
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Perilous Book Tour: Tamara Hart Heiner

           This is not a dangerous blog tour, but it is Tamara Hart Heiner's blog tour for her debut novel Perilous.  And though not really a perilous tour, this has to be one of the longest virtual book tours in the history of blogging.  Now at nearly two months of making the blog rounds, if you haven't heard about Tamara Hart Heiner and Perilous then you must lead a sheltered blog life.

Tamara Hart Heiner
YA author

              One needs only to look at the blog tour stops which I have listed at the end of this post to see the Tamara has a lot of support amongst fellow bloggers, which is an excellent position to be in when you want to promote your book.  Tamara's blog is called Chasing Dreams.  If you have never visited her blog, I encourage you to do so and become a follower.  For more information about Tamara and her work you can go to her website.  between the two sites you will find biographical background, information about her novel, and other nifty stuff.

           And what about Perilous?   Here's the official blurb:

Jaci Rivera has plans for her sophomore year: go to regionals with the track team, make the honor roll, and eat too much pizza with her best friends, Callie and Sara. Her biggest concern is Amanda, the pushy girl who moved in a few months ago.
What she doesn't plan for is catching a robber red-handed, or being kidnapped. The desperate thief drags her and her friends 2,000 miles across the Canadian border. They escape from his lair, only to find that he has spies and agents watching their path home, waiting to intercept them and take them back.

Then Jaci finds something out about her family. Something which irrevocably connects her to their kidnapper, and makes her question their chances of escape.

              It sounds pretty exciting.  Unfortunately, I have still not had a chance to read it, but I plan to soon.  When I do read it, I will do an actual review on Tossing It Out.  In the meantime, in addition to reviews on Amazon and elsewhere, you can check out the tour links that I have provided below and find several very fine reviews from some other bloggers whom you may enjoy checking out. 

            But what about the contest?

           Yes, there is a contest that Tamara is having and it's well worth putting your name in the blog hat.

She's going to be running two contests during the tour: one book giveaway
and one Kindle giveaway.

Book giveaway: The winner of this contest will be randomly chosen. Every
person who comments on any post during the blog tour will be entered into
a random drawing for a book. Which Tamara can autograph, if they want. The
contest begins on Nov. 16 and ends on Dec. 15.

Kindle giveaway: This contest is point-based and begins Oct. 15 and ends
Dec. 15. Whoever has the most points wins the Kindle. There will only be
one Kindle given away. Here are the points:

1 point: blog comment (can comment on all the blogs, multiple times, on
the tour)

1 point: follow Tamara's blog (

1 point: retweet

2 points: blog about the blog tour

5 points: purchase the book (ebook or paperback, must email Tamara the

confirmation email) if they actually buy the book in the store they can

mail her a copy of the receipt.

Have them add up all their points as well as their proof (links, etc) and
email it to Tamara at the end of the blog tour (tamara at tamarahartheiner dot


Good news! You can earn an infinite number of points!

     Now you may ask, "Where can I get a copy of Perilous?

Here is the ebook link:

You can now also buy the actual book from Amazon. or Barnes and Noble or from Tamara's site.

And don't forget to visit Tamara's blog and let her know you saw it right here on Tossing It Out.

And now here is the line up of her tour if you'd like to go back and check any of the stops you've missed or want to come back for the remaining stops. 

Oct. 15 David J. West

Oct. 18 Nichole Giles

Oct. 19 Talli Roland

Oct. 20 Guinevere Rowell

Oct. 21 Mary Gray

Oct. 22 Frankie

Oct. 25 Mary Greathouse

Oct. 26 RaShelle Workman (interview)

Oct. 27 T. Anne Adams

Oct. 28 Valerie Ipson

Oct. 29 Ann Best

Nov. 1 Christy Dorrity

Nov. 2 Chrstine Bryant

Nov. 3 Rebecca Blevins

Nov. 5 Annette Lyon

Nov. 8 Jennifer Daiker

Nov. 9 Carolina Valdez and Jaime Theler

Nov. 10 Elizabeth Mueller

Nov. 11 Christine Danek

Nov. 12 Elle Strauss

Nov. 15 Niki

Nov. 16 Lynn Parsons

Nov. 17 Danyelle Ferguson

Nov. 18 Elana Johnson

Nov. 19 Sarah McClung

Nov. 22 Suzanne Hartmann

Nov. 23 Marsha Ward

Nov. 24 Tara McClendon

Nov. 29 Courtney Barr

Nov. 30 Tristi Pinkston

Dec. 1 Cheri Chesley

Dec. 2 Karen Gowen

Dec. 3 Melanie Jacobson

Dec. 6 Kristie Ballard

Dec. 7 Melissa Cunningham

Dec. 8 Arlee Bird

Dec. 9 Debbie Davis

Dec. 10 Taffy Lovell

Dec. 13 Sheri Larsen

Dec. 14 Joyce DiPastena

Dec.15 Diana Miezcan

       And one more thing!   How about a brief book trailer to get a taste of what you're in for when you read Perilous.

Good luck Tamara Hart Heiner and Perilous!



  1. Thanks for a most interesting and informative post.
    Good Luck to Tamara in the selling of her book.


  2. I think I've seen Tamara over at our dear Mason Cannon's place earlier this year. She looks lovely. Writers tend to have horrible, and sometimes even scary, pictures which they use for their bookjackets and their marketing, but Tamara obviously has a nice one.

  3. Thanks for the mention. It was a great book, and Tamara is way too sweet.

  4. I've seen this author and book out there before while cruising around Blogsville. Sounds like an exciting story. Best wishes for Tamara's success. And a very through blog today Lee!

  5. I can't remember which blog I was on that had a review of her book, but I have it on my to read list. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  6. Lee! You're awesome! Thanks so much for the shout out!

  7. That is an awesome post, Lee! Thanks for all the links as well as getting a peek at the book trailer. Good luck to Tamara!

  8. This looks great and I have heard of her! Congrats
    Tamara, I will be by to check out your blog~
    Good Luck!
    Great job, Lee!

  9. Yvonne -- Thanks for stopping in.

    Dezmond -- I don't think she'll scare off any readers with her looks.

    Christine-- Tamara does seem mighty sweet and I hope she has a lot of success.

    Stephen -- Yes, aside from no review, I did think it was a pretty thorough post.

    Lisa -- Maybe you can review it when you read it.

    Talli -- ON behalf of Tamara I thank you!

    Tamara -- I was glad to participate.

    Kimberly -- Thanks for the kind words.

    Ellen -- I think you might enjoy Tamara's blog. Maybe you'll have a cookie recipe for her.

  10. OK, I’m hooked – I have to know what happens. I’ve added “Perilous” to my want to read list.

  11. The book trailer is pretty cool. I have this book on my to-read list.

  12. This is a wonderful way for writers to get their work out there. As a writer myself, I can appreciate how difficult it is to market your books in today's economic climate.
    Just also stopping by to say thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment.

  13. Jane -- Let us know how you liked the book after you've read it.

    Rachelle-- Look forward to hearing your thoughts about Perilous as well.

    Anne -- Glad to have found your blog. Writers need to take every opportunity they can find to promote their work. The blog tours are a great economical way to spread the word.


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