This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2025 the theme is a random assemblage of things that are on my mind--or that just pop into my mind. Whatever! Let's just say I'll be "Tossing It Out" for your entertainment or however it is you perceive these things.

2017 A to Z Blog List

This is my personal list for the 2017 A to Z--my experiment and free for any of you to use.  If your blog isn't listed and you are participating in the Challenge, let me know in the comment section and I'll add your link to this list.   

  1. The Old Shelter    Film Noir
  2. Indian Screw Up    Post Impressionistic Art
  3. Josie Two Shoes    6 sentence stories
  4. Reel Focus             Food in Film
  5. Butterfly on a Broomstick     Journal writing
  6. Keith's Ramblings      Amble Bay
  7. Multicolored Diary     folktales
  8. Discarded Darlings      editing
  9. Ouch!                           vinyl
  10. My Virtual Vineyard      photo shoot
  11. Curious as a Cathy        art sketching
  12. Bunny and the Bloke      jazz
  13. Writing Wings               alt history 
  14. Sound of One Hand Typing    words
  15. Something's Cooking        Indian food
  16. Words from Sonobe         Malaysian food
  17. Cresting the Hill              Midlife
  18. Madly in Verse                 Arabiana
  19. Magic Theater                 places in story
  20. Kalpanaa Writes              divorce
  21. Days of Fun                    Scotland
  22. Eclectic Evelyn                Poetry
  23. Pensive Pens                   Harry Woods
  24. Potpourri                         Countries of the world
  25. Reprobate Typewriter        M
  26. Networking Tips               Using Linked In
  27. So Much to Choose From    Writers
  28. Science Ladybug                  Facts vs Opinions
  29. Abbie's Adventure               lessons learned at 30
  30. Articulate Image                photos that inspire
  31. Our Poetic Journey           Poetry
  32. the Creative Life                Self care
  33. song a day                          Songs
  34. Creatively Random Life      book reviews
  35. Caramel Files                       memoir essays
  36. Melissa Sugar Writes            flash memoir
  37. Finding Eliza                         History
  38. Miss Pelican's Perch              Eclectic stuff
  39. Dena's Ramblings                Supreme court
  40. Frog Lady                           plants
  41. FallonBrownWrites              Staring at the Sun
  42. Life & Faith in Caneyland     Perspectives
  43. Jingle Jangle Jungle               70's Hits
  44. Doglady's Den                       Musical Memories
  45. Natasha Musing                     Travel tales
  46. Janet Smiles                           concert scrapbook
  47. Stephanie's Studio                  African proverbs
  48. Stacy Uncorked                     Wine making
  49. Word Dreams                         Literary genres 
  50. Sharon Cathcart                       Writing etc
  51. Deborah Weber                       Pronia, peace, and quiety
  52. Mail Adventures                      Postcards
  53. Romance Righter                     Personality quirks
  54. Shalzmojo                              Travel  
  55. Quiet Writer                           abbeys & cathedrals
  56. Positive Letters                       rare breeds 
  57. Academy Award Project           Best Pictures
  58. Tamara Narayan                      Conspiracies    
  59. Confessions....                        Health and fitness
  60. Isheeria                                   Healing
  61. Liz Brownlee                          Extraordinary women
  62. QP & Eye                               Values
  63. Defending the Pen                    Snowman
  64. Dinnia                                     Anime
  65. Madness of a Modern Writer     Character profiles
  66. Blob, Blob, and Blogging          Story attribution
  67. Forty C'est Fantastique              Paris streets
  68. Katy Trail Creations                  Quilts and quotes
  69. Sorchia's Universe                      Witch story
  70. Time Machine                             We Didn't Start the Fire
  71. Ginni Cares!                               Confessions of a carer
  72.  Writerly Life                             Writing words
  73. Wondering & Wandering              Throwing rocks 
  74. Color Me Writing                         Parenting
  75. Suzanne Blazier                           Oscar screenplays
  76. Enchanted Fantasies                      Old TV shows
  77. Click's Clan                                 Letters to Embryos
  78. Laura Roberts                           World's Coolest Jobs
  79. Fiction Playground                     New novel development     
  80. Sandra's Ancestral...                   Genealogy    
  81. On My Way Home                      Life in 6 words
  82. NovembersChild                         Micropoetry
  83. Black & White                           Block print artists
  84. Hot Dogs & Marmalade               Collage
  85. Writing in Wonderland                  Scotland
  86. No Love for Fatties                       Harry Potter
  87. Bob's Home for Writing                UK houses
  88. Evelyne Holingue                          French writers
  89. hdhstory. net                                 What if...
  90. Writing Dragons                            dragons
  91. John Davis Frain                            murder weapons
  92. J.Lenni Dorner                              telepathy flash fiction
  93. Luana's Story Magic                       Stories
  94. Reading Authors                             children's books    
  95. Annembray                                     Trucks   
  96. Impromtu Promptings                      TV shows
  97. LadiesWhoLunch                            Short fiction  
  98. Infinitesimal Thoughts                   Delft, Netherlands
  99. Believe in Fairy Stories                  Fairy stories
  100. Donna McNicol                              Travel
  101.  Moondust Writer                           Uganda   
  102.  Loving a Heroin Addict                  Heroin addiction 
  103.  Girdle of Melian                            blogging
  104. Buttercup Counts her Blessings        NYC
  105. Deeply Trivial                                 Statistics
  106. Alex Schuler                                   Monochrome art
  107. Life as a Potpourri                           Amazing Andamans
  108. Less Beaten Paths                           Wanderlust
  109. Ladyleemanila                                  Poetry types
  110. Wright Words                                  Fiction from word prompts
  111. Making Life Art                               26 things tried in life
  112. Management Theory Review              Management
  113. BB Creations                                    Movies
  114. Magic Moments                                Korean TV shows
  115. McGuffy's Reader                             Life Soundtrack
  116. Sandra Ulbrich Amazan                     Season avatars
  117. Text Defender                                  26 political principles
  118. Alice's Grand Adventures                   Life is an adventure
  119. Miss_teerious                                   Happiness
  120. jillballau                                           Windows of the world
  121. Sage                                                 Astronomy
  122. Joyous Living                                    ?
  123. Beverly A Baird                                Stories of "Me"
  124. Collage of Life                                  Original Selves
  125. Sue's Trifles                                      Biblical stories
  126. I Rhyme Without Reason                    Short notice posts
  127. Nimble Mime                                    Flash fiction
  128. Freezerburned                                    Pictures from the past
  129. Megan Morgan                                  Things to hate about writing
  130. Sharon Cathcart                                 Fiction
  131. Shari Elder                                        Writing villains
  132. Tunneling Thru                                 Mind and body
  133. Decadent Kane                                  Dirty little secrets
  134. Dreams of Nyssa                               No theme
  135. Everyday Banters                               Real life love stories
  136. Writing the Ride                                Free form 
  137. Marabella Speaks                               Character profiles
  138. Cryton Chronicles                             vlogging
  139. Generation Jak                                  Music
  140. Mama Wants Her Books                     Little Golden Book covers
  141. NaMi                                                Life
  142. Herding Cats                                      Things in my house
  143. Natalie Westgate                                  Serial killers
  144. Nashville Cats                                   Poetry by Yvonne
  145. Sushmita Malakar                             Mixology
  146. The Solitary Writer                            Hypocrisy of Indians
  147. Life through my Bioscope                  Minimalism
  148. Notes in a Book                                 Notebooks
  149. Waiting Is the Hardest Part                  free flying April
  150. Writing is Communication                 Parenting
  151. ClearingSpace4Joy                             Personal insight
  152. What is Hoped For...                          Disney supporting characters
  153. Splendid Fruition                                Work-Life Balance
  154. Reading Life                                      Books
  155. Andrea Lundgren                               Writing things to avoid
  156. Paws4Thought                                   characters in PAWS
  157. Back of the Envelope Calculation        materials in mythology...
  158. Read All the Things!                          Bookish Memories
  159. Iain Kelly                                          short fiction
  160. Color Me Writing                               parenting young adults
  161. Unknown Journey Ahead                      Memoir
  162. Lovely Chaos                                      Unschooling
  163. Shells, Tales, and Sails                         Female Scientists
  164. Microcosm Explored                            Flash fiction
  165. My Musings                                      Show don't tell
  166. Crafty engineer's Bookshelf                Favorite things
  167. What Rhymes with Stanza?                short poetry
  168. Second Thoughts First                        poems about writers
  169. Moving Quill                                     oxymorons
  170. Free Spirit                                          Anecdotes & stories
  171. Linda G Hill                                       random
  172. Space, Time, & Raspberries                Adventure
  173. Write to Inspire                                Build a better blog
  174. Weekends in Maine                            Made in Maine
  175. Three Dimensional Living World         Time machine destinations
  176. Cyborg Mom                                        Hot men
  177. Authentically Living                              Risk    
  178.   Sara Writes                                        Baked goods
  179. Whispers of Hope                                Journey with Esha
  180. Story Crossroads                                Literary symbols
  181. Anmol Rawat                                        Fiction
  182. Happiness and Food                              Stories from everyday life
  183. Hopelessly Helpful                               life
  184. NamySaysSo                                       Women and their work
  185. Life in the Third Dimension                  Women portrayed in film
  186. Food and Films                                   Random unless...
  187. Curry Apple Orchard                            Family stories
  188. Square Pegs                                         Headbanging music journey
  189. Bookbug's World                                 Books
  190. Books and Revolution                          photography
  191. Barbed Words                                      no theme stated
  192. Curtis Bausse                                      Cat tales
  193. Within My World                                Random
  194. Transcribing Memory                          Memories, etc
  195. I Just Have To Say                              Favorite things
  196. Image & Word                                   Images of London    
  197. Idiot Writing                                          Poetry
  198. CoolRVers on the Road                       Open
  199. My Life in Ecuador                             Ecuador
  200. The Englishist                                    random
  201. richness of a simple life                      self-discovery
  202. Scarlett 79                                         Hockey
  203. Ozzy Pip Quilts                                  A to Z Quilt
  204. Marabella Speaks                               Characters
  205. Maui Jungalow                                    Maui street art
  206. Recovery Along RT 66                       Alcoholism
  207. Readers of the Night                          Bookish things
  208. Tales from the Love Shaque                Hair bands
  209. Someday Somewhere                          Daily thoughts
  210. Filled to Empty                                  who is God?
  211. Beyond the Precipice                           Elements of literature


  1. Thank you for having me on your list! Great to find some amazing themes here.

  2. Mighty Morning Arlee, Thank you for featuring my name. Is this a select list or does it feature all the participants?
    I'm a newbie here. Lovin' the buzz and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a smooth #AtoZ 2017 ride.

    1. This is my feeble attempt to list as many blogs as I come to. I've already forgotten to add several and as the list gets longer, it also gets more difficult to keep track of. By no means is this a list of "favorites" or anything like this, but merely a random listing as I think to put links on it. Woefully, inadequate compared to the traditional Linky sign-up. But it's my experiment for as long as I can keep up with it.


    2. Add me on. I'm going to catch up. Thanks.

    3. Jeanette, not sure what your blog is.


  3. Thanks for adding me to your list, Lee. I'm really looking forward to April 1st. I hope I didn't make a mistake choosing to try something different (non fiction). I already had several of my crime fiction posts written. I focused on whether or not it's possible to disappear in today's techno world without leaving a digital footprint. It was sort of spin off from that TV show Hunted combined with what we know from Snowden and Wikileaks. I changed my mind when my kids dad got his latest pet scan. I feel compelled to write something that will preserve his memory. It just seemed rather selfish of me to spend the month of March writing and the month of April participating if what I was doing would be taking me away from my family yet not contributing to them in any meaningful way. I hope I made the right choice. I think my kids will enjoy reading the stories in a couple of years. I really hope so. They've been hard to write. Gut wrenching, raw emotions seeping through me. I'm filled with memories that I hadn't recalled in years ... decades. Sorry for babbling . See you in April.

    1. I loved that show Hunted! If I were younger I might be able to get off the grid, but my wife and I came to the conclusion that we'd probably get caught after the first day.
      I think it's important to preserve memories for the future--or least our future selves.


  4. I will be participating and would love to be included in your list. My Virtual Vineyard

  5. My Virtual Vineyard I'll be doing a photography theme.

  6. Sorchia's Universe where I'll be posting a serial story. Thanks so much for this list.

  7. This is an excellent idea! I am making a list.. but didnt think to add themes!!! & in a conversation earlier today, I couldn't recall the blogger whose theme i was going gaga about :) so, definitely adding themes to my list too, & will be back to find more ppl thru yr list - Thank you :)

    1. I added the themes for the reason you mention. There were some that I definitely wanted to keep up with and after a while it can be difficult to remember who is doing what.


  8. I think I'm participating.
    Could be.


  9. I would like to be on your list. My blog is Luana's Story Magic and my theme is Narnia.

  10. On the list! Thanks! (testing my "code" signature)
    Anne M Bray

    <a href="“>dailytruck A-Z</a>

  11. Replies
    1. I tried it myself and at first got the results you did, but then I got rid of the /tag/atozchallenge part of the address and it worked. Must have been something to do with that.


  12. Sue's Trifles My posts are all inspired (?) by the Bible. Sue

  13. (Hopefully this hasn't posted multiple times, every time I click "preview" it clears the text box!)

    Hi! I'm new to the challenge this year and just posted my theme reveal. :) The link for my blog is:

  14. Hi Arlee,

    All the best for the A-Z and thank you for both starting and sustaining this for so many years now! Here is my link to my theme reveal. My category is Writing. Theme is Flash Fiction.

    * Theme Reveal: Shailaja/The Moving Quill*

  15. Hi Arlee ! Great resource this post particularly. Here's my theme reveal

  16. Thanks for compiling a list. I am also participating in the A to Z challenge this year. Everything is queued and ready to go! Can you please add me to your list? Here is my info WeekendsInMaine My main page will have a link to the A to Z challenge posts when things kick off.
    My theme for this year is "Made in Maine".

  17. Hey! Thanks for adding me. That's awesome.

  18. Thanks for adding me and making this list :)

  19. Hi my challenge is about quilting blocks from A to Z. I have made each of the blocks - sometimes twice because... yeah they dont always go as planned

    Ozzypip Quilts

  20. My A to Z challenge this year is comprised of character interviews from my MARABELLA series of teen fantasy novels. Get to know my world through the people in it.

  21. Hi Arlee,
    Interesting to not have a linky list this year. My theme is "Signs, Stickers, Street Art & Graffiti on Maui" at Maui Jungalow if you can add it. Though I know it gets busy!

  22. I'm enjoying the challenge so far! If you are able to add my blog it is Filled to Empty. My these is Who is God? Thanks!

  23. Thank you for making a list! Even more for adding me!

  24. It took me awhile to get here, but I am following you, now. I will be reading through your A-Z and commenting, too. You rock. Thank you. Hugs.

  25. Hey thanks for this list based on the theme.

  26. Hi Arlee. Thank you for being one of the first to follow my blog back in 2013. I didn’t make the cut on your list for AtoZ. Maybe next year !
    Have a nice second half of April.

    1. Sorry you didn't make the list, but commenting on participating blogs might be an even better way to get noticed. You caught my attention.


  27. Replies
    1. I'm not adding to the list anymore, but thanks for stopping by.

  28. I am participating in the A to Z April Blog challenge over at and now following you. Thanks for the list. This is very helpful for a new blogger!
    💖🦋SunshineWishesandButterflyKisses 🦋💖 Krista from One Oage At A Time 💖


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
