This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

All This and Heaven Too

         Today's blog entry has nothing to do with the Bette Davis movie, but the title seemed topic appropriate.  This coming week will be themed around the HEAVEN ELEVEN FAVORITE RELIGIOUS ALBUMS.  Since Tossing It Out has temporarily become mostly music, we have been looking at lists of various favorites in different music genres and then looking into some details about those genres. This past week we talked about country music and in the week to come we are going to be dealing with religious music.

          Originally I had planned on the eleven favorite Christian albums, but then I realized that I could be excluding some who may be listening to the music of other religions and decided to broaden the scope to include anyone who wants to make a contribution.  Even if you've already done your albums on a previous list, feel free to contribute to this new list because maybe there are some who missed your list the first time. Or you can even list some favorites you didn't include on your first list.  All music genres can be included.  I will be primarily focusing my list on Contemporary Christian Music, but I plan to have at least one Southern Gospel, and one non-Christian religious album by a group that you may have not realized was promoting a religion-- and I'm not referring to Scientology.

         On Wednesday and Friday I will have some detailed stories about some of the music.  Of course, Thursday is Debate Day and I will be offering up a topic concerning religious music.  The theme on Tuesday will be a little bit different as I verve away from music.  I will be reviewing a book that is being released this Monday called Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh (pronounced "Shay").  Tony is an internet entrepreneur and currently the CEO of internet company  I "won" the book from the Optimal Optimist and since it is a new release I thought this would be an optimal time to review the book. After all, the book deals with a kind of corporate "heaven".

          Last Sunday I began a Bible study on the book of Jonah.   I plan to continue this series for several weeks.  If you are interested in the Bible I hope you will join me in this and add your thoughts.  If you are not interested in the Bible I hope you will still join us and add your thoughts as well.  I'd like to hear any ideas about the topics we'll be looking at in this study. 

          If you want to contribute your HEAVEN ELEVEN FAVORITE RELIGIOUS ALBUMS, then please sign up on the Linky list at the top of the page.   On Monday June 14 I will be doing my TIMELESS TWELVE CLASSICAL FAVORITES and hope some of you are willing to contribute to this one -- this Linky list will appear in the middle of next week.  Then on Wednesday June 16th a few of us are planning two top ten song lists of BEST DRINKING SONGS and BEST DRIVING SONGS.  Anyone who wants to join us is welcome cause the more the merrier.   I'll have more details on the song lists later.

          And do not forget the DIRTY DOZEN MOVIE BLOGFEST on Monday June 21st hosted by Alex J Cavanaugh.   A Linky list for this can be found below.

          Lot's coming up--hope you'll join me in the days and weeks to come.


  1. Morning Lee, have jusr finished typing my list for Heaven Eleven Favourites ready for Monday, then it's a wee break before I start my classical list.
    Those other two you have lined up seems interesting and fun.
    Looks like a busy week on your blog as usual. One can always be sure of something of interest.

    Enjoy your week-end.

  2. I'm betting that on Monday, you'll give me the names of a lot of songs I've heard, but didn't know what to call them :)

  3. A lovely Sat. a.m. and Dancing Cheek to Cheek, ahhh, heaven! I know zilch about contemp Christian music. However, the mention of Southern Gospel brings to mind Elvis. Oh, how he could sing. His early gospel records are vocal gold I think.

    You've got an awesome blog, Lee!! And how creative you are.

  4. Yvonne-- I'm so happy you are participating with me in the album lists. I really enjoy your lists and presentation. The song ones seem like they might be more difficult for me.

    Will- The Reglious albums list this Monday will be albums more than songs and I'm sure you'll recognize at least a few of the artists.

    Kittie -- thank you for your kind and encouraging words. Yes, I think Elvis's heart was really into his gospel music. And Fred Astaire is one of my favorite artists.

  5. It is impossible to hear this song now without immediately in my mind going to The Green Mile. That song is forever ingrained in my head with that movie.

  6. And I'll be doing an honorable mentions post after the Movie Dirty Dozen, because I can think of SO many movies that will just miss my list.

  7. Next Thursday will be interesting!!

  8. Love this song:) Have a great weekend!

  9. Gregg -- I saw The Green Mile--great movie--but I don't remember the music in it. I need to see that one again.

    Alex-- I know what you mean. That's why I've been doing all of these music posts of late--there was so much good music that got left off.

    Diane -- I always look forward to an interesting Thursday when I invite readers to say more.

    Karen -- thank you for stopping and you have a great weekend as well.

  10. I don't listen to much Christian music. I do love singing hymns in church however! Really love the hymnal. But we do have a local station that plays God Rock on Sunday evenings and some of it is excellent!
    However I couldn't tell you the names of the bands. I think a lot of them are local. Maybe I will learn more about this in your post. Have a Blessed Sunday Arlee! Love Di ♥

  11. Diana -- Yes, look at my post on Monday, and those of the others participating, and you may find that you are more familiar than you think. Keep in mind that many major artists, like Elvis and Dolly Parton for example, put out religious albums at different points in their careers. Do you remember when Bob Dylan went thru his Christian phase? Check with us on Monday and you may see some favorites.

  12. Yes, the Heaven Eleven is scheduled for tomorrow Monday June 7. I'm finishing up mine right now.


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
