
Friday, November 1, 2019

Road to Cairo ( #Battle of the Bands )

     A fella told me this here road leads to Cairo.  I got to get me a ride.  I got to go back, go back to my children.  I got to see my little bride...

       Once again another Halloween is passed as we now approach Christmas with a stopover in Thanksgiving season.  Time is flying, but I'll dispense with that cliche.  Besides I've said it before in blog posts of past years--and you may very well have too.

         However, I will acknowledge this November season when so many of you may be participating (or, like me, in the past have participated) in National Novel Writing Month.  Good luck to all of you who will be making this attempt at writing yet another--or a first--novel.

          I'll be sitting this one out as I have in the past few years.  Writing a novel is currently not at the forefront of my agendas. It's not so much that I've lost interest in writing a novel, but there are other things that I want to focus on for now.

        I finished two NANO novels in the past, one being in 2010 a science fiction story called Time Light.  Most of that story takes place in 1965 Chicago.  At one point the action diverts to a road trip down to Cairo, Illinois.  So, in honor of NANO and one of my own attempts, comes another Battle of the Bands...


Battle of the Bands

        Battle of the Bands is the blogging event started by Far Away Series and now hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens each month on the 15th and on some there is also a Battle on the 1st of the month.  My blog is one of those with a second Battle excepting over these summer months.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battle action.

David Ackles   "Road to Cairo"  (1968)

         Typically I wouldn't use an original version by an artist, but since David Ackles is probably unknown to many of you, I don't mind starting this Battle off with his original version of "Road to Cairo".  I first discovered Ackles when I picked up his self-titled debut album in the cut-out bins.  What a find!  Great performances of some fantastic songs.  Ackles should have been more acclaimed than he was.  See what you think of his version of this song...

Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & the Trinity  "Road to Cairo"  (1968)

         Who could top the David Ackles version?   Maybe this version.  This was released a few months after David Ackles came out with his version.  I've been a big fan of Brian Auger since 1969 when I saw his group with Julie Driscoll on the Tom Jones television show.  This is a great version of the Ackles song, but is it as good as Ackles himself?   You decide...

Time to Vote!

    Are you as torn between these two versions as I am?  D
o you have a preference between these two choices?   Hopefully you have an opinion of some kind. Which version do you like the best?   You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

        Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands



'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

The Doglady's Den 

Angel's Bark  

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Cherdo on the Flipside 

A I Love Music

Winner of this Battle Announced on Friday November 8th

         I'll be here, will you?  And I'll also be here on Wednesday the 6th for the Insecure Writer's Support Group.  Now you novelists--get to writing.  And the rest of you do what you need to do.

Are you writing a novel this November?   Are you writing anything this November?   What are you going to do in November if not writing? 



  1. Loved the post and loved this song. I choose Julie Driscoll's version. Have a happy November Lee.


    1. Yvonne, glad you stopped by to kick off the voting with your vote for...

      Brian Auger & Co.


  2. Lee,

    You're absolutely right I not only haven't heard of the original artist but this song is new to me. After listening to both, I can say that I absolutely loved David Ackles original the best. Julie is nice but like most female singers, her voice is a bit too sharp for my listening enjoyment.

    Nope, I'm not writing a novel in November and never felt compelled to join this blogfest but I do like reading what others contribute on occasion. The only thing I'll be writing this month is blog posts, so naturally this month will be spent researching mewsic, sketching, photo shares, musings in general, cooking, baking, and lots more. Thanks for stopping by early this morning to vote in my 'Piece of my Heart' BoTB showdown. Have a good weekend, my friend!

    1. Cathy, doing NaNo can be a bit taxing. Not sure that I would do it again.

      A vote for...

      David Ackles.


  3. I can look at this song with fresh eyes because I never heard of the song or David Ackles or Julie Driscoll. I have no prejudice. The David Ackles recording had a better sound so I vote for it.

    I was not sure what the meaning of the words were. But I think we're all wanting to go back to somewhere and something.

    1. No Thoughts, from my interpretation the song is about a guy down on his luck trying to get back home to his family, but with some trepidation in doing so.

      A vote for David Ackles.


  4. Time Light sounds interesting.
    Both versions bring something good to the table. The gravely male voice and the crystal-clear female voice. I'll have to give an edge to Julie though.

    1. Alex, someday I'd still like to finish up my Time Light series, but I guess that will have to wait.

      The vote goes to Brian Auger & Co..


  5. I'll go with Julie Driscoll, because I like her voice better.

    1. John, can't argue with what you prefer.

      A vote for Brian Auger & Co..


  6. No surprise here. I'm not familiar with the tune - but sometimes that makes the voting easier :)

    I thought I'd be voting for Julie, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I like David Ackles better.

    My vote: David Ackles

    Battle of the Morrisons - Jim vs Van

    1. Mary B, unfamiliarity takes away preconceived opinions.

      Another vote for David Ackles.


  7. LEE ~
    I've come across the name David Ackles, but this may be the first time I've heard him, and I really dug it! Man, some great bass playing on that track. Do you know who the bassist was?

    I was expecting some kind of simple Folk sound, but that was rich and deep and full of Bluesy instrumentation. Great song!

    I don't have to tell you how much I love Brian Auger - absolutely one of my Top 5 favorite musicians of all time! However, I don't always enjoy Julie's singing and some of the very 1960s "Psychedelic" arrangements that accompanied her songs with Auger and Trinity.

    But this was pretty dern good and I could have happily voted for it, but... not when it's up against that David Ackles original. It actually pains me to vote against Auger in a Battle (first time for everything, I guess) but I gotta keep my BOTB boting record honest and true.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, according to Wiki the bass player on this album was Jerry Penrod who had been the bass player for Iron Butterfly and Rhinoceros. I agree that the playing is quite good.

      Since I know you like Brian Auger (like I do as well) this Battle might be a bit of a challenge to you, but I get what you're saying. Pretty much how I see it.

      A vote for David Ackles.


  8. David Ackles gets my vote on this one.

    I signed up for NaNo, though I have no expectations of actually winning this year. I've been so flustered over life recently that I haven't gotten anything done. But I did write 255 words this morning. That's more than I've written for the past few weeks, and I thank NaNo for prodding me to try.

    1. Loni, even if NaNo prods you into some action then I guess that is a good thing.

      A vote for David Ackles.


  9. Where the Ohio River and Mississippi River collide,
    We roll on into Cairo, Captain Ackles as our guide.
    A Kentucky Pool can spin your vessel around.
    Many a steamboat here, has gone to foggy ground,
    where these Illinois channels flow, side by side.

    David Ackles, please.

    1. Michael, I love the verse. Did you write it? The words flow beautifully.

      A vote for David Ackles.


    2. I did write this, Sir. Our mutual friend, Debbie D. can vouch for me having a rhyming disorder. Often, out of the blue, it just happens when I am happy.

    3. Michael, I figured you wrote it. I've read some of the stuff on a blog that hasn't seemed active since a few years back.


  10. This one was tough. I liked David's voice way better, but I LOVED Auger's organ playing. I'm gonna vote for Auger, which by default gives a vote for Driscoll as well. But only by the hair of her chinny-chin-chin.

    1. 6-Gun, I know exactly what you're talking about.

      Again one for Brian Auger & Co.


  11. David Ackles gets my vote! His vocals gave me chills. And, I've never heard this beautiful song before.

    Good luck to all those doing NaNoWriMo! Sounds daunting. I rarely write fiction, so I've never tried. There might be a new chapter or two of my WIP, Adventures in Dogsitting, but I'm more interested in photography these days.

    1. Debbie D., it would be tedious to do something that you weren't interested in doing--not to mention a possible waste of time.

      A vote for David Ackles.


  12. I hate to admit it, but since I've pretty much stopped writing, I enjoy reading a lot more - nearly obsessed like I did when I was young. Or maybe its just Audible, I do like having books read to me. I think I will get back to writing someday soon, but I'm really liking that I can't wait to get back in the car, on the road, and pick up a good novel where I left it on Friday.

    Sometimes, the original version of a new song isn't the true best. I've listened to a lot of covers that made me really love the song.

    Not this time however. I like Ben Ackles. I like the voice of the second version, but the music overwhelms her voice. It just didn't grab me.

    Have a safe and fun trip Lee. Watch for low hanging light strings, lol. See ya around in the new year.

    1. Dolorah, you sound like you're in a similar place as I am regarding writing. You're doing better with the reading though. I kind of miss reading books, but I guess not enough to do it.

      A vote for Ben--er, David Ackles.


  13. The second one was easier on the ears.

    1. L.Diane, an "easy" vote for...

      Brian Auger & Co.


  14. I would have said that no one could beat Ackles. But, Driscoll, man she really adds something intangible. Driscoll is my choice.

    1. Susan K, to me it's a tough choice.

      For you it's Brian Auger & Co..


  15. I wish I could write a Novel this November but with work, blogging, and being in a play, so busy. Maybe during Xmas vacation I will finish a fan fiction.

    I will vote for Julie Driscoll because her vocals remind me of Judy Garland. When I listen to her version, I thought "What if Judy was still alive to sing this song..."

    1. Amy, writing a novel can be very time consuming so I can understand the conflicts. Priorities is what it's all about.

      Interesting comparison to Judy Garland.

      A vote for Brian Auger & Co..


  16. Wow, I could listen to both easily because they each gave their own style to the song. I give it to Ackles and his more somber approach to the song than the defiant style of Auger and Julie. I am thinking of baking for Christmas as long as the cookie monster, AKA my hubby, doesn't eat them all before. I also must make more cards

    1. Birgit (?), I'm guessing but you're the one with whom I associate card-making, good observation. It's like Ackles is telling the story where Auger & Co. are performing the song--both with different kinds of passion.

      A vote for David Ackles.


    2. Yes that's me! I don't know what happened but it is with a new program and work.

  17. From my cousin Tom on Facebook comes a vote for...

    David Ackles.


  18. Hi Lee, I’ve never been brave enough to enter NaNo. I also prefer Julie Driscoll’s voice, so she gets my vote.


    1. Julie, I'm not sure that it's so much bravery needed as it is a bit of wackiness. I don't know that was especially difficult to do it, but it was a bit frazzling to write the 50,000 words and keep my blog and life going at the same time.

      A vote for Brian Auger & Co..


  19. Hi Lee!

    I've never heard the song or the voices before - and both versions are good, but I liked David Ackles best. I agree, it does seem like he is telling a story rather than performing ;-)

    1. Diedre, most of the music of David Ackles was almost literary in a sense. His songs tell stories.

      A vote for David Ackles.


  20. David Ackles gets my vote but it was close.

    1. Mike, it's close for me too...

      David Ackles.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
