This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Very Special and Exciting Announcement!

            Are you ready for the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge?

            I know that some of you are ready because you've told me.   Others of you may be thinking about it and I'm hoping that today's post will get you to thinking a bit harder about it.   And then some of you may be thinking, "What's a Blogging From A to Z Challenge anyway?"

             This challenge started last year to celebrate my reaching the 200 follower mark.  I had no idea that it would take off as well as it did in the short lead time I had in 2010.  Nearly 100 bloggers participated last year with many more keeping up with the progress.  In the end most of the participants were very satisfied with having been a part of the challenge.

How does the Challenge work?

             The premise of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge is to post something on your blog every day in April except for Sundays.  In doing this you will have 26 blog posts--one for each letter of the alphabet.   Each day you will theme your post according to a letter of the alphabet.

              You will only be limited by your own imagination in this challenge.  There is an unlimited universe of possibilities.  You can post essays, short pieces of fiction, poetry, recipes, travel sketches, or anything else you would like to write about.  You don't have to be a writer to do this.  You can post photos, including samples of your own art or craftwork.    Everyone who blogs can post from A to Z.

How can this Challenge help you?

             Ask someone who did it last year.   I invite any of you who Blogged From A to Z in April 2010 to leave a comment below telling how the challenge helped you as a blogger and otherwise.   Some of the benefits that I have seen mentioned and personally experienced were improvement as a blogger and a writer, greater self-discipline,  finding new blog friends, and increasing followers to each of our own blogs.  

             This year the Challenge is being announced two months ahead of time which gives everyone plenty of time to prepare.   Taking this in into consideration I anticipate having at least 300 bloggers joining in with us and I hope you are one of them.  

And here's the best news of all!

            Last year was nearly overwhelming for me to administrate the ongoing challenge by myself.  There is no way I can expand this Challenge to 300 or more participants and expect to do it alone.  That is why I've joined up with three of the most successful bloggers and blog event organizers that I know. 
            Just in case you don't know these great bloggers and writers, let me introduce them to you:

Star blogger Alex J. Cavanaugh, author of the popular science fiction novel CassaStar.  We met in last year's A to Z and he'll swear by the Challenge.  He's already organized events such as the Movie Dirty Dozen, The Top Ten TV Shows Blogfest, and the current Top Ten Music Countdown-- each one of these an unqualified success.    Alex is determined to see A to Z go to 500 participants and with him on board I think we can do it. 

Power-blogger  Jen Daiker from Unedited  jumped right into blogging last April by joining up in the A to Z Challenge.   In her short span of blogging she has amazingly passed the 1000 follower mark--I still am flabbergasted by that feat.  Blog events she has hosted or co-hosted are the Guess That Character Fest, The Great Blogging Experiment (with Alex Cavanaugh and Elana Johnson), and The Be Jolly By Golly Blogfest.   If only all 1059 of her followers blogged from A to Z with us!

Talli Roland from her self-named blog and the author of The Hating Game , her recent novel which is still doing hot business.  When Talli did her Web Splash to coincide with the release of The Hating Game, there were hundreds of fans who helped kick off the campaign with their own blogs.   She'll be in charge of our international affairs since she currently lives in London, England.   And Jen is already building her army of followers while Alex is taking control of CassaStar and the universe--it's a busy crew here.

           And if you're a regular reader of my blog then you probably know something about me, Arlee Bird--there's plenty written about me in my blog pages.    I encourage you to click on the above links to three blogs and give your greeting and, if not one already, become a follower of each of their blogs.

          Whenever you are ready to join up with us, sign up on the Linky list or if you're not sure how to do that let one of us know and we'll  add your blog to our list.  

Linky list is no longer accessible on this page.

          Below is a badge you can add to your blog to help advertise to your readers. If you give us a plug on your own blogs now and then we wouldn't mind that either.  This lovely badge was created by Jennifer Daiker.

          Now let's hear about your A to Z experiences, opinions, or questions.    Help us make this a big success and you become a better blogger.



  1. I only started blogging last May, so did not have the pleasure of taking part last year. But I'm up for the challenge!

    A fabulous idea that is sure to help bloggers find their blogging voices and make many new friends.

    I can't wait!

  2. Count me in, Arlee! Last year's blogfest was a blast, and I can't wait to do it again! You meet a lot of great and diverse bloggers and I can't wait to it again!

  3. My post is up! And four followers have already signed on for the fun. I sent out a Tweet and an email to the BTTCafe Yahoo Group, so hope there's many more. Thanks for the great words. And yes, I do swear by the challenge!!

  4. I am so pleased that there is to be another A to Z, Through last years challenge I gained more followers , it was fun and it brought alot of people together via our pcs. I wouldn't have missed it for the world and God willing will be doing it this year.


  5. ;-D It was a great challenge; I look forward to giving it another go, this year! I will mention it on my blog. I have a feeling April is going to be amazing! What a great triad~

  6. Awesome doesn't even begin to describe how awesome of a blogger you are!!!! Seriously! This post rocks! I am so excited to join the bandwagon with the three of you!!! I'm looking forward to April being the best blogging month just like last year!

  7. ya all know what to write about when you reach letter D, yes? :)

  8. Ok, Lee. LOL, How can I say no??? And yep, I'll do the good old alliteration feat again too :o)

  9. I'm in Lee and it sounds interesting. I'll mark my calendar. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  10. Well I'll just read yours Arlee. Come April, I'll be outside more than in! Love Di ♥

  11. Just signed up and now I'm thinking what starts with U and Q and Y and Z. Other than that, I'm up for the challegen!

  12. Yay! I'm so excited to be a part of this! It's going to be FANTASTIC! :) Thanks so much for inviting me on board!

  13. Looking forward to reading the posts!

  14. I have a commitment phobia , but I will think about it. Regardless of my decision, I enjoyed following as many of the A to Zers as I could last year and I will try to do the same this April.

  15. Already have your badge on my blog. Not sure if I can do it everyday, though, so I haven't signed up.

  16. I'm in! It will be a good start for my new blog! Thanks for your hard work and dedication and inspiration to us other bloggers! Can't wait!

  17. Ellie -- I think you'll find A to Z very rewarding. Glad you joined up.

    Jamie -- Glad to have you with us again. This one will be better than the last.

    Alex -- You've been a continual spokesman for the challenge over the past year. With your help this ones gonna be great.

    Yvonne -- You blew us all away with your effort last year. Glad you're back.

    Ella -- We appreciate whatever you can do to help make this a success. Our combined team will be a driving force to get A to Z going, but the efforts of bloggers like you will send it into the stratosphere. Invite everyone you know.

    Jen -- Thanks! I think we have a great team assembled.

    Dezmond --- Let's see...dogs? diamonds? danube? doctors? Hmmmm-- Dezmond, I can't imagine what "D" word you might be thinking of.

    Jessica -- Right on! It wouldn't be the same without your amazing alliteration.

    Jules -- I have a feeling you're going to be great at this.

    Diana -- Oh c'mon! You can do it. Take pictures outside and put up an alphabetically themed photo everyday. Be a part of the fun.

    Jennee -- You have two months to come up with words and you'll have plenty by April I'm sure. Glad you're with us.

    Talli -- Thank you for joining us. You are going to be a tremendous asset to the success of the challenge.

    Paula -- Just reading? You can do it. Join the challenge and push your blogging limits.

    Jane -- Don't be afraid. You might surprise yourself. We appreciate the support, but the blogging company is even better.

    Salarsen-- We appreciate any promotion for the event that we can get, but I know you can do it--go ahead and sign up. You have two months to start on your posts.

    Rae -- Hooray Rae! It's bloggers like you that make A to Z the fun and rewarding experience that it is.

  18. Thanks for doing this again, Arlee! I found about last year's A to Z after the fact, and was hoping for a reprise so I could jump into the action. Looking forward to the challenge.

  19. HA! Me and my FOMS are IN! (but you knew that, yes?) Thanks for organizing this again, Lee!

  20. Blogging is definitely addictive so doing it everyday for this challenge would certainly qualify for that! It's certainly a challenge worth considering. :O)

  21. Okay, you talked me into it! I've never done anything like this, let alone simply blogging for a reason. We'll see what happens, I hope I can keep up!

  22. Sounds like fun. Being in limbo ... not sure i can commit. Will have to wait and see.

  23. I didn't participate but I sure did enjoy all the blogs that did!

  24. I'm starting a new blogging schedule in Feb. so it will be fun to see how I can incorporate the A-Z with it!! Great idea - I'm in!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog. This sounds interesting. I'll start brainstorming A-Z posts. :)

  26. Yes, yes, those are all the right associations - I'm cute as a dogs, precious as a diamond, refreshing as Danube, wise as a doctor .. :)

  27. Ring leader with the triad in swing, I'm going to post it now!

    I loved meeting new people writers, I had to step outside my comfort zone, but it was so worth it!
    It is life changing ;-D

  28. I missed it last year (found out about it halfway through) and it was clear it brought so many people together, so I'm definitely in this year :)

  29. You 4 are going to rock the world in April! :) My life is absolute chaos in April due to preparation for provincial testing and having a student teacher. I don't think I'm going to be able to join. If things slow down, I'll let you know. If not, I'll cheer everyone on from the sidelines!!

  30. I'll think about it....
    Sounds like a real challenge.

    Perhaps I'm up to it.

    Either way, I bow to those who take part.

  31. Nate -- Glad you're with us. I think you'll like it.

    Hart -- Yes! It wouldn't be the same without you.

    Madeleine -- Come on and feed your blogging addiction.

    Kris -- You can do it!

    M. Pax -- L is for Limbo. You keep coming up with great topics.

    Debbie -- I remember you being there--I think that's where we first met. You might as well be part of it this year. And talk all of your many reader to jump in as well.

    Donea Lee -- It's a great way to get some structure going in your new schedule.

    Clara -- You have plenty of time to start getting posts ready.

    Dezmond -- It's all about you then! Okay let me get it in my schedule.

    Ella -- I'll be checking it out soon.

    Lynda -- Okay we're on then! You'll have a good time.

    Jemi -- You have two months to start scheduling posts. You need to be a part of this.

    Andrew -- It's a challenge, but only a minor one for a regular blogger like you. You can do this!

  32. Doo -- Why put off til tomorrow what you can do today? Don't forget or we'll have to come get you.

  33. This sounds like a great challenge. I wish everyone good luck!

  34. Hello Arlee
    Wasn't going to but thought it might be fun again. Have relied on my camera too much recently so must think about words again lol
    You won't be mentioning that 'F' word too much will you - no not the naughty one lol
    Take care
    Cathy (Still Waters used to be Cathy's Capers)

  35. Sorely tempted.

    Will get back to you :)

  36. Heather -- And good luck to you. Glad you joined us.

    Cathy -- Good to hear from you and glad you're going to Blog From A to Z again. For the life of me I'm not sure which "f" word that would be. "Forgetful" maybe? I tend not to remember a lot of things. "Fun" -- I will be saying that word a lot I'm sure. Maybe it will come to me later.

    Wendy -- C'mon, give into temptation. We need our voices from New Zealand again.

  37. Great Wednesday surprise. The challenge sounds like lots of fun. I enjoyed following it last year. I've been trying to figure out how I could participate. I've already got several authors lined up for April and several more I'm waiting to hear back from so scheduling authors with the A to Z won't work. That would be an interesting challenge though.

    Thoughts in Progress

  38. Mason -- I'll bet you could get real creative and figure something out to make it work for you.

  39. Wow Arlee, you are amazing, many must be grateful to you for bringing bloggers together and most importantly keeping the buzz and the excitement of blogging high. And for that I thank you too because it is a tough and motivated job.

    I love challenges and always tempted to join in, plus I strive under a deadline, but I know I could not commit to something I won't be able to fulfill. But I will certainly keep in touch on the posts and the participant bloggers.

  40. Ocean Girl-- You can do this! It's not like a sacred commitment like marriage or something like that. It's a personal challenge like NaNo where it only up to you to decide when it's time to stop. I think you would be very good at this and you should try it.

  41. Great idea, Arlee. I heard about it so much last summer, and was bummed to have missed it, so I'm glad you're doing it again this year. :)

  42. Never done this, but since April is my birthday month, I definitely have to give this a go. Thanks for hosting this, Arlee. Great idea.

  43. What a neat idea. I'll have to think about it.

  44. Hi. Lee Thanks for your comment on my latest post, I will give my readers a few days to post comments before I expound upon my theory. Lets just say for the moment it's a spiritual thing. Yes I did see your a-z challenge but have no idea how to join. I went to linky links and didn't understand a thing of what they were saying so do me a favour and help me join in. God bless you my friend, speak soon.

  45. Carp, I'm so late to the game because I'm still sick.

    Breakfast Every Hour

  46. Cathy - ah yes! Now I remember the debate about followers. I love my followers!

    Rosie -- Glad you're joining us this time.

    Eric -- Great to have you with us--we'll have to celebrate your birthday.

    Carol -- It's a very fun and rewarding event and hope you will think in the direction of joining in with us.

    Geoff -- I have signed you up on the Linky list. You are #103. I think you will find the challenge rewarding and you will hopefully find some new readers in the process.

  47. Alex -- What'dya mean, Carp! Don't you know there is no sickness in blogging? C'mon dude get a move on!

  48. Can't wait! Have to think of another clever way to do it this year... everyone would expect the backwards alphabet again!

  49. I am truly looking forward to this will be a wonderful pick me up. Thanks for organizing this again Lee and I'm so glad you have help this time!!

    God bless!

  50. the sound of it, in April, there'll be a whole lotta blogging and a whole lotta reading going on. I'm signing on, hoping that by this time I'll have some sort of discipline back in my writing.

  51. I'm hoping I'm up for the challenge this year. Being such a blogging newbie last year, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

  52. This is a great idea. I just hope I can pull it off.

  53. I am definitely on. Last year was a blast, and I am sure this year is going to be even better.
    When I started the challenge last year, I had been blogging almost two years and had 20+ followers. But the end of the challenge, I was 50+ and now I am five times the number. It was all because of the A to Z.

  54. Ginny -- Whichever way you decide to go with it we're glad your back for the Challenge.

    Trudy -- Looking forward to helping bring something positive in your life. Welcome back.

    J.L. -- The Challenge is a great way to establish writing and blogging discipline.

    Wanda -- This year you're a veteran blogger. Glad to have your inspiring contributions again.

    Murees -- You can do it!

    Rayna -- So glad you are back again. It wouldn't be as good without you.

  55. I signed up with my photo blog too- now, that would be quite a challenge!!!!

    And grabbed the badge for both the blogs.

  56. Rayna -- So that's two going at once? Wow, that will be a double challenge. Good luck to you!
    And thanks for the double promotion.

  57. Glad to join you! I found you through Rayna. Thanks for the invite! I've put your badge in my sidebar and am doing a post soon to advertise this party. I started blogging in 2009, but didn't really get going until spring 2010 when I was on bedrest for whooping cough. (That's one I totally recommend against getting...seriously nasty stuff...) I'm excited to meet new writers and to practice my own.

  58. Okay count me in. This month (February) I'll be blogging Z-A on contributors to America's history. Celebrating and applauding our vast ethnicity. Drop in sometime

  59. I'm looking for the HTML to post on my sidebar, am I looking right at it and missing it?

    Help! :)

    ~ that rebel, Olivia

  60. This looks absolutely epic. I can't wait!

  61. Tina -- So happy you found us. I think you will meet a lot of new writers with a wide variety of interests.

    Eywade -- Glad you'll be back. I'll check what you're doing this month.

    Olivia --I'm still trying to figure it out to make it work properly.

    Elizabeth -- I think this year will indeed be epic. You'll love it I'm sure.

  62. @ Lee - my photo-blog is one photograph a day. No text, only the title and the photograph.
    I am hoping to have the entire month scheduled in advance, so I have more time for visting other blogs.
    Should be fun.

  63. Sounds great, Rayna. As you already know from last year networking is the key to making A to Z really work. You are organized.

  64. What a great idea (and it sounds too fun for words!). I missed it completely last year, so count me in :)


  65. I'm in, Lee. I shall post this on my sidebar. I may even do a post about it. :-)

  66. I feel so lame for signing up at number 164. I feel like I should've signed up sooner.
    I'm hoping this'll motivate me to blog regularly. I loved the A to Z Challenge last year. I'm definitely looking forward to it this year. In fact, I'm already starting to think about a few ideas.... :)
    Thanks, Lee. :D

  67. A challenge? Oh I love me a challenge. Bring it on! I'm excited to give it a whirl. My only problem--I'll be in Hawaii from April 1st-10th. I'm hoping small blogs via iPhone will do the trick :) Then when I get back I will be better. I promise :)

    I'm excited to see how every one else does. I'm with a few of you: what the heck do you blog about for letters Q, U and X? That will be tricky. Not sure I'm creative enough for that.

  68. Rachael -- Good for you!

    Robyn -- Will appreciate anything you can do for us.

    Wolfie --#164 is not that bad. And you're the only one who has that number so that's pretty cool too. You did fine last year and I'm sure you'll do even better this year. If you know anyone else who blogs be sure to tell them to join up so we can reach 300.

    Angela -- Looks like you've just started your blog. A to Z is a great way to kick it off. You could preschedule your posts so you don't have to worry about them while on vacation. That we you could just try to comment on some other posts.
    I'm sure you'll be creative enough to handle the most challenging aspects of the challenge.

  69. Haha! I finally figured out how to get this on my sidebar without the html! Yay!

    ~that rebel, Olivia

  70. I'd seen a few mentions of this challenge and was beginning to feel very left out... Until I saw a button for it and found my way here :-) Yay! Looking forward to it!

  71. Hi Lee, how could I resist doing this again, it was great :o) Thanks for asking me back.

  72. Rachel -- Glad you found your way here.

    Niki-- Glad you'll be back. It will be nice to have original participants leading the way for the newer folks.

  73. Okay this may be a stupid question, but can we take breaks from the A-Z in the month to do other posts like the microfiction Monday and haiku Wednesday ( so long as we pick up where we left off with the alphabet on the next day) or would that be considered cheating? :O)

  74. I just signed up. Thank you for doing this...I've been very lax lately! But I'm making a comeback! :)

  75. Madeleine -- You can certainly handle your challenge in any way you please. In your case may I suggest doing the haikus and microfiction as planned and use creative ingenuity to somehow link the post to that day's letter of the alphabet.

    Ivy -- Yay, Ivy! A to Z is ideal event to comeback and get back in the writing habit while making new friends.

  76. I only started blogging last month but I'm definitely looking forward to doing this!

  77. Lady A -- Glad to have you join it. This challenge should be a big help in giving you a big blog boost.

  78. Arlee, sorry I chickened out on you last year. I'm payin' ya back this year by joining it! Guess what? I've already started writing my posts!! ;)

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  79. PS--the REAL challenge for me is reading everyone's blogs AND commenting them. I LOVE following, though!


  80. I'm IN!!!! Thanks for the invite, Arlee... I'm looking forward to the challenge!

    Snohomish, WA

  81. Elizabeth --- Yay! So happy to have you as a part of this. Yes, the visiting and commenting part is the real challenge here for most of us. Looking forward to hearing some creative ideas as to how others handle this.

    Barb-- So happy to have representation from Snohomish. Glad you're part of this year's challenge. Please pass the word on to your blogger friends.

  82. I've been reading about this challenge online. Seems like everybody's talking about it.

  83. Okay, I bit the bullet and signed up! :D this should be a lot of fun, and inspiring! :)

  84. Helen -- Yes and it's getting bigger. Maybe you can pass the word to your readers as well--we'd appreciate it.

    Trisha -- Yes, I think you will find it fun and inspiring for sure. Good luck!

  85. Hi there. I'm a writer new to the blogging world and looking forward to connecting with other writers out there. I've signed up and I'm looking forward to participating in the challenge!

  86. SubC-- Welcome to the Challenge! It is a great way to establish some lasting connections.

  87. I can't believe I'm doing this considering the things I have planned for April, but I'm in! This challenge will force me to keep my posts shorter and more simple. I need all the help I can get. Participating in Mr. Hammons' and Talli's blogfest and then in D.L.'s mystery challenge was very rewarding. Thanks to you and your co-administrators for helping the rest of us bloggers achieve some goals.

  88. Okay, I'm signed up. Just don't tell my husband! I've put the badge on my blog, marked my desk calendar with the "letter of the day" in April to help keep me straight. I participated in NaNoWriMo last year for the first time and learned so much from that discipline (no I did not finish, but did get half a book started!). Here it goes!

  89. Love the challenge idea but still debating about it. Have to see how a couple of projects pan out before I commit...(Hubby may disown me otherwise:)
    Have a great weekend,

  90. Wow!!! 26 posts in a month...that'll be my most posts yet...maybe I'll take up to it! I'm still thinking if it would be possible fr me or not!! But it definitely seems like an awesome idea!!

  91. w2w-- That's part of the goal of the Challenge. Helping us to create better blogs is a good education.

    Sheila -- This Challenge has often been compared to NaNo from the standpoint of discipline. Having done both I can attest to the veracity of this.

    Karen -- It's okay--I know you can do it.

    Phunk-- It may sound like a lot, but really it's not that bad if you do it right. Plan ahead and keep the posts short. You CAN do it!

  92. I saw this today and was considering it, but when I noticed that the weekly features I do on my blog will tie in nicely for for a few of the letters I just had to do it.

    Looking forward to seeing what everyone does!

  93. count me in for the Challenge and i'm following now

  94. Found this through Blue and Purple Scarlett, sounds like an awesome idea!!!!

  95. I joined the challenge quite late (I'm #266), but I'm glad I decided to take part, and I'm looking forward to seeing all the different interpretations!

    I've posted the badge on my blog @

    See you soon!

  96. I'm in. I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing....but hopefully I'll figure that out by April 1. I've got a post up and will soon be adding the badge to my sidebar of challenges.

  97. Tim -- You're proof that you can make your regular blogging schedule fit right in with the challenge. Glad your in.

    Becca -- Glad to hear it.

    Annmaree -- I think you will enjoy the Challenge.

    K.C. You aren't really late at all. By April your number may be in the middle or even toward the top. Besides as long as it's before April 1 you're not too late.

    Bev-- It will all come together quite naturally I'd say. Glad you joined us.

  98. I thought about it for a couple of days and decided to throw my hat in the ring. Posted a quick message over at Pasticcio to tell my followers (all 3 of them) that I'm committing to the challenge. I'm thinking I'll pick 2 buddies to follow for the entire month and then make a couple of random blog visits each day as well.

  99. I just signed up. I usually post twice a week, so this really is going to be a challenge for me. I have no idea where or how to start, but I guess that's part of the excitement. I'm just hoping to make more online scribbler friends and also trying to prove to myself that I can blog everyday if I put my mind to it. :P Looking forward to the challenge.

  100. I just did a Blogiversary Alphabet for the month of February. Lots of fun. April should be a blast!

  101. Elsi -- Looks like it will be time to grow your following. Glad you're in. You are thinking right to start moderately and go from there. There more you visit the more your blog gets out there. Good luck.

    Nutschell -- Best thing to do is to just start from the beginning and go and grow from there. Have a good time with it and do your best. Thanks for joining us.

    Christie -- Sounds like you're already experienced at this so you should get along quite well with this Challenge.

  102. New to your blog and I am amazed that I have never ran into you before..anyway now I am.

  103. I definitely need blog discipline and more followers would be tsk tsk ;-)

  104. I'm new here and looking forward to the challenge. I am also a new follower.

  105. I'm still working on building my blog and am looking forward to using this challenge to really launch it so to speak. Not to mention how great it will be to see what everyone else is blogging about.

    Razzy's Corner

  106. I haven't been blogging on my blog as much as i'd like... so hopefully this will make my blogging better.

    Plus I have an awesome idea.

  107. Welcome to all who have recently signed up for the challenge.

  108. I think this is a great idea I will sign up today, definitely a challenge that I will try and stick to! I'll posting on my blog. Stay blessed:D

  109. Just signed up, looks like it will be great fun!

  110. I just started blogging in the fall so this sounds exciting! :) Can't wait to get started.

  111. Sounds like a blast, and a great tool to stay motivated, knowing someone is checking on your progress. Hmmm ... good way to keep on top of New Years Resolutions as well ...

    Thanks for setting this up.

  112. This is my first time trying the A to Z blogging challenge, I am sure I am up to it!

    I am going to start getting ideas together now!

  113. I finally did it and joined up. Peer pressure!

  114. I'm thrilled to see our most recent additions to the roll call of A to Z participants. Now be sure to spread the word to anyone else you know who's hasn't yet committed to the Challenge. The more we have on board, the more options of blogs to visit.


  115. Okay this sounds like alot of fun too me. I just started blogging at the end of Nov. So I am really into growing in my wrting and learnign about this wonderful world of blog. So I surely am in. Thank you

  116. Looks awesome! I've joined up and hope I can keep up! :-)

  117. Wow what a great idea. I signed up. And I am now a follower.

    I am a relatively new blogger ... July 2010, and I love it.

    Please visit me at

  118. I just started my new blog at and this challenge will really help me get committed. I love challenges! So glad I came across your blog! I'm a new follower!

  119. Ive added both my regular and food blogs. So excited, cant wait.

  120. I did this challenge last year, and it was great! I didn't think I'd be able to come up with all the blog posts, but I did, and it really helped build my blogging skills and I got to meet so many other bloggers.

    I'm signing up again.

  121. I just started bloging last month and I'm so loving this challenge as it will challenge the creative side of me!

  122. I'm a new follower

  123. It's great seeing more of you coming on board. I hope that this challenge will be something from which you derive benefit. Good luck!


  124. Hi Arlene!
    I couldn't pass by it any longer and am joining in the fun. I can't find the Linky though, so here is my post;

  125. Freda -- Added your name to the Linky list. Sometimes the list disappears for a little while for reasons unbeknownst to me, but it was there for me to add your name.
    Thanks for being a part of this.

  126. I hope this challenge brings out the best in my blogging abilities, I have so many creative ideas already flowing.

  127. I've only been blogging a month and just about manage two posts a week. This seems like it might be out of my depth, although I still signed up. Nothing ventured...

  128. I just started blogging about a month ago. My blog is an art blog, my friend helped me set it up, she felt I needed an outlet for my art. So far, I'm having fun with it. It really inspires me to stay motivated and try new things. I'm really excited about this challenge and looking forward to the no boundaries creativity. Thank you for this awesome opportunity, I accomplish so much more when I have a goal to work towards! Very excited to see what everyone does! Have a splendid week! Thanks! :)
    oh yes,

  129. hi mr arlee! like your name specially the lee part. :) me and mr alex and miss jen and miss talli been followers of each other for a pretty long time. im thinking maybe i could try doing that a-z stuff. my cp miss sharon just got in it and shes got some cool ideas. it sounds real fun but for sure i gotta think on it for a little more time. yikes! aprils coming soooo fast. i gotta think more fast! ack!
    ...smiles from lenny

  130. If you've already signed up thank you and good for you.
    If you're still thinking about it, stop thinking--you'll hurt your head--just sign up and you won't regret it.


  131. I'm new here, and have signed up.

    Going to give it a whirl!

  132. New to the A to Z challenge, but I'm going to give it a shot!

  133. This is my first time in the awesome project... just wondering, when we all post on our sites, is there a place to talk about it? Such as a hashtag on Twitter, etc?

    Let me know! :)


  134. Hi! I'm a veteran blogger, gotten away from it for a while and am now finding my way back. A to Z sounds like a great project to get the creativity going again, and fun way to make some new blogfriends. Looking forward to it!

  135. I'm going to do this. I'm looking forward to it. I've posted your badge on my site -

  136. Thanks for hosting this challenge! I've accepted it and can't wait to get started! I'm a new follower of your blow now too. : )

  137. Count me in, I think this is a great idea. We can all use incentives to help us to write more as well as to find a topic to write about.

  138. So pleased to see more signing on to the Challenge. This is gonna be good!


  139. Wow, Arlee. You guys will have yours hands full!

  140. Just being on top of things so that you can write a post each day, phew! That's a lot to think about.

    However, did you know that in both Blogger and Wordpress, you can schedule posts to be published at a given time on a given day?

    I am already busy writing my posts on my blog (4 done already), because I have the ideas for them in my head, and I wanted to write while the ideas were fresh.

    Each post is set to be published just after the first stroke of midnight on it's given day.

    I thought this tidbit of information might help those of you who hadn't used the scheduling feature before.

    Good Luck and I look forward to reading your articles.

  141. I just published an article on my blog about the challenge and I'm going to post it over at Squidoo as well.

    Hopefully this will attract some more people.

  142. Thank you for creating this challenge! I just started blogging this month and creating art after dreaming of it for several years now. What a great challenge for bloggers! I know with joining, I will have the incentive to post everyday (and I need that gentle nudge). And checking out all the other bloggers out here will inspire me also. I am SO excited. April 1st tomorrow, right?

  143. Would love to take part but am without regular email access from 1 to 11 April....
    Have fun ! :D

  144. I'm so excited for this challenge to begin! I was thinking about how I happened upon this challenge by accident, and realized the potential for traffic that it could bring to my site.

    I started looking around for other such challenges or blog chains or rings, etc. for when this one is over, but they seem a little difficult to find if you don't know exactly where to look...

    With that in mind, I have just started a blog called "<a href=">Join something!</a>" where contests like this and people who run blog chains can go and advertise, or people like me can look to find something to join.

    I realize it's a little late in the game, but this is the first (of many) challenge I have posted about there.

    It's brand new, and a work in progress... it's a little spartan, but I will be adding other blog chains and challenges as we go, as well as working on the design.

    Please stop by and join me in helping writers keep writing!

  145. Oops... Let me fix that link... sorry!

    "Join Something!"

    And that's why there's a preview button... :D

  146. How does the challenge work? Is there a daily link up where you can visit those who posted something? Or do you just check this main sign up link? Or???

    If it's not obvious, this is my first time participating. I am really looking forward to it.

  147. I am always up for a challenge, and since I will be spending most of my time in bed due to an operation I am pretty sure I will be enjoying this event to the max.
    Not sure how it works exactly, but i am sure that I can learn along the way.
    Thanks for such a great idea!

  148. Noemi -- Post every day except Sunday with a topic starting at the letter A and ending with Z. What you post is up to you, but just theme your post according to that day's letter of the alphabet.

  149. I'm going to post on Sundays, but will take one other day off each week. That's just how it is, thanks.

  150. I'm just now informed the page I listed as number 650 might cause me a problem. Will it cause you any problems? Or, would you rather pull it?

    I'm not trying to be a headache, and feel free to not publish this comment. Thanks for all of this.

  151. Donald -- The days that you post are not absolute-- you may adjust them to whim or necessity, but it may affect visitors. As long as there is posting going on and you are actively in the challenge that's okay.

    I went ahead and published your last comment because I wasn't able to quickly respond otherwise. I don't have a problem with using that site, but you may have a problem getting people to comment on it. Maybe it's easier than it initially appeared. If your posts are interesting enough then folks might not have a problem signing up with Yahoo!. I was in a hurry tonight and really didn't look at it. I would not pull your name off the list as long as you are posting in the A to Z Challenge and hopefully visiting some of the other bloggers and leaving comments. My suggest if you do leave a commment, leave a link to your blog because the link to your Blogger Profile leads to a dead end.

  152. This does sound like fun. I'm not good at challenges. Willing to try this one. Okay, in April when H rolls around, I could post a Langston Hughes poem, right? I'm fine. As long as I don't have to write anything. Okay, I'm signing up. Thanks for having me.

  153. I came across this challenge while browsing over Swim - Write - Run, and I'm glad I did. I really need to get back into writing, and I feel this is a great way to "expand my horizons" so to speak. I'm looking forward to it!

  154. I'm excited to get this kicked off! I'm not even sure how I found the challenge last week, but I decided to jump in, and have since challenged fellow YCN writers ... so far, 46 of the 700-some blogs signed up are my 'recruits'!

  155. Tea -- As long as there aren't copyright issues I guess you can post whatever you want.

    Marie Anne--Gotta give you a big thank you for the excellent recruiting job.

  156. I can't wait to network and add people to my (empty) blog roll.

  157. I can not believe how big you group is this time around.. I am very excited to do this again.. I think it will help me balance.. I am having a huge problem.. balancing... this will force me too..
    Great Lee.. does letter A start friday????

  158. Thank you for running this event. I can't wait to get started. I did have some problems linking so if you could add me to your list I would appreciate it.
    thanks ag


  159. Lisa -- Yes this Friday is the big day.

    MybabyJohn -- You have been added to the list.

  160. Well, I signed up but in the list I made an inane comment about being up for the challenge rather than putting in my blog title. I wonder if that could be edited? I am listed at #778 and my blog title should read "My Journey to Wellness" rather than what I mistakenly entered.

  161. How do you post the badge on your blog? I'm a little tech slow. I like the badge though.


  162. This is such an awesome idea and I am so eager to start! Blessings, Joanne

  163. I am excited...and nervous! Glad to be part of this experience.

  164. So I signed up. Haven't blogged at all this year, but I am using this as motivation to get the keyboard smoking again.

    One question tho. The list of 800+ people isn't showing up on my blog, am I missing something? Anyone help me out here?

  165. Awespiring way to get writing on a daily basis.

    Would be an incredible and inspiring journey and experience for the month. Definitely something to look forward to everyday of the month.

    Glad to be a part of it.

  166. Great idea ! Cannot wait to get going with it all, should be a rather good blogging experience.

  167. This is so up my ally, I canot wait! Glad I found it in time.

  168. Arlee, just checking in. Blown away by the numbers here!

  169. Good heavens, all these participants! I might just regret this, but I've just entered my second blog. I've got my fingers crossed that I haven't bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I can't imagine how you'll manage, I imagine this is a huge undertaking. Thank you all so much. I think I'm about to hit a huge learning curve!

  170. I've had a blog for about 2 years, but have only been seriously blogging on it this year. I would love to join this challenge! You can find me at

  171. I only started blogging back in January, so I missed last year's A-Z. Just hope I can follow through on all 26 entries!

  172. As it turns out, I am apparently a sucker for a blog challenge. I'll bite.

    I am now following.

    Adam Jones

  173. As is turns out, I am apparently a sucker for a blog challenge. I'll bite.

    I am now following.

    Adam Jones

  174. Hi, I am so delighted to be participating in the A-Z challenge, thanks so much for creating it and generously inviting us all to share.

    I am an Aussie bird, and A simply had to be for my wonderful country Australia.

    Pop in and take a look at

  175. OMG you are only 35 entries away from 1,000! That is amazing, this should be a great month for blogging.

  176. I've written my first entry. I'm so happy. Happy that I'm taking a chance. Not sure what to do next. It's on my blog. Do I need to link it here in someway? I'll just wait and see what the other bloggers do. Thank you for having me.

  177. So glad to have found this in time.
    I'm keen to get to my 100 followers and this might be just the thing. Now just to do all the blogs!

    warm wishes

  178. Can you please add my blog?

    Thanks :)

  179. I signed up again. Wasn't sure my link went through the last time. Thank you.

  180. I just signed up...I think this will get me out there with my camera and thinking creatively again!

    Should be fun!

  181. I was in the middle of a 30 day blog challenge, when I happened upon this A-Z one...and I saw the linky tool said 999 so far - you're next and thought it would be fun to be the thousandth one signed up! :)

  182. Alright, so I'm a glutton for punishment, and I signed up a second blog...

    Find me at 521 and 1018!

  183. I learned about this blog challenge from another blogger in a forum. I have participated in two other challenges (past, present, and starting a third), but this one sounds intriguing as my fourth blog challenge!

    Can we sign up more than one blog? Now I see a few people did, so I guess that would be a "yes." My elearning blog is #1034 on your list! I haven't written my "A" post yet, but I did an intro post about blog challenges, if anyone wants to read it: Blog Challenges and Motivation.

  184. Phew. Okay, I visited 50 this morning. I'm going to try to do 50 per day and visit everyone at some point.

    Of course, of those 50, only about 20 had actually done the first post, which made it a little easier, though a tiny bit disappointing.

  185. I just discovered this challeng today, but I'm leaping right into it...such fun!! I'm No.1065, so I might not quite make it to visit everyone...:)

    Imagination Lane

  186. This looks like great fun. I was just introduced to this challenge today. What a way to get back on track with posting.

    A-Awesome :)

  187. Just letting you know I am no longer participating in the a-z, I am 275 Annmaree - Emu Creations.

    I can't see anywhere to take my name off the linky, so if you get a chance could you take it off? thanks!

  188. Thanks for the ultimate inspiration for a (painfully) new blogger like me! There is nothing like a challenge to up the ante...hey, that starts with A, I am off to a rocket start. See me at

  189. Just heard about this today...after I posted. Hope that's not an issue...please let me know if it is and I will withdraw! I just completed NaBloPoMo for March and thought this would be a good, but different, challenge for April!

    I am #1102

  190. Thanks for hosting this really cool A-Z Challenge.
    I'm a new follower and hope you can stop by my blog and check out how I responded to the challenge with my own photos from A-to Z.

    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  191. Yep, that's me #1122... as I only stumbled across the challenge about 2 hours ago.

    Definitely a newbie to this challenge, but I am always up for one! I just hope I'm up to this!

    if anybody wants to follow along :-)

  192. Not only can I not wait to really get going with this challenge, but I'm also really excited about reading so many other bloggers amazing posts!

  193. Happy to see all the new bloggers signing up still.

    Tea -- what is your blog address--Don't know how to find it.

  194. Sounds like a really fun time and I see people are already enjoying it.

    I'm not signing up because we are going to be traveling and will not always have access to the internet.

    But I am going to play along When I have an opportunity to do so. :-D

    With so many people playing, thought, it will be impossible to visit them all. (At least for me.)

  195. I just read about this challenge on Holly's Crafts Blog and it's a wonderful idea! I'll get a late start, but I'll be back sometime this weekend to add my link, as I am definitely looking forward to taking part in this A to Z challenge!

  196. i clicked on #65 and for some reason it says that the blog does not exist. I'm not sure what all of that means, but I thought I should let you know.


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
