This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Monday, May 7, 2012

A to Z Reflections 2012

A to Z Badge Artwork by Ada Zdanowicz from

          What a wonderful successful A to Z Challenge we had this year.  Third year--bigger and better than ever.  As it should be.   There were so many amazing posts by tremendously talented bloggers that it was not possible to keep up with them.  But some of the ones I did manage to make it to absolutely floored me at times.   A hearty congratulations to everyone of you who participated in the Challenge and a special thanks to those who weren't posting from A to Z, but following faithfully and providing support to those who were.

          In the weeks to come I will be saying more about the good and the bad and my thoughts about the next Challenge.  You will be able to find these posts on the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Blog.  The posts will primarily appear on Mondays starting May 21st but may be elaborated upon on other days as seen fit.

          And just a word  about that A to Z Blog.  It was good to have the focus of the Challenge drawn away from my Tossing It Out blog so a greater focus could be given on this blog devoted to the Challenge itself.  We had some outstanding guest posts from too many of you to mention here.  We thank all of you for your help in keeping content on this blog that one blogger referred to as our "water cooler site" where bloggers could gather to ask questions, make suggestions, and just talk about the Challenge or whatever else was on their minds.

         The A to Z Blog site will continue to stay active for the rest of the year with the Post Challenge Challenge and other happenings.  Just how active will depend on you bloggers.  We are accepting guest posts, so if you have an idea of something you'd like to post, please contact us at one of the emails listed on the "Contact Us" page at the A to Z Blog.

        I would be remiss to not mention my biggest source of support and creativity--the incredible A to Z Team of 2012.  I couldn't have done on my own anywhere near what we accomplished as a team.  These are some of the greatest bloggers around.  If you haven't visited all of them you need to get over and make friends with the ones you've missed.  These are good people to have in your corner.

Here is our 2012 A to Z Team:

Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas) -- Despite some personal challenges she was dealing with, Damyanti kept a strong presence throughout the A to Z Challenge.  She was our Twitter maven who injected vitality into the Twitter activity and put together our Twitter news that you might have noticed on some of our sidebars.   She wrote some very effective material on her blog as well.

Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh) --The famed Ninja Captain Alex, who probably needs no introduction.  He's been a presence since the very first Challenge and a mighty presence in keeping up with visiting, commenting, and giving recognition to other bloggers on his own blog.

Life is Good (Tina Downey) -- Tina set up and managed our A to Z email account and has corresponded directly with many of you with help and advice.  She kept the A to Z Blog schedule organized to make sure daily content was delivered to you readers.  You will be seeing much more of Tina when the Post Challenge Challenge begins next Monday May 14th.

Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons) -- DL's influence reaches a wide range of bloggers and he did a tremendous job of drawing many to the Challenge and leaving his encouraging comments with many of you.  He was a huge asset in adding his much loved personality to the Challenge.

Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins)--  This guy is a boundless creative source.  He is the one responsible for nearly all of the graphics, banners, and animations that dressed up many of your blogs.  His blog added a quirky touch to our collection of host blogs.  Jeremy's behind the scenes availability made him a go to guy when we needed special assistance.  He had so many ideas that we never even got around to using most of them.  Next year.

The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence)-- Shannon was rock steady in keeping things going from her corner.  She had a fascinating series on her blog during the Challenge that I'll have to get back to when things slow down some.  At the same time she made sure she visited plenty of your blogs.  Shannon along with Lisa will be a major force in the weeks to come as they take over with the Post Challenge Challenge.  More about that next Monday on the A to Z Blog.

The QQQE (Matthew MacNish)-- Adding literary integrity to the Team, Matthew was another one who was all over the place during the Challenge.   He was always on call and ready to go when he was needed and an integral cog in the well-tuned A to Z machine.

Author Elizabeth Mueller(Elizabeth Mueller) -- With grace and charm, Elizabeth was a welcomed addition to our team.  She is full of ideas and artistic vision.  We were thrilled to have Elizabeth by our sides.

Pearson Report (Jenny Pearson)-- Jenny provided one of the biggest surprises to me.  She approached me last year about being a co-host and assured me she would give it her all.  She not only gave it her all, but her energy was incredible.  Jenny was a huge motivating force leading up to the A to Z sign up day and she was there to encourage all who needed it once sign ups started.   What a great addition she turned out to be.

No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow) --I didn't know about Konstanz until Elizabeth recommended her and what a coup it was to land Konstanz on our Team.  She is a creative visionary who is filled with great ideas.  I thank Konstanz for getting us on track with the A to Z Blog Facebook page.  This became such a great tool for communications.  The great many of you who were using the Facebook page to publicize your blog posts can thank Konstanz for that idea.

Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp) -- The Beatles may have sung about "Nowhere Man", but they didn't know about Stephen Tremp who is like "everywhere man".  I couldn't keep track of this guy a lot of the time, but I knew I didn't need to worry about him.  This was Stephen's second year as an A to Z co-host so he knew what was going on.  Great job, Stephen, for the things I knew about and those I didn't.   

Coming Down The Mountain(Karen Jones Gowen) --- Karen is an experienced professional who knows what she's doing.  I was grateful to have a cool collected individual like her to step in and do what needed to be done.   She also had a very informative and practical series on her blog that I will have to visit later on.

           In addition to the above mentioned team members I have a few unofficial team members who provided me with support and assistance.   My thanks go out to the following:

Yvonne Lewis at Welcome to My World of Poetry not only commented on every one of my posts on all of my blogs, she mentioned me in a few of her posts and commented on many of your posts.  Yvonne is like our A to Z Goodwill Ambassador.  She is also the first person who took me up on my original Challenge in 2010.

Nicole at The Madlab Post provided us with several informative posts on the A to Z Blog, assisted in putting together the A to Z Video Challenge, offered a number of helpful suggestions, and left many substantive comments on many blogs.  You will be seeing more from Nicole at the A to Z Blog in the weeks to come.

Ada Zdanowicz is the artist behind the official A to Z Badge that you see at the top of this post.  I'm not sure how closely you've looked at this artwork, but there is an intricacy there that may be lost in the casual passing of this badge on the sidebar.  Ada worked with me many hours back in October to come up with something that would be unique and aptly fit the spirit of the Challenge.   The serendipity of her name escaped me for a good while before I noticed that she was signing her emails to me as Ada Z--Ada Z?  Could a better name be found for the official A to Z artist.  Thank you Ada.  She doesn't have a blog, but you can find more information about her work at

      Well I hear the music playing as they try to get me off the stage.  Thanks again to everyone.  Now be sure to visit some of the others on the list.     

For Reflections Linky list go Here.



  1. I found it very interesting too even though I never joined in.

  2. Well done to you and the team. Went very smoothly, I thought.

    congrats on a job well done.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  3. I really enjoyed it and can't wait til next year. Wrote my reflection for my writing blog. Now going to write the one for my venting blog.

  4. It was a great Challenge Lee and most enjoyable to take part.

    Already thinking about a theme for next year.
    Also many thanks for the mention, much appreciated.


  5. I felt so honoured and privileged to have checked out so many blogs as I did during the challenge, everybody did amazing and it really was a great month. If there's one next year you can most certainly count me in Lee.

  6. i had a great time with it already thinking of next years and jotting down ideas

  7. A to Z was huge this year. Good thing you had all this help! I was impressed that Stephen visited my blog so often.

  8. Thanks again Lee for all your hard work during the challenge.

  9. Thank you Lee and the A-Z blogging team! It was an amazing challenge this year. I found a lot of new blogging friends and over all I found it fun, challenging and insightful! Thank you :D

  10. It's hard enough for us ordinary participants to keep up (or even make some pitiful progress towards attempting to keep up) with all the participants' blogs, but for you guys who are actually organising it and running it...well, colour me impressed!

    Congrats on a wonderfully successful year :)

  11. Congratulations on another awesome and successful A to Z Challenge. It was and is a brilliant concept. Keep up the good work.


  12. I think the team did fantastic this year. We'll make adjustments, like cleaning up the list even better (and before it gets so long my computer locks up!), and return stronger than ever in 2013.

  13. Congratulations on another good year! I'm already looking forward to next year. :)

  14. Job well done Lee, I had a blast and enjoyed meeting you.

  15. Thanks for stopping by for this post. I appreciate all of you who participated this year and look forward to having the others join us next year.


  16. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this, Lee. I thought it was great fun and a great success!

  17. Congratulations on another great challenge.

  18. You're right about the team. They certainly made for a smooth challenge. My reflections post goes up tomorrow.

  19. It was an absolute honor to be a part of it. Thanks so much for inventing this amazing challenge, Lee!

  20. Great round-up. I really enjoyed myself - I've got some great new followers, and I'm following some fantastic new blogs, all thanks to the A-Z!

  21. if i haven't said it before--please accept my sincere thank you for this great concept and challenge

  22. CONGRATS to everyone mentioned in the post! You all did an AWESOME job! Thank you.

  23. Thank you, Lee! It has been an honor getting to work with you and the rest of the team!

    Konstanz Silverbow

  24. An ongoing thanks to the continued comments. I am very appreciative of all the work all of you put into making this Challenge such a huge success.


  25. You assembled a great team and it was an awesome event. Thank you so very much for everything you and your team did for all of us bloggers! cheers!!

  26. Congrats to you and the team on another successful year. Job well done.

  27. I really enjoyed the Challenge. It was the first blog hop I'd ever done and I'm looking forward to another one next year.

  28. Everything was so great I cannot imagine the time and effort all of this team put in for the entire month...and even earlier. I have some additional blogs to check out and for my childish side...I am #69on the list!!! Woohoo

    Lee, you don't know what you've started.

  29. Well done to everyone who participated... it was an awesome effort:)

  30. I'm very glad I joined the challenge this year. It was a lot of fun and I met a lot of great new people! You and the cohosts did an amazing job!

  31. I had such an amazing time. I loved challenging myself writing my flash fiction. But even more I loved reading new blogs and finding new friends.

    I look forward to following many new blogs and chatting with many new friends on FB, Twitter, Triberr and G+.

    Thank you and all the co-hosts for a wonderful job. Well done! Can't wait for next year!!!

  32. Hi Lee - once again I met some awesome bloggers and had a fabulous time.

    Congratulations with stars on to you for setting the Challenge up, and also many thanks to all your co-helpers ... they were all great and I had many comments across on my blog.

    To make you laugh (I hope!) .. this is a Reflections posts ... and Google ads were for funeral parlours?!?!

    Cheers - fantastic time .. Hilary

  33. What a huge achievement. Congrats on pulling it off. Look forward to reading more about it. Did the challenge go off the way you expected?

  34. Many thanks to you and all your team!

  35. Many thanks Lee to you and your team and for your comments and visits. The Challenge is a terrific concept and a whole lot of fun.


  36. Thanks for visiting my Reflections Lee, and thanks for the idea of the Challenge, it was a wonderful experience and I hope I am able to take part again next year. I will try and get to more bloggers, but have developed some extra time restraints lately. Have loved making new friends.

  37. I followed at least fifteen new blogs thanks to this challenge.

  38. Yall did such a good job putting everything together. It was my first year joining in and I was so impressed with everything! Great experience :) Thank ya!

  39. Lee, thanks again for another wonderful challenge! Julie

  40. Yay you and all the team members. A huge congrads and giant hugs!!!! Go, go A to Zer's. *claps and jumps* (I could be the cheerleader next time, ya think?) GREAT JOB, LEE!!!!!!!!!

  41. This challenge has completely changed by blogging experience. Thank you dear Arlee. :)

  42. Thank you for the additional kudos.

    Buck -- We never know exactly what to expect, but yes things went fairly close to my expectations. I actually thought we might see a few more sign ups than we did and I didn't expect that we'd have as many non-participant links on the list as we did, but I wasn't overly surprised either.


  43. Thanks Arlee and all the other hosts and co-hosts for a great challenge. I can't wait until next year to do it all over again. Maybe next year, I'll try a theme. That seemed to work for a lot of bloggers.

  44. Thank you for the challenge, I loved it and I'm glad I did it. I didn't visit as many blogs as I would like to but, cross my heart, I'm visiting every single one with the reflection post! Looking forward to next year challenge!

    Evalina, This and that...


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
