
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Who's Singing the Blues? ( #BOTB Results )

Today at Tossing It Out it's not Taco Tuesday, but it's BOTB Results Blues Day.  It's not that I am blue, but the sky is blue, love is blue, velvet is blue,  and blue is blue.  But me?  No--no blues here,  Just blue, blue, blue in the form of blah, blah, blah...

       So another war rages on far from where I am while I wage my own war against the forces I seem to battle every day.  But we all must push on in our personal battles.  I'm not alone though some might be gliding through life with more successful results.  Still, life is an ongoing battle for all of us.

        And in regard to a lesser Battle and yet a Battle currently forefront in my mind, I give you...

Battle of the Bands Results

Mr. Blue Showdown

       My most recent Battle found folksinger Tom Paxton up against the psychedelic sounds of the group Clear Light.  In my BOTB history I've often been pretty effective at presenting songs and artists that are weird enough to befuddle visitors to my BOTB posts.  This Battle was no exception.

      Stephen T McCarthy correctly guessed that I'd be going for the less appreciated psychedelic drama wildness by Clear Light.  It was, as I had indicated in the previous post, the first and only version of the song that I had ever known until relatively recently.  I first obtained Clear Light's album around fifty years ago and liked it then and still enjoy hearing it.  Partly due to the driving sound of the group's double drummers, the group has a mighty sound that conveys a lot of drama with rock and roll.

       Tom Paxton's version is a fun campy vaudeville sounding rendition that was somewhat prevalent in the mid to latter sixties.  Back then I was a fan of groups like The New Vaudeville Band and other such acts.  Paxton gives a light-hearted performance that doesn't quite convey the gravitas of the song's subject matter. It's a very listenable recording, but it lacks the impact that the song should deliver.

        On the other hand, vocalist Cliff De Young with his hard-hitting back up serves up a menacing plate of Orwellian 1984 nightmare stew.  It reminds me of an episode of Twilight Zone or some dystopian horror story about totalitarian rule.  So considering the subject matter of the song, Clear Light is the clear winner for me.

           ...but not for the voters...

Final Vote Tally

Tom Paxton       13 votes

Clear Light           5 votes

Next Battle of the Bands on Tuesday March 15th

       Yes, I'll probably go for another Battle on that aforementioned date.  That's what I'm here for--for now at least.  However if you stop by on Friday March 11 you get a preview of my theme for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  It's a musical theme that I hope you will enjoy.  It's gonna be kind of epic.  Well, it's going to be time consuming for me at least.  But it should be fun.  Please stop back to see what that theme will be.


  1. That was rather decisive, wasn't it?

    1. Alex, decisive yes. You should have voted for Clear Light.


  2. Lee,

    Thanks for reporting the results. I sided with the winner. Both of us had a lopsided battle, didn't we? I'll try to remember to get back over to check out your theme reveal. Your teaser sounds exciting, though.

    1. Cathy, I hope I can get all my posts done ahead of time for once so I can visit other blogs more in April.


  3. That was quite a blowout, but I can't imagine that it came as any great surprise to you. I mean, anything as obscure and "outside the box" as Clear Light's recording is most likely going to get the short end of the stick in voting. And BOTB has a well-established history or track record at this point, in which mainstream is always going to be the favorite against avant-garde.

    I've occasionally experimented with unusual match-ups in the past, but generally I try to put together what I personally consider the ideal Battle (i.e., shooting for a one-vote differential between winner and loser). Unfortunately, that approach has also led me to a number of ties, which I hate. I'd honestly rather have a blowout than a tie.

    Anyway, the Battles are fun for me, regardless of the outcomes.

    See ya at the next one, Lee.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I'm ever on the mission of introducing others to some of the different music I listen to. If I didn't do that I don't know that I'd have been doing BOTB for as long as I have.

      I don't mind ties as long as I don't have to wear them.


  4. I did write on your last BOTB but it’s not there?. That has happened before and have no clue why. I had voted for Clear Light because I appreciated their sound. Oh well, I hope it will take now. I love blue which I find tranquil

    1. Birgit, I went back and added your vote to the comments and then updated my final tally. Helps some. Thanks!


  5. I do better when it's blue than when it's gray, like today. With snow. Still, we carry on.

    1. Patricia, I like a gray gloomy day when all I have to do is just stay inside--especially cozy in blankets watching movies on TV. If I'm where there is snow then I enjoy just looking out the window. Snow is quite the novelty for me these days.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
