This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Youth Is Wasted on the Young ( #AtoZChallenge )

     If it is true that youth is wasted on the young, then does it follow that experience is wasted on the old?...

Arlee Bird in Ecuador (2013)

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter Y

            My life has been filled with experiences both good and bad.  How much wiser these experiences have made me is debatable, but my inclination is that, though I do believe they have instilled some bit of wisdom within me, they have most certainly provided me with a great deal of education as well as interesting memories.

            When I was young I used to hear kids saying they wished they could be older.  Often at times I felt the same way.  Most of the time I was fine being my age.  Even now my mind doesn't seem that different:  There are still some of those same dreams I've had most of my life.  My mind seems neither young nor old now except for outlook. I am a realist who is subject to great flights of fantasy.

           That's where the body comes in. I can't say I was ever an overly physical person.  Never played sports or engaged in excessive activities.  Maybe something in me was telling me not to which later in life I could understand when the doctors told me I had a congenital heart defect which could be damaging if that organ were overtaxed.  I've consciously taken things easier since learning that bit of important knowledge--you know, just in case.

            Now as I approach my seventh decade I think of all of the things I still want to do in my life.  If only I could be 20 again--and, you know what they say:  Know everything I know now.  Would I do things differently than I would have back then?  No matter.  I might have more physical stamina.  I might look prettier.  People wouldn't perceive me as someone who was getting older.

           So am I too old for crazy dreams that some think should be the domain of only the young?  

           Just this morning my friend Sanford called.  He's 15 years younger than I, with a wife and seven kids ranging from toddlers to high school.  Without me even saying anything about my dreams, he told me what he'd been dreaming lately and it was uncanny how closely his dream resembled mine.  This gave me a certain amount of reassurance that maybe my dreams are not really so crazy.  

          Now that April is coming to an end, I will once again cut back my blogging.  I will break out my notebooks and start strategizing.   There will be places to go and people to see.  Phone calls.  Emails.  So much to do!

         Yowl!  There goes that durn foot again.  Let me set down and take a rest.  Maybe a nap would be nice.

          Did you take many naps when you were in your teen or young adult years?   Would you be able to keep up with your younger self at your current age?   What do you think is the best age of life?


  1. Lee,

    I sometimes think about the possibilities of a younger me doing things over with the knowledge I have now. I used to think I'd change things drastically but at some point I figured out it alter the future I know now. Instead, I think my major decisions would be the same but I believe I would handle various aspects of my life differently. I would know how to deal better with circumstances and know what to give each person to help them to have a better future. Does that make sense?

    I don't remember taking naps in my teen or young adult years but I did fall asleep easily in the car or soon after I laid my head down for the night. I was quite active as a kid, not an athlete but doing just regular kid stuff. I might have trouble keeping up with a younger me but I think I have more stamina than kids do today. Oh the complaining I hear from kids walking from the parking lot to Mt. Mitchell's observation tower (it's only a quarter mile). I don't know what the best age of life is because I feel every year I'm given is the best but I think after I hit 40 I felt more confident and accepting of the person I am with things only improving since that time. You asked if experiences is wasted on the old? I don't think. God wants us to share our experience with the younger generations with the hopes they do not repeat the same mistakes. Whether they do or not is a different story. We're meant to be their teacher and guide and nagging voice inside their heads guestioning the stupid stuff they are fixing to do even if they don't know that it's stupid. lol I'm a dreamer and there's nothing wrong with it. Keep dreamin', my friend! Happy a2zing!!

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch series 'Yazzy'

    1. Cathy, yes, it makes sense to me about living life basically the same. So would I except I think I'd save a whole lot more money than I did and not spend it quite as frivolously.

      We should treasure and learn from all of our experiences no matter what our age.


  2. They say wisdom comes with age but I really don't see any upside to getting older.
    Your friend is in his mid-fifties with little kids? The horror...

    1. Alex, yeah, my friend has got those little kids. I've been there, but would I ever want to go back. My life without kids has been going well.


  3. Experience is NEVER wasted! It defines who we are. The only thing I don't like about getting older is the physical limitations. I couldn't keep up with my younger self, mostly due to old injuries and arthritis, but in my head, I'm only 35. ☺ When it comes to fulfilling a dream, I'd like to think it's never too late, especially when it comes to writing. As long as the mind is sharp, you can do that as long as you want.

    1. Debbie D, there are so many things that I'd like to do, but I'm a bit cautious about. I do hope my mind stays sharp as long as I live.


  4. Hi Lee - great to see you ... I'd love to visit Ecuador. I think there are advantages (and disadvantages) throughout each era ... I've learnt loads since I've been blogging. Because of age and/or a sign of the times advantage ( technological) ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary, during my blogging years I have learned so much that I didn't understand before. Hope I never stop learning new things.


  5. Yesterday a woman twenty years my senior told me, "Don't get old." But then we decided the alternative was not recommended either.

    When I was younger, I thought I would have so much more time to do things I wanted to do when I got older. But now I'm slower and it takes me longer to do things. I would have oodles of time if I could get stuff done at the pace I used to keep.

    1. Trudy, well it's good advice not to get old if one could manage that, but being older does provide and insight that I didn't have when I was younger.

      Time is seems to get more limited as I grow older.


  6. So much left to do! Because I felt chronically 'spent' in my early 20's, yes. I napped; then napped some more. Later I was diagnosed with an alarmingly low thyroid function; and began to feel better. Looking back, age 33 I looked and felt my best. 'Still trying to figure why, at age 69, I've begun walking 2 mi. each day, cut carbs and still weigh 25 lbs. more than when we married (in 2004). (And yes, all my recent labs are normal.) Almost makes me want to take up smoking again!

    1. Myra, it's almost a relief when doctors discover an explanation for why we feel bad. Apparently I was born with atrial fibrillation, which explained my adverse reactions to strenuous physical exercise, and I didn't realize it until I was almost 50. Probably good that I didn't ever go into the military, but then they probably would have found it eventually too which could have been better.

      The 25 lb doesn't sound too bad over that span. From high school I think the most I gained was about 55 lbs. Then I lost and now I'm at about 30 lbs more than high school. I'd like to lose another 20 or so by September because we'll be having our 50th reunion and it would be nice to look a bit trimmer. Good idea for my health too.



  7. I wasn't terribly active when I was younger, but I wasn't a napper until I hit my mid-30's. In fact, I had a habit of staying up all night at least once a week when I was in college. Too much coffee, I think.

    I don't think I'd have any trouble keeping up with myself when I was younger. I couldn't do as much walking as I did then, not that I wouldn't want to.

    After giving it some thought, the best time of my life was 1970-1980, when I was 14 through 24. No special reason, just it was a good time to be alive.

    1. John, looking back I think the 70's was a good decade. I had good times and bad, but mostly it was good. But then so have all of my decades of living. I guess it depends on outlook and I hope to maintain a good one for many more years.

      I was never much of a coffee drinker prior to my thirties and even now I don't drink much. I did used to keep late hours.


  8. Dreams are never crazy. You only live once (I think) so do it all. Kids think being older is better. Stay a kid.

    1. Jamie, I'm ready to stay a kid--now if my body will only listen.


  9. Is youth wasted on the young? Maybe - is an older age wasted on the oldies - maybe. But if we can integrate our experiences and find value in them then maybe we're doing ok...and make new dreams ..

    1. Susan S, the fact of the matter is that the chronology of life is the way things are and we've got to make the best of things.


  10. What I wish is that I had saved more money when I was younger so that now I would be able to do more of the things I want to do and not have to worry about it. The only time I feel the need to take a nap is if I have a cold or if the sun is shining through the window while I'm typing. LOL Looking forward to hearing more about what your big plans are.

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Janet, what money I did have saved got spent in the years after I lost my last job and before I started collecting Social Security. Now I need more money.


  11. I'm quite happy at this stage of my life (late 70s and in pretty good health if you don't count the aches and pains). I will admit to taking a nap almost every day, and know I could never keep up with that younger self who worked long hours at a corporate day job. Even so, I feel pretty young (emotionally and mentally).

    1. Patricia, like you I feel fortunate with the way things are so far. Hope we stay this way for several more years.


  12. I am happy with my age always have been
    My niece and youngest daughter always likes to have a nap, as a young woman I never had a nap

    1. Jo-Anne, when I was young I always felt too busy for naps. Accepting what we have that we can't change is the best way to be.


  13. There are things I love and don't love about every age I've been, so I don't know what age I would say is my favorite. I know I don't care for the body aches in these later years, but I like where I am age wise...

    1. Lisa, I guess the best thing is to accept the present age and look for the best in it.


  14. The best age is right now because I was a dumb ass when I was young plus had many a heart ache with loss. My severe pain is my life so I must make do but there is no way I could keep up with my younger self. I actually did more harm to my self when I think about it. From all the work and lifting when I grew up on the sawmill to constantly going. I would work all day, come home, forget to eat, clean the whole house, go out to see a movie, come home and read or watch tv until 1 or 2 am and get up the next day and hour before needing to be at work. I often got sick and that was my life. I was much thinner which I liked, but now, I no longer get sick like I used to, I eat properly and listen to my body and realize I can't do what i used to. This is harden than ya think but you probably know that

    1. Birgit, I used to be on the go a lot in my younger days. Not sure that I'd keep up with my younger self either.



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