This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

#atozchallenge Theme Reveal: The Manhattan Project (#BOTB)

        The seventh annual Blogging from A to Z April Challenge will be here in a couple of weeks.  One of the popular traditions of the Challenge has been the A to Z Theme Reveal in which participants can tell what their theme for April will be.   A theme is not required, but many have decided that a theme makes their posts more cohesive for the month as well as easier to write. Once again I'll be using a theme for my Challenge posts.   I'm revealing my theme a bit early because the theme is tied in with Battle of the Bands as I am about to explain.  The official Theme Reveal will be on Monday March 21st.

The Manhattan Project

       My theme of The Manhattan Project is not about the development of the atomic bomb during World War 2, though I will include something about the atomic bomb story at sometime during the month.  The theme title is in reference to the name "Manhattan" and what it might make us think of when we hear it.  I will be using ideas that readers suggested in my post What Does "Manhattan" Say to You? as well as some of my own observations.  

        This theme came about after I had noticed that a number of songs that I was considering for future Battle of the Bands match-ups had to do with Manhattan.  Suddenly it came to me that I could do a series of Battle posts with this theme and it might be interesting to center my entire A to Z theme on the topic of Manhattan and some of the things that come to mind when we think of the word.

        During April I'll be presenting posts related to travel, people, history, food, and more.  Then of course there will be two Battle of the Band posts with songs related to Manhattan.  This theme reveal post is coming earlier than the official Theme Reveal day because I'm tying it in with my March 15th Battle of the Bands post.  I hope you'll enjoy this post as a preview of some things to come--and I hope you'll be with me throughout the month of April for The Manhattan Project.

Battle of the Bands

       Battle of the Bands is the blogging event hosted by Far Away Series and  StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens twice each month on the 1st and 15th.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battle action.

Clinton Cerejo & Bianca Gomes  "Manhattan"  (2012)

      Many songs can be found that are called "Manhattan" or that have the word "Manhattan" somewhere in the title.  This one comes from the award-winning and highly popular Bollywood film English Vinglish.   At times sounding almost like a litany of product placement, the song depicts the exuberance and wonderment of Indian visitors to the world famous city--a place of such diversity that even those from faraway places can feel like they belong.  The video below provides a short version of the song with a clip from the film.   If you'd like, you can hear the complete longer version of the song by clicking here.  I think this upbeat techno song is a lot of fun and somewhat revealing in how visitors from other cultures see the city.

Prefab Sprout "Hey Manhattan!"  (1988)

        This song presents another view of a foreigner's first visit to the big city of Manhattan.  "Hey Manhattan!" is based on British songwriter Paddy McAloon's initial visit to the Big Apple.   Having received acclaim for his music and his band's recordings in Europe, McAloon came to Manhattan with big expectations of fame and fortune.  At first, filled with hope and dreams, he is dazzled by the myth of Manhattan--the famous people who have walked the streets and the stories he has heard about the city.   After a few days the glitter fades as he realizes the darker side of U.S. history and sees city streets where the rich, the poor, and everybody are all mingled in a complexity of dreams and reality.   The Who's guitarist Pete Townshend plays acoustic guitar on this cut.         

Time to Vote!

        The vote is in your hands for this Battle.  Let us know what you think about these versions. There must be one that you prefer over the other.  Come on and play along!   If you're visiting a Battle of the Bands post for the first time then let me briefly explain.  Give each song version a fair listen to decide which one you prefer over the other.  If you don't like either then at least tell us which recording was least innocuous to you. This comes down to your preference and it's as easy as that.

     Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:


 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands



'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

DC Relief Battle of the Bands

The Doglady's Den 

Angel's Bark  

Cherdo on the Flipside  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Janie Junebug Righting & Editing.
J. A. Scott  

Quiet Laughter

Holli's Hoots and Hollers


Be ReInVintaged

eViL pOp TaRt

Results on Monday March 21st
      Vote today and then come back on Monday March 21st to see if your favorite won.  Watch this blog between then and now to see if anything else is happening.   I have a lot to say, but I am undecided whether or not to say it here.  Many people get offended or upset if they hear something with which they disagree and I don't want to upset any snowflakes.

         Do you have your A to Z Theme ready?   Have you been to Manhattan?   If so what were your expectations and were those expectations fulfilled?


  1. No 'Manhattan Skyline' by David Shire?? My family is from Yonkers so I spent a great deal of time just 20 minutes from Manhattan...although we only went down there once for a day when I was 13. I've been there a few more times as an adult. I find NYC to be a bit too frenetic.

    1. JoJo, like I said there are so many songs with "Manhattan" in the title the Battles could go for months. I like the Shire recording--it does evoke Manhattan of the disco era. NYC is frenetic, but it can be fun in moderate doses. I don't know about living there.


  2. Interesting theme; it will be fun to see what you come up with all through the alphabet. ☺ I've never been there but it's on the list.

    The first song was definitely a lot of toe-tapping fun. I preferred it to the second one, which had more of a Broadway musical feel. Cool trivia bit about Pete Townsend! My vote goes to English Vinglish. It reminds me of a similarly themed Italian song.

    1. Debbie, I guess Manhattan is a place that everyone who lives in North America at least should see and experience. I didn't notice any acoustic guitar in the Sprout song, but the credit on the album looks good I guess.

      Got you down for English Vinglish


  3. Hi, Lee!

    I'll take "Manhattan." Version #1 was easier on my ears than #2 which sounded like the theme from an ABC sitcom of the 60s or 70s. (As I listened I imagined That Girl, Marlo Thomas, gazing at the NYC skyscrapers with stars in her eyes.) Lately I have been much more receptive to the techno beat of modern pop, and the up tempo, danceable ditty by Clinton Cerejo & Bianca Gomes, with lyrics sung/rapped in two languages, was a delight. Please give my vote to the band from Bollywood, artist #1.

    Thanks, Lee!

    1. Shady, I think Paddy McAloon was shooting for that big production sound because it sounded Manhattanish. It's Bollywood for you.

      I give your vote to English Vinglish


  4. I've never actually watched a Bollywood film, though I've always been curious. From time to time, I'll hear music from one of the films and really like it. This was such a case. I liked the fun Manhatten Bollywood song. Please place my vote accordingly. Perhaps one of these days, I shall be brave enough to give a Bollywood film a go.

    1. Jeffrey, I've watched a few Bollywood films and a lot of the music videos. They are great fun. I need to see English Vinglish now. Definitely check out a Bollywood film to see what you think.

      Another vote for English Vinglish


    2. If you have a particular favourite you can recommend, feel free. Otherwise, I may be checking out English Vinglish too. Looks like a fun film.

    3. Jeffrey, I'm so bad at remembering what I've seen that I couldn't tell you any specific ones. I guess Slumdog Millionaire and Bend It Like Beckham are kind of Bollywood in a sense, but maybe not legitimately so. I remember seeing one about a wedding that was fun, but most I cannot remember. Definitely couldn't tell you the music videos that I've seen that were taken from Bollywood films. I'll sometimes tune into a local station that has a video show on Saturdays and thoroughly enjoy the videos, but I couldn't tell you what I've seen after I've seen it.

      If you watch anything let me know. I'd like to hear your thoughts.


    4. For anyone who's interested in Indian culture, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is enjoyable. It's actually a British film, but set in India. The sequel was equally good!

    5. I've heard of it, but haven't seen it. I'll have to check it out. I've seen a number of British films set in India. They are interesting for sure.


  5. Loved the English Vinglish song... Upbeat, trendy, perhaps a tad superficial, but it does a good job of encapsulating that first taste of the "mythical" place. And I love the Manhattan theme for the challenge! I'll be very much looking forward to your April posts :)
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

    1. Guilie, I'll take this as another vote for...

      English Vinglish


  6. I'm not a huge fan of either but I'll take English Vinglish simply because it has more fun. Prefab Sprout sounds like the opening credits for a cheesy 90s sitcom.

    When it comes to Bollywood music, I'm a bigger fan of the great Benny Lava.

    1. Beer, no doubt that "Benny Lava" has some pretty outrageous lyrics. I like the music and production.

      Another vote for English Vinglish


  7. What an intriguing theme! I assumed I'd naturally prefer Prefab, but nope. I'm going with English Vinglish because they convey more of the enchanted tourist attitude so often seen in Manhattan. Besides, they sure can roll those r(s)!

    1. Diedre, this contest is tipping towards shut-out territory.

      A vote for English Vinglish


  8. My Bollywood exposure has been fairly limited. I really enjoyed the movie The First Exotic Marigold Hotel (so much so that I took my mom to the movies, seeing it twice). We recently just watched the sequel. There was a wedding in that one, which felt very Bollywood to me. And that pretty much is the beginning and end of my exposure until this song.

    I don't think I'd listen to either of these on repeat. Well, I know I wouldn't. The first one is too techno and the second one just didn't grab me. However, I'm giving my vote to the first one because it made me smile. There is nothing like that first trip to NYC. It all seems so big and overwhelming... and fun!

    1. Robin, I guess I need to see this Marigold Hotel film.

      Still another vote for English Vinglish


  9. I've never been to Manhattan.... one of friends is from there. He says Clinton Cerejo & Bianca Gomes really nail the atmosphere. So I'll give my vote to them!

    Can't wait to see your A-Z this year!

    1. Dixie, a New Yorker should know I guess.

      A vote for English Vinglish


  10. Voting for Prefab Sprout.

    With all due respect, I hope these aren't the best songs about Manhattan.

    1. E-Man, it's always a matter of taste. I like both of these songs and I think the songs coming up in the next battles are good ones as well. But not everyone always agrees with what I like.

      Finally a vote for Prefab Sprout


  11. Hey there! I think I prefer the first one; I like its upbeat sound slightly better than the 80s Euro-pop of Prefab Sprout.

    1. RIVG, got your vote down for...

      English Vinglish


  12. I've never been to Manhattan or the US so I'm really looking forward to reading your posts about it.

    As for the 2 songs, none of them are my style but I was strangely hooked by the first one - I imagine I'd react the same way like they did in the clip if I visited Manhattan 😉
    Thanks for the 2 songs, the topic and your visits, it's very kind of you!

    1. Miss Andi, I haven't spent much time in Manhattan and mostly know it through movies and media. It looks like most voters so far have been hooked by the first one.

      English Vinglish


  13. That should be an interesting theme for A to Z. My dad was born in Staten Island, so I've heard a lot of stories of it and the surrounding boroughs, but I have never had a chance to go there.
    I like the English Vinglish song better. It's more upbeat and presents an interesting perspective of Manhatten.

    1. Elizabeth, I guess the many stories account for the stories we hear everywhere about the City. So much to see; so much to tell.

      A vote for English Vinglish


  14. I like the English Vinglish version. UPbeat is a good description. Have been to Manhattan, but it was rush visit, its immensity was almost overwhelming.

    1. Susan, my visits to Manhattan seemed to usually be relatively rushed. I did get a chance to see some things each visit and that added up to a nice amount over the years.


  15. I didn't like either version to be honest but I will take Bianca and Clinton over the elevator music :) I just could not get into the second one at all. The first one is a bit empty-headed but it is a bit more catchy than the other one. Bollywood for me.

    1. Birgit, maybe you needed to listen to the second one more.

      But another English Vinglish vote on the board.


  16. Holy Smokes, did I dislike both of these clinkers!

    I must say that you have VERY broad musical tastes, and some things appeal to you that may appeal to very few others in your demographic. I thought MY taste was wide... but SHEESH!!

    I am going to vote for English Vinglish because I made it all the way to 40 seconds in before I hit the stop button. With the Pee Spouts I only got to just over 20 seconds, then dropping the "needle" in again for two seconds three more times to the end, before deciding it was just too awful to bear.

    On a brighter note: I ALMOST left a long comment on your blog bit a week ago about building the wall along the border. I wrote a fair amount of it and then decided that it was simply too curmudgeonly and crabby to screw up your comment section with. So I didn't. And believe me, you should be grateful!

    1. SboyVI, Is this McCarthy sneaking in a comment under SBoy's name? Very cynical approach to this Battle I think. Yes, I'm very open to listening to different types of music and appreciative in the artistry necessary to create it all.

      I would have liked to have read your thoughts on my wall post. Sounds to me like you had fallen into the same trap most readers did of letting your own view of the politics interfere with exploring other possibilities the wall scenario could present. I was offering an exercise in imaginative thinking. If you want to send your thoughts you can still do it. I'd like to hear them.


    2. Oh, and another vote for....

      English Vinglish


    3. HA HA. Nope, not McCarthy. He'd have said "Hokey Smoke" like Rocky and Bullwinkle.

      I do not feel cynical about this at all. I came, I listened, I decided, and I voted. I also complimented you on your broad taste, and said you probably expand beyond your demographics. All of those comments are unassailable!

      Although I appreciate many many types of music and realize that some artistic qualities are required for any genre, that does NOT mean that I'll necessarily like it. However, there have been a number of times in your battles when I have been in the minority in actually liking the music.

      As for wall business: no, I fell into no traps. I don't fall into traps. I am an independent thinker, and think rather differently than many people.

      I read the comments from many of your readers mentioning "building bridges rather than walls, blah blah." PC nonsense. I am a nationalist (in the very real sense that we are a NATION, with BORDERS, and a CONSTITUTION that applies to US and not to citizens of OTHER nations)... a very unpopular and discredited position to hold these days. I thought you had many interesting and good points in your commentary, and I thought many of your readers had just taken a short break from listening to NPR to post a comment, then off again to shop for Birkenstocks, while driving their Prius.

      OK... maybe I am a cynic.

    4. SB6, no argument about your assessment regarding the parameters of our nation. My frustration about that post was that I had attempted to separate the issues from the idea and the potentials offered by that idea. Sadly many people are so fixated on the liberal rhetoric that any discussion from another viewpoint "hits the wall" and basically ends with platitudes and cliched thinking.


    5. >>... I thought many of your readers had just taken a short break from listening to NPR to post a comment, then off again to shop for Birkenstocks, while driving their Prius.

      Amen to all of that. But you forgot that while shopping for the Birkenstocks, they surely paused to refresh themselves with another large glass of the free government-mixed Kool-Aid. Don't shop long without it.

      I couldn't have posted on that blog bit either because I'd have gone full Rambo on some of Lee's readers and he wouldn't have liked that. I keep my "controversial" ideas strictly on my own blogs now.

      ~ D-FensDogG

    6. You guys, all three of you, have me rolling on the floor with tears running down my face. Are there trees in that forest? What forest? Where? I only see trees!

    7. And I don't know what's going on, but that's nothing new. I'm typically wandering in a foggy forest.


  17. Hi Arlee. I'm excited to read your A to Z. Early Theme reveal!! Guess you get that privilege as the founder of the event :-) I plan to return to Manhattan many times as I was quite impressed by it. I've already done two posts about it myself :-)
    As for your BoTB, I actually liked both of the songs but I guess I am in the minority so far and I am voting for Prefab Sprout. As a child of the eighties I am still drawn to that sound. This song had a bit of everything for me, the initial allure, but the reality of the city as well. I really like the sort of retro-glamorous sound of the music too. Also, the guy's hat kind of rocks ;-)

    1. Forty, let's hear a cheer for minority votes!

      Prefab Sprout


  18. Am glad the Bollywood (Indian Movie Industry) song made it to your list :) Looking forward to explore Manhattan through your posts

    1. Sneha, hope I offer some interesting perspectives on Manhattan. Not sure to record a vote from this comment or not so I'll just leave it as an observation.


  19. Well, I guess I'm definitely in the minority for sure on this one but I prefer the second song so please give my vote to Prefab Sprout (strange name). Maybe because it's 2:00 in the morning and I'm just out of bed but I wasn't into the first song.
    Your Manhattan Project theme sounds fascinating. I can't imagine how that will play out through the whole alphabet. Will look forward to checking that out.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, as I've often said, any topic can be described through the alphabet. Manhattan is an absolute breeze since there is so much there.


  20. Give me Prefab Sprout thanks Arlee - the Bollywood one was a bit too dingly vingly for me. I like too that this was recorded in 1988 and the story behind it. Am familiar with neither version ..

    1. Susan Scott, no "dingly vingly" for you!

      It's Prefab Sprout.


  21. I'm playing hooky from posting for the A to Z again this year but plan to check out a lot of blog posts from all the participants as I cheer them on.

    1. Patricia, will miss your posts but appreciate your cheering.


  22. Lee, I have a theme for the A-Z challenge and wanted to share it yesterday, but that just didn't work out, so I'll have get that post done for the 21st. No, I have not been to Manhattan, but hope to visit there someday. Neither of these songs grabbed me just right, but contender #1's style made me wanna dance and that's good enough reason to give Clinton Cerejo & Bianca Gomes my vote. Interesting and fun battle!

    1. Cathy, will watch for your theme when it comes.

      A vote for English Vinglish


  23. Well, I voted with the crowd on one big developing rout this week on BOTB, and this time I have to go the other way. That first one drove me nuts without half trying. Give me Prefab.

    1. CW, your vote helps to sway this battle but not by much.

      A vote for Prefab Sprout


  24. Your theme sounds like an interesting one. I'll be watching to see what you come up with for each bit of the alphabet. I'll be doing my theme reveal along with my BOTB results post. I'm rather excited about this, as I've been planning my theme for the past year.

    My vote here goes to English Vinglish. I loved the upbeat bollywood tempo.

    1. Mary, I actually had a theme for this year prepared, but then changed it in January. Guess I'll postpone that original theme until next year maybe.

      English Vinglish


  25. What a great theme. I wouldn't know where to begin with that one. But I'm looking forward to checking in each day throughout April.

  26. Clinton Cerejo & Bianca Gomes get my vote the second one sounded too loungie.

    1. Mike, and the trend continues...

      Another vote for English Vinglish


  27. While neither version really does IT for me, I'll take Prefab sprout over that Bollywood version.

  28. The first version seems like an advert for Manhattan, so I'll take the softer version, Prefab Sprout. In reality, I wouldn't buy either one of these - just not my style, either. . .

    AND I'll be visiting you for sure during the A to Z, your theme sounds interesting to me. I have my theme, but I only reveal on the the 1st of April!

    1. DG, the first version would make a good tourism ad for Manhattan.

      A vote for Prefab Sprout


  29. LEE, my fear was unfounded.

    'MANHATTAN' was really nuttin' more than a little "novelty" ditty. And 'HEY MANHATTAN' was too long for the material and the sound of the strings was really schlocky, giving it a TV theme kind of quality. It was like "The Love Boat Does Manhattan" or something.

    But regardless, I kind of liked both recordings. Each had things about them that appealed to me in some weird way. I wouldn't go out and purchase either, but it was a wee bit o' fun to listen to 'em.

    My vote goes to the one that had more going on for it musically, and that is PREFAB SPROUT, obviously.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. STMcC, thank you for listening fairly.

      Prefab Sprout


    2. I must say: I am STUNNED. Mr. "I hate the 80's" McCarthy voting for that P.S. number???? And saying: "I kind of liked both recordings"?????

      HA! You have musical integrity.... and apparently also a sense of humor!

  30. Love the second tune. :-) Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

    1. Cuban, Thanks for the vote from a sort of local band for you.

      Prefab Sprout


  31. Does AC/DC "I Feel Safe in NYC" count?
    I'm looking forward to your April posts. Especially "I" *wink wink*
    It's gonna be a great #atozchallenge!

    1. J, with NYC anything counts I guess, but so far AC/DC will not be making an appearance in any of my posts for April.


  32. Delurking to comment on your Manhattan theme - hoping to visit N Am sometime near future, so have a personal interest in following your A-Z posts in April. Happy to see English Vinglish come out tops as I am from Bollywoodland!

    1. NB, I don't know how much my posts will help you with your upcoming Manhattan visit, but maybe they will provide some new perspective to what you know so far.


    2. I am into collecting odd bits of info on places I travel to, not necessarily looking for tourism tips, more like picture-building in my own head. More about getting an angle on the people/history/culture, a kind of advance grip on the 'feel' and 'buzz' and impact, if that makes any sense. Thanks.

  33. Interesting choice of theme - I only know what I have seen in films about Manhattan :). As for the songs - the first one is catchy, but I have to vote for Prefab Sprout; their name is so awesome :)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Natasha, the vote is a bit late but it wouldn't have helped a win for the Sprout. I know relatively little about Manhattan so don't expect anything expert.


  34. Very interesting theme. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it. :-)

  35. Very cool. Looking forward to this one!

  36. I like your creative theme. I can't wait to see what you'll be sharing in terms of "Manhattan!"

  37. I happen to be a lover of Manhattan. I've visited New York City at least 10 times! Good luck with A to Z!

    A to Z Theme Reveal: Becoming an Author

  38. Fun theme. I look forward to your posts. I did not participate in the Great Theme Reveal, but I will be participating in the challenge again this year.

  39. I have been to Manhattan and yes, those who go once want to visit again. Great theme and so exciting to see that you picked a Bollywood song. English Vinglish was a fantastic movie and so is that song :) See you around!

    1. Parul, English Vinglish is now on my list of movies to see.


  40. This should be very interesting. I love the idea of tying the theme to Manhattan, and I'm sure there are some very interesting things I'm going to read about and listen to.

    1. C.Lee, with over a million in population that's over a million stories there not to mention all the places and historic events. It's a theme that could go on forever I guess.


  41. Interesting theme choice. I actually live near the site of the Manhattan Project. But of course it means more too!

    1. Sharon, so I guess you're near the Hanford area. I used to live near Oak Ridge, TN which was another key player in that project. They have a good atomic energy museum there.


  42. Really intrigued by this theme. You know? I'm not very familiar with NY, but I still find the name 'Mahattan' so evocative.
    Can't wait to read your posts :-)

    The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

    1. Sarah, I'm not familiar with actually being in the city to any great extent, but the place is so ingrained in modern psyche.


  43. Very cool theme! Whenever I think Manhattan, I think of the theaters on Broadway and the fabulous FOOD!

    1. Samantha, Broadway has become so connected with Manhattan through popular culture. And yes, the food! So many different kinds.


  44. Sounds like something different. Excellent.

  45. Haha! I loved the Bollywood song :) I have been to Manhattan before, but not enough to get to know it. Looking forward to your theme!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Csenge, you're not the only one who liked the song seeing as how it won the most votes. Like you I've been to Manhattan, but not enough to really get to know it.


  46. Love this theme reveal pre-#Challenge opportunity. Looking forward to April with new bloggers and favorite past participants. Like you....

  47. Love your theme! One of my favorite places to visit and my WIP takes place there. Can't wait to check out your posts!

    1. Firstly, sorry for replying to the above comment, the comment box wasn't there (it's not the blog it's me, it often happens to me on Blogger blogs). I love your theme, Manhattan is on my I Want To Live There list so I will be interested to hear your and your reader's thoughts!

    2. RM, sometimes the comment section loads funny so that's okay. I read recently that everyone should strive to live in Manhattan for at least a brief period in their life. I guess I'll miss that bucket list item, but that's okay--I'm not the only one.


  48. I'm a bartender so the first thing I thought of was the drink. LOL Sounds interesting!

  49. Sounds like fun! I look forward to your posts ~Lori~

    Lori @ As the Fates Would Have It
    Lori @ Promptly Written

  50. I love watching the sunrise at Rockefeller Center. Of my many Manhattan memories, that's my favorite. The city that never sleeps takes long periods of "just resting my eyes." I've got a few pics from a trip a decade ago.

  51. I loved that movie English Vinglish - so refreshing from the usual, and was pleasantly surprised to hear the Prefab Sprout tune in the movie! And no, haven't visited Manhattan, but hope to sometime! I actually decided a theme for the A to Z too!

    Thank you for this wonderful initiative Arlee. I will never tire of saying that the A to Z Challenge is my most favorite blogging time of the year.

    1. Vidya, thank you for your continued support, help, and participation.


  52. Lee, I know what comes to mind when I hear the word Manhattan. Good luck with the Challenge!

    1. Stephen, I can easily guess what would be on your mind.


  53. Did I already comment? Now I'm going through the list - maybe not. Manhattan Transfer. I'll Take Manhattan. What a great theme, as befits the maestro. Have fun, Lee - and thanks, as always.
    Jemima Pett

  54. How fun! I love visiting Manhattan and revisiting it in mind with songs and stories will be awesome!

  55. I'm excited about your theme. I love visiting Manhattan in person and I'm looking forward to the tour you will take us on during the challenge. There's no place like it and I can't wait to see what you come up with for each letter. I'm sorry, but I didn't really like either band, but if I had to choose I'd go with number 2. A bit slow for me, but better than number one. If you visit my theme reveal, I think I'm number 244, and if my blog is still loading really slowly, please don't give up on me. I started a blog make over and was assured it would be completed well in advance of the challenge, but the theme reveal slipped my mind. Everything will be working properly and loading timely in time for the challenge. I hired the design team manly to get rid of the Disqus comment platform and decided while i was at it, it was time for some cosmetic changes.

    Thank you again for creating this amazing challenge and opportunity for us.

    1. Melissa, I believe I visited your theme reveal. I know I was on your site last night and the page loaded okay for me.


  56. "Hey Manhattan" was a bit too traditional, could picture Sinatra singing the song; so my choice is Clinton Cerejo & Bianca Gomes "Manhattan". I know the voting is over but I stopped by to thank you for sponsoring the April A to Z Challenge again this year, Arlee. Also, I did have an opportunity to visit Manhattan a few years ago, had no idea what to expect, will never forget the wonderful experience!

    1. Gail, your vote wouldn't have changed the win, but thank you for listening and voting. Glad you've chosen to do the Challenge again.


  57. Sounds like a fun theme! When I think of Manhattan I think of the purchase from the Indians. I think of penthouse suites and limousines.
    Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

    1. Barbara, my series in April will have a version of the story of the purchase from the Lenape people.


  58. Interesting theme! I've never been to Manhattan except for a brief passing through, so I look forward to learning a lot here next month.

    1. J.H., I have passed by Manhattan more times than I've actually been there. Seems like I've rarely had enough time to ever stay long.


  59. Good to choose a theme that works with another collaboration; saves time, doesn't it. All I know about Manhattan is 9/11, so following your posts will be quite an education. :-) #AtoZChallenge


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
