This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

You, You, You ( #AtoZChallenge )

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter Y


      You might be the main subject of the book collection you own.  I think my home library is a very good reflection of who I have been and who I am now.  It's a pretty worthy book collection I think.   When you look at the books you own, do you see an accurate picture of who you are, what you enjoy, and what you believe?

You Books (Self-help books}

         Since I already brought up self-help books in my 'S' post, I won't list many more here.  However, one of the Joel Osteen titles is a great one for the letter 'Y' so here I give you Your Best Life Now.  Who doesn't want that?  This book, like other Osteen books, is positive thinking and great encouragement for times when you are feeling down. 


       On one of my shelves are the only school yearbooks I ever owned.  When I was in school, the only grades where we were offered yearbooks was in high school.  In my first year of high school I opted not to spend money on a yearbook.  I guess I didn't feel like school was much of an important part of my life.  Then, in my junior and senior years at Everett HS in Maryville TN, I guess I was a little bit more invested in my high school.  Not so much to be very participatory in anything of great consequence, but I did want the memories that the year books afforded me.  I've looked in these books quite frequently over the years--especially in more recent years as former classmates have died.  I like to look in the book to see who they were because I really didn't know many of my fellow students very well.  The books are nice memories and memory joggers.

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood

       This was a purchase from my neighborhood Border's Books when they were having their going out of business sale.  Atwood is an excellent writer, but I don't much agree with many of her views.  But for $1.25 I felt the book was worth a shot and I did read it.  

The Shack by William P Young

       This book was so hyped after it came out and it became a huge bestseller.  I was not drawn to this book until some of my family members started raving about it to the extent that I felt compelled to read it.  It was pretty much of a letdown for me, but I wasn't really expecting all that much from it. I wrote about it on my blog here.  I bought this book through the book club I was ordering books from at the time.  Now I'd rather have my money back, but it helps round out my book collection.

      Do you still own and enjoy your school yearbooks?   What do you think about Margaret Atwood?  Did you read The Shack?  


  1. Jamie (
    I mentioned yearbooks today. I have not looked at mine in years, as they are currently in the garage in plastic storage bins.

  2. I've read that Joel Osteen book.
    I all four high school year books and it's been decades since I looked at any of them.

  3. I do love checking out old yearbooks! I no longer have any of my own, but still ;-)


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