This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Finding Time to Write (#IWSG) & #BOTB winner

   Are you feeling a bit insecure?  Want to talk about it?

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

      I've got to admit that I've grown pretty lax about writing over the past couple of years. When it comes to writing I haven't been finding the time to do it.  It's not that the time isn't available, but I've been using my time to do other things.  Still, I have some advice on finding more time to write.

  • Keep the television off
  • Forget household chores
  • Don't get caught up in conversations and activities with other people
  • Stay home and focus on the writing
  • Stop blogging!
  • Avoid surfing the internet
  • Skip naps and don't sleep much at night
  • If it's not writing then don't do it
     Okay, so maybe that's going overboard, but it might work.  Or it might not.  In fact, probably not in the end.  If I had to give all these things up then I guess I'd give up writing.   As with all things, moderation is the secret of successful living.

Battle of the Bands Results

      My most recent Battle of the Bands contest featured the song "El Listón de Tu Pelo" with versions by Julieta Venegas and Denise Gutiérrez (with backing by Los Angeles Azules).   My concern that the hip-hop style intro of the Venegas version might be a turn-off to voters proved to be unfounded with that version turning out to be the runaway favorite.  

      While I did like the Julieta Venegas version a great deal, my preference was the eclectic mash-up of orchestra, cumbia band, and alt rock vocals from Denise Gutiérrez.  There are a number of these collaborative videos available on YouTube so it's likely that I be using more of them in the future.  Maybe next time the collaboration will pull off a win.  This time not so much.

Final Vote Tally

Julieta Venegas        20 votes 

Denise Gutiérrez      10 votes

Next Battle of the Bands on Thursday September 15th

         My next Battle of the Bands post will be a bit ironic considering my thoughts about this last one.  You'll see what I mean when that battle comes, but I'll also explain myself then.  The songs I'll be using--there will be two different songs--will tell stories relating to similar concepts.   In a way this upcoming battle will be kind of a writer's battle to make up for my own lack of writing of late.  Maybe I'll get inspired to write something between then and now.

          To close out this post I leave you with an English language song by Denise Gutiérrez with her alt rock group Hello Seahorse!.  The first 12 seconds are silent so hang in there.   I guess they're dealing with some irony in the beginning of the video.  Hope you enjoy it.

       How's your own writing been going?   Have you ever gotten mired down in distracted ennui that keeps you from doing what you probably should be doing?   If you listened to the Hello Seahorse! video, what did you think?


  1. Super tips there, Arlee:)Don't think I could stop blogging though. The connection with other writers helps me to stay focused on the writing - well that's my excuse :) Have a great week.

    1. Nicola, I always figure that blogging is writing so you can have a pass with that one.


  2. I have too much time on my hands Lee.
    Got the winner in the BOTB this month.

    1. Yvonne, I could never have too much time on my hands. I wish I had more.


  3. I'm afraid I like my sleep too much. No naps though. Just makes me feel groggy and useless.

    1. Alex, I like my sleep too. But sleeping does keep me from doing waking activities.


  4. Oh, man. It was a blow out. Ms Venegas was paying people off. It was rigged!

    1. Nasreen, too many voters have been drugged with rock and roll and couldn't resist the urge to vote that way.


  5. Moderation sure is key
    For those without OCD
    for the chores are done
    Sleep has been run
    I've made the bed
    Blogging is 372 posts ahead
    The cats are fed
    The TV is dead
    Can't afford gas
    Some going out is a pass
    The internet has the same old news
    No I don't want to book a cruise
    My commenting is through
    Writing can now come do
    Wait, I have to go pee
    Has to be done, but at least it's free.

    1. I'm moderate when it comes to drinking,
      But not so much regarding my thinking.
      If I could write as fast as my thoughts come,
      Then I'd have books written and more writing done.


  6. "Stop blogging!" I think you may have something there, Lee. It's so all-consuming, there's little time left for much else, as I also have an offline business to run, not to mention hubby - he needs attention too. Household chores often get neglected, then they pile up and it's a vicious circle. That said, I love blogging, so it's a real dilemma. I have two W.I.P.s and more ideas for turning blog posts into published works. One of these days, it will all come together! As for the battle, Julieta was more pleasing to my ears. Denise's voice doesn't appeal to me all that much. Too "girly" (somewhere. Shady is smiling ☺).

    1. Debbie D, love of blogging presents the conundrum for me. But I'm not going to totally stop--not yet.

      I don't mind a "girly" voice if it's a "girl" singing, but if it's a guy with a girly voice then I'm not so into that.


    2. Blogging is a real addiction for me and I won't be stopping either, but the occasional break is helpful. "Girly" voices of either gender set my teeth on edge, with a couple of exceptions, like Neil Young.

    3. Debbie D, if a female sang like Neil Young I think that might be a bit disturbing.


  7. After writing for several years, I think a break is in order. I used to pound at it, but now I show up to write when it suits me. Of course, I can't stop the ideas from coming, so I kind of wish my brain had an on/off switch, and I could choose when to write and when to lie around and eat bon bons.

    1. C.Lee, incessant thinking is my mental equivalency to exercise to keep my body in shape. Now I probably should do some actual physical exercise. I never have a problem with finding the time to lie around, but I have a problem in that I actually do that.


  8. Stop blogging!
    That's the big one for me.

    1. Andrew, easier said than done for me, but I probably couldn't stop blogging for long.


  9. I love your list. I should take inventory of time spent. :)

    1. Teresa, taking inventory takes up time. Sometimes it's worth doing though.


  10. One of the reasons I miss my old computers is because they were so distraction-free! The 152K Mac could only do one thing at a time, and though the '93 Mac eventually did get Internet, it was dial-up, and I had to choose whether to use the Internet or write. The screen wasn't big enough to play with both together. I do need to keep WiFi on while I write, since my work is so research-heavy, but I do miss the days when the screen was only big enough for the word-processing document and a little bit of the desktop image.

    1. Carrie-Anne, I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't want to go back to those computer times. Maybe you need two computers? I've got a second one that's not connected to the internet that I could use for just writing. Unfortunately of late I just use it to play solitaire.


  11. I use a small, old laptop for most of my writing. It doesn't multi-task well and where I write the internet connection is usually pretty spotty, so it's not hard to cut out distractions. It's just finding the opportunity to put yourself in that position, that's the trick.

    IWSG September

    1. CD, limitations can have benefits as well as hassles.


  12. Love your list, Lee. That about sums it up.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

    1. Pat, the list works, but it is a bit extreme to some extent.


  13. I do forget household chores but it doesn't seem to help.

    1. L.Diane, if I don't do my part of the housework then my wife does it on her day off and I feel bad about that.


  14. I think it's everything in moderation. Especially the television and internet. If I'm not careful, I'll binge watch my favorite show (I'm talking to you Stranger Things!) or get caught up on Facebook for too long. Then where does that leave time for writing? It doesn't.

    co-host IWSG

    1. Elsie, I've been watching too much TV news the past couple years. Maybe after the election is over...


  15. I actually gasped when I read the line "Stop blogging"! You are funny, Lee;-) But you're right, distractions are a problem. So is having a part time job that has a lot of overtime these days - ha! It helps to always carry a pen and spiral notebook for whenever my muse wants to talk.

    1. Diedre, though some humor was intended in this post some truth had to be present to have it make sense. I probably should cut back on blogging, but once you're addicted it's difficult to let it go.

      A part time job with a lot of overtime almost seems like an oxymoron.


  16. Like you said moderation is key Arlee. Also important to prioritize finding time to write. I keep saying I'll enter BOTB bit then I don't I plan to change that.

    1. Sheena-kay, I'd love to see you join us in the BOTB posts. It's good to have some varied musical preferences to choose from and we do have variety.
      Let me know when you'll participate and I'll add your link to my list.


  17. Sometimes I think "forget the household chores" is the whole reason I started writing, hehe.

    1. Nicki, that works if you've got someone to do them--or don't mind living in squalor.


  18. Good tips. I need to follow the stop surfing the net one.

    1. HR, the internet is a vast trap that tries to suck us in and often accomplishes that goal.


  19. So far (probably since most of the readers here are also bloggers and they are focused on the writing tips), the music clip has not been mentioned.

    I really enjoyed Hello Seahorse! They have a pleasant and catchy sound that typically appeals to me. Thanks for posting them.

    1. SBB6, yes IWSG day creates a focus on writing so the video did get lost. Glad you enjoyed the Hello Seahorse! song. Nothing of great consequence, but I agree that it is fun catchy music. I was attempting to emphasize the contrast between this song and the one I used in the battle. Thanks for listening and offering your thoughts on it.


  20. Lee, In the past few years I've been distracted from writing a more content filled posts. I've gotten side track with the blog hops, etc. It's not a bad thing because I think it's teaching me better ways to develop my writing style with the various triggers each meme contribution I add to my site. I do need to get myself more focused in this department, though. Someone mentioned the best approach is moderation and that really is the key in life to most things. Things have to have a balance. Well, it looks like my BoTB pick did not win. :( Her English song/vid is a pleasant upbeat track that got my toe tapping. It's a nice introduction. Thanks for sharing it. Have a good morning. :)

    1. Cathy, I've been trying to cut back to one or two posts per week and the BOTB posting helps me do that. I've put my blogging on autopilot for the most part. That's balance for me at present.


  21. Sometimes the blog steals away from my writing time, but I still find it worthwhile enough to keep blogging. Now if only I could finish writing my book.

    1. Ken, blogging has become my writing time--at least I'm writing something so it's not all bad. I can empathize about writing that book.


  22. I love the "Stop Blogging!" one, haha! So speaks the fearless leader of A to Z. I think Nora Roberts lives by these rules!

    1. Lisa, any prolific writer probably adheres to my list to some extent.


  23. Hopefully you're doing things that make you happy instead.

    1. Shannon, I feel a sense of contentment with a nagging undercurrent that threatens to pull me into a great stream of productivity which is where I probably should be.


  24. Hi, Lee!

    I agree with you. When I was a kid I did my homework with the TV or stereo blasting, but nowadays I need to eliminate distractions if I am to get any creative writing done. That means turning off the TV and the music, removing myself from rooms full of chatting people and withdrawing from the blog circuit for a while. Blogging and other forms of social media will suck gobs of your valuable time if you allow it. If you participate in every hop that comes along, accept every "chain letter" award given to you, and try to "juggle" (that was for you) hundreds of click-on "friends" just to make your numbers look good, your own product will suffer.

    Turning to your BOTB results, the good news is that I found myself on the winning side for a change. The bad news is that, once again, your ears did not match mine. At least we agreed on the Rolling Stones over at Michele's and we'll be in good shape if Miley ever shows up again. :)

    Have a great weekend, good buddy Lee, and don't forget the rave tonight at club Verdant. I hope to see you there!

    1. Shady, life is full of distractions, but I guess that's what makes it life.


  25. I know I am so easily distracted that I rarely write anymore. I've given up and will just have to write when the mood strikes me.

    I like the Denise Guitierez song here. Hello Seashorse is an interesting name...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, Hello Seahorse! sounds like the name of a group for children and this song I've presented has a sound that it seems kids might enjoy. I'm not real familiar with their other music though I've listened to some of their songs and they sounded pleasant enough.


  26. Well, I'll be damned, LEE! You and I voted the same way on this one. I really didn't see that coming.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, And before going into this battle I really thought that Denise's version would come out ahead. This outcome was the reverse of my expectations.


  27. One thing I definitely had to do was quit participating in all the blog challenges. They take up a lot of time. Now, back to writing.

    1. Kathleen, I'll do a blog event if it happens to fit my needs or if there is something really special about it, but I'm less participatory in Blogland than I used to be.


  28. Yes, I have to force myself to set aside many things to get some writing done. Works short term, but I'm too into my fun time when not working or traveling. Terrible, I know, lol.

    1. Dolorah, well, it may be terrible, but I enjoy my fun time. And my sleeping time. Gotta live.


  29. Those are valid time thieves you mention there.
    Now as a part-time working mom, I cannot NOT make dinner, and I NEED the internet to look up stuff all the time, especially online dictionnaries (English is not my first language), but you're right, no need to check Facebook every half hour ;-)

    1. Tamara, we gotta eat and if nobody else is gonna fix it then we do. That or go out for fast food every night. I do that sometimes, but it would get old and somewhat expensive every night. Facebook I usually avoid.


  30. First of all, the video was great! Thank you for sharing it because I would never have found out about them. I want the shirt with the moving mouth. It would help me out in some awkward social
    Secondly, your tips are great! In essence, we write with any spare moment we have. Thank you :)

    1. Erika, glad you took the time to enjoy the video. I might have had tongue planted in cheek to some extent, but there is inherent truth in my tips.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
