This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

#IWSG--Ask Arlee: Marketing

First Wed of Every Month         Time again for another Insecure Writer's Support Group day.  For the list visit Alex J Cavanaugh's blog.   My post today is an Ask Arlee question partnered with a shameless promotion of an upcoming event.

Ask Arlee:  Marketing?

Julie said...

All right, here's my question:
How do I find time to do the business/marketing side of writing when I am already working two full-time jobs with the job that supports me and the writing that creates the books?
(I am also starting a garden this year and getting a new puppy... neither of which is negotiable... although I do see some comical dichotomies in those two events. Mental note: must put fences around the garden... or the puppy... or both.) :)


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  1. Put a fence around the puppy - funny!
    Yes, the Marketing Symposium! Great answer. Actually, from that there will be many answers.

  2. Great Ask Arlee question! That could have been me, except for the puppy ...
    I'll be tuning into the symposium for sure. It seems that it's never too soon to start figuring out how the sell that book of mine once it's finished!

  3. I don't have to think too much about marketing yet, but I'm tucking it all away for when I need it!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  4. I try not to think of marketing. At the moment I am concentrating on writing.

  5. Marketing can be a pain in the butt but has to be done at ones hut

  6. I am excited for this event! YAY!!!!

  7. Marketing is one of those strange beasts that nobody fully understands. I've studied it on the university level, write about it practically every day, and use it myself and yet in some ways I feel like I know less about it now than I did fifteen years ago.

  8. Look forward to this presentation...

  9. Good idea and a good post to read.


  10. The marketing symposium sounds so cool!

  11. After seeing the sales numbers of another author from this past year, I'm more convinced I know nothing about marketing. My sales were less than 1% of hers. So, yeah, you should probably ask someone else.

  12. I'm really looking forward to that blog hop. I'll be taking notes.

  13. For those who think they know nothing about marketing, don't use it, or have nothing to contribute to "What Works...", think again. Marketing is everywhere and we are constantly bombarded by it. You do have an opinion if nothing else.


  14. All signed up and eager to hop…Thanks, Lee!

  15. It's the time that gets to me.

  16. I learn more about marketing my work all the time. At the end of the day you just need to do it.

  17. Definitely count me in for the symposium! I don't have books yet but you never know about the future. Also, any tips about successful social media would be nice.

  18. Your Marketing Symposium sounds like a wonderful idea, Lee! I look forward to tuning in for it!


  19. Ha! I KNEW I didn't have to worry about making a blog plan for 2014 - y'all will shepherd me through the year with plenty to do. GREAT idea.

  20. I agree we market ourselves to each other all the time. I think the notion of putting our best foot forward helps us stay polished. If we had no one to impress, we'd be sitting in our sweatpants picking at our cuticles all day long.

  21. I do think people tend to know more about marketing than they think they do. Good luck with the symposium!

  22. Good luck with the puppy, what kind are you getting or don't you know? I miss having a dog, but it really doesn't work in an apartment.

    A garden is great to have as well, never managed to grow one ourselves, best we ever did was lots of great herbs.

  23. Good luck with the symposium. I hope it is (online) standing room only.

    Leanne ( )


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