
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Slipstream Songs (#BOTB)

          If we can achieve the momentum to attain our dreams by being pulled along in the slipstream of another's success, is that a bad thing?   None of us accomplishes anything without some help from others...

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge SURVIVOR badge

Another Wave of Motivation

         Another Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is now wrapped and reflected upon as all that remains is to be pulled into the slipstream of hundreds of motivated bloggers who plowed through the month with whatever they could muster.  I made it with them--as I should.  And as has been the case in every Challenge aftermath, I am riding a wave of motivation in reaching my own goals.

         As always the wave will dissipate in the coming days--I have felt it already in a slowing of the energy current around me, within me.  There is still the A to Z Road Trip (sign up opens May 20th) and the lure of the open road always catches my attention.  Of course, I have my real road trip to look forward to in summer.

         The open road is calling.  Riding in the slipstream provides an illusion of relaxation--no need to expend energy to keep moving forward.  The slipstream in the wake of a semi-truck can be dangerous.  The slipstream in which I wish to ride is a metaphorical one.  And I can't depend on riding the slipstream forever. 

          But I can have a "slipstream" Battle of the Bands post...

Battle of the Bands

Battle of the Bands is the blogging event started by Far Away Series and now hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands.   This event happens each month on the 15th and on some blogs there is also a Battle on the 1st of the month.  My blog is one of those with a second Battle on the 1st of the month.   The premise is simple:  Listen to the songs presented below and then in the comments vote for your favorite and tell us why you liked it.  Then visit the links listed near the bottom of this post for more Battle action.

Van Morrison  "Queen of the Slipstream"  (1987)

          I didn't start following Van Morrison's music until I heard his Poetic Champions Compose album in 1988.   His name first came to my attention back in 1965 when his group Them released the song "Gloria".   A few years later I was captivated by his solo release of "Brown-Eyed Girl" and though many of my friends who played in bands covered "Moon Dance" and "Tupelo Honey," I never got overly enthused about Morrison--until 1988.  One of my favorite songs from the PCC album is this one...

Richard Thompson  "I Ride in your Slipstream"  (1994)

        A contemporary of Van Morrison, Richard Thompson came onto the music scene in the respected folk-rock band Fairport Convention.  I'd long been interested in knowing more about Thompson's music since I had read so much about it over the years, yet I didn't hear any of his albums until I bought one of them in the 80's.  He's a great guitarist and he writes some excellent songs.  Here's his "slipstream" song...


Time to Vote!

     Two great artists with two great songs!  Decisions, decisions.  I like both of them, but I'm going to pick one as a favorite.  What about you?   Have some fun with us.  What's your favorite between these two choices?   You don't have to know about music to have an opinion since it all comes down to your own personal taste.

         Please vote on your favorite by letting us know your choice in the comment section and tell us why you prefer the version you chose. Then after you've finished here, please visit the other blogs listed below who may or may not be participating this time around. And if you've put up your own BOTB contest let us know that as well so we can vote on yours.

Here are some other places where you might find BOTB posts:

 StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands


'Curious as a Cathy'

Sound of One Hand Typing

Angel's Bark  

Debbie Doglady's Den

Jingle, Jangle, Jungle 

Cherdo on the Flipside

A I Love Music

Winner of this Battle Announced Wednesday May 22nd

        That post will be likely my next post unless I feel an overpowering urge to put something up before that time.  No need to announce the A to Z Road Trip on the 20th since I already did it in this post.  I'll just be riding in this slipstream for now.

            Did you ever feel caught up in the slipstream of another person or some movement or event?  How long does the motivation of your completing a major accomplishment take to wear off?   What one thing would you like to accomplish in your life that would give you an ultimate sense of reward?


  1. After much thought I have chosen Van Morrison "Queen of the Slipstream. Both songs were good.


    1. Yvonne, thank you for starting off the voting...

      First vote goes to Van Morrison.


  2. Richard Thompson gets my vote. I liked his song better especially the percussion.

    1. Mike, I also think the percussion is pretty cool.

      A vote for Richard Thompson.


  3. Lee,

    I'm giving my vote to Van Morrison. I enjoyed his song "Queen of the Slipstream" better. Maybe, it's because I know it and the other I didn't.

    To answer your questions, nope I don't think I've ever been in another's slipstream. Motivation wears off at different rates depending on what it is. I don't think it ever goes away completely, though. I just usually slow it down a bit. The one thing I'd love to do is illustrate one of my children's stories. After this year's A2Z challenge I'm feeling a bit of rekindling to pick up the torch to try to fullfill this dream. We'll see. Good battle, my friend!

    Wednesday mashup - WW + BoTB round 9 'The Signs' Showdown

    1. Cathy, I think a lot of times we are caught up in a slipstream and don't even realize it. I hope you get your dream fulfilled!

      A vote for Van Morrison.


  4. Neither is my style, but I'll pick Richard Thompson for the energy.

    1. Alex, my heavy metal entries tend to be few and far between.

      a vote for Richard Thompson.


  5. Van Morrison has made a huge contribution to the music world, but honestly, I've never been more than a casual, occasional fan. Richard Thompson, on the other hand, hits all the right notes for me, literally and figuratively. There's something about him that triggers an emotional response, every time, so I'm going with him.

    The main thing I still think about doing is publishing books. All the niggling details involved turn me off the idea once again, though. Then there's photography. I actually sold a photo last week; made a whole $2.00! ☺ It would be cool if that little hobby could generate some income, but, with thousands of others doing the same thing, it's highly unlikely.

    1. Debbie D, $2 is a start! I believe you will achieve your dream at least to some degree.

      Your reason for your vote is excellent as far as I"m concerned. Even though Van is a powerhouse in the music industry, he's not everyone's favorite and that's what I was counting on in this Battle...

      Another vote for Richard Thompson.


  6. I really just didn't warm up to #2. I'll vote Van. Even if it sounds a bit like some of his other songs.

    1. CW, maybe you should listen to more Richard Thompson--he's good.

      Again it's Van Morrison.


  7. Replies
    1. L.Diane, simple and to the point...

      Richard Thompson.


  8. I had a hard time getting into Richard Thompson. Van Morrison felt like a warm comfy blanket. My vote is for Van Morrison.

    1. Mary B, sounds like a mood vote--comfy feels right.

      A vote for Van Morrison.


  9. LEE ~
    For quite awhile in the late 1980s and well into the '90s, Van Morrison was my very favorite singer-songwriter-musician. I had every one of his albums ever released.

    But then later, I began to discover some things about the man and some of his lyrics - things I won't go into here - but as a result, I purged a lot of his albums from my collection.

    Today, I have a total of 7 Van Morrison CDs, one of them is 'Poetic Champions Compose', which is probably my second favorite. Ironically, though, 'Queen Of The Slipstream' isn't amongst my very favorite songs from that collection. (You're probably not surprised, right? Seeing how seldom our musical tastes seem to match? ;-)

    I enjoyed the instrumental portion of Richard Thompson's song, but didn't care for his voice / singing. I might have really dug that if he'd hired someone else to handle the vocal portion of it.

    So... voting for VAN-THE-MAN. And I wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard that song, 'Queen Of The Slipstream'. I'd be rolling in dough!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. STMcC, you'd mentioned that Van story to me somewhere in the past. I still enjoy his music when I hear it, but I rarely hear it anymore.

      Yeah, I've listened to "Queen" a lot and usually listened to the rest of the album every time. It was a lot of times.

      I'm not surprised with your vote...

      Van Morrison.


  10. Writing my mom's life story. Seeing Macchu Picchu, Ankhor Watt and travelling. Getting all the boxes of pictures into scrapbooks. Now as for the BOTB...I give it to Van Morrison who made the song sound so great. Richard Thompson was grating on my nerves to be honest

    1. Birgit, so much to do in too little time.

      Funny how that thing about preference for certain vocal styles works. For years I didn't listen to Van Morrison because I didn't like his voice. I guess I just thought I didn't like it and really hadn't listened to enough.

      A vote for Van Morrison.


  11. Hi Lee. It's been a long time since I've written that greeting, it seems like. I honestly don't know the last time I had was a BOTB participant. It's been a long while. It's good to be back in the fold and I hope life doesn't throw me any more curve balls that take me off track again.

    I liked both of your presented songs. I'm a Van Morrison fan. I never really went out of my way to "get into" his music, per se, but whenever I hear his music there's something very comforting about it. His music always seems to evoke in me a feeling of peace and contentment. And his music elevates my spirit into a state of tranquility of sorts, like a momentary reprieve from those things that weigh heavy on me...his music puts me in a state of feeling unburdened. Just kind of peaceful. Contentment.
    I don't know how else to explain it but that's what Van Morrison's music does to me. Now that I'm relating that, I'm wondering to myself "why the hell don't I listen to him more often then??!"

    I did like Thompson's song. I did have to listen to both selections twice before ultimately deciding. Aside from the effect VM has on me, I didn't quite dig Thompson's voice. I liked his lyrics and I liked his guitar playing but his voice didn't work for me.
    Needless to say my vote goes to Van the Man...

    Good battle. Thanks for giving me this momentary reprieve...twice tonight!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, it's good to have you back with us, but I understand how life can conflict with this blogging stuff.

      I can relate to what you are saying about Van's music. I have many of his albums on CD and yet I rarely listen to any of them these days, but that is also the case with most music. I did go through a period where I often listened to Morrison because of the calming effect.

      A vote for Van Morrison.


  12. When I first saw the contest, my immediate thought was: "this is going to be a shutout!" I'm glad to see some of your readers voted for the wrong song, so as to save you that fate.

    I'm a Van Fan, also. I have several albums (5-7... not sure, and I'm away from home so I can't go count 'em.) His music is - to me - a known quantity that I can always rely on. Is he my very favorite? No. Do I really like what he puts out? Virtually every time. It is like the blues to me. When I listen to the blues I know what I am going to get and I WANT it right then or I would not choose to play it.

    Van is very comforting for me. Little is required of me, and it is like a back rub for the ears and soul. Jeez, that sounds kinda smaltzy. I almost wish I had not written that... but I'll leave it and post it anyway.

    1. 6-Gun, I figured Van had the advantage in this match, but I think there is also a lot of parity between the two artists. I had no doubt that Thompson wouldn't capture at least a few votes and looks like I was right. Nothing wrong with Thompson's music in my book, but Morrison does have the calming spiritual quality to much of his music.

      A vote for Van Morrison.


  13. I'm very familiar with Van Morrison's music, and "Queen of the Slipstream" didn't disappoint. It was everything we've come to expect from him. I wasn't as familiar with Richard Thompson, but when I heard the beginning I knew he was the one I'd vote for. I love good guitar music, and there was plenty of it his offering. Richard Thompson gets the nod here.

    1. John, Richard Thompson is indeed a great guitarist and I think this is well displayed in this song.

      A vote for Richard Thompson.


  14. A hard choice as I've admired both for decades - so, Richard Thompson.

    1. Roland, I was a late comer somewhat to the appreciation of their music.

      Another vote for Richard Thompson.


  15. Richard Thompson "I Ride in your Slipstream"

    This track was all kinds of fun to listen to. I enjoyed the other track by M. Morrison, as well. You had a very strong Britannia representation. I like that, as I am a wee bit Irish.

    1. Michael Todd, my ancestry on my father's side goes back to Ireland while my mother's family had roots in England.

      Again it's Richard Thompson.


  16. Replies
    1. HDS, at the last moment...

      A vote for Richard Thompson.


  17. Van Morrison is and always will have my vote. Nostalgia maybe, but I love the way he phrases his song.

    1. Susan K, that is really under the wire. Now I need to revise my results post.

      A vote for Van Morrison.



Go ahead and say something. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
I normally try to respond to all comments in the comment section so please remember to check the "Email follow-up comments" box if you want to participate in the comment conversation.

For Battle of the Bands voting the "Anonymous" commenting option has been made available though this version is the least preferred. If voting using "anonymous" please include in your comment your name (first only is okay) and city you are voting from and the reason you chose the artist you did.

If you know me and want to comment but don't want to do it here, then you can send me an email @ jacksonlee51 at aol dot com.
