
Friday, April 26, 2019

Waiting and Wondering ( #AtoZChallenge )

I wonder what would happen if we didn't have to wait for anything anymore?   My guess is that we would no longer value that which we formerly waited on and with the loss of wondering, imagination would be diminished.    I can only wonder...

A figurine from my sister Joy's collection.

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter W

           When you think about it, most of life is spent waiting.   We wait for night so we can go to bed or we might lie awake in the dark early morning waiting for the alarm to stir us out of bed.  We wait for meals when hunger distracts us or wait for someone to get out of the bathroom so we can be next.  If you think back on your life you can likely come up with countless instances from early childhood on when the wait became obsessive at times. 

           Some of you might remember the mounting anticipation as Christmas came closer.  As the signs declaring the approach of that holiday appeared, we kids waited with anticipation as we watched bauble laden lit trees go up in our living rooms and gaily wrapped mystery parcels stacked beneath those trees.  We wondered what we were going to get this Christmas and the waiting became almost too much to bear.

          Life is all about waiting.  Waiting to finish school, start a career, get married, have a family, buy a house, retire, and eventually die.  It's one wait after another on this journey of life.  Once we reach one milestone of life, we begin turning our thoughts to the next one.  Much like the kids in the back seat wondering, "Are we there yet?" we are on a long journey with many stops.  Getting to one destination is not the real end to the journey.  Rather than wondering if we have arrived to where we thought we were going, we might more fittingly ask, "Where do we go next?"

         This is me, right now at this time of my life.  It's been a long exciting journey with so many stops and sidetracks along the way.  And as far as I'm concerned there are so many more places to go, people to meet, and experiences to be had.  I'm waiting, but still wondering as I move toward my next destination.  I am also working on it.  Dreams start passively, but disappear like early morning fog if they are not acted upon.

         Pondering, planning, and pursuing are the actions of the dreamer who wants to make a reality out of a perceived will-o'-the-wisp.  No dream can become a reality without some wondering and waiting.  That is the essence of dreams.  We wonder about an idea.  We map out a journey to achieve that idea. We then work on that idea to make it as real as it can be.  Then, once everything is set into motion, the waiting begins.

        Imagine that your life is a brick house.  The bricks are what we think of when we consider the structure of that house.  The part that we usually don't think much about is the mortar holding all those bricks together.  The bricks are the parts of our lives that are most meaningful--this is what we see when we look at our lives.  But the mortar is the time spent waiting and linking everything in our lives together to make it one coherent structure.  The house that we live in; the house that we are.

          And now I'm going to add a new wing to my metaphorical life house.  Keeping in the spirit of the metaphor I am assembling my building tools and preparing my blueprints. I haven't finished building my life house yet.  I've got work to do...

        Have you ever built a house?    What do you think would happen if you started building a house with no idea how you wanted it to look or anything else about the structure?    Have you ever had a dream fulfilled without any waiting or wondering on your part? 


  1. As the saying goes Lee, "If you have to wait it worth wairing for." Loved the post.


    1. Yvonne, I guess that's so, but still I usually don't like having to wait.


  2. Sometimes my thoughts really are bricks...

  3. I've renovated 2000 sq ft with no actual idea to begin with! It was amazing, and so much fun to do with my husband. It cemented us in a way we hadn't had before, even after kids and so much shared life... I'm glad we "waited" for that experience. I don't know that I would have appreciated it as much if I'd been younger...

    1. Lisa, I guess it's how you do it. Building from ground up would be best to have plans, but if you're doing one renovating job and then another I guess you can take things as they come. I'm not sure I'd undertake a project like that with my wife.


  4. I think if I tried to build a house with no idea about how I wanted it to look or what I wanted in it, it'd look like the Winchester Mystery House (

    1. John H. I've heard of that house and from the pictures it looks pretty darn cool.


    2. It is! We've toured it and there are so many neat things. I don't think I'd be brave enough to go through their Halloween tour though.

  5. Love your metaphor about bricks and mortar. Keep on dreaming your dream!

    1. Myra, I like thinking up metaphors. I wasn't sure that this particular metaphor made that much sense.


  6. It takes time and patience to turn dreams into reality. Good for you, Lee; sticking to it! Best wishes for a successful outcome.

    1. Debbie D, I hope I have enough time, but get it all done quickly. Like next week!
      Or at least next year...


  7. By this description, I am a large glob of ill-moving mortar with the occasional brick sticking out...

  8. I picture everything, so I can't imagine building without at least a picture in my mind. In fact, sometimes I think the picture in my mind obscures the reality. I have lots of plans left too. Can't wait to find out what your secret is!

    1. Kirstin, I've been sending out some emails today to see if I can make some new connections that might help. Now I'll have to wait to see if I get any answers.


  9. My indoor life house has gotten smaller so there is less to care for. Now I can spend more time outdoors and enjoy the open-air house first built for us.

    1. Gail, that's something I need to do. I've been slowly working on it.


  10. Life is all about waiting but that is the way it is wondering how life would be without waiting is pointless

    1. Jo-Anne, the ultimate logic in a sense--simple but still difficult to grasp at times.


  11. Patience is required in the waiting ... and if the foundations are solid, it will have been worth it. Like planting seeds in the right and prepared soil -

    1. Susan S, I think I have sometimes been too patient which made others take advantage of me. But everything goes in cycles I guess.


  12. Right now I’m wondering and waiting for next years A to Z! Very interesting post!

    1. Jeanne, just today I was thinking about something I could do for next year. I'll have to add this to my growing list of ideas for future A to Z's.


  13. Lee,

    I'm no stranger to the waiting and wondering game. I've done a lot of this over the years. Right now, I'm waiting and wondering when we'll find our dream home but we're wading through the process weeding out the ones that do not meet our specifications. I have not built a house but I do know that a well built home requires a good foundation to support the structure. If you don't get that right then it doesn't matter how you stack your bricks, it will eventually give way. This same principle is the way with our lives, our strong foundation is our heart - the place where everything begins. Short changing your spiritual/moral life results in failure in all areas of your life. Interesting subject for 'W'.

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch series 'shipWreck'

    1. Cathy, a good foundation is of utmost importance. I'm reminded of the parable of the house built on rock. Finding that ideal house can take some time. My wife and I looked at a lot of houses before we found one that fit our needs at a price we could afford.


  14. I'm drawing into the retired stage of life when W is Waiting for Whatever comes next. But I've learnt not to hurry. Watch watching is a waste. So, W can be Writings - and waiting for willing readers ;-)


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