
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Joan of Arc / The Martyr ( #BOTB )

We've got our corned beef brisket ready to cook on St. Pat's Day but I'll still need to run to the store on Monday to get some cabbage and potatoes to round out the dinner.  I hope I can get in the store.  All this shopping frenzy and panic is kind of weird.  Maybe people should stop paying so much attention to the news.  You'd think it's the end of the world...

Image result for lines waiting at costco
Queuing up for panic buying at Costco (Washington Post)

        I've been to the grocery store a couple times this week, not for those items in heavy demand like toilet paper and water, but just for stuff we wanted though not necessarily needed.  Certain shelves were emptied and the store traffic was higher than normal for the time that I visited.  I've heard rumors and seen news reports about the crazy lines and panic buying, but haven't seen much first hand that was too extreme.  Still, what's going on does seem a bit wacky.

         We typically have a goodly supply of necessities and we had already stocked up from Costco before all this craziness started, so we are in fine shape for now.  And I'm not overly concerned about this pandemic mania.  I guess if it's not political nuttiness or climate change extremism or whatever, then somebody somewhere will concoct some other needless fear.  Not to say we shouldn't be concerned, but we shouldn't drive ourselves crazy with worry.

          What, me worry? Alfred E. Newman said it best for me...

Battle of the Bands

        Battle of the Bands is the blogging event started by Far Away Series and now hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens each month on the 15th and on some there is also a Battle on the 1st of the month.  My blog is one of those with a second Battle excepting over these summer months.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battle action.

Saints Be Praised!

         This week it's all about St. Patrick and all things Irish.  I guess I'll avoid this general theme for my Battle of the Bands and instead give tribute to another saint--Joan of Arc.  There are a number of songs that pay homage to St. Joan.  For this Battle I've chose two that are personal favorites...

Jennifer Warnes    "Joan of Arc"  (1987)

        Though there were a few Leonard Cohen songs that had caught my attention over the years, I wasn't much of a fan until Jennifer Warnes came out with her Famous Blue Raincoat album in 1986. I don't know what made me buy the cassette of her album, but I did and I liked it a great deal and as a consequence became more interested in Cohen's albums, eventually buying several of them to add to my music collection.

        In her rendition of "Joan of Arc", Warnes is joined by the composer himself, Leonard Cohen.  The recording is somewhat long so listening to the first couple of minutes will provide the gist of the song, but you might just like it so well that you will want to keep listening.  Give it a try...

Wally   "The Martyr"  (1974)

         Wally is a mostly forgotten and underrated prog rock band from the 1970's.  I first heard their song "The Martyr" in early 1975 on a radio station broadcasting from Johnson City TN.  The song immediately attracted me with the stately classically tinged violin solo that repeats throughout and then culminates into a dramatic prog rock closing. 
         Though I was living in a cabin in the mountains at the time (we had electricity so I could listen to music), first chance I had to drive down to Knoxville I went to a record store to purchase the vinyl LP which I still have to this day.

          As with the previous song, "The Martyr" is probably a bit long for some of you so you might want to just sample some of it.  If you don't feel compelled to listen to the entire track then get a sample of the beginning and then run forward to about 4:40 where they start rocking out a bit more.  Give it chance and see what you think...

Time to Vote!

         You don't have to be a martyr about this, but I hope you'll indulge us in listening to these two songs.   Which song version do you prefer?   Hopefully you have an opinion of some kind.  You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

        Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands

 ‘Storms and Stardust’ 


'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

The Doglady's Den 

Angel's Bark  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Cherdo on the Flipside 

A I Love Music

Winner of this Battle Announced on Monday March 23rd

          For those interested in Blogging from A to Z, don't forget that the Theme Reveal will be happening on Monday March 16th.  I'm not doing any special post for this as my theme is still kind of in the works.  In other words, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing.  On the sign up sheet I stated my theme as "Life Goals", but that might not be exactly right--kind of right, maybe, but maybe not exactly.   I might actually be winging it this year.  Kind of like I did the first year.  Still there should be a lot of A to Z participants who will have something to say for Theme Reveal Day.


  1. I liked the beginning of the first one but not the song itself so much. The second one gets my vote. Reminds me a little of ELO.
    Toilet paper is all gone in our town. We're good though. It's just stupid crazy. The media is good at scaring people.

    1. Alex, I don't put my trust in what the media or the government says. Jesus said, "Don't worry" and that's good advice to me.

      Voting starts off with Wally.


  2. Both are beautiful pieces of music! I'll give it to J & L just because I've always had kind of a thing for her, but essentially this is a draw to me.

    1. CW, I agree that both songs are very nice--even beautiful.

      Second vote goes to Jennifer Warnes.


  3. LEE ~

    Frankly, I've long suspected that Joan of Arc *may* have actually been demonically possessed. Several elements of her story do not add up to what I've learned about God, Jesus Christ, and the work of The Holy Spirit in the New Testament.

    Anyway... as far as this Battle is concerned:

    I definitely preferred 'THE MARTYR'. Jennifer and Old Man Cohen nearly put me back to sleep this morning. But Wally's music was more uplifting.

    My favorite Wally will always be Wally George. (He was such a blast to watch while consuming adult beverages in a house full o' lunatics). But this Wally band was pretty good and I enjoyed the violin playing. The song did NOT feel like it was 8 minutes long, while I was actually unable to make it all the way through the first song.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, I don't have much opinion about Joan d'Arc because I don't know all the details of the story, but I guess we all presume she was burned at the stake and hence achieved martyrdom as far as traditional lore goes. It was a long time ago.

      Glad you enjoyed the prog rock of Wally with your vote for...



  4. These are both beautiful and new to me. My vote goes to Jennifer and Leonard, though. Always been a huge Leonard Cohen fan and this duet was fraught with emotion. The Martyr was a bit monotonous, but I did love the ramped up guitar that started around 5:05.

    1. Debbie D, I can understand your support for the Canadian aspect in this Battle.

      A vote for Jennifer Warnes.


  5. What an interesting theme to focus on Jeanne d'Arc! It has been literally since high school since I've read anything about her.

    Music: I always liked Jennifer Warnes pretty well but I am not a Leonard Cohen fan; that probably comes as no surprise.

    I've never heard of Wally. But I like prog rock and I like classical music, and this prog has elements of classical to my ears. I liked Wally and am casting my vote for them.

    1. 6-gun, I can't recall ever specifically hearing anything about Joan d'Arc in school, but it is one of those things that I've seemed to always had known about from an early age. Not sure how I ever found out about her.

      A prog rock vote for Wally.


  6. Lee,

    I haven't been in stores much since the craziness began so I as well haven't seen much real madness as others in social media and the news have shared, not that I'd put any weight on what MSM has to say about anything. But certainly none of us should panic. Fear drives the masses, though. Keep calm and carry on is my moto! ;

    I listened to both new-to-me songs in their entirety since I have time this morning to do so while doing other things at my keyboard. Thanks for the introduction. As I said, I liked both songs quite a bit and I find that I'm swayed mostly by the way my pick makes me feel in this early hour. That being said, I'm giving my bote to 'JOAN OF ARCH' (Jennifer Warnes).

    Thanks for stopping in earlier this morning to vote in my Walk On By BoTB Showdown.

    Before I scat just a reminder, my A to Z theme is this year, is mentioned in my Monday's Mewsic Moves Me post. Have a great week, my friend!

    1. Cathy, my wife and I went to the grocery store this morning and it was absurd. There was practically no produce, meat, or dairy and many other shelves were emptied. Thank goodness they at least had some organic cabbage which I was wanting for my corned beef dinner tomorrow. People were wandering around the store like zombies. I've never seen anything like it before.

      Another vote for Jennifer Warnes.


    2. Lee,

      I'm sorry for not getting back. Life has been hectic on this end, naturally because of the virus madness but more so because I've been eye ball deep into my A to Z prep. I think I've only made one trip to the grocery story in the past three weeks. DH has been stopping after work when he can to pick up a few things. In the beginning we were able to get some of the items that are now difficult to find. DH has mentioned the the busyness and shelves being bear. He's also noticed that people still are oblivious to sneezes and coughs making no effort to avoid walking through or around the spray of germs. I'd like to know how much that hand sanitizer is going to help if a person breathes in the virus, I can tell you they can all the hand sanitizer in the world can't fix or or their stupidness. *sigh* Be safe, my friend!

  7. i have not seen the dumb lines or people acting stupid...just the bare shelves, even flour!?? I guess the people feel they can make their own bread?? Listening to both, I like the first one with Leonard Cohen which was soulful and a bit melancholy..typical of Cohen but that one gets my vote

    1. Birgit, I've seen some lines around my area for this or that, but people have been acting pretty civil. I just think it's absurd to fall into panic buying and hoarding. Stuff is there or will be soon.

      A vote for Jennifer Warnes.


  8. My wife and home are usually housebound, but we're finding it hard to get our usual staples delivered, including the ingredients for St Paddy's Day - corned beef and cabbage.

    I've been a Leonard Cohen fan for decades - ever since my sister started playing Marianne etc. I saw him in concert once. And Jennifer Warnes's album Famous Blue Raincoat topped everything - and I still have the LP.

    The Martyr live session from The Old Grey Whistle Test worked for me with its echoes of folk, classical, and prog - reminded me of some Genesis tracks (without the costumes). It could win most BOTBs.

    But not against Jennifer Warnes & Leonard Cohen. They take the accolade this time.

    1. Roland, I got my cabbage today along with some horseradish for my beef. The market was a mess.

      A vote for Jennifer Warnes.


    2. Walmart cancelled our order so nothing. And our grand-daughter cleared out all the stored cans in our larder - quoting sell-by dates. For honey?

  9. I've not paid much attention to the story of Joan of Arc. But I am voting for Wally as their tune was a lot more interesting to me .

    1. Mary B, I'm not even totally sure what the story entails, though I think I have a movie on DVD about her so maybe I should watch it again.

      A vote for Wally.


  10. The grocery stores have been extremely busy around here too, and we even had to make a special trip just to buy a loaf of bread. Wally also gets my vote, as I found it to be livelier. Enjoy your corned beef & cabbage!


    1. Julie, I will probably have to go back to the store today or tomorrow to see if I can get any lactose free milk and maybe some bread. Otherwise we'll get by.

      A vote for Wally.


  11. A Facebook vote from my Cousin Tom for...



  12. I never quite saw the atraction of Lreonard Cohen. Wally gets my vote.

    1. John H, it took me a while to appreciate Cohen and still not my favorite artist by any means.

      A vote for Wally.


  13. Panic buying started here in Japan when Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister here, announced a semi-lockdown on Feb 27. Some stores don't have enough toliet paper right now.

    My vote goes for Wally because I am into that 70s folk rock with classic instruments.

    On a unrelated note, Jennifer sang the Growing Pains theme with BJ Thomas. That is my inspiration for the coronavirus. Stay safe!

    Check out my newest battle that deals with Magnolias: The Battle to the End for Kobushi Factory

    1. Aisasmi, hopefully calm and reason will return to society. The hoarding is absurd.

      A vote for Wally.


  14. I love that you’re still hanging in there with A to Z — I thought I might join this year with school being “out” but I’m more busy writing online lessons than ever! and yay for battle of the bands! glad you’re prepared and not panicking! Hopefully it won’t last much longer...

    and wanted to thank you for stopping by my Beast World campaign at Alex’s

    Tara Tyler Talks

  15. Tara, panic leads to bad decision making. I don't like to panic.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
