
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Royals (#BOTB) & A Question

         My Question of the Month answer can be found after this current Battle of the Bands post.  I hope you'll enjoy the song picks first and vote on your favorite version before continuing on to this month's Question.

         It's the first of August which means it's time for Battle of the Bands.  This is an event that takes place on the 1st and 15th of each month.  Far Away Eyes at Far Away Series gets the credit for first conceiving this study in song version comparison. Stephen T McCarthy maintains the participant list and answers your questions about the event--you can find his blog with a list of participants at  StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This is not at all complicated:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battles to vote on.


        It's the silly season of summer so I've decided to get a bit silly with Battle of the Bands.  You may have seen one or both of these videos since they've been making rounds on Facebook and elsewhere.  Each has over ten million hits--not too shabby I'd say.  

        The song "Royals" (click link to hear original version) was written and first recorded by New Zealand artist Lorde and producer Joel Little.  After its release in 2013 the song went on to achieve worldwide acclaim and chart hit status with millions in sales.   The song has been covered several times by many artists.

         There are numerous interesting covers to be found on YouTube.  The ones I've chosen are particularly visually interesting which might influence some voters.  However, listen to the actual music in order to make your judgement as to which performance is best.  Vote on the following and not the original:

 Walk off the Earth "Royals"    (2013)

          Walk off the Earth is a Canadian band known for its quirky YouTube videos of cover songs.

Puddles Pity Party "Royals"  (2013)

      The 6' 8" Puddles the Clown and his band work out of Atlanta, Georgia. Their viral YouTube videos have gained them international fame which has lead to touring as an opening act for alt rock band Eels as well as other featured performances.

Time to Vote!

          Now it's your turn!  Which song version do you like the best?   Surely you think one is better than the other even if you don't like the song that much.  Just judge what you hear.  Which version do you prefer?    It's up to you to help determine the winner.   

        Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose (or which one was the least objectionable to your ears).  Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around.   And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:


 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands



DC Relief Battle of the Bands

Shady Dell Music and Memories   

The Doglady's Den 

Angel's Bark  

Cherdo on the Flipside  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Women:  We Shall Overcome  

Alex J. Cavanaugh 

Book Lover

J. A. Scott  

Results on Wednesday August 5th

         There's a short window of opportunity to cast your vote for this Battle, but I don't think that should be too much of a problem since most voting usually happens during the first couple days.  Also since this Battle post falls on a Saturday I'm going to forego my Monday post to allow more visitors to find the post on Monday and Tuesday to vote on those days.   I'll tally up votes on Tuesday evening and announce them in my #ISWG post that will appear on Wednesday August 5th.  Please vote!   Battle of the Bands works better when I have votes to count.

         Had you seen either of these videos before?    Have you watched any other of the videos on the Postmodern Jukebox YouTube channel?   Do you think the lifestyles of music stars and other pop icons are obscenely self-indulgent and egocentric?  

The Question of the Month is hosted by Michael G D'Agostino from A Life Examined.  The first Monday of each month I'll be answering a question posed by Michael prior to event day.  Click on the link to his blog for more participants.   

      Here is this month's question:

"If your parent or child committed a major crime, would you turn them in?"

       This is one of those "it depends" questions.   In other words what is meant by "major crime"?  If the crime had to do with drugs or some other crime with political implications, I would not turn anyone in.  I don't consider those types of things major crimes.

       However if we are talking about a evil against another person such as robbery, rape, brutal assault, or murder, yes, I would turn them in.  For one thing I would not want to be considered an accessory to such a crime.  But perhaps more importantly a crime of this nature might be repeated if the perpetrator were not stopped and I would not want to see such a thing happen again.  

      There is somewhat of an ambiguity to this question when you start thinking about it extensively.  Perhaps it would be better to replace "major" with "heinous" or "evil" and even using those terms the meaning of the crime might be up for debate.  A crime that frightens and/or appalls me would be one that should be punished no matter who has committed it


  1. Give my vote to Walk of the Earth. I found Puddles and his overly melodramatic version to be annoying.

    1. FAE starts off the contest with a vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  2. I almost gave my vote to Puddles, but Walk of The Earth won me over. They get my vote.

    1. Mary, another vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  3. These versions and videos are both new to me. Puddles has a great voice! ☺ Still, I prefer the Walk the Earth rendition. .

    1. Debbie, and Puddles loses out again to Walk Off the Earth.


  4. Firstly I hate clowns, but Puddles and his ladies are truly annoying!

    I vote Walk Off the Earth maybe it's the English accents...

    1. Yolanda, a harsh judgement against the Pity Party and a vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  5. I'm going to give it to the first band.

    1. Alex arrives with still another vote for the first band meaning Walk Off the Earth.


  6. I prefer WALK OFF THE EARTH.
    Great post Lee.
    Enjoy your week-end.

    1. Yvonne, thanks for another heading for a shut-out vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  7. Okay, Royals ain't exactly my gig, I realize. But Puddles the Clown? Seriously? I'll take the other guys by default. And to answer the question, hell yes I would. I do not want to be an enabler.

    1. CW, enabling wrong is definitely a wrong choice no matter who is involved. Again Puddles gets dumped in the mud in favor of Walk Off the Earth.


  8. You told me you never listen to new music, ever, Period. And if this is the type of contemporary music you're exposing yourself to I can see why not. I could go all Stephen on you and write a book about what is wrong with both of these "bands", but I won't. I'll just pick the lesser of two evils. The Royals get my vote :0)

    1. Sorry, I meant to say Walk Off The Earth gets my vote. Royals is the name of the sorry excuse for a song.

    2. Anne, are you sure you heard me say to never listen to new music? I can't imagine! I must have been in an odd mood or you misunderstood me. Actually I think this is a quite good song and would like to hear your analysis of why you think the songs and the bands are so bad--and compared to what. But skip the book and give the Readers Digest version please.

      In any case an antagonistic vote for Walk Off the Earth.


    3. Ya, you replied to one of my comments where I included a link to some contemporary music claiming you never listened to new music, Period.

      The song itself is trite and juvenile. It's the kind of silly thing a fourteen year old who fancies themselves a writer pens whilst alone in their room late at night. The sentiment is universal and timeless. However, lyrically this song panders to the lowest common denominator and misses the importance of loving someone regardless of circumstance.

    4. Anne, I don't recall my saying that I don't listen to new music period. I wish I knew where that comment was so I could see the context, but I can't look for it at this time. I do listen to plenty of new music, but I don't keep up with it or especially the artists like I used to.

      I completely disagree with you about the song and apparently so do hundreds of music critics and fans considering the acclaim, the song sales, and the awards the song received.

      I'm not sure what you refer to by misses the importance of loving someone regardless of circumstance as I don't see much about "love" in the romantic or relational sense mentioned in the song. The song talks about lifestyles of pop stars and celebrities and the triviality of it all. I think the writers were pretty perceptive in what they referenced and it's more mature in my opinion than how you describe and certainly by the standards of most rock or pop songs.

      That's my thoughts and opinions at least and I know I'm not alone in this. Besides the majority of pop and rock music is pretty trivial when you really get down to it.

      Thanks for the explanation and if you remember which BOTB post it was where I made the comment about listening to modern music let me know.


  9. He has a great voice but Puddles is just plain creepy. Walk Off the Earth might just as well but they get my vote for a better version!
    In answer to the question, I would turn them in and hope for the best.

    1. Diedre, I gave my warning just to listen and not look, but everyone is looking at the clown. I wonder what the verdict would have been videos unseen.

      Another vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  10. Hi, Lee! Today I returned from a one week blog break of my own. Thanks for supporting SDM&M in my absence, good buddy!

    Truth be told, my friend, I am not particularly fond of this song. I watched the original video and that didn't help. I very much disliked the reggae sound generated by the first act, Walk Off the Earth. (There's an idea! :) I couldn't help sneaking a peek at the second video and watching the sad clown who is lead singer of Puddles Pity Party. I found their version far more listenable and I have always been a sucker for acts that use shameless gimmicks. Therefore, I am casting my vote for PPP.

    Thanks, Lee, and have a great weekend!

  11. Thank you Shady Del for preventing a shut-out for the clown. Not sure why so much dislike for this song, but it's of a new generation so maybe it doesn't resonate with most of the voters so far. I personally like the sound as well as the lyrics and the message behind them.

    With your vote comes the first for Puddles the Clown.


  12. "I could go all Stephen on you..."
    Ha!-Ha! I gotta love that Anne O'Leary comment (all the way through).

    Never, ever thought I'd say this but... I vote for the B-52s.

    Oh, wait! I had an ACIDic Flashback for a second there.

    Uhm... Hmmm... well, that neo-Reggae beat of 'Walk Off The Earth' got real old, REAL fast. The song could have been trimmed by 2 minutes and I'd have liked it better.

    The Clown... well, he CAN actually sing. He's got a pretty good voice and I'd be interested in hearing him working with better material. Given that THIS is the song we have, I'll give him my vote. He too went on a bit too long but he didn't start grating on my nerves the way that Reggae-ish beat did.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. STMcC, the Clown scores another vote by being less irritating.

      I've got you down for Puddles the Clown.


    2. Hahahahaha, I'll never live down that vote for the B-52's.

  13. I definitely like Walk Off the Earth version better. You're right, it is a very visually appealing video but even so, I judged it on the music and vocals. I had a hard time watching the clown video: clowns freak me out for some reason. They just give me the willies! So my vote is going with Walk Off the Earth. Interesting band name!
    And your question is very interesting too. I agree, for a "victimless crime" I would not turn them in but anything beyond that, yes, by all means. Especially if there was harm perpetrated on another being, human or animal.
    Thanks for introducing Walk Off the Earth. I like them!
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, too bad I couldn't have just offered the audio with no visual as I think the clown persona skews the vote. Nevertheless, I've got you down for Walk Off the Earth


  14. I don't like clowns, especially tall clowns. I like Walk Off the Earth. Their sound is great. The clown is too choppy.


    1. Janie, no chop suey for youie.

      Another vote for Walk Off the Earth


  15. Walk off the Earth get my vote. I like their simplistic approach to the song. Fun versions of the song!

    1. Mike, keeping it simple with another vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  16. OK I only glanced at the videos to make sure I gave an actual listen. Now the first version I know quite well because it gets played up here and it is interesting with the "pattern" style. The 2nd one was theatre with this man dressed up as Verdi's Rigoletto and his slightly sinister way he moved on the screen. When I listened to his vocals I was very impressed as he has quite a good voice and I found his style much more interesting in the way he sang the song so I go with Mr. Sad Clown. I like your answer to the question and actually feel the same way. It all depends on the crime

    1. Birgit, keeping the Sad Clown in the game and a bit happier with a vote for Puddles the Clown.


  17. What can I say that's not already been said? This, I guess: you show great courage with some of your BoTB's! You've done some wild ones before (Marilyn Manson?), but this one takes the prize.

    I'm not a fan of Lourde, or this song, or clowns. I really hate clowns. I mean... what the hell is funny about a clown? That they have painted their face? Ha ha. Balloons? Ha Ha. As Louis C.K. has said, “Clowns aren’t funny. There’s nothing worse than somebody who is not funny trying to be funny. That’s what a clown is.”

    And no, I do not have coulrophobia. I'm not afraid of them. There is simply nothing funny about baggy pants and big shoes. Ha ha? OOOoooo... a red rubber nose. Ha ha? When Frasier dressed up as a clown in one episode, he gave his father a heart attack. THAT was funny!

    In conclusion, I am voting for Walk the Earth. Their version had some interesting aspects to it, beyond the fact that it was devoid of clownage.

    1. SBB6, you should watch the Fellini mockumentary Clowns as I think he puts clownage in an interesting light. In any case a solid vote against the clown in favor of Walk Off the Earth.


    2. >>... When Frasier dressed up as a clown in one episode, he gave his father a heart attack. THAT was funny!

      And your comment above WAS funny!

      I remember that episode, with Frasier pacing around in the Emergency waiting room, still dressed as a clown. And he's trying to dodge the questions about why Martin had suffered a heart attack.

      'FRASIER'... what a great, great show that was! 100,000 times funnier than any clown.

      ~ D-FensDogG

  18. I'm not familiar with this song. I guess that's what being off the Internet for a month gets you. I couldn't watch the second one, but I liked it better. I could actually understand the words. He has a nice voice if you don't look at him. So put me down for the Puddles.

    1. Robin, this song is a few years old and has gotten a lot of airplay since its release so it's not you being away from the internet.

      The Clown gimmick seems to have turned off a lot of voters in this contest, but apparently it has served the artist well in gaining attention.

      A vote for Puddles the Clown.


  19. I'm also unfamiliar with the song/video but PPP gets my vote. I enjoyed both versions actually but PPP had a bit more soul in it for me. Nit really a you tube watcher, unless it's my own son's band.

    As to whether I would turn in a member of my family for committing a crime - well, that's a big question. For a political 'crime' as defined by the govt., no. If they murdered someone, or caused intentionally eg a fire in which people died, I most likely would. Although I would never know until such a thing happened. I guess I'd encourage them to turn themselves in ..

    1. Susan, things are looking up a bit in clowndom with another vote for Puddles the Clown.


  20. Lee, I have not seen either of these videos. Both are interesting, but I clearly preferred Walk Off the Earth. So please give my vote to them. I like how you handled this question. I think I feel exactly the way you do on this issue and probably would handle in the same fashion. It's good to see you back. Have a tunetastic week!

    #BOTB Double post with dual between stars

    1. Cathy, the clown had a brief run, but now comes another vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  21. I vote for Walk Off the Earth too. :-)

  22. Misha, dropping by with her vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  23. I love Lorde and the original "Royals" song so I have to go with Walk Off the Earth. They kept the same feel and I loved how the rotates instruments and created a cool beat.

    I definitely agree with the use of the word "major" in the question. "Heinous" would've been better and I probably would said a firm "yes" on turning in my loved one.

    1. Chrys, I enjoyed the ukulele switch as well. And keep with the trend we have another vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  24. #1 wins it for me. Yeah, heinous or evil makes a bit better, as anything like that they'd surely get turned in.

    1. Pat, you may be a funny guy but you too are shunning the Clown.

      A vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  25. Walk off the Earth, definitely. That was cool, visually and audio-ly. The clown had a pretty good voice, but I didn't like the arrangement. As for the criminal question, we're on the same page.

    1. Tamara, on the same page about the question, but it remains to be seen whether we're on the same page about the song version. Come back Wednesday to find out.

      Walk Off the Earth


  26. It depends is probably the best answer, but if I was to be honest, I probably couldn't send my family to jail. Did you ever watch Dexter? The guy was a serial killer and his sister couldn't turn him and she was a detective!

    1. Jax, "it depends" might be a matter of circumstance, but still the vileness of the crime and who the victims were would have a big bearing on my actions. Dexter was killing bad guys wasn't he?


  27. I just know that if I didn't turn them in it would weigh way to heavily on my mind! Now I want to watch the show above - Dexter. I heard that was a good show, but I've never seen it.

    1. Alissa, I've read one of the "Dexter" books and it was a good story and well written.


  28. I really like the version by Walk Off the Earth; it was by far my favorite.

    This is a unique pairing and I love it. Great job!

    1. Cherdo, Puddles had this brief run, but now this Battle is clearly going to belong to Walk Off the Earth.


  29. I have often found the videos to be distracting and can cause me to like or not like a song. Most of the time I try to listen to the versions with my eyes closed so that I'm LISTENING to the music, not watching it. For that reason I'm going with Puddles because the guy has a really fine voice the gives the song an aching melancholia.

    1. Bish, the visuals clearly have influenced the voting on this one.

      Thanks for your vote for Puddles the Clown.


  30. I didn't watch either video, but after the songs were done and I rewatched them with the videos, the video just re-affirmed my decision. Walk Off The Earth gets my vote. Anyone singing dressed as a clown automatically gets minus points in my book. Sorry, not my thing. I did however enjoy the song, and thought each version was nice (again, it was just the clown in the video I didn't like in the second). I do love Lorde and hearing this song inspired me to acquire one of their albums. So I thank you for this battle.
    Vote: Walk Off the Earth.

    1. Jeffrey, I guess Puddles can at least thank you for giving him a chance.

      Another vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  31. I preferred the Walk off the Earth version. I felt their arrangement was better.

    The Rick Ross verse on the remix of the original song was one of the Rap Critic's worst lyrics of the month for June. Ross completely misunderstood what the song is actually about, and just name-dropped a bunch of luxury brand names. It's far from the first time he's come in for criticism from the Rap Critic, one of my favorite online music reviewers.

    1. Carrie-Anne, Rick Ross and Rap Critic both sound like something I'd avoid so I don't know about this.

      But I'll hand over your vote to Walk Off the Earth.


  32. As much as I like the harmony of the first song, but really love Puddles's voice! Plus, anyone who dresses up as a clown to sing weirds me out abd I like it, haha .. this is a really great song in general though!
    Vote: Puddles Pity Party

    1. Madilyn, did I see the faint trace of a smile on the Clown's face?

      A vote comes for Puddles the Clown


  33. I like the sound of Puddles' voice better, but as an overall song my vote goes to Walk Off the Earth.

    I hadn't considered that there would be debate on what constitutes a major crime. Thanks for opening my eyes to that one :)

    1. Michael, "major" is a matter of perspective I think.

      And another vote for Walk Off the Earth


  34. I don't do clowns but his performance wasn't bad, it just sounded a little too sad. Visually Walk off the Earth is just entertaintin, but they acually do have a good sound. They get my vote.
    As for the question of the month, I think the term "major crime" is debatable and there leaves room for many what ifs.

    1. Toinette, Puddles just got a little sadder with your vote for Walk Off the Earth.


  35. I've lived near Atlanta almost 28 years and never heard of Puddles the Clown. Now that I have, I hope never to hear of him again. Walk Off The Earth was at least fun to watch.

    1. John, ouch! Poor Puddles.

      Another vote for Walk Off the Earth.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
