
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Tribute to Art and Artists ( #IWSG & #BOTB )


        Many of you have probably heard about the passing of Jeremy Hawkins--blogger, author, renaissance man, and graphic artist extraordinaire.  If you don't know who I'm talking about then just look at most of the art on my blog page as well as those of many other bloggers you likely follow.  Jeremy designed most of the artwork used by Blogging from A to Z April Challenge where he has been an integral team member almost from the beginning.

        Today has been designated as a special day of tribute to this wonderful man who left us far sooner than we ever expected.  Jeremy--you will be missed!   

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

The co-hosts for the  February 2 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Jacqui Murray, Sandra Cox, and Lee Lowery!

February 2 question - Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?

        So many great people come to my mind with this question--from my parents, my former boss, and a long list of friends too many to list in a blog post.  But this day is in honor of Jeremy Hawkins.  As with many others, you were there when I needed advice and know-how about keeping my blog looking somewhat decent.  Thank you for all that you did for me and Blogging from A to Z.  Life goes on, but it just won't be the same without you.

         I dedicate the following to you and all of those who make this world a more interesting place to look at...

Battle of the Bands

        Battle of the Bands is the blogging event started by Far Away Series and now hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens each month on the 15th and on some there is also a Battle on the 1st of the month.  My blog is one of those with a second Battle excepting over these summer months.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this                                                                                 post for more Battle action.

Famous Art and Artists
         There have been many songs that have been influenced or inspired by artists and their works of art.   This Battle installment features two of the more famous songs of this nature.  They were written and released over two decades apart and both have become pop song classics.   I'm sure you are familiar with both of these or have at least heard them sometime in your lives.  Take a listen to see which you would name as your favorite...

Nat King Cole  "Mona Lisa"   (1950)

Don McLean  "Vincent (Starry Starry Night)"   (1972)

Time to Vote!
        No artsy snobbery involved here.  Just your opinion.   Which artist do you enjoy the most?   Of the two songs, which do you like better?  I hope you'll at least give the versions a listen to discern your favorite.    Hopefully you have an opinion of some kind.  You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

        Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands


'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Winner of this Battle Announced on Tuesday February 8th

           Do you have a favorite creator of visual arts?  A favorite painting or other work of visual art?   Do you have any of Jeremy Hawkins' graphic art on your blog site?  

Miss You, Jeremy!


  1. The world will not be the same without Jeremy.
    Not crazy about the voice in the first one, so I'm going with Nat King Cole.

    1. Alex, not sure about your vote since Cole was the first one, but I'll take it as the one you called by name.

      First vote goes to Nat King Cole.


  2. Lee,

    I don't know that I have a favorite visual artist or artwork that comes to mind. I do enjoy most of the old school vintage pinup artists work, though. In the beginning I used Jeremy's graphics for my A2Z posts but when I branched out with my own artist abilities I began using my creations. I did however for the first time bought one of A to Z t-shirt designs last year. I'm sure glad I got that opportunity. While I didn't know Jeremy well, we did connect on a few occasions during our years of A2Zing. He will be missed by all.

    Turning my thoughts to your BOTB, I loved that you paid tribute to your pal in this showdown with two beautiful song choices. For me, it's an easy pick. I absolutely love STARRY NIGHT by Don McClean and so I cast my vote for this song. Have a good day and when you get a chance perhaps you'll stop by to vote in my newest James Bond theme song BOTB showdown with A View To A Kill!

    1. Cathy, I think there's going to be a contest for A to Z'ers who want to create badges for this year. Watch the A to Z site in the next few days and maybe you can extend your art talents to reach a wider audience.

      Second vote goes to Don McLean.


    2. Lee,

      Thanks for letting me know about the contest. I don't think I have the confidence to tackle the job but I certainly will keep it in mind should inspiration strike. I normally do my badges to match my theme. I'm really struggling to get going on creating sketches for this year's event. I don't want to miss out, so I'm going to have to give myself a swift kick in the breeches. :)

    3. Don't be afraid to give it a try. Your artistic creations are very nice. Getting the A to Z exposure can be a great opportunity to get better known in the blogging community. But do what you are most comfortable doing.


  3. That was really sad about Jeremy. He was a good guy. Too young.

    1. L.Diane, Jeremy was way too young to depart this world. Really took me by surprise.


  4. Sad news about your friend. May he R.I.P. I have an A to Z coffee mug that Jeremy designed. As for the battle, Vincent has always been a favourite of mine, so my vote goes to Don McLean.

    1. Debbie D, I should probably get an A to Z coffee mug. I have all of the shirts he designed for the Challenge.

      Another vote for Don McLean.


  5. Sad about Jeremy. You never know do you? Not a Don McLean fan so give my vote to Nat King Cole.

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Janet, every day I thank God for another day of life.

      A vote for Nat King Cole.


  6. LEE ~
    Kudos on your BOTB theme. This was a clever idea.

    My Pa's all-time favorite vocalist was Nat King Cole. And Vincent van Gogh has always been one of my favorite artists and a real influence on me in my youth.

    I truly like both of these songs but of the two I prefer the simple beauty of 'Vincent', much like I prefer the works of van Gogh to the works of da Vinci.

    Really cool concept, Lee!
    (And I hope you get away with using Nat. But so far, it's working well. He's one of those singers I tend to steer clear of using in BOTB because of his legendary status.)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I remember watching Nat King Cole's TV show when I was a kid. My parents enjoyed his music so I heard him often. And Van Gogh was also a big influence on me after I discovered his work when I was in college. I also prefer Van Gogh's art to that of Da Vinci, though overall I prefer the classical artistry over the more modern stuff.

      I agree that putting Nat up against other artists can be a bit of a risk, but it worked in this case I thought.

      A vote for Don McLean.


  7. I still have to post about Jeremy who was so go to all the bloggers. I love your dedication page and the songs you covered. I love both songs and the singers but I am voting for Don Mclean's "Starry Night." To me, if you just read the lyrics, it is sheer poetry. The gentle way he sings the song showing admiration to a great artist is hard to equal, in my humble opinion. Whoever put the art together with the song is excellent.

    You can see when Van Gogh is more stable by his brushworks and when he is falling into that abyss. If you place his self portraits together you can really see it. When Mclean sings the words and mentions "die", "The Wheatfield" is shown. This was his last work and represents his oncoming suicide for what is shown in the painting. The path just stops in the middle of the field and this is where he was found. So very sad.

    A wonderful tribute to Jeremy...very thoughtful.

    1. Birgit, years ago before YouTube I recall seeing a similar art montage set against this song--I think it was on The Midnight Special. It's nice to have the visual context of the artist set with the music about him.

      A vote for Don McLean.


  8. Wonderful words for Jeremy, he will certainly be missed.

    I vote for Vincent by Don Maclean. wonderful words.

    Take care Lee.

    1. Yvonne, the A to Z Team is missing Jeremy already as we start into another Challenge.

      A vote for Don McLean.


  9. From Facebook a vote from my Cousin Tom:

    Don McLean.


  10. I am sorry to hear about your friend but a lovely tribute...Nat King Cole for me although lovely words sang by Mclean overall I am not a fan :)

    1. Carol, nice to see you here!

      A vote for Nat King Cole.


  11. A moving tribute. I'm at that special age now where I'm losing friends and family more often that I can think about. I remember how devastated I was when John Lennon died. This past Christmas our family lost someone who shouldn't have left. I'm still battling that one.

    1. Joylene, I know what you're saying. Now whenever I hear about someone dying I look to see how close they are to my age. It's especially sad when I see they are much younger than I am. I vividly remember the news about John Lennon. Such a shock!


  12. I was about to vote for Nat, then Don's smooth voice floated out of my speakers. Don it is.

    1. Melissa, Nat's song is such a classic! But so is Don's.

      A vote for Don McLean.


  13. This battle manages to pay touching tribute to Jeremy as well as the featured artists - way to go, Arlee!
    Both songs are beautiful. But Don McLean gets my vote for the perfect reverie of an artist's life and work.

    1. Diedre, thank you for your kind words.

      A vote for Don McLean.


  14. It's nice to see how many people Jeremy impacted with his life.

    On the music front, I vote for Nat King Cole, as Mona Lisa holds a special place in my heart.

    1. Loni, we sometimes never know how many lives we've touched during our time on Earth.

      Another vote for Nat King Cole.


  15. I liked the Don McLean song better.
    Hope you had a good IWSG day! I was under the weather earlier this week (not the C👾vid, don't worry), but I'm much improved now.
    I've been scheduling debut author interviews at Operation Awesome. If you know one, please tell them to reach out to me.
    Over at the a-to-z challenge, plans are hatching for April 2022, including a big event this month (starts Feb 4), which you know all about. I wish we didn't have to have the event, but with Jeremy gone, it is what it is. 😞
    Plus, WEP has the "All You Need is Love" flash fiction challenge on February 16 - 18.
    Quote for February: “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” -John Bunyan

    1. J, thanks for the updates and all you've been doing for the blogging community. Our A to Z Team is the greatest!

      A vote for Don McLean.


  16. I love NKC. But... this is a no brainer for Vincent, a song that always chokes me up and I own on original vinyl (via a long ago garage sale).

    1. CW, I know what you mean about the "Vincent" song. It moved me from the first day I heard and continues to do so.

      Don McLean.


  17. I've very much enjoyed the tributes to Jeremy. I didn't 'know' him other than through Alex's blog and his graphics. It is clear the world lost a great guy.

    I love both of those songs and artists, but I'm going with Starry Starry Night, as it has some personal significance for me. Mark me down for Don McLean.

    1. Lee, I'd like to have known Jeremy in person, but we did have some interesting email communications.

      A vote for Don McLean.


  18. This was indeed an interesting battle. Way to think outside the box. And laud your friend simultaneously.

    I vote Cole. I like Van Gogh a lot, and felt privileged to go to a special exhibition at Seattle Art Museum a few years ago that featured 80 pieces that came as an exhibit from the Netherlands. But I like Da Vinci better!

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

    1. 6-Gun, I like to have the themed Battles so I can attract interest from those who don't like the music stuff. I mean, I really don't understand why some folks don't like to do the BOTB's but then I guess there are certain people who either don't like music or don't want to express their opinions.

      I saw a nice exhibit of Van Gogh at the Getty here in L.A. Beautiful works of art. I like his use of color.

      Another (needed) vote for Nat King Cole.


  19. Jeremy did beautiful work for AtoZ. I will be curious what you do this year.

    1. Jacqui, be watching the A to Z Blog site for info about an upcoming graphics contest. I think the A to Z Team is planning something fun for those with artistic inclinations.

      A to Z Blog


  20. That's a lovely tribute, Arlee. Jeremy left many friends behind.

    1. Sandra, he has definitely left a legacy of work and relationships.


  21. Such a shame to lose such a gift to the community. What a wonderful tribute you've offered!

    Another vote for Don McLean

    1. Chickangell, thank you for stopping by!

      A vote for Don McLean.


  22. Don McLean and Vincent get my vote

    1. Mike, you've added to what is going to be victory for "Vincent".

      Don McLean.


  23. Oh boy.

    I actually like Nat "King" Cole. Not sure if I was introduced to him via the radio, but did listen to a few 45 e.p.'s of him, so probably got introduced to him that way.

    As for Don, I think we all got introduced to him via "American Pie", which completely obliterated anything else he ever did (kind of like the "Jumping the Shark" for musicians instead of t.v.). I do like the song "Vincent" although it's rarely played or covered.

    If it's possible, I would like to give half stars to each of them.

    1. GB, my parents used to watch Cole's TV show when I was a kid in the fifties so I heard him there as well as on the radio. I don't recall any of his records in the house though. Now I do have a Cole's greatest hits CD compilation. Don't know why "Vincent" gets slighted so much. It's a great song.

      They'll get your half stars in the ethereal world, but that vote essentially gets negated in the voting outcome.


  24. If you're looking for the winner of this Battle then check out the results:

    Tossing It Out



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
