
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Folsom Prison Blues--Moore or Last Forget the Cash (BOTB)

    Have there been times over the past couple years that you've almost felt like you were a prisoner?   Lockdowns, mask downs, and all sorts of idiocy.  Oh well-- as long as I've got my television, my computer, books to read, and other diversions I guess I'm okay.  With all of the rising prices who can afford to go out?

      Those of you who don't live in California or some other similar wacko world might not feel the way I feel these days.  We've got $5 a gallon gas and all sorts of restrictions that make one want to stay home anyway.  Yesterday I went to Aldi and paid $1.99 for a dozen eggs!  Not that long ago they were somewhere around 89 cents a dozen.  I guess we're paying the prices for having to move chickens from cramped coops into luxury chicken condos.  

       And forget about meat if you're on a shoestring budget.  That's okay--I cut back eating meat a few years ago.  And I rarely wear shoes with shoestrings anymore.  Give me slip-on shoes to accompany my slip-on life.  I'm okay.  I hope you're okay.

         And I hope you'll vote in this round of Battle of the Bands...

Battle of the Bands

        Battle of the Bands is the blogging event started by Far Away Series and now hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens each month on the 15th and on some there is also a Battle on the 1st of the month.  My blog is one of those with a second Battle excepting over these summer months.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this                                                                                 post for more Battle action.

Folsom Prison Blues

      Most of you have probably heard the big Johnny Cash hit "Folsom Prison Blues" which hit the charts in 1968 after appearing on his live album recorded at Folsom Prison.  He'd originally scored a place on the charts with the song in 1956.  What you might not know is that Cash essentially ripped off the song from a 1953 album by Gordon Jenkins who recorded it as "Crescent City Blues"  (go ahead and take a listen and you'll see).  Cash later paid a settlement to Jenkins in the 1970's after the Folsom Prison version became a monster hit.

       The song has become a standard over the years and many cover versions have since been recorded and performed.   In this Battle I present three different recordings of varied styles  Forget Cash since he'd likely run away with all the votes, but maybe one of these might capture your heart over the others.  Take a listen and see what you think...

 Slim Harpo "Folsom Prison Blues"  (1968)

          Slim Harpo is the stage name for James Isaac Moore who came from Louisiana.  Renown as a harmonica or "harp" player, he used the name "Harpo" though he also sang and played guitar.  Slim released his version of "Folsom Prison Blues" shortly after Cash turned the song into a big hit.

 Everlast  "Folsom Prison Blues"  (2008)

        Erik Francis Schrody aka Whitey Ford aka Everlast is an eclectic musician who is most known as a rap/hip-hop artist.  Originally from Los Angeles, Whoever-he-is recorded the Cash hit for his House of Pain album.   Maybe his version will be a pain or a pleasure to you, but you will have to decide with your vote...

The Cripple and the Tramp  "Folsom Prison Blues"  (2012)

         Thought I'd throw in this Americana folky sounding version just to mix things up.  Maybe this style will be more to your liking.  Or maybe you'd just rather watch it die...

Time to Vote!
         You are free to vote!  It's not like you're a prisoner or something like that, unless you are thinking metaphorically.   So please vote.  Which artist do you enjoy the most?   Of the three versions, which do you like better?  I hope you'll at least give the versions a listen to discern your favorite.    Hopefully you have an opinion of some kind.  You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

        Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands


'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Winner of this Battle Announced on Friday January 21st
           I'm not sure there is much point in the results posts, but I suppose I should do them.  Maybe I need to add more content other than results?   Have any suggestions?    Do you look to see the results of these Battles or do you tend to forget or just don't care?


  1. I guess Everlast.
    We aren't that expensive here, but some things have almost doubled and it's crazy.
    I sent you an email last weekend - did you get it?

    1. Alex, yes, I received the email. I forwarded it to the members of the A to Z Team so they can participate.

      First vote goes to Everlast.


    2. Good! I've been meaning to contact them.

  2. I don't feel like a prisoner at all. I can still go out and enjoy walking. I can order food to be delivered if I want and Amazon is a click away. My great aunt, who lived in Easy Germany (remember when there were 2?), had to prove she needed a fridge. It took 7 years before she finally got one. I visited Budapest back in 1982 and, even though it was considered the most "free", I felt a sense of being followed and there were a couple of times we were in a bad situation. I went with a tour group and we were to see some castle from a former royal but, when we got there, there was some altercation and we had to vacate the bus so the "police" could look through the bus. We were advised by our tour guide to get back on, not say anything and look down, take no pictures and don't look out at the guards etc... or we may have to go to be interrogated. I have no idea why but that is what happened. I never did tell my mom that who was terrified that I was going to an Eastern block country.

    Ok on to better things, I am going for Slim Harpo who made this song his own. I love the blues element he gave to it.

    1. Birgit, we certainly do have far more freedoms that real prisoners or those in really strict countries. Prison is probably more a matter of state of mind or perception of one's life. I'm more limited by my economic resources these days. It's expensive to go see my family back east and there is always something that needs to be done at home if we want a house. But still life is good.

      A vote for Slim Harpo.


  3. Lee,

    At times, I feel like a prisoner but at the very least we still feel comfortable enough to take an occasional trip to the mountains. Prices are up here, but not as bad as in California. The cost of living in your state is much higher which contributes to things seemingly more outrageous than other places. is but you know what I mean.

    In this battle, I'm giving my vote to SLIM HARPO. His version seemed more authentic. No one does this song like the Man in Black, though.

    Thanks for stopping by this morning to cast your vote in my BOTB. Don't worry about leaving your link. I always find it in holding either in "Pending" where it was today or "Spam". I'm not sure why WP does this for regulars such as you but anyway all is good. Have a good weekend, my friend!

    1. Cathy, if I were still in Maryville I'd certainly make my occasional treks to the mountains. The mountains here are just not the same. Maybe bigger, but not as welcoming. At least I can see them from my house.

      Another vote for Slim Harpo.


    2. Lee,

      It would be awesome to see the mountains out west and as grand as the Rocky Mountain or other mountain terrains might be out there, the Appalachian mountains are special. We can see the Smoky's from our front porch. I hope whenever we do find our next house we might have the same advantage. We certainly do keep that in mind as we look around.

  4. The only prison I am in is my own limitations. Grew up listening to Johnny Cash. Casting my vote for Everlast.

    1. Mary B, we are as free as we allow our minds to be.

      A vote for Everlast.


  5. I have to go with Johnny Cash w/ Everlast. Cannot choose just one.

    1. Susan K, no doubt that this was Johnny's song.

      A vote for Everlast.


  6. Hoo boy.

    Not a fan any of the versions. Everlast's is the most kitschy, while the last one is just too upbeat of a cover. Slim Harpos's is slightly less upbeat but the tempo seems to be too quick.

    I don't know, I'm just picturing a cover version done in a more slower tempo with a slightly darker feel to it. To me, the original was just too upbeat and fast and it needs a cover that's slower in tempo and darker in mood.

    No votes here. Sorry. :(

    1. GB, the covers aren't really all that bad. So The Cripple and the Tramp didn't do a cover like you described? That's what it sounded like to me. I think Johnny got the song just right with his pacing and I guess millions of folks agree considering the fame of the song.


  7. I'm a big Slim Harpo fan from the days of "scratch my back." Everlast did a good cover, but I'm stayin' with Slim.

    1. John H, I think all three covers have merit. But that's why I'm using them.

      A vote for Slim Harpo.


  8. Hi Lee -

    I hear ya. And anyone that says "oh, things aren't so bad! I don't feel like a prisoner at all" must have really drunk the kool aid, because America and the world have been transformed in less than two years into an authoritarian state. In America YOU SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE TO "SHOW PAPERS." PERIOD. If people think that is OK, then they would have made great guards or train workers about 80 years ago. I see stories every day about somebody who just wants to go eat and they are arrested or tossed out because they won't "show papers." What ever happened to medical privacy, and freedom from medical experiment? Oh, yeah. Abortion privacy, but no privacy about the jab, right? And I don't want to hear from the hypocrites saying I am selfish for refusing the jab. What we have is a pandemic of the vaccinated, because IT DOESN'T WORK. Everyone I know that has had the jab has also had covid at least twice and some have had it four times. And hey are the selfish idiots demanding I follow their foolish path, probably so they won't feel so dumb.

    OK. the song.

    I get your timing of this song, but I never liked it at the best of times. Of the three versions, I guess Slim Harpo gets the nod by making it sound less like itself.

    Sixgun McItchyfinger

    1. 6-Gun, these are strange times, but not surprising to me. I'm glad I'm not starting out in life at this time because I'd say some challenging times are ahead.

      A vote for Slim Harpo..


  9. LEE ~

    I had almost completely forgotten that BOTB was still a "thing" on the 15th of the month.
    I'm glad you didn't use the famous 'Baritone Monotone' in this Battle. Although that *DID* deprive me of the joy of voting against him.
    I never fully appreciated that line "I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die" until I wasted 4 years of my life in Reno and encountered a few guys who probably should have been (and likely someday will be) shot.
    My BOTB bote goes to SLIM. That's a goot juan!
    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I always liked Johnny. He did leave quite a legacy, but I can understand why he might not suit everybody. But who can?

      A vote for Slim Harpo.


  10. Whew! I hated all of them, which is a shame. It's always weird when remakes of songs you know go off the grid like this. With that said, the closest version that didn't totally upset my sensibilities is Everlast, probably because I knew the back beat of the original House Of Pain song and liked it when it was out... still... ouch! lol

    I was stunned when I'd read about the $5 per gallon last week. Just asking, but do you have a BJ's or anything around you like that? For us, if you buy items they've specifically marked (there's a list), the price of their gas drops, and if you buy enough of them it'll only cost you around 35 cents a gallon. I'm not up for that specifically, but I'll often search for the item that costs the least, and if it's less than what I'd pay to fill up my tank, I'm buying that! lol

    1. Mitch, Don't have a BJ's like you describe (just the BJ's Brewhouse), but it sounds like a potentially good deal. We don't take joyrides like we used to, but I'm okay staying home.

      A vote for Everlast.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
