
Thursday, April 9, 2020

High Roads ( #AtoZChallenge )

         High roads are pretty great  until you lose yourself in a sudden curve to tumble down the mountainside and pray that you'll survive.  Falling from grace is bound to happen now and then in ones life journey...

       Heck, say anything about roads and you've gotten my attention.  My dreams are often dreams about roads.  Thinking about roads can make me smile.   Those thoughts can send me into a reverie.

         But really it's mostly metaphorical, that is my perception of a concept of meaning of life.  I see my life as this continuing journey. Sure it might seem like a cliche, but it's what makes the most sense.  To me at least.

        Traveling down that metaphorical road means sometime you're going to get somewhere and then continue on to the next place, on and on.  When I can travel the highest road then I am at my best.  I am grateful for the many in my life who encouraged me or lifted me in some way.  I am saddened by others.  But then my thoughts swirl back into a sense that it's all just what it is and I am where I am as are we all.

         And in my mind I see passing road signs:

Hope can elevate the spirit.
  Help can raise morale.
  Hate can destroy everything...

        Then the journey continues on to my next post...

         Are you the kind of traveler who likes to take time to see the scenery?    Or do you just want to get to your destination quickly?    What trope might you use to describe your life story?


  1. At the moment, I feel like I'm on one of those hamster wheels. Boring and just doing the same thing over and over. Be glad when we can do different things again.
    I'll admit, I just want to get where I'm going. Stupid drivers just annoy me.

    1. Alex, I'm never really bored, but I'm pretty content just being at home and doing what I normally do.
      Sometimes I do just want to get there, but I'd always prefer the scenic route if I'm not pressed for time or whatever keeps me from doing that.


  2. Yes Lee I do enjoy looking at the scenery on my travels. I saw many excellent ones on my visit'a to your country some years ago.

    1. Yvonne, you did some pretty cool travels that gave you a lot of memories. The U.S. has such a vast array of beautiful and unique scenery. I never tire of seeing it.


  3. I come from a long line of shun-pikers - we avoid the straight ahead turnpike for the meandering country road. Sometimes it means we are on the high road - surveying the scene from an eagle's perch, sometimes we are down in the valley, long side the creek bed - maybe parked, with our fishing rods out, or having a tailgate picnic. I like to take my time and getting lost is one of my definite aims...

    1. Jan, meandering country roads are a great way to travel. I'd like to traverse the country on nothing but back roads. I've done great portions in that way.


  4. Lee,

    When we're on vacation, which are few and far between, I love to see everything possible that we can. Generally, when we're on a trip most of the time we want to get our destination fast because everything we have planned out revolves around the area but we often plan special trips on the way back to keep the trip interesting if possible. The funny this is I don't like to travel but I like seeing new places and doing new things. lol Have a good day!

    Cathy's Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series 'H'

    1. Cathy, time and money are what limit me most. Now I miss our little day trips around our area. We're supposed to be just staying at home.


  5. You made me think of "Ithaca" ...

    1. John, I wasn't familiar with that video, but I can see how my post reminded you of that.


  6. I'd love to take a trip where there was time to just stop and enjoy. I've gone across country so many times though that I just want to get there.

    1. L.Diane, that's been my problem to a great extent, but still my wife and I do try to squeeze in a few special stops each year.


  7. We like to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. Flying doesn't count.

    1. Susan K, flying might be quicker, but I no longer care for it. Too much hassle and you can't see things up close. And if it's cloudy you can't see much at all except tops of clouds which are beautiful too, but rather monotonous compared to the scenery on the ground.


  8. I love the message in George Harrison's "Any Road," one of his final songs: "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." Though I wish gas were still cheap enough to take a long, leisurely road going everywhere and nowhere.

    1. Carrie-Anne, the early 70's were a great time for meandering on the roads in ones automobile. Gas was cheaper and I was much younger. Good old days.


  9. All through this, I thought about how the latest dream I remembered involved combining my high school (the past) and my job (the diverted present) to such an extent that I got fired from the job (the simulated quarantine present) and they had to stop and figure out if I could still graduate! Just about the time I started to think, "You know, I prolly have graduated by now," A little kid came up to me and said, "What are you taking? YOU ALREADY TOOK THAT!" and I replied, "You're probably right, you're probably right..."

  10. Funny, I have been dreaming about roads and they are dirt roads or snow everywhere and then the dreaded bridges. I have never had my road be an easy one, sometimes boring but never easy. I do enjoy my road because it is an adventure. Sometimes, I take the more direct route but I love to take side roads and enjoy the small towns and the countryside.

  11. Stuart, your description of a life is applicable to us all I'd say.


  12. Bloody hell just lost my comment, I would love to be travelling on a road and not stuck at home

  13. Wonderful metaphor Arlee. For me, life is a road trip off the beaten track. The more meandering the better, the more surprises, twists and turns, the more glorifying. On the asphalt or in my head, the journey is what is important. The destination is made up as I go along. The signposts helping me to pursue my travels into the unknown, I find in books, music and art; sometimes, in a family member or friend’s words.
    Hoping the weather has picked up wherever you are. Have an inspiring month. Take care, stay safe.


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