Et Tu, Arlee?
I'm soon going to do that which I never thought I'd do regarding this blog. I'm going to take a break. Seems like a lot of bloggers have done this or will be taking breaks for the summer. And now me.
No big deal really because I guess it's not really that much of a break. After all I'll still post for #IWSG on July 5th and August 2nd. And in July and August on the 15th I'll still take part in Battle of the Bands with results posts for each posting a week after each Battle. So it's not like I'll be disappearing and actually I'll be posting pretty much as I have in the past month or so. However I will presumably be back in some expanded form by September and hopefully that will be my blog and not my waistline.
So I guess I'm not really going to be all that inactive on this blog. But I will be offline a lot more than I have been. After all, it's summer.
What kinds of things are you doing this summer? What is the longest complete blog break that you've ever taken? When it's raining where you are, does it feel like it's raining all over the world?
Battle of the Bands Results
Last week's Battle was Aretha Franklin versus Barbra Streisand singing their renditions of "Lover, Come Back to Me". I've grown to dislike Streisand in recent decades, but not because of her singing. Listening to her version of this old standard I recalled how much I used to like her singing. On the other hand, I've never been a big fan of Aretha Franklin. I had no idea that she sang more in a jazzy style before she started singing soul.
Like some voters also expressed, Aretha's delivery of "Lover" was a pleasant surprise. Although I liked both versions a great deal, I thought Aretha edged out Barbra for my vote. The total vote outcome came out much the same way with Aretha taking a few more votes than Barbra.
Final Vote Tally
Aretha Franklin 13
Barbra Streisand 10
I'll Be Back
My next appearance here will likely be Wednesday July 5th with a post for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. That's my plan at least.