folding up, or something, only worse.
ReplyDeleteYou've been one of the folks who has always been around for me in the blogging world, and I try and do whatever I can by way of helping AZ.
I've been low too, these past few months, but have been keeping quiet about it. After my month-long hiatus in December, things ought to get back to normal!
Happy Thanksgiving, Lee!
Yes, Hilary's post and all those comments should have made you feel better. Accolade after accolade.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the attention, it'll perk you up. I've joined the Alex blogfest, too.
Don't cry, Lee! This community is for leaning on MANY backs for support and encouragement! We are here for you! Just cry on my shoulder, if you want but man, this is supposed to be a happy place!
I'm joining in the ridiculous fun - AlexFest! It will be so much fun! Can't wait!
Again, don't cry! We are here for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm tempted to say "God bless you", but A) that is SO trite, and 2) God is ALWAYS blessing you, 24/7/365, just as He is always doing the same for all of His kids.
>> . . . Sure, you might not agree with Stephen and you might even be offended...
No, I'm totally serious. I may even have to see if I can find a way to make that sentence a regular, standing part of the front page of my 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' blog. (I know you think I'm joking, but wait and see!)
And, by the way, your blog bit today resulted in me losing one previous "Follower" of my ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ blog! I couldn't tell you who it was because the person never commented on my blog (or read it, I'm sure) for ages.
All I know is that this morning F-FFF had 48 'Followers'. And now, after this blog bit of yours has been displayed all day, F-FFF is down to 47 'Followers'.
I am crushed, Brother - truly CRUSHED! I don't know which (so-called) "Follower" deleted my blog from those they 'Follow', but I want him/her back in the worst way!
If the Mystery Person will re-sign-up to 'Follow' my 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' blog, I hereby promise to send him or her a free $6.21 gift certificate for Amazon.com.
[Yes, there is DEFINITELY a hidden message in that “six dollars and twenty-one cents” gift certificate. How’s yer math, Mystery Person?]
Well, LEE, in all seriousness, I thank you for the mention and the kind words.
I only wish that the discussions in my comment sections involved more contributors and dug in even deeper than they do. I have about 6 or 7 blog readers who are extremely bright (I'm talking A-list INTELLIGENCE!) and I would put them up against any other blog's 6 or 7 most intelligent regular commenters. And I have ZERO doubt that my 6 or 7 readers would TOTALLY KICK BLOG-ASS! (Yes, I'm still "in all seriousness".)
I will also say that, as I write this stuffs, I have a slight "BeamBuzz". Yep, that's right, Bro... Jim "Beamed me UP!"
Oh, c'mon, Lee, I'm jus' jokin', slightly, about... NONE OF THIS!
Hey, I hadn't heard a word about this 'OH, HOW I MISS YOU' Blogfest until I saw FarAwayEyes' post for it. Therefore, I did not participate. But if I HAD participated, I can tell you with ABSOLUTE HONESTY that two of the blogs I would have mentioned (as "Most Missed" if they suddenly disappeared) would have been (your) 'A FARAWAY VIEW’ and Larry’s ‘BACK IN THE U.S.S.R.’. (Your ‘TOSSING IT OUT’ blog would probably also make the Top 3, especially if you’re serious about posting more controversial material . . . as you once did on this blog, boy.
Anyway . . . thanks again, LEE. I think of you as MORE than a blog buddy; I think of you as a REAL “friend”.
Happy Thanksgiving, Bird! (Just don’t let anyone make YOU the “Thanksgiving Bird”.)
~ D-FensDogg (NOT D-FensBird)
‘Loyal American Underground’
This is a really nice post. I enjoy reading your writing.
All of the good things that have been said about you are true! You are one of a kind Lee! I enjoyed reading your list, and especially liked the part about Hilary! Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving!
Elise --- When you do stop by to comment it's always appreciated. Especially your comment here.
ReplyDeleteJeremy -- I don't know about the king, but I wouldn't mind being successful like Stephen King.
Lynda -- Aww, you know you're appreciated.
Damyanti -- I hope you get a good recharge in December. And thanks for all of your help and kind words.
DG-- I was so surprised when I went over to find Hilary's post.
Livia -- Trust me. I'm happy. But what can I say, I'm a writer and sometimes I make stuff up. I had to add some drama (or comedy) to this blog post.
StMc -- $6.21? It's a mystery to me. I'll have to think on that one. Even if your commenters are few in number the depth of content makes your comment section a good read. Thanks for the friendship.
Gina --- Thanks for visiting.
Julie-- I've felt so bad lately about not visiting other blogs that I wish I could have included more bloggers in this post, but I assure you that I was thinking of just about everyone who commented here today when I wrote this. Every post has it limits you know.
Hey Lee!! Thanks so much for the mention, I appreciate that. You're one of the ones I'd miss too... I love the comment sections of this blog and your other ones. They always seem to promote conversation, which is a great thing and sometimes does keep me from visiting as many blogs as I'd like. I'm glad you didn't ruin your chocolate milk with tears...save those tears for something that could use them....like boiled potatoes.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thankgiving to you Lee...hope you and your family have an excellent day!