
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jokes and Jesus (Elements of Blogging) #AtoZChallenge

      There are numerous blogs that feature Hump Day humor, Friday Follies, Silly Saturdays or other special blogging days devoted to jokes and humor.  There are even blogs where humor is the specialty and that is all you will ever find.  I've found some wonderfully funny jokes on blogs.  A well told joke on a blog is a welcomed find when I've been perusing a number of blogs that weren't at all funny.  A special treat is when I find a joke on a blog that tickles me so much that I have to go tell someone else.    That someone is usually my wife.  Sometimes she gets the jokes that I tell her and sometimes she doesn't.   I can botch a joke pretty badly.  However there are some blogs that present jokes very well.

       On a more serious note, Jesus blogs are very common in the blogosphere.  There are all sorts of blogs about religion or against religion.  Whatever you may believe you can undoubtedly find a blog expressing your belief.   If Jesus is what you want to read about then those blogs are easy to find and many of them are very well written.  Some are very simple homilies while others provide in depth studies on topics about Christianity.  If you feel convicted to write about Jesus then you might want to start your own blog about whatever it is you believe about Jesus.

      And  let us not forget juggling!   There are blogs about actual juggling and then there are blogs such as Tossing It Out that use juggling as a metaphor.  In case you didn't notice in my profile, I consider myself to be "A juggler of words and phrases" and that's because I have actually been a professional juggler in my working life.  Sometimes I still talk about juggling on my blog, but my blog is only a metaphorical juggling blog.

       There are many "J" blog topics that I didn't mention--which ones can you think of?   Do you ever tell jokes on your blog?   Have you ever read a joke on a blog that you told to someone else?

Bloggers for Jesus:

Living for God

Gospel Driven Disciples

Just another Christian Woman Talking Through Her Hat

Christy Bower


  1. I like a good Joke, anything that can make me laugh can't be bad.
    I enjoy Gregg Metclaf's blog which I can never remember the name though I visit daily.. Of course Juggling you are an expert at Lee.
    Great post, do have a wonderful week-end.

    1. Gregg's Gospel Driven Disciples is very insightful.


  2. I came looking for you today, and as always, enjoyed another great post. A Jesus blogger myself, I enjoyed the inclusion with jokes (who doesn't enjoy a good laugh?) and jugglers (such a great metaphor!) such as yourself! Thanks for always giving us a good read.

  3. If I find something funny on the internet, I will try share it... as for religion only on my Facebook do I bring to tragic, sadness or someone who might need a spiritual pick up. Juggling = Life.


    1. Juggling works well as a metaphor for life.


  4. I follow several blogs who post jokes, usually picture jokes.
    It's been really refreshing lately to find so many blogs with a Christian theme. Or a blogger willing to declare faith in Jesus.

    1. There are many Christian centered or influenced blogs, Alex.


  5. I can never remember jokes and I always bum hard when someone starts telling me a long story joke. I don't have the attention span for that.

    1. I don't like for a joke to have to be explained to me or if it's not told well enough to follow easily. But a well told joke is like any well told story for me--keep me engaged and I'll stick with it.


  6. Other J topics? Jazz, juice, joy, junk, jitneys, jungles, jumping, and even Jell-O! Plus lots more. Happy Saturday :)

    1. A blog focused on Jazz would be a good one, Carol. I'm sure there are actually a number of them.


  7. I love to read funny things in a blog, but sometimes I don't get the joke easily... :)

  8. I used to remember jokes and tell them but now I can't remember many at all. Never seen a joke on a blog to repeat, but often see them in other places, particularly Facebook which I visit spasmodically.

    1. I know I've repeated jokes I've found on blogs, Jo, but I never remember them long enough to keep telling them.


  9. I'm terrible at telling jokes but I appreciate the blogs where people share them. I really like the follies and hump day humor.

    1. Humor is a real gift, Susan GK, and one that I don't have as far as telling jokes goes. I think I do have a pretty good sense of humor though.


  10. While I am not a follower of Jesus, I find it odd that people would devote an entire blog to being anti-Jesus. But I guess we all want to express ourselves when it comes to what we're most passionate about - I'm certainly passionate about religion, politics, etc., but I just have not chosen to blog about those things. Yet, anyway. ;)

    1. Trisha, I don't recall ever coming across a specifically anti-Jesus blog, but I've found several atheist blogs which is something I find perplexing in a way. If God doesn't exist, then why spend any time talking about it?


  11. I usually can't remember the jokes I read on blogs to share with hubby at the end of the day :)

    Thanks for featuring those Jesus blogs; I knew of Gospel Driven Disciples but not the other ones; will check them out.


    1. If my wife happens to be right in the next room and I find a good joke I want to share I have to tell her immediately or otherwise I'll forget it. Thanks for stopping by, Betty.


  12. Like Jeremy wrote, Life does resemble, at times, juggling! I am always in the need for laughter. Aren't we all? Like Trisha, I find it odd to blog entirely against Jesus ... or anything for that matter. I get the feeling those anti-Jesus bloggers are not so much non-believers in God but merely mad at Him for Him not living up to their expectations.

    Interesting post. :-)

    1. Roland, I think your final sentence nailed that issue. That's the way I see it as well--why be so focused on being against something. The pro-Jesus blogs I think are in part a way to fulfill "The Great Commission". I see them as missionaries who can do the work from home.


  13. I love a good joke. Back when I used to own a bar I heard a myriad of jokes all the time and there were so many good ones. Do you think I can remember any of them now? Oh how I wish I could remember some of them because I remember really digging a lot of them. I can tell a good joke but the trick is remembering them! I haven't specifically looked for joke blogs but that's an interesting thought. I'll have to do that the next time I need a good laugh...
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, I've found some wonderful blogs that either feature jokes on specific days or do it much or even all of the time. Nothing like a good laugh for a pick-me-up.


  14. This is not against you, Arlee, or anyone here. However, if more folks would actually follow the words of JESUS, instead of cherry picking from the Bible to hate against certain groups of people, maybe I'd return to organized religion. (Jesus was not about hate and discrimination.) Until then, forget it. I'll go solo, because these so-called "Christians" ruined it for me.

    Precious Monsters

    1. I can cite fault on both sides, Jolie, since often neither side wants to rationally have a dialogue. Anti-Christian sentiment often seems to be far more vitriolic that what the Christians say and yet the Christian side gets attacked as being hate-filled due to the fact that they are merely disagreeing.

      Somewhere in modern society disagreement has been equated with hate and that is totally wrong.


    2. Yeah, there's the "I don't hate the 'sinner' just the 'sin'" remark that I've heard a million times. ~~~ In any case, my relationship with God is personal and no longer led or influenced by a human or humans, and that's where it will likely remain.

  15. I have a joke blog, but mostly I post images and cartoons. I love the responses!

    1. Keeping it light will rarely generate a negative response.


  16. I'm a born-again Buddhist (get it?) with a sense of humour but I don't focus on either of those things In my blogs. I don't mind if people wish to have blogs dedicated to their faith but I sometimes get weary of theistic religions assuming that everyone else believes in a god or gods. That might be what fires up the atheists who do blog about it but please remember that there are lots of us non-theistic or maybe just non-Christians who try and keep our lips zipped. On the other topic I was at a friend's house one day many years ago when an item about fish falling out of the sky came on the news. I said to my pal "I wondered if it was cod?" My pal asked what difference it made and I answered "Everyone knows that cod moves in mysterious ways. "

    And that my friend is a true story...

  17. Like what Elaine L. said, I blog about Jesus but also like to include jokes sometimes. I use my own life and funny things that happen and how I've learned from them. I also agree with Alex J. that it is very refreshing to find so many Christian-themed blogs.

  18. ...a "professional juggler," now that would an interesting addition to my resume!

    1. I can put that on mine, but I haven't always done it for fear of it being misunderstood.


  19. I enjoy wordplay more than a straight up joke. But I've met some jolly folks on A to Z. As far as Jesus blogs, oops - I just got struck by lightning. Cheers

    1. Wordplay, jokes, or what have you, I like a good chuckle every now and then.


  20. I can never remember jokes to retell them. I remember the punchline but forget the joke. grin.

  21. I think I need a blog about dr. Jekyll.

    1. It better be darn creative and engaging, but I say go for it. There probably already is a blog or more about Jekyll Island.


  22. I love jokes but I can usually screw up the punch line. I am thinking Jigsaw puzzles and not much else came into my sad little brain

    1. There might be something to a blog about jigsaw puzzles but right now I'm not really seeing it and would probably need to piece together all the possibilities.


  23. I know of one joke blog that's really fun: bethere2day. While some of my post are humourous, actual joke-telling is a rarity. How interesting that you were a juggler, Lee!

    1. Juggling is like riding a bicycle! I'm still a juggler--just not as a profession any longer.


  24. I'll take and the jokes and juggling any day.

  25. Jokes are definitely fun, but the only juggling I do is with my grocery list or my bank book... ~snicker-snicker~ Have a great weekend! :)

  26. what fun take,
    Jokes, Jesus, they are gods.

    1. Or maybe they are the goods when it comes to certain blogs.


  27. I don't tell jokes on my blog nor have I repeated a joke that I read on another blog. I have read blogs about religion, but none that are anti-religion. I haven't come across a blog about juggling, but then I haven't been looking either.

    Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog today.

    1. Kimberly, I think you have to be specifically searching for a blog about juggling. I've seen some before, but don't keep up with them.


  28. It's always a treat when you read a blog, and find unexpected humor in it. I'm terrible at remembering jokes unless I write them down. You have a wonderful sense of humor Lee, and it's always a pleasure coming here!


    1. Julie, you write funny stories and that's like a long joke. Glad you've seen my sense of humor--a lot of folks don't and misunderstand what I'm saying sometimes.


  29. I dig the occasional joke, but at my age, I've always been drawn to humorous stories/satire. I used to post some very old (125+ years) humorous newspaper stories, back in the day when newspapers could get away with a lot more stuff than they would drop their collective jaws in horror over.

    1. GB, I find that newspapers have become rather sterile in many ways or if they are injecting anything personal it's all about promoting an agenda.


  30. Great post Arlee thank you! Keep on juggling - your posts are jewels.

  31. One of the three topics of my blog is a J: Jerusalem, where I live. Well, you asked!

    Just thinking about your comment: "If God doesn't exist, then why spend any time talking about it?" I agree, but I think the opposite is equally true: If God does exist, then why spend any time talking about it?

    1. Miriam, in answer to your God question, speaking from the perspective of a Christian, the Bible implores us to talk about God, and tell others about Him. I imagine this might be true of other religions as well. If no god has told an atheist to tell others about his belief then that person in just railing on opinion in antithesis to others. To me talking about atheism is as about as useful as trying to convince people that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny don't exist--why would they spend time on something they don't believe in other than to stir up antagonism and spread a doctrine of empty thought?


  32. Thanks for the follow, Arlee. See ya in blog land.

  33. One of my favorite blogs is A Nun's Life (particularly their Ask Sister podcast), though they don't focus exclusively on religious content. I like how well-rounded it is, and how they show all the facets of a modern nun's life, not just the obvious religious side.

    Back in the days of aohell, I used to follow a few humor sites, particularly Hecklers Online. I twice had one of my entries picked for their weekly Top Ten list, one on Linda Tripp's beauty tips and another on signs you're at a bad AA meeting.

    1. Well-rounded and less heavy handed is a good approach.


  34. Hubby and I always share funny things we find online and on blogs. If it's really funny, I'll tweet it too. Gotta share the lolz.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  35. I've written a post or two on jokes on my blog. Nice post

  36. I have posts with jokes and about Jesus on the same blog. Here's a joke. Sue


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