I'm sure you've all been on the edge of your seats holding your breath to see the results of my most recent Battle of the Bands. Exhale and wait no longer!
Battle of the Bands Results
My most recent Battle of the Bands was a showdown between seventies band Captain Beyond and the nineties song crafter Duncan Sheik. I'm a big fan of both of these songs. I love the psychedelia of Captain Beyond. There was mention about the droning repetition of the instrumental break, but I see it as a stoner effect that is almost an emulation of Irish fiddle music or a Scottish bagpipe tune. I can almost hear bagpipes playing that break. "Sufficiently Breathless" has long been a favorite song of mine.
On the other hand, I think "Barely Breathing" is a masterwork of modern songwriting. I like everything about this song and appreciate the skill in writing such a pop friendly piece. My vote goes to Duncan Sheik.
Final Vote Tally
Captain Beyond 5 votes
Duncan Sheik 4 votes
And that's it!
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