
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

X: You Pick a River ( #AtoZChallenge )

      Since X doesn't really have a river that I can think of then maybe we'll let readers have a break from my thoughts and hear what you have to say... 

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter X

          In my A to Z series on rivers I've been mainly discussing rivers that mean something special to me.  How about some of you?   Do you have a particular river that is a favorite of yours or one that has a special meaning to you?   Let us know your thoughts in the comments...


  1. Seeing that I fell in love with Nashville Tennessee, I will choose The Tennessee River.

    Nearly to the end of another challenge..... if I can make letter "Z".

    1. Yvonne, excellent choice! One my favorites for sure.


  2. It would be more fitting for me to mention this tomorrow! It's the Yuba River in CA. We never made it a particular destination on family vacations, it just happened to often be there. My father and I would fish, then my husband and son and I would fish. I have fond memories of fishing with my father and running into an unexpected celebrity fishing! He was just like his television characters! He'd had no better luck with the trout as we had.

    1. Lisa, I'm not sure if I've ever crossed the Yuba River but I could have. I have camped along a number of rivers though.


  3. Replies
    1. Frederique, that's me--so many rivers that I want them all.


  4. When I was a kid most journeys used to be on the trains .... I remember a particular trip where we were crossing some river on a bridge and my dad gave me a coin and said I could throw it into the river from the train window as an offering for the river goddess ...

    I love rivers that are in jungle areas , not touched my modern world .

    1. Jay, I would have loved to have taken train trips when I was a kid.
      Those jungle rivers can be beautiful but harbor some dangerous creatures. I saw it on TV.


  5. I'm fond of the Hudson River.
    I spent my teen years in the "Hudson Valley", I often rode the train from Rhinebeck to Albany-Rensselaer to get from home to boarding school. And the Hudson River School of painting is one of my favorite landscape genres.

    1. Anne, as I was reading this my mind started thinking on paintings I've seen depicting that valley. Dreamy wonderful landscapes.


  6. I must be extra tired because the first river that popped in my head was "Lazy River" ... the lazy rivers at waterparks where you just sit in a tube and the current carries you along.

    But my next thought was of the Snake River in Idaho. I always loved visiting Shoshone Falls and the Twin Falls on that river. I lived in that area when Evel Knievel attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon.

    1. Trudy, I had considered using the song "Lazy River" and it's been playing in my head all month when I think about rivers.

      Snake River is beautiful.


  7. What ran through (or past)my mind was that river X reminded me of Planet X which was Pluto at one point. Pluto was the god of Hades, reached by crossing the Styx. And while Styx doesn't start with an X, it has one in it.

    1. CW, oooh! Excellent chain of thought with a great conclusion.


  8. This led me to dwell on The Euphrates River. Some generations have called it, simply, The River, if I have understood correctly. It has been around for a while.

    1. Michael, when I think of an old river the Euphrates is the first one I think of.


  9. I've lived and worked around the The Schuylkill River for a lot of my adult life. The Delaware River has a lot of fun points to visit (under the Ben Franklin bridge, for example; or Washington Crossing Historic Park, which is great for a picnic and history lesson).

    Reading the comment above makes me think of "Styx - Boat on the river" 🎶. You could have taken the musical way out. 😉

    I love letter X posts! Always such variety.
    It's hard to believe the blogging challenge is almost over. Then the after survey, reflections, and the road trip sign-up.
    Plus, I'm taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author

    1. Oh, and:
      English: big river
      Lenape: xinkòhëne , xinkhònèk , xinkwi sipu , xinkwsipu

    2. J, there were a lot of rivers that have their origins in the Lenape language that I ran across in my reading.

      This year I decided to get extra lazy with X.


  10. Xi River in China, Xingu River in Brazil

    1. Mike, I did see those listed, but I've never been near them and they're not in America.


  11. It is interesting to read the connections people made in the comments. The pronunciation of the letter X (eks) reminded me of two British rivers called the River Esk - an anagram. One is in Cumbria, England and the other over the border in Scotland.
    Thank you for your visits to my blog and comments.

    1. Susan S, never heard those rivers you mentioned, but I like that connection you made.


  12. Replies
    1. Jo-Anne, you make me want to cry me a river.


  13. I love the San Pedro river. Originating about ten miles across the border in Mexico, it is the Sky Island corridor for all kinds of birds and fish. The area I like the best is near a (now closed) Monastery where the river flows with such a quiet grace I'm reluctant to make a sound myself ;-)

    1. Diedre, a quiet corridor for birds and fish sounds like a nice place to relax and dream and just immerse oneself in nature.


  14. Lee,

    I wouldn't say I have a favorite river but the Little Pigeon River might come close as any. I love how the waters run and look alongside the Chimney's picnic area in the Smoky's. I enjoy the sight of any peaceful river and it's especially nice to see canoes or even kayaks on the water which convey tranquility to the beholder.

    X-ray Looney Tunes A-Z Art Sketch

    1. Cathy, Little Pigeon as well as the Little River are both very nice rivers and very similar.



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