This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge-- 2012 Edition


       The big Challenge month of April is coming upon us.   We've gotten an early start for this edition as those who have been following the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog.  Over the past few weeks previous participants and even a few who will be new to the Challenge in 2012 have been giving some of their thoughts about the Challenge.  Today's post is the next big announcement about the A to Z Challenge of 2012.

        When I started the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge in 2010 it began with a modest near one hundred participants.  The Challenge took off and generated a good bit of buzz.  Friendships were established and followers increased for those who joined in that first year.  The event was a hit from its humble beginnings.

       Last year I knew the Challenge would be bigger so I enlisted the help of seven other top-notch bloggers.   And did it ever take off!  Reaching nearly 1300 sign-ups--most of whom finished the challenge--the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge had established itself in the blogging community.

        With last year's experience duly noted, we've assembled an amazing cast of bloggers to assist in this year's challenge.  I think we've outdone ourselves this time.   Take a look at the bloggers who are on board to host the 2012 Challenge:

        In addition to me (Arlee Bird), Alex J. Cavanaugh and Stephen Tremp will be returning to act as guides and motivators to encourage participants through the alphabet in April.  

        And there are more!  Damyanti Biswas published an e-book of her A to Z entries last year.  She knows what she's doing in the Challenge and she'll be here to help.

        Tina Downey and Shannon Lawrence started a Post Challenge Challenge last year to encourage others to visit all of the blogs that had been signed up for the A to Z Challenge.  They too know a bit about this blog event business and are great encouragers. 

          D.L.Hammons also knows a thing or two about blogfests, having been involved in several.  An immensely popular blogger, D.L. will be a valuable addition to the team.

           Jeremy Retro-Zombie will be  adding his creative influence and blogging expertise to our 2012 team.  If you haven't seen his blog you ought to check it out--it's pretty cool.

           Matthew MacNish has a special eye for words and has a fun and informative blog; while Elizabeth Mueller displays a flair for visual art in addition to the art of words. 

            Jenny Pearson may have stopped by your blog already--I feel like I've been seeing her comments all over the place.  She writes some very nice stuff.  Check out her link below.

            Konstanz Silverbow is relatively new to me.  I'm anxious to know more about her and I hope you are too.   Her link can be found below.

            But heck, why am I rambling on when you could be checking out these great bloggers yourself.

             Don't forget that the A to Z sign-up list will appear on January 30, 2012.  Keep watch on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog and on all of the blogs of the A to Z Team

             Here's the Team:      

Tossing It Out (Arlee Bird)
Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas)
Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh)
Life is Good (Tina Downey)
Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons)
Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins)
The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence)
The QQQE (Matthew MacNish)
Author Elizabeth Mueller (Elizabeth Mueller)
Pearson Report (Jenny Pearson)
No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow)
Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp)

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  1. It's going to be my first time this year and I'm super excited! Thanks for coming up with this awesome idea

  2. Hi Lee .. fantastic list of helpers this year .. with some of the 'oldies' too .. It is an amazing event and I'm sure will be enjoyed by one and all.

    Thanks for the post and prompt to remind us .. I loved it and am sure I will this year .. looking forward to new friends - cheers Hilary

  3. It feels a bit daunting still, but also very exciting. It's going to be a blast to be a part of it this year!

  4. The excitement is mounting.

    Have a good week-end.


  5. Great team this year. Congratulations :)

  6. I can't wait! I've got time to prepare for this challenge, and I hope to come up with great topics. My favorite thing about the challenge is all the wonderful blogs I discover in the process.

  7. Visit all the participants of the blog challenge?! Sounds like a nightmare, but I'm in!

  8. I'm looking forward to this so much Lee, even though it's just a little under 90 days away. I'm excited for this, can't wait!

  9. Looking forward to my second year! Not that I know what I'm doing yet. ;)

  10. The cat posts everyday anyway so this will be great fun to do at my bay.

  11. Now that I'm committed, I can't wait to get started!! :)

  12. Marking the 30th on my calendar as I type...

  13. Looks like you have a great crew on board. Good luck with it!

  14. 1,300 blogs ... that's a lot.

  15. Thanks for the nice introduction! I'm thrilled to be on the team this year! I'm narrowing down my choices for a theme, and can't wait to get started preparing posts.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  16. ooh, Jenny Pearson is my personal favourite, one of my favourite ladies (and I know she knows it) :)

  17. Hi Lee!

    Great post, as usual, Lee!
    I'm very excited to be part of the team and look forward to helping out anyway I can!

    Thanks for your kind words...yes, I do like to comment!!
    Sometimes my comments are mini posts - I should really cut and paste them over at my site and use them as actual post topics! (hahaha)

    Cheers, Jenny @ PEARSON REPORT


    @ Dezz - squishy hugs coming your way, you cutie!

  18. Thanks for the continued well-wishes and other comments.

    Talli --We'll miss you as a co-host this year, but I understand your commitments.

    Suze --1300 blogs is like a grain of sand compared to all of the blogs that are out there. Don't let the number intimidate you.

    Dezmond -- After that compliment Jenny better be planning a 'd' topic of Dezmond!

    Jenny -- I'm actually planning a post or posts that are based on some of the comments I received on an earlier post.


  19. I'll be reading and cheering you on.

  20. Yipes, I've signed on as a follower with all of your co-hosts, so I figured I'd better sign on with the big poobah himself. So count me in as your newest follower. I'll try not to get too lost in the crowd.

  21. Absolutely signing up to this. Anything that keeps me concentrating and vaguely on track is a good idea.

  22. I've been waiting a year for this! I'm excited!

  23. Looking forward to seeing what this year's A-Z challenge is like! :D

  24. yeaaahh what a great idea you post,,always a great post =)

  25. Welcome to my new followers and thanks to my other blog friends for dropping by.


  26. can't wait! I truly like this challenge.

  27. Loved doing it last year, and can't wait to do it again this year. For those that I have not followed yet, please be patient. I will get there. By all means come and visit me as well so we can team up on this awesome challenge!

  28. I think I may be brave and give this a whirl!

  29. Honored to be included in the team, thanks Lee! And I'm sure this year's Challenge is going to rock :)--you've picked awesome team-mates!

  30. Hello Mr. Bird. I have heard so much about you with the upcoming A-Z challenge that I had to follow you :) I shall be back often.

  31. I'm so excited to begin, Lee! Thank you for bringing me on as a member of the team. I'm grateful for everything this challenge has led to.

  32. So, I'm familiar with A and Z. Is it absolutely necessary to know the rest of those pesky in-between letters to compete?

  33. Hi, Lee,
    How are you?
    Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. Thanks for the oppertunity to write last year. I will be alert and plan my writing ahead of time. It was fun to read all those blogs and I learned a lot as well.
    Take care of yourself.

  34. Welcome to those of you who are new here and good to see my old friends. We've got a great A to Z Team and some fun things planned. Hope everyone joins us!


  35. I just wanted to say how much I loved your new followers page. I've not seen anything like that on a blog before it's very sweet :)

    I'm also looking forward to the A to Z challenge. I'm quite new to this and love a challenge. I've already discovered some lovely blogs, can't wait.

  36. Sounds like an incredible challenge. I'm gonna sit out this year as the bun in the oven is expected in April. Will be cheering you all on from the stands. Good Luck!

  37. You've got some awesome hosts to help you this year. Can't wait for the challenge to begin.


  38. I think it's neat, and I look forward to reading what people come up with, but since my blog is new-ish, I'm still establishing just exactly what it is I do! Maybe next year?

  39. Looking forward to getting to work with and know the team! Thanks!

  40. Okay ... sheesh ... you've twisted my arm. ;o) How could I NOT sign up now????

  41. Anna -- Thank you! I think you'll be glad you did the A to Z Challenge. We're glad to have you with us.

    buck-- Wishing you the best with the new addition. Babies to tend to keep you busy.

    Misha -- I think it's a dynamite team.

    Kelly -- Several bloggers who were new in previous years found that the Challenge was just the thing to get them into gear. I think you'd do great at it. Short posts will keep it manageable. You can do it!

    Konstanz -- Glad to have you on board with us.

    Jessica -- That's the spirit! You've always added so much to the Challenge.


  42. I'm in! I've got all winter to get geared up. Something to look forward to! Thanks to all the hosts, in advance!

  43. Hello Team! Lee, I am so excited! The A-Z challenge is where my blogging started last year. It will forever have a soft spot in my heart. :-) Thank you in advance to the whole team!

  44. How very exciting....:)

  45. it's going to rock... i am so happy to be on the team.

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Visit The Madness:

  46. Looking forward to participating this year. Should be lots of fun!

  47. Looking forward to it. At our blog, we really surprised ourselves by pulling it off. This year, I want to focus on visiting other bloggers more.

  48. I'm hoping to pull off finishing on time this year and visiting more blogs than I did last year. What a great team you have assembled and i can't wait to sign up.

  49. Lee, I'm so excited to be involved this year but on a much more intimate basis. Thank you for letting me be a part of this fabulous team!


  50. I took part in the 2011 A-Z challenge & loved it, so signing up again! There will be a post upon my blog in the next couple of weeks!


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I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
