This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Nix the Mouth Mask, Give Me a Sleep Mask ( #BOTB Results )

 Wouldn't it be nice if we woke up one morning to find that 2020 had been the longest, most tortuous dream/nightmare we'd ever had in our lives?    I'd gladly take a do over without all of the nonsensical pandemic stuff and the utterly absurd Black Lives Matter/Antifa garbage.  This has been one insane year if I have my say about it...

Wear Your Sleep Mask!

       I've gotten into more arguments/discussions about the topic of face masks than any other subject that I've ever brought up.   This is particularly true of FaceBook, the go to place for fake friends and bloggers who never comment on my blog posts but will compose incessantly long tirades defending the Holy Mask.  

       In many ways social media has a way of being the biggest time waste I can think of.  Why oh why do I waste my time bringing up controversies on Facebook?  I guess it does reveal something about some of the bloggers who have become my "friends" on Facebook.  My mistake for not screening people more carefully.  And also for continuing to put up such triggering posts.  I'm baffled that people can see where I'm coming from and yet will deliver long diatribes complete with research and links.  Maybe I'm not the only one getting these missives from those bloggers.  If I am then I suppose I should consider myself honored to some degree.  That is, if one can consider it an honor to be repeatedly told the same things.  No, you haven't convinced me of your side.

       Why don't we all just remove the silly mouth masks and don sleep masks instead.  Perhaps if we hibernate for a while all of the nonsense will be gone.  Or, better yet, maybe we can wake up on January 1, 2020 and start all over again.  How about a do over?

 Battle of the Bands Results

       I thought this recent three-way Battle featuring the song "This Masquerade" was a very difficult choice.  Over the course of the week I was all over the place with my preference.  In the end I settled on the original version by Leon Russell.  But I could have gone with any of these wonderful song versions.  The win was a pretty decisive one and that works for me.

Final Vote Tally

Leon Russell            4 votes

Carpenters              11 votes

George Benson         4 votes

Next Battle on Thursday October 1st

          If I'm not asleep then I'll be back.  

      Does anyone else on Blogger dislike the new format as much as I do?


  1. Carpenters were a decisive win.
    I am really glad I'm not on Facebook. I avoid liberal media sources for the same reason - it would just make me mad.

    1. Alex, at least everyone got some votes.

      I probably should have just left Facebook for family and real life friends. Although there are some bloggers who are pretty good FB friends.


  2. Just mentioning that people need to be able to just live their lives again on FaceBook causes a riot in the comments section.

    1. L.Diane, I'm baffled by what triggers people on FB. I'd prefer them to comment on my blog posts--or at least try to have a logical discussion.


  3. I've all but given up on Facebook. I go out there about once a week to deal with comments, and that's it. And as far as getting into any conversations about religion, politics, or whether or not to wear a mask, forget it.

    I'm glad Karen and Richard Carpenter won, but really I'd be just as happy if Leon or George won. That's a great song.

    1. John H, Sometimes I just feel the need to vent. I don't know that anyone's minds are changed on social media because we're all venting I think.

      The selections were all pretty equal in my opinion.


  4. Lee,

    I’ve read many Blogspot bloggers do not like the new format. Wordpress makes format changes, too. I’ve just learned to adapt and figure out how it works. I’m sure in time you’ll do the same an who knows you may find that you like somethings about it when you’re more familiar with how it works.

    I sure wish sleep masks worked because DH can’t stay asleep most nights and occasionally I have problems with it. As for face masks mandated because of the pandemic and Facebook, all I can say is FB has turned into a rude, know-it-all community that has to get their last dying words in to agree with you to prove their point which never changes anyone’s views on the topic. Most people do not know how to be civil anymore. I usually avoid anyone who comments do not line up with my way of thinking and trying to sway someone that they are wrong is like hitting your head against the wall. It hurts a lot. Facebook is plenty full of fake friends. Where I stand on face mask use is I use them but if you don’t that’s fine. Just like I’ve said before regardless if someone’s wearing a mass or not, if it’s normal times or pandemic if I feel someone isn’t well then I’m going to avoid them. That all being said, if you’re still curious to know how people feel about anything and you filter through the words with thick skin leaving the negativity behind then do it if it makes you happy. It’s your FB wall, just like this is your blog. Who am I to say, you should or shouldn’t feel or do this or that? Oh well…I’m rambling again.

    Thanks for the BotB results. I went with The Carpenters. :) Have a funtastic day, my friend!

    1. Cathy, I have little choice but to adapt, but I'm pretty sure the new format is less functional and efficient.

      I feel like I've become more isolated this year. Social media hasn't helped much because it's become less sociable.


  5. i now chuckle when I see you've mentioned masks again.

    As for Facebook and Twitter, I'm there for specific reasons and I tend to mute those who are busy stirring up trouble about anything, whether politics or masks. :D

    1. Patricia. masks are on my mind a lot--like every time I need to go out for some reason.

      Now and then I mute people for 30 days, but usually because they are spamming the page with advertising or something or they are using too much in the way of offensive language. I mostly try not to censor anyone.

      Then again I probably don't scroll through FB all that much.


  6. I comment, do I not, or maybe this all just a dream that never ends

    1. Jo-Anne, life is but a dream as once was said.


  7. True Story: As a general rule, I used to give a thumbs down to all tracks by The Carpenters, on Pandora. One day, I received an email from the powers that be at Pandora, informing me, from that point on, Pandora was going to reinstate all of those tracks. I immediately uninstalled Pandora from my computer. It was years before I returned.

    1. Michael, that is a pretty strange story. But why oh why were you so down on the Carpenters? Sure they're pretty soppy, but golly gee...

      That is a funny story though.


  8. Hi Arlee I've got good trekker friends on Facebook and 1/2 that many on my little blog where I've been trekking for the last 12 years for my trekkie pals in blogland. Heres a metaphor for Facebook Ask anyone what car (Lancia - Delta) won ten times (6 consecutively) in the World Rally Championships - no-one remembers Lancia.

    1. Guy, I'm a fan of metaphors, but don't know what neither a Lancia is nor a Delta. But I think I get what you're saying.

      IN my life I've seen many a fad come and go and some things just seem to hang around for a few hard core fans.


  9. Quite a blowout for The Carpenters, Lee.

    I was just telling my Brother the other night how I remember in high school (circa 1976) a person was considered hopelessly "un-cool" if they liked The Carpenter's music. Although I didn't necessarily broadcast it proudly, I ALWAYS loved The Carpenters music and never once pretended to dislike them in order to appear to fit in with the "In-Crowd".

    And I remember that a few years later, it also became "fashionable" to hate The Eagles' music. SMH!!

    I have never been one to follow the trends, and that includes Facebook. From all I've heard from friends in recent years, I'm so glad I never created a Facebook account for myself. I can barely even imagine all the arguments that would eat up my free time if I were posting my thoughts / observations at that website!

    The next time some very concerned person tells you that YOU need to wear a mask in order to protect OTHERS, remember [Link> THIS VIDEO: Doctor Ted Noel, an anesthesiologist with 36 years experience wearing masks in operating rooms, explains why masks don't work. That's some anti-viral protective device, eh?

    As I said before, the whole "mask" demand is simply a way that the social engineers can *"keep the fear up"* until the poisonous vaccines are available -- and soon after that, attempted to be made mandatory in order for a person to function in society.

    Years ago, The Holy Spirit told me to reject ANY vaccine Uncle Scam attempts to foist on me! I'm not buying it! I won't even be accepting it for FREE! No vaccine for me! If anyone ever injects me with one, my physical body will *ALREADY* be dead before the needle pierces me, so it won't really matter at that point.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I've always been such a music fan that I've been open to all kinds of music hot or not. I just don't get that fueled up by what's trending though sometimes I catch up later when everyone else has cast the fad aside.

      I'm annoyed by what's going on, but I guess I just don't like things getting changed and rearranged and that's what's happening. I just go with the flow and wait for the flow of the Spirit to carry me away. I'm just trying to settle in with some popcorn to witness the crazy show that's going on around us and hope I don't get carried away by the maddening mob.


  10. Lee,

    I understand how those such as yourself might feel isolated this year. For me, little has changed. Correction, now I have DH home wit me during the day which is a bonus. I love having him here. Now, I have someone to talk to! :) Hopefully things will continue to improve and these restrictions lifted. This is temporary. Try to interact with the blogging community to help with your feelings of isolation, my friend. Sending you a hug and a prayer!

    1. Cathy, things haven't really changed that much for me other than not being able to get out and about to go places like restaurants and church. That's where my isolation is mostly felt. I don't want to participate in mask-wearing as I sense a certain evil in the whole thing. My wife and I are pretty content just staying home, but interaction with others is lessening and much of that is due to the division of people on a number of issues. Satan is dividing people with distrust and disagreement.

      I've always been a loner, but now I can no longer be that in the world on my terms. Our home is my world now.

      But it's okay.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
