
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A World of Potential ( #IWSG )


 The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog
     The co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are Liza at Middle Passages, Shannon Lawrence, Melissa Maygrove, and Olga Godim.

June 5 question - In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

           Ask me a question like that and my mind can go wild.  In my earlier days of blogging when I was first getting excited about Blogging from A to Z, I would think up all sorts of ideas for expanding the community and providing more features and services.  I still think about ideas that might work for A to Z and they are the same kinds of things that would work for the IWSG community. And maybe--probably--the features are available and I just haven't explored enough to know.  I'm good with coming up with ideas, but rarely know how to make them work or have the drive to pursue them.

       So sure, ask me about this and I could go on ad infinitum without having a clue how to implement my great ideas.  These days my excitement about blogging, writing, or other creativity are more on hold than any real activity on those fronts.  Ask me in a couple of months and maybe my attitude will be different.  For now I'm drifting along.  And that's okay because that's where I am these days.  I'm content and drifting along.  

         A spark of excitement is enticing me onward and I'll know when I'm there.  I guess.


  1. Sometimes when we are just "drifting" there are things percolating underneath, getting read to inspire but as long as you are content, that is what matters.

  2. I'm drifting a bit which is why this month's question is good - it will spark new ideas and people who are excited to see them happen.

  3. We all have those down times when we don't feel the drive - but like Liza says, hopefully it means something is bubbling under. Getting ready to erupt!

  4. We all go through periods of drifting. We need to. But hopefully during those subconscious drifting moments our next great idea will bubble to the surface. Good luck and thanks for sharing!

  5. Drifting along is okay. You have time to notice a lot of things along the way.

  6. Sometimes we drift in other directions.

  7. Sometimes, all we need is the idea, and then it'll inspire an implementation with someone!

  8. I'm drifting more these days too. I think it's okay to do this more as we get older or when we get too busy.

  9. It's pretty tough to maintain a blog full speed ahead for years on end. I've reduced the number of my posts, and spend a lot of time traveling, during which periods I do little blogging and less writing. It helps in many ways, though getting back into the routine when I get home is always a challenge.

  10. I think sometimes we need to figuratively stand at the edge of the pond and throw rocks in the water.

  11. I hope you check in once in a while...


Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
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For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
