
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Pursuit of Creativity (#IWSG)

        I don't have any skeletons in my closet--there isn't any room for them...

The Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join us on the first Wednesday of each month in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group--a forum of writers who gather to talk about writing and the writer's life. For a complete list of participants visit Alex's Blog

The co-hosts for the February 6 posting of the IWSG are Raimey Gallant,Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace!

February 6 question - Besides writing what other creative outlets do you have?

        There are so many creative directions that I could go that sometimes I become overwhelmed. That's the story of my life though:  My sense of focus often splinters in many directions.  At times I might juggle, play one of my instruments, or sit down and write.  I'm pretty good at mapping things out like trips. I love planning trips. I like taking the trips even more.  Travel can be very creative as well as inspiring creativity.

          Mostly if I'm doing anything that is creative, it's thinking about stuff.  I'm pretty good at thinking.  Unfortunately most of my ideas over the years never panned out to become anything significant.  And I've come up with some pretty good ideas in my life. 

         I've always been a dreamer more than an action man.  Some of my dreams might have seemed outlandish to some, but oddly enough many of those dreams have come into being.  However, dreams and ideas are different things.   Dreams are ignited by ideas and fueled by the will to succeed.  Sometimes dreams just happen and I just enjoy the ride.

        Creativity can be a spiritual tool that we use to tune up our inner selves or a bag of tricks that we hope might dazzle others.  Creativity can be a solitary experience or something to be shared with the masses.  

         There are so many creative pursuits we can turn to in life.  If nothing else then let me be creative in my honing the organization of my home and my life.  Finding creative ways to reorganize my closets has been a recent project of mine.  Life has been good.  And my closets look much better.

          Do you try to be creative with everyday typically mundane things?  Has blogging been a force to enhance your own creativity?  What is an unfulfilled dream that you'd like to pursue? 


  1. You are an inspiration to the blogging comminity Lee, why if it wasn't for you would there be an "A to Z?" Have a good month.


    1. Yvonne, you've always been there for me! Thanks!


  2. Creativity as a spiritual tool - I like that!

  3. I always wanted to learn to knit and finally bought some yarn, watched several YouTube videos and got started. Now it's hard to find the time to continue. Someday I'd like to learn how to play the guitar.

    1. Tamara, time is our biggest obstacle and our most valuable commodity.


  4. Your creative legacy lives on in the Blogosphere with the A to Z Challenge, Lee! Congrats on getting your closets reorganized as well. We are trying to do the same. It's a long process. ☺ I've always wanted to publish a book or two, but the process seems so daunting! The blog will do, for now.

    1. Debbie D, household organizing is a job that has no end until we die--then someone else has to do the organizing. I hear you on that book process.


  5. I am good at organizing stuff! Scary good.

    1. L.Diane, if I really set my mind to it then I am very good at organizing, but mostly I just throw things here and there to be organized later.


  6. Without dreamers where would we be? Deep trouble. That's where.

  7. My long-unfulfilled dream is having a small hobby farm on a few acres of land. I ultimately would like to make aliyah (move to Israel) and live in Lower Galilee, which is not only a very peaceful, beautiful region, but also has a lot of farmland.

    1. Carrie-Anne, I like the idea of having a small farm, but I'm not sure that I'd like all the work involved.


  8. "Dreams are ignited by ideas and fueled by the will to succeed." <-- Love this!

  9. Creativity brings me joy and peace that nothing else can. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. Arlee - you ask if blogging has been a creative force. It sure has for me. A novel requires extended focus on single story, while a blog post can lead wherever that day's idea takes you. In the midst of a long, drawn out story I enjoy the creative change-of-pace a blog offers.

    1. Gilguy, blogging affords us opportunities to experiment and interact with readers. It's a great outlet for quick gratification.


  11. That's a good point that we can be creative in all sorts of ways in everyday life. Dreams are nice but we do need to take action to bring them into reality.

    1. Nick, a creative approach can take away some of the drudgery of less appealing activities.


  12. You've always struck me as a very creative person. Glad your closets are looking better!

    1. Loni, I like to think of myself as a creative person and then I look at some of the amazing things others have done and I am diminished a bit in my own mind.


  13. I'm not sure any of my "other creative outlets" at THIS time are all that creative. I have done some so-so sketching.

    1. CW, I think anything at all can be done creatively or at least with a creative flair.


  14. In terms of creativity, your music is awesome!

    I blog, but I haven't thought of that as particulary creative. I do design book covers for my stories and I really enjoy doing that. Happily, I am now writing full time, so I am finally realizing that unfulfilled dream.

    1. Lee, thank you so much for the uplifting comment.

      Sometimes I think we get so used to the creativity in things that we do that we just accept things like blogging as sort of routine. It's still creative in my opinion. I wish you all the best with your future writing.


  15. I'm an ideas person, too. And a creative problem-solver, now that I think about it. So, yes, I guess I'm creative in that way, trying to find new or faster or better or more environmentally sound ways of doing things.

    1. Raimey, you and I are kindred spirits in this respect. Sometimes my quest for doing things better is rooted in my own laziness--I don't want to waste more time or effort than necessary in getting things done.


  16. I don't think you should ever feel bad about a moment spent in one of your many interests. It's the things we don't do that we regret later....

    1. Patricia, I don't necessarily feel bad about those moments, but sometimes I wish I could focus to expend more time and energy on my interests in order to become better at them.


  17. An unfulfilled dream, being a drummer. I'm still trying to talk myself into taking lessons at a local music store. How silly is that!
    Other dream is getting a PHD. But damn the expense!
    But I'm currently working on a new one and fingers crossed I'll have achieved it in less than a month. Yay!
    Wishing you all success in fulfilling all your dreams!

    1. Yolanda, pursuing all dreams is not always practical, but still the dreaming can be the impetus to live a more fulfilling life. I also think that it's never too late though it's good to know if we are wasting time, energy, and resources.


  18. Great post, Arlee. Organizing closets is definitely a creative endeavor. My dream is to be able to really supplement the income by making how-to crafting videos and the like. I'd love to be able to work in my craft room all day.

    1. Janet, I think you can achieve that dream. I wish you success in doing so!


  19. Love your quote about dreams. We all have dreams and i always wished for living somewhere in Germany or Austria-in the mountains or the foothills. I want to write that book about my mom and that is something I can do if I get my ass in gear. I love creating cards, bookmarks and scrapbooks which you are aware of. I do love organizing stuff so congrats on your closets.

    1. Birgit, some dreams are fine kept as dreams as long as they don't get in our way of actual living.


  20. Hi Arlee!

    I believe dreams are the driving force behind creativity. Therefore, if you’re still dreaming when creative clean-up is complete, we’re all in for more of your infallible inspiration! I look eagerly forward ;-)

    As you may recall, if not for a chance view of one of your blogs, I might never have considered blogging myself. I’m truly glad I did because blogging is both a creative exercise, and an outlet for sharing.

    May you find a least a couple forgotten treasures in those closets!

    1. Diedre, there are some "treasures" that I remember, but I don't have any idea what happened to them. I keep hoping they will eventually show up.

      I'm glad you started blogging. Though I've become a bit jaded about blogging, I agree that it is still a great way to express oneself and interact with others to get feedback.


  21. I enjoy making mixed tapes, from time to time, but basically, I am just re-shuffling the same tunes, from one decade to the next.

    1. Michael, to a great extent I'm stuck in the past musically and otherwise. I try to keep an open mind and a receptive ear as much as I can.


  22. Your words are creative inspiration - and juggling is an art-form.

    1. Roland, thank you though I wish I were better at both writing and juggling.


  23. Dreams are so important. Your creative talents make me envious. I only have time to write.

    1. Diane, too bad I no longer take more time to write. But I think about it a lot.


  24. I agree with all that you said. I didn’t think of travel as a creative skill, but you’re right! So, I like to travel too!

    1. Lisa, since getting there is at least half the fun then one must think creatively in order to find that fun.


  25. Congrats on the clean closets.

    Am I creative with everyday typically mundane things? Well, I don't know that I think of it that way, but other people are fascinated when I do things like make my own arrows. I think of it as "how to get food," they see it as an artistic skill.

    Blogging has been good for my creativity. I have you and the team from years ago to thank for that, since the challenge is why I made a blog. I have to creatively think of ways to make new posts every month.

    Unfulfilled dreams are mostly related to writing, publishing, and selling books. I'm working on it! One word at a time.

    1. J, everything can take a creative bent if we look at it that way. Creative thinking has gotten me through a lot of drudge work.

      Thank you for all you have done for blogging and A to Z.


  26. Hi Lee - creativity dwells in all of us ... or juggles out of some people! As the others have said - your legacy is here ... and around - I'm sure many of us stemmed out of your ideas, which others helped crystalise ... cheers for now - Hilary

    1. Hilary, creativity comes in many forms though often we don't think of it in terms of creativity.



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