
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

My Stars! The King Is Conquered! ( #BOTB Results)

   I told someone that I need to review a book again, but first I need to read one.  When I do finish the next book I read I will put up a review at the appropriate sites and maybe even on my blog.  It would be a case of my reviewing a novel to be a novel event.    In the light of things...

         For a number of years I've been lax about reading books.  Short things I'll read now and then, but I've had to really push myself into reading a book.  So now I'm reading a somewhat big book--nearly six hundred pages--not the biggest maybe, but bigger than most books I typically would read. The book in question is one I'd bought from the Doubleday Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Club in 1969 or so and I'd been putting off reading it for so long that I figured I should read it rather than let it sit around for another fifty years. 

       Something had struck me recently that made me think of this book that I still had in my office bookshelf.  The book, Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner, is a "futuristic" look at the year 2010.  Brunner's vision was perceptive and I enjoy seeing how closely writers of the past depicted the future that I have lived through.  The book has been a bear that I've been wrestling with since December when I started it.  Obviously I've been getting through only a few pages a day.  

        No wonder I haven't read many books lately.  For me reading seems to be such a battle.  And speaking of battles, it's time for...

Battle of the Bands Results

           Conventional BOTB wisdom might suggest that one never use an artist like Nat King Cole up against another artist.  Stephen T McCarthy agreed in his comment to my post that using a legend like Cole might result in the opponent getting slammed big time. Still, I took a chance in my most recent Battle as I put Mr. "American Pie" Don McLean up against the pop royalty of King Cole.

         Alas, the King has fallen to the soft toned balladeer Don McLean.  Kind of a surprise to me, but then not so much.  I much prefer "Vincent" to "Mona Lisa" and feel the same way about the original works of art that inspired the songs.   And I wasn't the only one as one can see in the results...

Final Vote Tally

Nat King Cole                    5 votes

Don McLean                     14 votes

Next Battle on Tuesday February 15th

         Are you doing anything for Valentine's Day?  


  1. You've certainly had that book long enough. If I was struggling that hard to read it I don't think I'd ever finish it.

    1. Alex, since COVID started I've become interested in going back to films and books about pandemics & other maladies of a populated world. This book seemed to capture the idea. And something I had read reminded me about this book on my shelf so I just figured now was a good time to read it. I've really had to push myself to read the book and now I've gotten far enough that I'd hate to quit now.


  2. That reminds me of the time I read Anna Karenina. I put that book down more than once but finally finished it...after a year and half! I was wondering who might win the battle. I feel bad for Nat even though I voted for Don.

    1. Birgit, there are so many "classic" novels that I've never read because I found them to be too long or too tedious to read.


  3. I haven't read a "book" in years. Like you I read short stuff, mostly blog post and Internet research. Anything longer doesn't hold my interest.

    We aren't doing anything elaborate for Valentine's Day. We'll probably watch some movies this weekend since VD falls on Monday. Traditionally, we exchange small boxes of chocolates and DH always gets me roses. I like making cookies for him. There won't be any fancy meal bit I will make home-made pizza with my home-made pizza sauce which we've come to enjoy quite a bit. DH says I've out pizza the Hut. That's a big compliment in my book. :)

    Thanks for reporting the outcome of your latest battle. I went with Don. ��

    1. Cathy, I've read a few books in recent years, but they've mostly been non-fiction. I can't recall the last fiction novel that I read before what I'm reading now.

      We're thinking to go out for a lunch on V-day when things aren't so crowded--at least that's what we're hoping.


  4. I missed the contest. Both of these performers had lasting star power. I would have had a difficult time choosing.

    There was an AM station in Memphis, where I grew up. They featured a format call "The Music of Your Life." Nat King Cole was featured often, as well as Perry Como. Perry had a sizable hit with a song written by Don McLean, "And I Love You So," which was recorded in 1973.

    1. Michael, I remember listening to a show called "Music of Your Life" that play such music. I looked it up and learned that it was a syndicated show that I guess is still on in many markets. It was good programming. Perry Como's version of "And I Love You So" is beautiful--I do remember that song.


  5. Nat King Cole was my favorite. His voice makes me go back to my pre-teens, and hear his mellow voice.

    1. Susan K, Cole takes me back to the fifties when his TV show was on the air. I watched it often with my parents.


  6. LEE ~

    I've been a voracious reader my whole life, but I too have slowed down CONSIDERABLY in my reading these last 5 years or so. When I read anything lengthy, it is ALWAYS non-fiction. But lately it's not been as much fun for me. What's the point of knowing a lot of facts about a lot of things when nearly everyone you meet in daily life is ignorant and you can't even have an interesting, well-informed conversation with them?

    Didja see that new Marvel comic book movie? GAH!!

    Even though I also voted for McLean, your Battle Results were surprising. Not only was that Nat King Cole, but it was also arguably his most famous hit song!

    I was toying with the idea of using Satchmo in my next Battle on March 1st but, understandably, I was pretty reluctant. However, your latest Battle outcome has me reconsidering that possibility.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I used to read many fiction books prior to my adult years. There weren't as many venues for escape back then. Now there are so many distractions.

      I tend to watch documentaries and current event programming mostly these days though my wife and I usually watch a movie every night now that she's retired too.

      Go ahead and try Satch in a Battle. It would be interesting to see the outcome. Maybe these old icons don't wield the authority they once had.


  7. My own reading habits haven't been as good as they used to be either. Since I've had to spend so much time writing, editing, and proofing my own books, I necessarily don't have as much time anymore for reading other people's work. I do hope I can turn that habit around and spend more time reading like I used to!

    1. Carrie-Anne, your writing output is so prolific I can see why you might not read so much these days.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
