This Is Me--2024 A to Z Theme

My A to Z Themes in the past have covered a range of topics and for 2024 the theme is a personal retrospective that I call "I Coulda Been" which is in reference to my job and career arc over my lifetime. I'll be looking at all sorts of occupations that I have done or could have done. Maybe you've done some of these too!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Learning (Elements of Blogging) #AtoZChallenge

     The knowledge blogs mentioned in the previous post can be associated with learning while blogs dedicated to learning will include knowledge as a part of their blog posts.   The blogs designated as "Learning Blogs" would have a specific educational intent in what they are posting.   Learning blogs are often hosted by teachers who are presenting a particular curriculum geared toward a specific group.

       For example, a learning or teaching blog might focus on teaching math to elementary students.  Some of these blogs teach science, writing, or even a craft such as crochet.  A learning blog can be highly structured with an orderly approach to teaching a subject or they can randomly teach lessons about specific aspects of the topic.

     Many bloggers explore the topics of life or love.  These can be of a speculative nature, philosophical, psychological, spiritual, or even regarding these topics in relation to fiction.  In other words. blogs about life or love can take a myriad of approaches and cater to a number of different audiences.

        Do you you Learning Blogs for yourself or your children?    What would be some good topics to teach on a blog?    Are there some life or love blog themes that you can think of?  

Here are some learning blogs:

Kids Math Teacher

Mrs Harris Teaches Science


  1. My kids are too old. Even my step-kids are too old but maybe my grandkids do, im not sure. Mostly everything I get into is about learning as I have a pesky enquiring mind. Sometimes I think that blogs are the best way to learn things as they are usually written by mad passionate adorers of whatever they are blogging about.

    1. Never too old to keep on learning. Blogs can be a fun way of doing so or at least sparking the curiosity to pursue a subject more deeply.


  2. I don't use learning blogs for learning, but I do find what I do read you learn about the writer and their lives.


  3. This June will make 5 years that I've been blogging and I have come across several geared toward learning. If I had small kids then these would fit perfectly in my life, but even though the kids are grown I do enjoy learning new lessons shared by others. I like reading various blogs across the net, even those that don't fit my niche. At the moment, I can't think of any new topics that need to be covered on a blog. If you look enough you can just about find any subject covered by someone. That's the beauty of the Internet. Everything is a just a click away!

  4. I haven't found too many learning blogs.

    1. I'm surprised! I run into many blogs run by teachers, ex-teachers, and home-schoolers. It's a bit niche.


  5. I like the craft tutorial blogs, as long as they don't get all long winded and just do the step by step.

    1. Simple is usually the best approach to teaching and learning.


  6. I have a science education blog and man do those posts get visits. I have not posted more because I stay busy with my family, house, life in general and no reward or feedback.
    I was a teacher and understand the busy life of teaching, so I know where they are coming from. I need to get back posting to the blog.

    1. If you kept it active then you could look into monetizing it.


  7. I’ve stumbled across learning blogs by googling a topic that I want to find out more information about. Interesting to me that blogs remain in the sphere forever, apparently. Which is a good thing if you are searching for info, say, on how to correctly punctuate dialog.

    1. I'm no longer surprised if I land on a post from something like 2002. I am surprised when I find old blog posts like that from bloggers who are still active.


  8. I don't think I follow any specifically geared towards learning, but I always appreciate great writing advice.

  9. I think we learn loads from each other's lives just reading personal blogs. I've never head of learning blogs but I might have a look around and see what its all about.

    1. Most of the learning blogs as I've described are geared toward children or those who are teaching children--most typically home schoolers. I'm not sure about their effectiveness but I've found quite a few of these.


  10. I don't seek out learning blogs, but indeed - the writing blogs are often filled with excellent information.

  11. Learning blogs sound really cool. I don't think I've visited any of these.

  12. I think that pretty much all blogs are learning experiences! I am always amazed by what others know and have experienced. It's humbling and so very inspiring.

    1. That's very true. We can learn from many things. However the learning blogs like I've described are often part of a curriculum program for school-aged children or supplemental teaching materials. It's a good blog idea for teachers or those who have been in the teaching profession.


  13. I spend a great deal of time on learning blogs and teacher blogs, but I also enjoy craft and daft blogs. That's the neat thing about blogs, you can find any topic you like, and that's what's so great about the AtoZ Challenge - there they alllllll are! Pick and choose, bop around! I always try blogs I'm NOT interested in for sure - and many times find HEY I am interested in that subject, too!
    Donna Smith
    Mainely Write: Lord's Redemption Center

    1. I am always impressed by the wide diversity of topics during A to Z.


  14. I don't think I have ever come across a teaching blog. However, our beloved Tina did teach me a few things about math.

  15. Many blogs are talking about love and living a good life. I enjoy those.

  16. We used to but not any more. There are so many free sources through the kids schools and we sue those.

    1. Stephen-- Oh, you litigious guy, you--or maybe you meant to say "we use those.


  17. Never really looked into learning blogs but I do learn and discover new things on blogs all the time!

    1. That's true. I learn something on blogs just about everyday even though the blogger's intent may not have been to teach anything.


  18. I think you can learn from all blogs. It may not be a blog focused on that, but you get new information with each new post.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  19. My theme is home and I've gone off topic a few times but l is definitely for love.

  20. I know that there are *many* writing learning blogs out there. So many. I was among them but fell off the wagon a few years ago. I'm not sure if I should have one or not because it seems that I don't know what I have to offer that would be valuable but my own experiences in life in general.

    Blogging has ground to a stop for me when I found myself pregnant a bit over 2 years ago. I miss it terrible. I've lost touch with several great blogging friends! *sigh* I would love to get back to that point, but not as a writer, but as a me. ;)

    Elizabeth Mueller
    AtoZ 2015
    My Little Pony

    1. Elizabeth, you can certainly get back in blogging as you--you're doing it now.


  21. I follow Vidya Sury's blog. She has a great attitude about life and one can learn from her example. She gets excited by the most wonderful things and teaches to always do out best to be as fulfilled in life as one can be

    1. Birgit, life lessons are some of the best ones to learn.


  22. I enjoy geology and archaeology, so I nose around blogs that share gret adventures with facts.

  23. I am constantly seeking out learning blogs because my kids always have issues with their homework. Kids learn so much more than we did in my day and are far more advanced. I struggle to help with homework assignments so I am constantly googling whatever topic I need to learn so that I can assist with homework. Everything, except for math. When it comes to math they know better than to ask for my help. I am math idiot and this is one old dog who can't learn that new trick.

    1. I've seen several math blogs that look pretty good though I couldn't actually vouch for them since I haven't used them.


  24. I think all blogs are interesting. Sometimes it's just nice to be entertained by others life experiences and on others you can pick up nice tips sometimes.


  25. I learn a lot about blogging every time I come here, Lee! For example, during my first A to Z, you taught us the importance of getting to know fellow bloggers, and the benefits of following each other. These are only a few examples. Thanks Lee!


  26. I do love learning blogs, especially ones that have step by step turtorial videos with them too :) I have learned a lot about graphics creation and the like from blogs that teach various techniques. So very useful.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  27. Hi Lee - there's a wealth of information out there .. I enjoy the learning about subjects I come across from in this blogosphere ... both technical and also how people have overcome illness or are in that process ..

    I keep learning .. cheers Hilary

  28. I am constantly searching out blogs to help me with my 9 year old's math homework.

    1. Seems like I've seen more math blogs than any other topic as far as learning for kids goes.


  29. My blog isn't about learning, but I like reading that kind of blogs, especially those about writing and marketing. I have lots to learn abotu both... but especially marketing ;-)


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