
Sunday, December 8, 2024

Prevailing Winds ( #BOTB Results)


     Remember back years ago when you'd go to the mall at Christmas and drive around a while before you found a parking space?   Now trucks drive around my neighborhood throughout the day dropping off packages.  Does anyone go to the mall these days?  How can malls continue to survive?  Just thinking...

Battle of the Bands Results

Diana in the Autumn Wind

      This Battle was essentially Chuck Mangione against Chuck Mangione.  Chuck was the mastermind behind the National Gallery project as well as his brother Gap's reinterpretations of some of the arty works from the Gallery album.  Both projects used a number of very capable musicians coming up with two very different sounding albums.

      Personally I like both of them a great deal, but my preference goes to the version closest to my heart:  The National Gallery.  I've listened to this album so many times back in the seventies and it really grew on me.  Gap's album was a new discovery for me which was led me to doing this Battle.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Here is a copy of the Klee painting that lent inspiration to the song.

"Diana in the Autumn Wind" (1934) by Paul Klee

   And here are the Battle results:

Final Vote Tally

National Gallery     6 votes

Gap Mangione       9 votes

Next Battle Sunday December 15th

      If all goes as planned it will be happening.  That's the plan at least.  If it doesn't happen then plans must have changed.  Enjoy your holiday season!


  1. I picked the winner!
    I'm surprised more malls haven't folded. Ours still functions despite the vacancies, but the next two towns over have completely empty malls.

    1. Alex, malls are definitely dying off, but hopefully some folks will start coming up with new ways to present malls to the public. They can be nice gathering spots.


  2. I don't like that Paul Klee painting in the least, but I did like the song it inspired.

    A three vote margin of victory... pretty good Battle, Lee!

    The town I live in has one mall, which was the first enclosed mall built in the state. It is 60 years old and really looks like it. Just a ground level mall, really small and not many stores still open there. The mall feels like it got caught in some kind of time warp, along with most of the rest of the town. And I mean that as a genuine compliment! I really like it here.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, all of the Klee paintings are of a similar nature. It's modern art and I guess some like it while others don't. I like it okay, but not my favorite style by any means.

      I used to visit many of those small town malls when I was on the road. Malls were our favorite recreation when traveling.


  3. Close battle and with me on the winning team! :)

    It's sad how malls are almost like ghost towns. I remember the days you described. We went to the mall before Thanksgiving. They had it decorated somewhat but nothing like they did in the 80s. I really miss that! Anywho the mall had minimal shoppers passing by. I haven't been since then. I hope things have picked up a bit. Maybe, we'll get a chance to go out to browse a bit while DH is off next week from work. I don't want retail stores or malls to shut down but I'm guilty of doing 99% of my shopping online. Thanks for reporting the outcome. Hopefully, I can find time to get back over for your mid-month battle!

    1. Cathy, really it seems silly to spend a lot of time wandering in a mall when you can save gas and energy by just ordering stuff online. But maybe not as fun. For some at least.


  4. Such a close battle—always exciting to see how it plays out! I was catching up on some reading while waiting for a carpet cleaning in knightdale nc, and saw this. It’s so nostalgic to think about malls in their heyday; ours used to be bustling, but now it’s just a handful of stores hanging on. It’s a bit sad to see the change, but it makes me appreciate those memories even more!

    1. Shelby, I hope the mall experience doesn't just become a memory for us older folks who remember how it used to be. But maybe younger generations just don't care about it.


  5. Malls are dying a slow death and I haven't been in a couple of years now. It's a shame, but what can you do? Sign of the times...

    That was a good close battle, unlike mine. Glad to be on the winning side. ☺

    1. Debbie D, I used to spend hours at the mall, most of the time spent in book and record stores. Now our mall has neither of these. I don't need many clothes anymore so the mall doesn't usually offer me much, but my wife can always find a reason to go.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
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For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
