
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Activate A to Z and Let's Dance! ( #AtoZChallenge #BOTB #IWSG )

This post is like the perfect storm of blogging.   Not really in a bad way, but in a busy way.  I'll try to keep this as brief as I can considering all that is about to happen.  Hope you can hang in for the ride!

Activate A to Z!

       So here we are again for another month of fun and frenzy as I embark on my 11th annual Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.  And I am joined by several hundred other bloggers who can be found in our master A to Z list.    I hope you will show support by visiting as many of those bloggers who are participating and egg them on support their efforts.   

        This year I have a kind of a loose and random theme that will be related to some of my future goals, current interests, and whatever random stuff I might come up with.  In other words I'll be blogging like I typically do except I'll be posting nearly every day in April instead of just four or so posts per month.  Gosh, it sounds like that first year when I started blogging and blogging was kind of fresh and fun. 

         That's what I'm going to be doing in April.  Hope you can visit (and comment) often.  I'll be trying to do the same.  See you round and about!


The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

The co-hosts for the April 1 posting of the IWSG are Diane Burton, JH Moncrieff, Anna @ Emaginette, Karen @ Reprobate Typewriter, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

April 1 question -The IWSG’s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?

         For now things are fine in my world.  If this pandemic stuff had to happen then this is probably the best time for me.  I don't have to worry about a lost job or getting a paycheck since I'm retired. So pandemic life for me is not much different than other times other than some of the absurd shortages in the stores.  Hopefully I'll be staying well throughout.

          I've got plenty to keep me busy this month with the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge--maybe I'll focus more on that than I have in the past few years.  Other than that I can always find things to do to occupy my time.  Ironically, despite being retired, it seems there is never enough time for me to do all that I'd like to do.  Funny how that works.

           Hope you are well.   Remember--if it ain't one thing, it's another.  So keep on truckin'  (How's that for a dated expression?).

Battle of the Bands

        Battle of the Bands is the blogging event started by Far Away Series and now hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens each month on the 15th and on some there is also a Battle on the 1st of the month.  My blog is one of those with a second Battle excepting over these summer months.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battle action.

Let's Dance

          So as we get this A to Z party started let's get into the spirit with a couple of lively dance videos.   The song "Let's Dance" is a popular hit single that was originally released by Chris Montez in 1962.  Many covers of the song have appeared over the years.   For this Battle I've chosen two slightly contrasting versions with fun dance videos to go with them. Enjoy!

The Ramones   "Let's Dance"   (1976)

         Punk rock band The Ramones deliver a rollicking live version of the song recorded at the County Jail in Boston (that's what the video clip says at least).  No, the group in the video is not the Ramones, but the dancing is sure a lot of fun to watch.  Let's dance...

 Ola and the Janglers   "Let's Dance" (1968)

          Ola and the Janglers were a garage band from Sweden in the 1960's.  They present a more polished version of "Let's Dance" with visuals from an assortment of movies from the sixties.  A bit of eye candy for those who watch the video. But we're here for the song performance.  What do you think of this version?

Time to Vote!

         Did this song get you dancing?   Which song version do you prefer?   Hopefully you have an opinion of some kind.  You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

        Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands

 ‘Storms and Stardust’ 


'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

The Doglady's Den 

Angel's Bark  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Cherdo on the Flipside 

A I Love Music

Winner of this Battle Announced on Wednesday April 8th

         Of course lots more happening between then and now so I'll be here every day except Sunday with some kind of a post about some subject or such.  Yeah, that's what I'm doing.  How about you?


  1. I have to say I like the Ola and the Janglers version and it got me bopping in my chair - much to the disgust of one of my cats who was sitting behind me 😂. Hope you have a great April.
    Tasha 💖
    Virginia's Parlour - The Manor (Adult concepts - nothing explicit in posts)
    Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles

    1. Tasha, welcome to my first post of the 2020 Challenge!

      And first vote goes to Ola.


  2. Good-morning, Lee!

    Things are going well for us. Like you, life is about the same. I've been a SAHM for almost 32 years and other than having DH work from home in the interim. The virus hasn't to my knowledge touched my life personally with the exception of my niece and I'm not sure if she actually has it. My mother said she and her family are self isolating for the recommended period and that she might have been tested but I saw her on FB yesterday that she made of her kids, so she might be alright. We need to cover all of those we love with daily prayers especially now.

    Please give my vote to OLGA & THE JANGLERS and whenever time permits, I hope you'll join me for my first edition of Cathy's Pinup Girl A to Z Challenge Art Sketch Series where you can also vote in my newest #BoTB. Be safe, healthy, and have an adventurous day in Blogosphere, my friend!

    PS: Did y'all do away with the daily A2Z sign up form this year?

    1. Cathy, DH is fortunate to be able to continue working from home. One of my sisters already had a job from home but she got laid off--she was in the travel industry and business had gone done to almost nothing. And to think she had just moved to a new place.

      Another vote for Ola.


  3. The Ramones are good!! Thanks for sharing this year again ;)

    I try to gather all the A to Z Challengers in one easy place to visit, so I made a Linky Party. Please feel free to join:
    AtoZ Linky party

    1. Frederique, glad to see you back for another A to Z!

      I'll take your comment as a vote for Ramones.


    2. Glad to see you too;)) Yes, my vote for the Ramones!!

  4. There was a day I'd have took the Ramones version, but that day isn't today. Give me the Janglers and be sure to see part one of my annual mash up- it came out the 31st as today is Wednesday message day.

    1. CW, ah the days of raucous wild youth!

      Today a vote for Ola.


  5. Janglers, though I didn't want to. They had me jitterbugging round the kitchen.

    1. Jan, I felt the jitterbug urge too, but not enough to get out of my chair.

      A vote for Ola.


  6. Replies
    1. Deniz, they need some support!

      A vote for Ramones.


  7. You're fortunate you are retired and set. I'm thankful my parents are in the same boat.
    Not sure on the music. Not a fan of the Ramones, so I'll vote for the Janglers.

    1. Alex, retirement is pretty nice, but I'd rather have more money.

      Another vote for Ola.


  8. I love the Janglers version butnhad to go to YouTube to watch it. The Ramones are just too frenetic for my tastes but love these videos. The 50s dance with Bill Haley and Comets, I think, is excellent and shows how fit the kids were same with the video from the Janglers. I am working from home which is going ok. I don’t feel all that stressed because it’s a matter of how we look at it. you remember the 1968 flu pandemic? Apparently over a million people died. Just wondering what you recall. I was too young but I don’t remember my parents ever talking about it.

    1. Birgit, those folks back in the fifties and sixties really knew how to dance. I haven't seen much dancing like that from young folks today.

      I was in high school in 1968 and didn't pay all that much to what was going on apparently. I don't remember that flu pandemic, but back then we didn't have so many news and info outlets that kept us informed like we are today. In a way it might have been better back then.

      Perspective is so important. I'm not scared about the pandemic, but a bit concerned about some of the repercussions in the weeks and months to come. I'll be pretty sad if my wife and I can't make our annual trip back east to see my daughters and all of our grandchildren who live in NJ.

      A vote for Ola.


  9. Love your random theme for A to Z. Isn't it fun to blog frequently again, especially in these times of COVID-19? I also ha ve a pretty random theme to my A to Z.

    1. Astrid, I'm a pretty random person anyway so the theme suits me well.

      Have a great April Challenge!


  10. Well, let's be quite honest about it. The Ramones have *ALWAYS* sounded like they picked up their instruments for the first time about a week ago. Pretty much every Ramones song sounds like the last one, and they all sound like monkeys found some electric instruments lying around last Monday and started playing on them.

    There just ain't nuttin' to even think about in this "Battle":

    Ola and the Janglers
    (At least they sounded like they were playing "music".)

    What other choice was there? I mean, really, what other choice was there? :^O

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I was never a Ramones fan, but they are considered be some kind of pioneers of rock music or something

      A vote for Ola.


  11. Hi Arlee!

    I enjoyed the dancers on the Ramones video (glad nobody got hurt).

    Ola and the Janglers had the better sound so I'm voting for them.

    "If it ain't one thing," Love it!

    Stay well and Happy A to Z!

    1. Diedre, those dancers back then were really something.

      A vote for Ola.


  12. Hey's me your "rainy day blog friend!" I have not been around, but I look forward to this month to catch up on all blog things. I love and saw the Ramones when I was younger. Glad to be back. Zulu Delta

    1. ZD, always good to see you again. A to Z brings us all back together every April--now a tradition I guess.

      I'll give your vote to Ramones.


  13. I thought I'd check in to wish you a happy April A to Z!

  14. Replies
    1. Mary B, pleasing sounds appealing these days--I want pleasing.



  15. Happy A to Z anniversary, Arlee. Thanks for giving us something to do again this month. Great start.

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Janet, how ya doin'? This seems to be an ideal time to be doing the A to Z.


  16. Wishing you the best of luck with your A to Z challenge. I loved your post! Keep on truckin' LOL

    1. Allie, I'm going to need a lot of luck I think this year. I'm already way behind.


  17. BotB first: Ola and The Janglers gave a good musical performance. The Ramones didn't. Verdict: Ola and The Janglers.

    Looks like you'll have an interesting April. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

    1. John H., I hope I have an interesting April filled with wellness.

      A vote for Ola.


  18. My pick is the Ramones. Video isn't as good obviously but I like the faster beat better. Definitely some feel good songs with both options though :) Not retired, but the hubby is medically so we've shut down daycare til this passes. His poor immunity made it imperative. Thankful for good budgeting skills ;)

    1. Katy, hope you all stay well and happy.

      A vote for Ramones.


  19. Tough choice! I loved the energy of the dancers in the first one, but the Ola and the Janglers have a better, crisper sound- they get my vote.

    Glad that the pandemic isn't affecting you. News coming out of US is concerning. A-Z is going to be a great distraction for me.

    Be safe and well.

    1. Nilanjana, not affecting us too much so far other than things being shut down and store shortages. It all seems kind of weird to me.

      A vote for Ola.


  20. Good luck with the A to Z and stay safe & healthy.

    I like the Janglers' version better.

    1. L.Diane, thank you for the sentiments.

      A vote for Ola.


  21. I admit I have a lot to do that keeps me busy too. Retired as well, so no money worries. I just wish it was as good for everyone.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Anna, I can't say I'm worried about money, but I do wish I had a lot more than I do.


  22. The 1960s were a pretty cool time to live in. Ola video illustrated the fun and energy of the times. There was certainly more fun going on then than now! 2020 was already less fun than the 60s, because of the PC thought and mouth control. BUT RIGHT NOW... the worst time, because you are sitting at home hearing the same old nonsense. The Ramones chaos was not at the top of my list, so vote Ola.

    1. 6-Gun, I was listening to a lot of news information/commentary shows before this. Now I think the media is fueling a lot of hysteria. It will be interesting to see how we look back on all this come a year from now.

      A vote for Ola.


  23. Pat, I'd say there are a lot of folks who are pretty living their same lives.


  24. What a fun theme! I like them all. I'm grateful to focus on something other than the stay-at-home order. Thank you for brightening my day! That first video/song is amazing; it really blows my mind how athletic those folks were back then. The hip-twisting is harder than it looks! I took some fitness and belly dancing classes for fun and man. What a workout! :) They make it look easy though, don't they?

    I'm returning to the challenge this year with my blog at, and we're doing it as a team.

    I wish you all the best this year with the challenge and in general. Happy writing!

    1. Catherine, welcome back to the Challenge and I wish you all the best in April (and always!).


  25. Replies
    1. Notes, Thank you for your vote for...



  26. Dude; I fell down a rabbit hole listening to these videos. But now I'm back. And first lets say - Good luck to all A-Z'ers. Hopefully, all posts won't have something to do with COVID-19 :)

    Loved your music choices here. Both are awesome. Despite the less than ideal sound quality, I'm voting for The Ramones. They really made my toes want to dance.

    1. Dolorah, I'm sure a lot of the bloggers will be a bit distracted if not consumed by the Covid-19. I don't plan to be gloomy about it when I do talk about it on my blog.

      Another vote for Ramones.


  27. Good luck with the A to Z! I'm not participating this year, but should have since I have to be home all the time! Glad you are safe and hope we all continue to be that way!

    1. Lisa, you can still jump in. IF there were any a time to be messing with this A to Z stuff now is maybe the best time ever.

      Wishing you well.


  28. Have fun with the A to Z challenge. That will keep you from thinking about this crisis. I use movies and books. LOL Stay safe.

    1. Diane, I always have something to do and A to Z is another addition to that growing list.


  29. The Ramones

    My theme is sorta loose this year as well. More important that things are enjoyable.

    Have a great April.

    1. J, "sorta loose" might also mean flexible which is a good way to be I think.



  30. Random theme gives you do much room to experiment

    Welfare unto all
    Rab rakha

    1. Ruby, I've always had a bit of the experimenter in me. Playing with one's writing is one great advantage to having a blog.


  31. I like Ola and the Janglers' version more because it was easier to listen to and cleaner.

    1. Ami, I haven't been keeping track, but I think you're with a majority in that thought.



  32. Okay I got to let the cat out of the bag: I have always thought that the Ramones were overrated. it's one of those groups that makes you think that possibly anybody could have got into the rock and roll game at that time. Don't hate me, I'm just being honest.

    So my vote goes to Ola and the Janglers!

    I hope you're staying healthy! Take care!

    1. Cherdo, I was never a fan of the Ramones either. I think they were at the outset of a movement and became a part of music history for that reason and not because of their music.

      Staying okay where I am. My wife gets depressed, but I try to keep her as optimistic as I can.

      A vote for Ola.


  33. Ola and the Janglers get my vote

    1. Mike, join the crowd with a vote for...




Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
