
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

So That Answers That Question! ( #IWSG )

If you haven't voted on my Battle of the Bands for December 1st then you can go here and cast a vote for your favorite song version of "Angels Among Us".  

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

The co-hosts for the December 5 posting of the IWSG are J.H. Moncrieff, Tonja Drecker , Patsy Collins, and Chrys Fey--Stop by their blogs to say "thank you!"  

December 5 question - What are five objects we'd find in your writing space?

     Was that "5" or "500"?   One might wonder looking at the above photo of my writing space.  Actually I've cleaned up the space since that picture was taken some months ago, but still it's pretty bad.  I tend to accumulate stuff since my writing space is also a multi-use area where I do all sorts of things. 

       So what are five objects that would always tend to be found in my writing space?  

       1)  My house phone:  If it rings then I don't want to be going to another room to answer it.  Though it might not be a bad idea to have to get up since that would provide some much needed exercise.

        2)  Pens and paper:   I don't often use pens and paper for writing these days, but sometimes I do feel an urge to scribble something down.

        3)  Miscellaneous office supplies:  Stapler, paper clips, scissors, and so on--after all, this space is my "office" so I should have office supplies even if I rarely use any of them.

       4)  Sound entertainment system:   I don't know if these are still called "boom boxes", but I do have a combo with radio/CD/cassette tape just in case I want to listen to music or talk radio.  I don't listen to these like I used to, but it's there if I need some background sounds. 

         5) My Computer:   This is the most important item since this is how I do most of my writing as well as research.   What did people do before there were computers anyway?  Well, I do know, but I don't think I want to go back to that time.

         So that also partially answers the question as to why I don't get much writing done.  Maybe I'd be better off taking a notebook and a pen to sit beside a secluded waterfall or upon a mountain top to write without distractions.  Are you kidding?  Then I'd be watching the water or looking at the view instead of writing.  I can always find an excuse not to do things I probably should be doing.

         Do you tend to accumulate clutter on your desk?  Do you have a desk?  Do you prefer to write at home or some other place?


  1. On my desk Lee apart from my laptop and family photo's and a printer is a photo of you and myself when we met up in LA. A grand day to remember indeed.


    1. Yvonne, what a nice tribute. I have copies of your poetry books next to my desk.


  2. Wow, that's a lot of paper piled on your desk. Go ahead and move the phone. You need to get up and move once every thirty minutes anyway.

    1. Alex, actually that pile of paper was mail that I had moved from another place to my desk so I could go through it. It's more paper than normal in that photo. I usually get up at least every 30 minutes if not more often. Usually it's not to get up to answer the phone, but just to move around.


  3. I don't have a desk, I have a dining table that needs to be kept clear so we can eat. It's probably just as well because it would no doubt end up like yours!

    1. Nick, when my kids still lived at home I didn't have a desk at home either. My office desk at work piled up instead.


  4. Haha, that is a lot of paper. I'm a paper (and secret notebook) hoarder, so periodically I have to purge. I hate to throw away or shred my precious notes and writing. Your space looks comforting to me.

    1. Teresa, I find my space to be rather comfortable if not comforting. I'm always purging stuff and then adding more to it--a never-ending project.


  5. It's easier to write outside the home, where there are less distractions. However, at a number of libraries over the last few years, there have been distractions in the form of people having long, loud phone conversations, even in areas marked as quiet spaces. Remember when everyone could expect quiet in libraries?

    1. Carrie-Anne, I know some like to write at outside places, but I don't like leaving my house for things like that. I haven't spent time in a library in many years so I don't know what they are like now, but knowing how people are these days I would imagine there is not a lot of quiet.


  6. I used to be super organized, but in the last year or so, I've fallen victim to clutter. I don't even use my desk anymore, but it's still become a catch-all. If I didn't need it for my printer and modem, I'd be tempted to get rid of it.

    1. JH, I was more organized when I had less stuff. Now after over 20 years in the same house, we've accumulated a lot. Now and then I do cull, but the inspiration needs to hit me.


    2. I really need to do one of those. Selling my stuff is a nice fringe benefit of the cull.

  7. Thank you for this opportunity to look over your shoulder, Lee! Because my present desk is ridiculously small, there's little room for clutter. Some day I hope to have a laptop to move about where the muse directs.

    1. Myra, I do have a lot of desk space and I abuse it.


  8. The extreme organizer in me is cringing right now. LOL

    1. L.Diane, it's not really as bad as it looks, but I do understand.


  9. Haha! My desk isn't as messy as yours but close! I used to prefer to write at home, and I still do most of it there, but since I moved, I like to go to a coffee house and meet with other writers where basically all we do is write for a solid hour, timed and everything! Then we socialize if we want. I used to be distracted before doing that, but now I'm not. Happy holidays, even though you'll be alone :( Maybe you'll get some writing done!

    1. Lisa, I don't know any writers around where I am, but maybe if I checked out some local places I might meet some. Nah--it's easier just to stay home.


  10. Replies
    1. You'll find out next Monday, but your guess is probably right.


  11. I'm not as bad as some hoarders but I'm like my stuff. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Anna, I'm a minor league hoarder who is scaling down a great deal.


  12. I am a clutter queen! It seems like I always accumulate more stuff than I have room for, and yet I always have a use for all the stuff I have. It's probably a good thing I don't have a stationary place for writing, otherwise I'd find myself buried beneath the piles!

    1. Loni, I try to keep my head above the clutter. My stuff gives me a certain sense of comfort.


  13. Hi Lee!
    I have piles and piles on my desk as well. I don't always face them with smiles (grin) but I know what's in each and every one.
    I forgot to mention my computer (duh!)on my list!

    I have a standing desk, though I use an hourglass to remind me to walk around so my knees don't seize up ;-)

    When I'm not in the office, I take a pen, spiral notebook and my laptop everywhere I go.

    1. Diedre, if I ever get another desk I'll strongly consider one of those adjustable desks that will allow me to stand to do certain work. I do tend to walk around the house a lot because I get uncomfortable sitting for too long.


  14. You have a great room... I would never leave, except to get coffee and donuts, or go the Red Box at Dollar General.

    1. Michael, I love my little home office. I used to stay in it for longer periods, but now I find myself downstairs watching TV more than I used to.


  15. I took one look at your picture and said, "5 or 500?" (paraphrased) before I scrolled down to your next words. Not a knock, BTW; were I a more serious writer, I would be just as deep in it as you! That said, you would see at least six notebooks within a leprechaun's armslength from where I sit- should you shuffle enough loose papers...

    1. CW, I've got a couple of notebooks on my desk and others elsewhere within easy distance. I probably hang on to more mail than I should--that's mostly what's in the pile in the photo.


  16. I can see why you asked that question about 5 v 500. My desk fluctuates between minimalism and bomb disaster. Of course, during the disaster phases I lose all sorts of things under other things: cell phone, list of edit, snacks.

    1. C.Lee, there will be times of great industry in my world when I do a drastic clean-up and organization job, but within a week or two the clutter starts piling up again. I don't tend to lose much for long, but I keep more than I probably need to.


  17. Wow! Wouldn't it be great to dream there near the water? I am with you. Computers are wonderful. I do like to brainstorm on paper, but I take it immediately to the computer. Clutter has always been my friend. My mom has always told me my disorganization might qualify as a disability... hm... oh well :) Happy IWSG Day :)

    1. Erika, I think I learned some of my clutter habits from my parents. They had a great home where there were always treasures to be found.


  18. Thanks for sharing the photo – makes me feel better about my own clutter!

  19. I've somehow created a space in my organised clutter as I spend most of the day at my desk in my wheelchair. I suspect your clutter has logic behind it - even juggled.

    1. Roland, there is indeed a logic to it all. I would be in a frazzle to find things if someone else came in and cleaned up my desk area.


  20. I call my craft table/room 'organized chaos'. Although it's not that messy. The pic you posted is killing me with the stacks of paper all over. I would at least have to straighten them out.

    1. JoJo, the picture is actually a bit extreme from what my desk usually looks like. When I took the photo I had recently transferred a bunch of mail and papers from other parts of the house so I could sort through them.


  21. I had to laugh at your 'behind the secluded waterfall' idea. I tried that. Doesn't work. Too many distractions ;)

    1. Tonja, if there is something to look at then I'm looking. Scenic places have far too many things to look at and then dwell upon.


  22. Love your space! I tend to accumulate a whole lot of 'stuff' that gets in the way as well - it does make for a challenge!! :)

    1. Jemi, my spaces ebb and flow and then eventually end up sorted into boxes. Now, what to do with all those boxes!


  23. Sure quite the paper pile. True, need the computer. Don't want to go back to before it.

    1. Pat, I did love my old notebooks though. And there was something kind of cool about writing on lined paper. But I don't guess I want to go back to that unless I absolutely had to.


  24. I like your space. Plenty of room. Happy IWSG Day.

    1. Juneta, having a whole bedroom for my own personal writing space really does allow for a lot. I like having room for my writing library too.


  25. Your space is just fine. It works for you. I know this because mine is not too much different.

    1. Susan K, the whole thing ebbs and tides. If I took a picture right now it would but more organized.


  26. You have a lot of papers on your desk. I feel like organizing it for you. lol :P

    1. Chrys, the desk looks different now--more organized in appearance, but still some papers.



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