This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What State Is Bigger Than Alaska?

             On Saturday I told you that today I'd be visiting Alaska on this blog space, but I've decided to postpone this visit.  What's the delay?  Well, Alaska's a really big state, but I've discovered there's a bigger state.  Wait a minute, you say, what state?  It's the state of Blogs and there's big doings here with the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge and right now I guess Alaska can wait (sorry, Sarah Palin).

           I'm getting a lot of interest in this blog challenge for the month of April and I want to take as much time as I can to make sure we get it off the ground properly and that everyone gets proper credit. In the sidebar I have a list of participants so far.  If you have agreed to blog along with us and your link is not there, let me know so I can get it up there.  If you still want to join up in the challenge then let me know and I'll get your link on the roll.   So far I only have one blogger who has committed to be a supporter by following participants and commenting on our posts.  There have been several who said they are going to follow, but give me the commitment that you wish to be recognized as an official supporter so I can get your link posted to the list.

         Thanks to Dee at THE REDHEADED STEPCHILD OUT OF THE BASEMENT  and  SAY ANYTHING  for creating the very appropriate logo for the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge.  I'm not too swift when it comes to doing these things but I loaded it on my sidebar right there at the top. I encourage all of you who are participants to add it to yours as well so you can be clearly be identified as such.  Thank you Dee-- I put both of your sites in the sidebar because I could and because you made the logo for us. I encourage everyone who sees this to go to Dee's site and participate in her Taboo Tuesdays or Saturday Sharing -- these are both opportunities to promote your blogs.

        Many of our talented participants have already been promoting the challenge on their sites.  Check out the post by Fifi Flowers -- she's already got her bags packed as she'll be taking the A to Z theme overseas with April in Paris--sounds like a really creative approach to the challenge. 

        Trevor Peck and his Love in the Truth  will be joining us from Canada.  He posted his Blogging from A to Z(ed) I'm a Canadian  yesterday.   As did The Alliterative Allomorph from Athens, Greece--she made her announcement yesterday and she's all ready to go. 

       Then there's Bud Ezekial H. at B-E-ing Transformed --he posted on the challenge topic yesterday as he prepares for the month ahead, but reflects on the challenge that he will be facing personally.  Lisa at the Bombastic Bandicoot had the challenge blaring across her page yesterday and announced that she was in and wanted others to join her.  I got a kick about what she said about the letter "J" and I can relate to that one as well.   Also, Tori Cooper from This Journey Called Life put up a very nice announcement.

        Be sure to check the links on the sidebar to see if there are any additional new posts for Tuesday and Wednesday.  If you post about the challenge on your blog but are not participating I will make sure to add your link to our cheering section. 

       Jump on board with us now if you haven't yet.  The fun begins on Thursday when we start the first topic based on the letter "A".   And if you absolutely don't feel you're up to the challenge, but still want to read the posts and support the bloggers let me know that you are going to do that and I will put your link on that list.


  1. Hey, if I can do NaNo, I can do this! Sign me up. And Sarah says hi. We're both waving to you from Alaska. ;)

  2. Ok. I've put up the logo thingy in my right hand pane with the link :) cooleo ...

  3. Lee, I am not very good when it comes to techincal things on my pc.
    Please can you tell me how to put my A-Z ON MY SIDEBAR? I have only just learnt how to put an award on.

    Looking forward to the challenge goodness 26 poems in a month???????

  4. hey there...Lee

    managed to get the logo/link on my blog this morning.

    ready,but with nothing pre-written


  5. OMGoodness. That Uncle Sam dude is a pain in my tuckus. Anyway, I think the grab button thing works, someone check it please, then yell at me if it doesn't, k?

  6. Mel --- Good to have you with us. You are now on the sidebar. For anyone who blogged and NaNoed at the same time this should be half the effort. Look forward to your posts.

    Alliterative --- Yes! It looks great.

    Yvonne -- I'm not very good with these things either. But we'll try here. Theoretically you can cut and paste the Html code under my badge and go to layout like you would add an award. Click on the tab that says about adding HTML and paste the code in the box.
    Let me know if that's not working.
    The first time I added mine I just did it exactly the same as I added awards. Save the picture thats on today's post. Then in layout go to "Add Picture" and download it and it should appear on sidebar. Let us know if you have any problems. I'm probably terrible at explaining these things and maybe someone else can help better. Good luck, Yvonne.

    Bud -- I enjoyed reading your first post last night. I'm sure you will come up with a though-provoking and edifying post. The logo looks great on your site.

    Dee-- It worked for me. I've tried testing it but I don't get an image, but then again maybe it's because I'm doing it on my own site? Heck if I know how that works. Maybe someone else will let us know. I really appreciate the effort you've put into this. I hope any non-Americans aren't upset with Uncle Sam. He looks kind of mean.

  7. Hi, Lee, I am going to try the "challenge". Hopefully, I will be able to do it. Thanks for tossing out the idea to the rest of us bloggers.
    Best regards to you,friend,

  8. I am definitely giving the A-Z blog challenge a try. I'm looking forward to it! I might even write a couple of extra entries so I can make sure to get all 26 letters! (I don't normally read or post blogs on weekends.)

    Thanks for posting, and thanks for your wonderful comments on my blog! You're awesome, Lee. :D

  9. I’ve participated in a blog a day challenge before – though I did it, I found it took too much time away from working on my manuscript. I’m not ready to try again, but I will try to visit as often as possible because I do know the amount of effort that goes into a challenge like that. Good luck to you all.

  10. I'm excited to watch you guys do this! (Have you caught on to my laziness factor yet?) It'll be fun to see what you come up with!

  11. I will get the A-Z Challenge image up at my blog at once!

  12. Well this is certainly looking good. Great to see everyone participating - can't wait to read each of these come Thursday!

  13. This sounds like so much fun! But I'm pretty sure I'd fail epically. I'm too erratic in my blog topics. But I can't wait to read them this month. And who knows, maybe I'll be inspired!

  14. I'm just not that creative Lee! But I will participate by reading all the links.

    This sounds like it will be a huge success!

  15. I will nervously put my name forward to give this a go :o) hehe

  16. Grammy -- Glad you joined us. The way you're always blabbing I know you'll always have something to say. Guess that's what comes from having been a teacher.

    Niki -- It's great to have New Zealand represented. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the ride. You know what you're doing-- I've got confidence in what you can do.

    Becky, Trevor, Alex, & Gregg-- looks like things are shaping up well for us. Thanks for your efforts so far.

    Jane, Tamara, and Diane -- Okay I've added you as official supporters in the cheering section. Will you give us a mention on your sites every know and then. And leave some comments (I guess that's pretty much a given since you comment on many of these players already). If you want to get on the playing field let me know and I'll put your link on that blog roll.

    Elena -- You're in the cheering section too right now. But "fail epically" -- don't think so. "erratic blog topics"? -- this challenge is going to be well suited to randomness and eccentricity. Let me know if you decide you want in -- you can still post the same stuff you've been posting - just alphabetize it in some way.

  17. This thing is exploding on you Lee! Congratulations :) It's going to be so much fun!

    I don't blog more than a couple of times of week - but I'll enjoy reading the posts!

  18. Already 1st of April here, but I'll join in and start my A-Z blog :-)

  19. I'm going to post it tomorrow. I already posted twice today and I feel like a blog hog. lol.

  20. Sounds like fun! Sign me up! I will write an entry daily and do my darndest to make it around to the other challengers and scatter comment love far and wide! :)


  21. Jemi-- you're in the cheering section now unless you decide to play.

    Charmaine, Mary, and Beth -- You are officially in -- good luck!

  22. Hello there
    I've come through from Grammy's blog to say I wouldn't mind having a go at this
    Some of the letters may be a challenge but as you say it can be something very simple that makes the post - so some dayd simple it may be lol
    Take care

  23. There IS something cool about Toronto that draws people in. My husband travels a lot for work and Toronto is still one of his favorite places.

    And I won't be up for the A to Z challenge but I'd LOVE to support those that are!

  24. Thanks for the invite. Hmm... I think I may try to do this. But I'm doing ScriptFrenzy this month too, so I don't know if it will be too much.

    All right, I'm in.
    Just don't blame me when M is for mutter incoherently and S is for spazz out and die. :)


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
