
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Is Ready, But I'm Not ( #BOTB Results )


Merry Christmas and a ho-ho-ho!

     Are you excited about Christmas this year?   Count me out I guess.  Of course I'm thankful for the "Reason for the Season"--our Lord Jesus Christ--but as far as the earthly human festivities I am afflicted with disinterest.  No shopping for me.  My wife and I are probably going to visit some of her family, but that's about it.  We didn't even put up a Christmas tree this year.  The accoutrements of the holiday for us have been replaced by the inconvenience of home renovations. 

         What we all need is a massive renovation in thought and in the actions of our government.  We need to dispense with all of the absurdities of life in pandemic times.  People have become so fearful that they willingly accept absurdities.

          The other night I started watching a Christmas themed music special on PBS because it sounded like something that I would enjoy--various solo artists performing sacred songs backed by a string orchestra in a beautifully decorated old church.  The opening looked nice with all of the stained glass and seasonal greenery.  The conductor was a pleasant looking fellow.  Then they showed the orchestra fully masked.  Come on!  Really?  Is this Christmas or Halloween?

          I'm done with all of the feelings and fear-based nonsense.  We're all gonna die and that's a fact.  And at my age I'm probably closer to death than many.  Please--I'd gladly forfeit years in exchange for a quality life for the rest of my days on this Earth.  Life like it used to be before masks and other COVID silliness.  I want to live and not merely exist in a surrounding of fearfulness.  Personally, I don't see that much to be afraid of in this world.  But that's me and what do I know.

          Well, I do know that results for my recent Battle of the Bands are in and here they are...

Battle of the Bands Results

Your Love Broke Through

        My most recent Battle was a showdown between Phil Keaggy and Randy Stonehill  with their versions of the Contemporary Christian song "Your Love Broke Through".    The outcome was a bit of a surprise to me since I figured more voters would be more familiar with Keaggy and thus have a preference for his version.  Not the case.   Randy Stonehill was the big winner this time and that's where my vote went as well.

Final Vote Tally

Phil Keaggy               2 votes

Randy Stonehill        8 votes

Next Battle on Saturday January 1st, 2022

         Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years Eve as well.  Let's hope for a better year ahead--or at least as passable as 2021 was, which wasn't much.


  1. Merry Christmas, Lee, such as it is. Here's hoping 2022 will be better for all of us. Nice to see my choice won this round.

    1. Debbie D, 2022 can only get better unless it gets really really bad. Hope not.


  2. I was surprised I liked Randy's better than Phil's, but swometimes that's the way it goes. Merry Christmas, Arlee!

    1. John, I always like Keaggy a lot, but in this case I thought Stonehill had the better version. And it's the one that I heard first back in the eighties. Happy New Year!


  3. Fully masked, keep your distance, and get every shot they offer...
    Well, try to ignore the mess and have a blessed Christmas, Lee.

    1. Alex, Stay home as much as I can--that's my method.

      Every day is a blessing for me. Hopefully 2022 will be a somewhat better year if not significantly so.


  4. The best was the winner Lee.
    Take care of yourself ,

    1. Yvonne, I'm taking pretty good care. Hope you are doing the same.


    2. I'm very lonely Lee. apart from that ok.


    3. Yvonne, do your best. These can be trying times.


  5. Lee,

    I apologize for not getting back over to learn the results of your last BOTB. It's been hectic, a mixture of holiday stuff and tightening up our Internet privacy. Your battle turned out like mine very lopsided.

    The masking does take away the beauty and the fun of the things. We only wear masks when required by businesses doctor visits, etc. Most of our being 'out in public' for the most part is trips to the mountains and we don't come too close in contact with people. If others are around, we tend to keep our distance but that's something we've always done to a degree especially when it's during the cold/flu season. I hate, hate being sick! The Covid shot(s) are useless. We've shelf the idea for now to getting the vaccination and pray that the push for mandates to go away. It's so crazy to try to force this on individuals when those infected with the newer strains are those who have gotten the vaccination(s). I've been thinking for months that it doesn't work or at least not well and only gives individuals a false sense of security that they are now safe from this virus. Oh is what it is and all we can do is keep living the best we can. Do what we're comfortable with or just keep to ourselves. That's where we are on the later pretty much. This can't go on forever, so I continue to hold on to hope for better days ahead. I hope the renovation is done and you guys can relax a bit better now. Have a wonderful new year, my friend!

    1. Cathy, it was so nice to be in TN this summer where there was no strict masking like we have here in Crazy California..

      Renos still going on. I'm ready for this phase to be over so we can move on to the next project.


    2. Lee,

      We only wear masks were mandated. If we're in an openly public place where we can veer clear from others, then we won't wear a mask. All you have to do is keep your distance from people and for heaven sakes, don't touch you face if you've been handling public stuff. These are two things we've done for years. Bacteria and viruses are always with us. It's not fun being sick, so protect yourself. That's where most people fail. They don't place importance on keeping oneself free (or nearly) of such things that can't be seen with the naked eye. That's the stuff I worry most about. This will all pass in time. It's just not happening quick enough for us is all. I guess we'll just have to have a little more patience. Try to relax these last few days of 2021 and find some fun ways to ring in the new year, dear friend. May God's blessings be with you and yours!

  6. Great way to close out 2021, Lee... Happy New Year to you, Sir.

    1. Michael, and all the best to you in the coming year and years to come.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
