This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hijack This Blog!

Hijack (2008 film)Hijack (2008 film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I'm Sick Of Blogging!!!!

        Now that I have your attention...just kidding.  But seriously, blogging has encroached on some aspects of my life that I need to pay more attention to--like writing for example.  I've always defended my blogging activity as writing, which it is, but there is some other writing I need to focus my time on.  Contributing content to 5 different blogs has been taking its toll.

          I don't want to just blog-cate or go into a dormant phase.  I want to keep things active here at Tossing It Out.   So I'm recruiting interested parties who would like to use this space as their own to HIJACK THIS BLOG.  Not permanently, but just one post at a time.

What Am I Talking About?

         For the next few months I'm inviting anyone who has something interesting to say to be my guest on Tossing It Out.   Will you be announcing a book release in the next few months or are you doing a blog tour?--make a stop here.   Is there a special event or a cause that you'd like to promote?  I'll consider that as well.   Would you like to write a tribute to someone special in your life or celebrate a very special date?   We can do that.   Do you have something you really need to say or just want to get your writing out to a wider audience beyond your own blog?   This is your opportunity to do so.

         This will be your showcase so you will want to give the audience something good to show off what you can do.  You will be promoting yourself and whatever you want people to know that you do.  Guest posting is a recommended way of gaining greater exposure so it is something any blogger interested in platform building should be doing.   Are you ready to take the stage?    Here's your chance.  Hijack this Blog!

What Should You Write About?

          Last week I had three excellent guest posts that I encourage you to check out if you missed them.

          On Monday Hart Johnson was here promoting her new book The Azalea Assault.

           My Wednesday guest was Dee Ready with an informative post about Traditional vs Self-Publishing.

           Then finally on Friday my newest blogging friend James Murray explored Ten Ways to Write a Bloodless Death Scene.

           These were three very different posts that will give you a good idea of the types of things you might do for your own guest appearance.   Your imagination is the limit.   My request would be that your post be less than 1000 words and contain no gratuitous profanity or anything that would be blatantly offensive to the general audience.  Controversial is okay--I think most of you are sensible enough to know what would be appropriate and I'm always willing to listen to what you have to say about what you'd like to present.

           If you're ready to commit now, then fill out the information in the boxes below.  All information will be confidential and will be only for the purpose of me communicating with you.   If you're not ready to reserve a date today, this sign up list will be available at the top of this blog page by clicking the tab that says "Hijack This Blog".   Sign up soon if you want to guarantee a spot on my blog calendar.

Free!   Free!   Free!

         Stephen Tremp is a blogger who has been a guest on Tossing It Out in the past.   You can read his guest posts here and here.    Stephen Tremp's action packed sci-fi suspense thriller Breakthrough is available for a free download for a limited time this week.   Go to his blog Welcome to Author Stephen Tremp's Website for more details.  I gave this book a five star review on Amazon when I read it two years ago.  Now you read it and let us know what you think.  Be sure to also get a copy of Opening, the second book in the Breakthrough series.  I'm ready for the third installment in the series.  This is some intense reading that will get you hooked from the start.

A Word of Warning!

         What if I don't find enough hijackers to blog on this site for the time I need free?  Then I may be resorting to some really wacky stuff that I've had waiting in the wings.  I don't think you want me to turn some of this stuff loose, but my loony side beckons to be unleashed.    I'm sure it will all be coming eventually, but do you really want it all at once?  I assure you--you do not!

           Have I gone nuts?   Do you want to do a guest post here?   Will you tell your fellow writers and bloggers about this please?   They don't even have to have a blog to do this, though it's good for readers to be able to contact them if they want.   Would you do something like this on your own blog?

Don't forget that we are also looking for guest posts at Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog.   You can guest on both sites if you like, but with two different posts please.

Also I was surprised to find myself listed as the "listener of the week" at blogger buddy Buck Inspire.    Buck usually is more focused on matters of finance, though as a new father he's had issues of babies and parenthood on his mind of late.   He also does movie revues and whatever else happens to be on his mind. Drop by and visit Buck Inspire.

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  1. Seems like a good idea Lee though at the moment my writing is pretty mudane but perhaps in the future I can take you up on your offer.


  2. I'm busy writing right now and decided to just scale back a few days of blogging and posting.
    Want me to announce you're looking for guest posts in the Ninja News this Friday?

  3. I hear you! I've cut back to three times a week, and I've tried to set aside only certain times so commenting doesn't take over my life. It's so hard to keep a balance.

  4. You are like the Marlon Brando of Godfather of blog world, we would have to kiss your ring for this honor to post here... or if you like... we're not worthy... we're not worthy aka Wayne and Garth. It's very cool honor to someone lucky post'r, I find myself tied up to the three sites. I am treading water as we speak the eyes are drifting....

    Good Luck, Godfather!

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    My New Book:
    Retro-Zombie: Art and Words

  5. Thank you Lee for the promo of Breakthrough! Once again my blogging friends have come through for me.

    And I'll be happy to take a guest blogger spot. I'll have to respond when I get back to my PC and look at my calendar.

    ANd thanks again for the shout out!

  6. Yikes, I'd like to, but I wouldn't have anything to blog about. I'm pretty boring and struggle to find items to blog on my two.


  7. i don't think i have the nerve to do it--but it is a lovely idea!

  8. I would LOVE to guest post. It would be such an honor. I've been a quiet reader of yours since the A-Z Challenge, but the idea of posting on a blog I like as much as yours would push me to write something new and different - and I'd shyly like to take that challenge. I put in three dates, but I'm super flexible (hello, underemployment) - and I think I'd like to write about mentorship, and the examples set and lessons learned by those who are older and wiser and doing what I want to do just beautifully - um, as in, well, people like you. *blushes*

  9. Yvonne-- I understand and you are always welcome to join me here--just say the word.

    Alex -- You know what I'm talking about I'm sure. I love for everyone to announce this and link to this post. Thanks!

    Talli -- It can be difficult to balance and feel like you're not slighting anyone. I feel so guilty that I haven't been by to visit you in so long, but I'm sure you can understand my predicament.

    Jeremy -- Now that's just plain silly. I appreciate the adulation, but maybe a bit overblown. I'm maybe more like the Forrest Gump of blogging. Everyone who has something interesting to say is welcome here.

    Stephen -- You know you're welcome here. I know you have plenty to promote and understand the value of getting word out every way you can. Just let me know.

    Teresa -- I still owe you a guest spot on your blog. But if you get a brainstorm of something you want to tell more people about let me know.

    Lynn -- You never know. If you need a forum for something in the months to come, you've got it here.

    Jericha -- Sounds wonderful! I'll be emailing you soon.


  10. I have a release in August, so I'm excited to post on your blog. I'm shouting out for Stephen today. I wish him the best.

  11. You should definitely have Jericha do a post. She's under appreciated. More people should be reading her blog.

    I'm up to do a guest post if you need one and you have a topic you want covered. I don't have anything weighing on me at the moment, so I'm not gonna just sign up. But, if you need someone, or need the kind of thing I do, let me know.

  12. I think everyone's having a summer scale back blog sale. I'm definitely having a scale back of my own, but your idea is perfect. Since I'm already blogging on the A to Z in July and here in August, I'm going to pass on the hijacking opportunity in June. Maybe you'll have another chance when I'm not so burned out myself.

  13. Ciara -- I've sent you an email. You're on the schedule.

    Andrew -- I'll be contacting you. I think I've got some great ideas that you could address very well.

    C. Lee -- You're already on my schedule so you're doing your part. Thanks!


  14. Yes, you've gone nuts. The good news is that I think we all go nuts every now and then. The greater news is that there are writers and bloggers who can help you get through your crazy phase by hijacking this blog.

    It's a great opportunity for me to finally complete the remaining guest posts that you and I discussed last Fall, so I'm on board! Yes, I will tell fellow writers and bloggers about this, since you asked, lol. Would I do something like this on my own blog? Of course! I just haven't thought of a way to do it or a catchy title for it either...maybe that's where you come in...helping me come up with a snazzy name :)


    Blog: The Madlab Post
    @MadlabPost on Twitter

  15. Sure, BOIDMAN, I wanna hijack your blog for a day.

    I'd like to show your readers proof positive that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a flagrant forgery; not just a forgery but an incredibly bad and obvious forgery.

    I'd like to illustrate for your readers that Obama is a radical, foreign Marxist who has NO "real" Hawaiian birth certificate that he could show to the American people.

    I'd like to explain why voting for Obama in the next election is about the most un-American thing a citizen could do.

    How does that sound?

    Actually, what I'd REALLY like to do is hijack your blog in order to post something REALLY controversial, but I just can't think of anything REALLY controversial at the moment.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  16. I think it is a great idea! This summer is a busy one for me as well. My daughter in Switzerland is having a baby at the beginning of July and I will be spending time there! I plan to re-post "Chronicles of Samuel" while I am gone.

    Sorry to be unable to help, but I certainly hope that there are a good number of bloggers who could.

  17. I'm sure you'll have lots of highjackers soon! :)

    We do really have to balance our time - not always an easy task! :)

  18. This is an excellent opportunity for other bloggers, though I do hope to see more of your "wacky" side! Julie

  19. Great idea!! I know very well what you mean about the lack of time!!

    And THANKS a bundle for following though on nominating me for The Biggest Loser! It was quite an experience going down for the casting call!!


  20. Nicole -- Yeah, call me crazy. Oh wait--you did. Maybe we can think of something for you to do and a catchy name.

    StMc -- I'm always game for intellectual controversy and I know you can provide that. It may be long but maybe you can make concessions for the readership here.

    Susan -- You have helped me in the past and I'm sure you will again. Have a great busy summer.

    Rob -- One blog is too many for some.

    Jemi -- My time has been way out of balance since I started blogging, but then again it's helped in many ways.

    Julie -- My hidden Fellini is waiting in wings to unleash total wackiness. Actually maybe not that wacky when you really think about it. We'll see what happens.

    Sig-- You've got more will for something like that than I do. Venice Beach is always a trip, but waiting in line for an audition would probably be beyond me. I hope you get on the show.


  21. Hmmm...very interesting. I will have to get motivated about my own blog first, but I've thought lately, "Hey, I've got stuff to say that has nothing to do with my blog." Hmmmm...

  22. Wow, what an offer. I'll have to think about this. I've got a lot on my plate now...trying to keep up with my own blog and have already shredded the schedule I made and announced after the A-Z was over. Right now I'm Post A-Z Road Tripping, writing my first book, trying to get a kid through summer school, celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary, my wife to kill, Guilder to frame, I'm swamped! But I don't think I'll be able to resist your legion of readers...attention hound and all that I call me a maybe. And then name the movie. Oh wait, that's the Ninja Captain's job...
    Tina @ Life is Good

  23. Ron -- This is the time and place to say those irrelated things and link back to your blog. Hope you'll come up with something.

    Tina -- You're always welcome. I know you're pretty busy and got plenty with your own blog and with the A to Z Blog. But if you can do this too you're totally welcome aboard.


  24. I'd be happy to take up some of your blogging space, Lee :) I'll have a think of some ideas this week, though I'm intrigued as to what your loony post ideas are ...

  25. This is a great idea Lee! It is something I wouldn't mind trying...but I'm not really a 'writer' in the proper sense..whatever that's a very tempting offer..I can't wait to read some of the guest posts!

  26. Cool idea! I look forward to seeing the upcoming guest posts.

  27. Jamie -- You'll eventually get some more looniness from me, but I'd rather hear from some of you instead. You can have a spot. Just let me know when you're ready.

    Eve -- You don't have to be a "proper" writer. Anyone can guest here.

    Suzanne -- I'm looking forward to some of them as well.


  28. It's going to be quite the adventure to have all these contributors. Thanks so much for offering me a day! I'll try not to scare off all your followers--but it will be a Friday the 13th. :)

  29. Thanks for the mention Lee and congratulations again! I've been meaning to guest post for you, but now that it's going to be a complete hijack, I really need to get on my horse and whip something up for Tossing It Out! Sounds like fun. Where do you come up with all these great blogging ideas? Perhaps you should compile these ideas in a book!

  30. Michael -- I think we'll be seeing an array of fascinating posts.

    Buck--Necessity is the mother of invention as they say and that's usually how I think of things. I'm hoping to see you post here. I want to get some variety of topics and blogging styles.


  31. Dammit I signed up to hijack before reading you have some lunacy that needs unleashing! :P


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
