This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

And Now!.....What Am I Going to Do? ( #AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal )


Can you believe it's that time again!  Is this really my 15th year of doing this A to Z Blog Challenge in April?   I guess it is.   Now it's become a tradition for many of us.   And now here is what has become another tradition of the A to Z Community...

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2024 #atozchallenge

        This year my theme will be:


Yes, I'll be looking at many of the things I could have been in life as well as things I have done.  Mostly I'll be exploring the realms of jobs, occupations, and careers that I could have done in my lifetime--and at times even did for a while.  You've probably done some of these same things in your own life journey or are doing them now in your own life.  Hopefully I'll be sharing stories and ideas that are relatable and interesting.

      Sure, I could have done other themes, but this is one that's been on my mind for a few years now.  I guess it has something to do with the reflections on my own life as I get older, but I also wonder about those in the job market now.  Things have changed in many ways since my working days, but the bottom line has not:  Making a living or fulfilling some aspect of ones life.

       Hope you'll join me through these April thoughts and have some of your own thoughts to add.

        Now, I'd better get started on this project.  Sounds like work to me...

How about you?   Got any April plans?   Did your life plans of youth turn out the way you thought?


  1. Interesting! I don't think I could do that as I am on the path I always envisioned and have no regrets.

    1. I have no big regrets, but I can recall the possibilities that I dreamed of as a kid and the cool places I ended up now and then on my life journey.


  2. Sounds fantastic, Lee! I'll be there.

  3. Looks like it'll be an interesting topic, and I look forward to see what you share.

  4. Well, I will enjoy reading your blog this April. I have contemplated jumping back into blogging with A to Z this year. I'm working on a theme.

    1. Ann, A to Z is one of the best times to jump back into blogging when you've been away. It will be good to have you with us again.


  5. Jamie ( This sounds fun. You always produce interesting A to Z posts.

  6. I like to say I have forgotten more jobs than most people have had so this appeals to me - looking forward to it...

  7. I'll be looking forward to your posts. It's so natural to wonder about the path not taken and have some dream jobs that will probably never happen. I hope I can someday land one of my own dream jobs, working in a museum or academic library.

    1. Carrie-Anne, working in a museum or a library sounds nice to me. I think you'd be great in that kind of environment.


  8. Sounds like an interesting theme, Lee, and I'll try to read some of your entries, here and there. Congratulations on keeping the A to Z Challenge going all these years! I did it four years in a row but found I was getting too burned out and stopped after 2017.

  9. Can't wait to read it and see whether some of our jobs, or aspiration, overlap ;-)

  10. That'a me too this year as my theme is going to be Scarlett's Stories !!! Should be fun...

  11. Last year I didn't do my usual mash-up because of lack of ideas. Hoping to break the slump this time, but we'll see.

    1. CW, I've been in a big blogging slump the past few years, but I've managed to make it through the A to Z season. Hope I can keep up this year.


  12. Hey Arlee, I just want to say THANK YOU for starting this. This is my favorite time of year and I love to write and blog, I just don't stick with it. Other life stuff gets in the way which really stinks. I always wanted to be a writer (like Stephen King) and then wanted to be a newspaper writer (like Pauline Esther Phillips) and then I wanted to be a tv reporter (like David Bloom). Well none of those turned out like I planned. But I'm here and I'm hoping to be able to complete the challenge. I keep making harder on myself, but that's just me. Looking forward to seeing your "coulda beens".
    Cheers, Arlee, and thanks for allowing me to tag along!

    1. Thank you so much! Comments like this help me to feel like I haven't been wasting my time. I like your aspirations which are similar to mine. Glad to have you with us again.


  13. I have had those kinds of thoughts myself, what if... instead of... I look forward to following your A to Z.

  14. April already. I always enjoy reading some new blogs. Can't participate again; hand doesn't like all that work.

  15. This definitely sounds like fun, Arlee. I'll be reading them all.

  16. That does sound like a really fascinating theme. Alas, I will keep to my streak (10+ years I think) of non-participation. But I will definitely be stopping by to see what you come up with.

    As for your question, the short answer is, no. The dreams of youth did not become the dreams of the adult.

  17. What a fun way to think about the paths you didn't take!

  18. Great theme choice for the A to Z challenge! Looking forward to the rest of your alphabet journey!
    My topic (here: ) may not have as much appeal for everyone, but I’m going to give it a try 🙂

  19. This is very cool! It makes me think of a star Trek episode where each decision creates another universe or realm. I will look forward to this.

  20. I look forward to reading about all the opportunities and directions not taken - I wonder if some choices are looked back with regret, or if where you are is where you wanted to be all along.

    I have had my career for 40 years - wow - it's hard to fathom. I have loved it from the start, and still do. I hope that is what your A-Z journey through the "Coulda Been" years will reveal too.

  21. Hi Lee, I'm leaving this comment here to catch your eye. Would it be possible for you, or an A-Z team member, to secure the A-Z site from HTTP to HTTPS. Since you're getting a lot of traffic, and so are the links ,it would add extra security for that traffic. Thanks, Jenny

  22. What a unique idea! It will be very interesting to see what jobs might have been, while also learning what different paths you've traveled!

  23. This sounds like a unique and awesome idea! I'll be reading along - been adding everyone to my Inoreader to keep up with every blog :)



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