
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Me Do That? I Doubt It ( #IWSG )


       Sometimes if I don't want to do things I'll go out of my way not to do them.  Other times I just won't do them...

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog
     The co-hosts for the September 7 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, Olga Godim, Michelle Wallace, and Louise - Fundy Blue!

September 7 question - What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why?

Pass the Liver and Onions Please

         I've mentioned in previous posts that to a great degree I've lost interest in writing fiction.  That's not to say I'll never write any again, but non-fiction currently holds a greater lure for me.  Still, I keep coming up with new ideas for fiction that I might consider writing one day.  Plenty of ideas reside in my mind but the inspiration to write them just ain't fueling my imagination these days. 

          So much in fiction that I could write and have written in the past--and maybe some of those things are in my future.  However the one genre that I think unlikely that I'd would ever tackle is romance.  Not my thing so much when it comes to writing.  Now watching romance movies is another thing and I have been known to read a romantic story now and then.  As a romance writer I don't do so well.  But who knows--maybe the love bug will inspire my writing in the future.  I kind of doubt it, but it could happen.

        I'd rather eat a plate of liver and onions than try to write a romance story.  And I will confess that I love liver and onions.  So the worst genre for me to write might come to pass.  Now I'm craving some really well prepared liver and onions.  Mmmm!

          What genre do you avoid?   Do you read genres that you avoid writing?   Is there a food that a lot of people dislike but you enjoy a great deal?  


  1. I'm not much of a romance writer. It's not that I don't have "feelings", but writing a romance makes me squirm in my chair. :) I feel more comfortable with a mystery or just storytelling.

    from T. Powell Coltrin Writes @

    1. Teresa, I've got feelings but I'm not so good at expressing them at times especially with intimate type topics. I like the storytelling too.


  2. Funny you couldn't write a romance novel...I feel the same way about Military fiction. Are there any female writers of that genre?

    1. Anon--I don't know much about military fiction. I started writing a romantic military sci fi back in high school. I should finish it as I think it's a good story.


  3. Romance isn't one I would tackle either.

    1. Alex, I find writing love scenes to be awkward so I try to avoid those scenes.


  4. I have been finding it hard to write my poems these past fea months but an email from Alex brought me back to my senses.
    Enjoyed your post Lee, hope you and family are keeping well.

    1. Yvonne, best just to keep on with life as best you can. I feel like being down sometimes, but mostly I manage to keep on keeping on.


  5. Replies
    1. L.Diane, properly cooked beef liver with caramelized onions can be really good. But I like the taste of liver. Since I was a kid. My mother fixed it every so often.


  6. I write mostly non-fiction too and when I try fiction, it often turns into "faction". ☺ That said, rhyming poems have been fun, of late. It seems, most romance writers are women, or is that a wrong perception? Haven't tried it, myself.

    1. Debbie D, all the romance I can think of was written by women--or at least someone using a women's sounding pseudonym.


  7. I'm too much of a smartass to attempt romance. I'd be too tempted to have my male protagonist say something grossly inappropriate and somewhat adoloescent, not to mention not especially romantic...

    1. John H., yeah, I get what you're saying. That's me too.


  8. I'm with you on not writing romance.

  9. I stopped eating liver and onions probably forty years ago. I hope you enjoy some soon, Arlee!

    1. Fundy Blue, I doubt that I'll attempt to fix the liver and onions at home--it would probably turn out bad. Don't see it in most of the restaurants I frequent.


  10. I'd be afraid to write romance these days; I'd likely get hammered for using inappropriate pronouns.

  11. Romance is a popular answer for this month's question. It surprises me how many people out there say they couldn't do it.

  12. I don't think I could ever write sci-fi. Non-fiction, I quite enjoy writing, but haven't in a while. Possibly this is a reminder to get back to the radar. :)

    The liver and onions sound very appetising. Been a while I tried some, as I mostly lean towards vegetarian these days.

    1. Natasha, scifi is okay with me, but one can take a lot of liberties with it. I've been thinking a lot about writing of late, but still need the motivation.

      I don't eat that much meat these days, but I was never a real hearty meat eater.



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