This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Call Me the Scarecrow ( #IWSG )


     Just as I was about to sit down and compose this post, we got a longish rolling earthquake here in L.A.  Seems appropriate for the topic of the following...


The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog
     The co-hosts for the August 7 posting of the IWSG are Feather Stone, Kim Lajevardi, Diedre Knight, C. Lee McKenzie, and Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen.

August 7 question - Do you use AI in your writing and if so how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?

         For the past year and a half I've been using my wife's computer in order to blog or do anything else I wanted to do on a computer.  That was after my trusty old Lenovo wasn't able to connect to the internet anymore.  My wife didn't really like that arrangement but we dealt with it.  Then, last week I got a new laptop.  Now I'm trying to get accustomed to using it.  Part of this is due to some of the AI features that are built in.  

       At least that's what I think.  Now I'm not only going to have to get used to this new computer, but also I need get back into a blogging schedule that works for me.

       As to the question of using AI, I guess to a degree I am using it now and probably will be more so in the future.  Seems like it just happens or something but that's okay if it's just routine stuff like editing as I go or whatever it is.

     I guess I'm just going to have to ponder AI as I come to it.  But I'm not going to dwell on it.  Not unless I have to for some reason.



  1. AI is everywhere, whether we choose it or not!

  2. Hi, Arlee! Congrats on the new laptop--quite exciting. What sort of AI features does it have? Hope you have fun trying it out.

  3. A new laptop is fun but I can only imagine all the AI stuff it comes with now.

  4. I love new things, but they confound me. That learning curve is always a challenge. Good luck.

  5. New laptops always come with a learning curve. Congrats on your new purchase. Microsoft 10 is good on my laptop until Oct. 2025 so no new computer for me just yet. Will be interesting to see how AI has advanced by then.

  6. thecontemplativecat here. I remember how the iMac was a sweet invention I used in my classroom back in the 90s. Now, we are spoiled. It is almost scary. Have you ever seen "I, Robot" with Will Smith and James Cameron?

  7. AI is such a conundrum! I can only hope that the usage of AI and its steady integration into our society becomes more ethical and less detrimental to creators.

  8. Yeah, I think we're already using it without really thinking about it. The same happened with the internet, electricity and all innovations throughout history.

  9. You raise an excellent point, Lee. We may, indeed, already be using AI. Glad you finally got a new laptop. You're incredibly patient ;-)

  10. I don't use AI on my blog. When I do Internet searches there's always an AI summary at the top which is nice to glance over quickly but I don't rely on it. I prefer to go to a more knowledgable link source. I'm glad you're back online at your own computer. Best of luck finding your footing again!


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