
Monday, December 10, 2018

It Ain't Easy Being an Angel (#BOTB Results)

      There are times when we just do things because they are the right things to do at that particular moment in time.  If we think too much about what we believe to be the right thing to do, then we give ourselves ample opportunity to talk ourselves out of doing them.  The brain can be an insidious device that cultivates fear and inaction...

Battle of the Bands Results

      My most recent Battle was between country superstars Alabama and the far lesser known Tutti Druyan singing the song "Angels Among Us".  The outcome was predictable, but I liked the idea of using the song in lieu of more tradition Christmas fare.  I enjoyed Tutti's version, but like most of you I had a preference for Alabama.  Thanks to all who voted!

Final Vote Tally

Alabama              18

Tutti Druyan          4

Next Battle on Saturday December 15th!

       It's coming soon!  This Saturday in fact!  Be there for my next song offering for the Christmas season. 

        Do you have a good internal guardian who keeps you from making a lot of rash dumb decisions?  How often do you talk yourself into being afraid?  What is the greatest decision you've made that was essentially irrational with a potentially disastrous outcome?


  1. Sorry I didn't get a chance to vote.
    Irrational decision? I'd have to think hard on that one...

    1. Alex, I've made plenty of irrational decisions, some of which led to great adventures that in the end turned out just fine.


  2. Picked the winner this time.
    Have a great week Lee.


    1. Yvonne, even my bad weeks are pretty great weeks.


  3. I think I've learned to go with my gut. That usually only works, with the big things, if I have enough background info to then go with my first impression.

    I've read about "gut feelings," though, and with little things, it works surprisingly well, especially when we have too many choices in front of us.

    This sounds like I'm over-thinking going with one's gut impression. But considering how I can go down the rabbit hole of overthinking and inaction, just doing something - anything - is important.

    1. Harry, I think it's often best to go with gut instincts. I tend to overthink, but that might be why we're writers.


  4. LEE ~
    You and I had similarly lopsided BOTB outcomes this time, but that's just the way it goes sometimes. As long as I always avoid a shutout, I'm perfectly fine with whatever vote ratio my Battles end with.

    Man, it's been cold and dreary here in "The Biggest Little Ghetto In The World". I think even just one full day of a little sunshine would do wonders for my disposition.

    See ya on the 15th!

    ~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents 'BATTLE OF THE BANDS'

    1. STMcC, cold and dreary for L.A. is not really bad, but it's starting to feel bad for these old bones.


  5. Sorry to have missed the battle, but I'll be on board for the next one. Overthinking any situation can be paralyzing. I've been guilty of that many times.

    1. Debbie D, it's like the old chicken/egg conundrum: which comes first?--the fear or the imagination.


  6. Do you have a good internal guardian who keeps you from making a lot of rash dumb decisions?

    I do. But sometimes I ignore them, and that gets me into trouble.

    How often do you talk yourself into being afraid?

    More often that I care to admit.

    What is the greatest decision you've made that was essentially irrational with a potentially disastrous outcome?

    I would say marriage - but that was disastrous!

    I think the best decision I have made was when I was laid off from work immediately after having some very serious health issues. That's when I decided to start blogging and make it my main source of income. Good decision, as shortly after I started my blog, I was diagnosed with cancer. Next week, I will be 4 years cancer free. Sure, I've had some difficult times since starting this venture, but it has also been quite rewarding.

    Good to see that Alabama got the votes they needed to make up for their loss on my battle.


    1. Mary, things seem to just fall into place if we don't fight them too much unless the fight is necessary for survival and then they still happen as they were meant to happen.


  7. I try to be logical but yes I had a moment of madness last month when I went for a flutter with a new app caller Plus500. I mean how bad could it be? right? Well it was a new beginning and I had delusions of becoming a millionaire, lol but all I did was lose 500 bucks when my oil CFD went down the pan sheesh.... oh well back to shoe shining I guess.

    1. Spacer Guy, I'm not in much of a position to gamble much anymore, but I was always pretty careful about money. That's probably why I never got rich.


  8. I have major anxiety issues so I'm always talking myself into being afraid and on edge. It's not fun.

    1. JoJo, I know what you're saying. I still do it too.


  9. Too many potentially dangerous decisions could have led to disasters. God was there, His hand on my shoulder and over me.

    1. Susan K, I've got to give credit to God to pulling me through so many crazy things as I know I couldn't have done it on my own.


  10. Yes. Becoming a full time writer. That was my impulsive, basically irrational decision. I made it almost twenty years ago and I'm still trying. I did have to "take breaks" during those years and work "real jobs" but most of the time I've spent writing... I listen to fear way too much and am trying to break that habit.

    1. Lisa, I don't ever remember making a decision to be a writer--I just wrote. Most of my years I spent working "real jobs" and just writing when the urge hit me.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
